概況 牛津閱讀樹Oxford Reading Tree_第1頁
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1、牛津閱讀樹Oxford Reading Tree牛津閱讀樹系列最大的特點就是它的連貫性。全套極為完整,且難度由淺入深,孩子讀此書就像爬樹一樣拾階而上,可學習到大量地道的生字、文法和不同國家的文化。更令孩子百讀不厭的是書中的故事特別貼近生活,就像一家人在給大家講故事。這一家人就是貫穿整個系列書的主人公 Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum, 和 Dad,同時也不能忘記他們的那條可愛的小狗Floppy。牛津閱讀樹里的故事就是圍繞著他們一家人和他們的朋友們展開的,介紹他們生活活動的方方面面:去游泳、去沙灘、堆雪人、小朋友一起玩各種游戲等等。同時又不局限于日常生活瑣事,會滲入想象的成分,給予

2、孩子很多啟迪孩子就像是參與了一次冒險經(jīng)歷,同時又能學到很多歷史知識,了解詩歌體裁以及很多文化知識等。牛津閱讀樹Oxford Reading Tree這棵樹的全貌。1.牛津閱讀樹Oxford Reading Tree的整體結構:1) 樹干被縱向一分為二,一半是Non-Fiction(非小說類,也就是社科類、自然科學類),一半是Fiction(小說類)。2)樹干被橫向一分為二,下一半是正常的Oxford Reading Tree(stage1-stage 9),上一半是Oxford Treetops(stage 10-stage 16)??偨Y:牛津閱讀樹Oxford Reading Tree被這兩

3、刀一劈,就被分成了四項:A. Oxford Reading Tree的Nonfiction(主要是fireflies系列)。B. Oxford Reading Tree的Fiction(主要是Biff這一家的各個系列)。C. Oxford Treetops的Nonfiction(主要是Treetops Nonfiction和Time Chronicles系列)。D. Oxford Treetops的Fiction(主要是Treetops各個其他系列)。3)樹干周圍的小圈圈,是一些散落的小珍珠。因為樹干被分成了四份,這些小珍珠也分散在四項中,其中有一個跨了stage。牛津閱讀樹Oxford Re

4、ading Tree的小珍珠可以這樣分:A. Oxford Reading Tree的Nonfiction(Oxford Reading Tree True Stories)。B. Oxford Reading Tree的Fiction(Sparrows、Poetry、Treetops All Stars和Robins系列)。C. Oxford Treetops的Nonfiction(Treetops True Stories)。D. Oxford Treetops的Fiction(Plays和Citizenship Stories系列)。E. Oxford Reading Tree Jack

5、daws系列橫跨。Stage 1-9稱為 Oxford Reading Tree適合4-7歲小朋友。Stage 10-16稱為TreeTops 系列,適合7-11歲小朋友。牛津閱讀樹Oxford Reading Tree,像爬樹一樣拾級而上,學習到大量地道的生字,文法和英國文化,建立起學習英語的信心,享受到閱讀的樂趣。故事的插圖細致,幽默,不但提高孩子的閱讀興趣,更有助于培養(yǎng)孩子的觀察力和理解文意的能力。Trunk Stories(樹干)包括階段1至9是整個閱讀計劃的核心,均有小男孩Kipper,其家人,愛犬Floppy和同學貫穿起來,兒童讀來培增親切感。階段1至4為生活故事,在階段5,Kip

6、per得到一把魔術鑰匙,故事便從此進入多姿多彩的幻想。主課本:Stage1-9主課本主要就是圍繞三個孩子一個家庭展開。稱為Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories。當然,中間還引入了另一個黑人家庭和其他一些人物,但這三個孩子貫穿始終。主課本1-9級分成三個部分,三部分不是按照級別分的,是按學習的側重點來分的。第一部分為Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories1-9級。這部分是主課本中的基礎,講的也都是些生活故事,220多個故事,一本一個故事。語言方面也是日常用的基本詞匯和句型。第二部分為Biff,Chip&Kipper Decode&Develop 1-5級。這部分就是有側重地

7、引入Phonics,讓孩子們邊讀故事邊潛移默化地學習Phonics規(guī)律,為自主閱讀做準備。大約有72個故事,也是一本一個。第三部分仍為Biff,Chip&Kipper Decode&Develop 1-5級,是對第二部分的補充,目的是一樣的,學習Phonics,從而過渡到大量自主閱讀(60個故事)主課本的三個部分不是按級別分的,三部分是互相鑲嵌在一起的。(比如你拿到一套2級,42本吧,里面可能開始幾十本是Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories,然后就是Biff,Chip&Kipper Decode&Develop ,每本書后面都有編號,非常清楚。)補充閱讀系列:主課本只有1-9級,而

8、10-16是高階閱讀系列,稱為Tree Top 。1)Tree Top(10-16級)它的主要內(nèi)容是126個小說,24個經(jīng)典,24個帶圖小說,66個科普,18個紀實故事,18個長大后的Biff,Chip&Kipper穿越時空的歷史冒險故事(這部分歸入10+ -11+),從12級開始是文字較多的黑白插圖小說(也就是橋梁書)。2)Floppys phonics (fiction&non-fiction 1-6級)這是獨立于主課本之外的phonics輔助閱讀訓練。從內(nèi)容上來講,也是關于Biff,Chip&Kipper一家的故事。(官網(wǎng)上統(tǒng)計的數(shù)字是6級每級42本)3)Songbirds Phonic

9、s(1+ - 6級)60個故事這個性質(zhì)和Floppys phonics是一樣的,內(nèi)容則完全脫離主課本。采用自然拼讀法(Phonics)教孩子學習字母和語音的對應關系,不借助音標,訓練孩子看著字母就可以直接讀出單詞的發(fā)音,逐步做到見詞能拼、聽音能寫。4)Traditional Tales(1-9級)主要內(nèi)容為40個從世界各地的傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)典故事中挑出來改編的故事。比如拔蘿卜,龜兔賽跑,父子騎驢,三只山羊嘎啦嘎啦等等。內(nèi)容不錯,語言簡單,級別攀升也很合理。5)Sparrows(3-4級)、麻雀系列是關于一些不同家庭,人物和場景的故事,是對主課本3-4級提供輔助閱讀練習,為5級做準備。6)True sto

10、ries(8-9 10-11級)主要是現(xiàn)實生活中的故事和人物小傳,8-9級42本,10-11級42本。7)Snapdragons (1+ - 10級)金魚草系列改編自頂級作家及插畫家創(chuàng)作的故事,作為10級以內(nèi)的輔助閱讀書,每級都有42本。8)Fireflies non-fiction (1-10級)螢火蟲為科普系列,也是1-10輔助讀物,每級大約48本。9)Robins (6-10級)知更鳥系列故事更長更復雜,主要人物也是新引進的,分成3組,每組大約42本。10)Jackdaws(8-11級)寒鴉系列為文集,內(nèi)容有小說,神話,傳奇,紀實等,分3組,每組42本。其難度與同階段閱讀水平相比,更有挑

11、戰(zhàn)性。11)Project X (1-7級)這個科幻冒險故事系列也很龐大,主要是4位獲得超能力的小學生的一些冒險故事,類似星際迷航,外星人探險之類。200多個故事還包括phonics,適合4-11歲孩子。12)Glow-worms(1-11級)螢火蟲詩歌系列,話題貼近生活,有助于孩子們拓展語言能力,擴充詞匯,同時感受詩歌的韻律。13)Read at home系列以前的老版,新版歸入Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories了。 14)All stars 全明星系列是為學有余力的孩子提供的高階段的章節(jié)書,故事均為名家名作。有36個主題,12個主題一組,84本,共3組252本。如果詞匯量還可

12、以的話,讀完7級后就可以開始看了。Oxford Reading Tree(Stage1-Stage9)主課本1-9級,共計361本。另外Stage1-2再加6本牛津經(jīng)典故事(贈送),合計367本。其中:Stories 系列共計244本。Stage1-2 96本:1-1到1-60 2-1到2-36 Stage3-5 84本:3-1到3-30 4-1到4-30 5-1到5-24Stage6-9 64本:6-1到6-21 7-1到7-19 8-1到8-12 9-1到9-12DD(Phonics)系列共計72本。Stage1-2 36本:DD1-1到DD1-24 DD2-1到DD2-12 Stage3

13、-5 36本:DD3-1到DD3-12 DD4-1到DD4-12 DD5-1到DD5-12 家長指導用書共計45本。Stage1-2 19本:Stage1 5本 Stage1+ 7本 Stage2 7本Stage3-5 16本:Stage3 5本 Stage4 5本+1本=6本 Stage5 5本Stage6-9 10本:Stage6 3本 Stage7 3本 Stage8 2本 Stage9 2本牛津閱讀樹1-2級(共計157本)其中繪本138本,指導手冊19本。書本目錄對應編號:目錄:1-1 At School1-2 Getting up1-3 Look Out!1-4 The Hairc

14、ut1-5 The Lost Teddy1-6 The Library1-7 The Swing Ball1-8 The Street Fair1-9 The Big Box1-10 Fetch!1-11 The HedgeHog1-12 The Apple1-13 Who Is It?1-14 Floppy Floppy1-15 Six in a bed1-16 A Good Trick1-17 Fun at the Beach1-18 The Pancake1-19 Is It?1-20 Get On1-21 Floppy Did This1-22 Get Dad1-23 Up You G

15、o1-24 I See1-25 The Headache1-26 At the Park1-27 Fancy Dress1-28 Push!1-29 Good Old Mum1-30 The Pet Shop1-31 What a Mess!1-32 Making Faces1-33 The Journey1-34 Goa!1-35 Who Did That?1-36 Shopping1-37 Hide and Seek1-38 Look at Me1-39 Go Away, Floppy1-40 Reds and Blues1-41 Big Feet1-42 Kippers Diary1-4

16、3 What Dogs Like1-44 Presents for Dad1-45 Top Dog1-46 Look After Me1-47 Go On, Mum! 1-48 Go Away, Cat1-49 The Sandcastle1-50 Floppys Bone1-51 The Box of Treasure1-52 Hook a Duck1-53 Chips Robot1-54 One Wheel1-55 The Ice Cream1-56 Can You See Me?1-57 Good Dog1-58 What a DIN!1-59 See Me Skip1-60 The M

17、ud PieDD 1-1 The Lost GlovesDD 1-2 PuddlesDD 1-3 Just for MumDD 1-4 Fly awayDD 1-5 Feed the BirdsDD 1-6 Fun in the snowDD 1-7 Hop! Hop! Pop!DD 1-8 Catkin the KitenDD 1-9 In the TrolleyDD 1-10 The TrampolineDD 1-11 The Enormous CrabDD 1-12 The CaterpillarDD 1-13 The picture Book manDD 1-14 In the Ten

18、tDD 1-15 The bag in the BinDD 1-16 Stuck!DD 1-17 The big red busDD 1-18 The sockDD 1-19 Next doorDD 1-20 Dogs in the mudDD 1-21 Stop!DD 1-22 The fish tankDD 1-23 The big spinDD 1-24 Wheels2-1 Mokey Tricks2-2 Hey Presto2-3 Its the Weather2-4 Naughty Children2-5 A Sinking Feeling2-6 Creepy-crawly2-7 W

19、hat is It2-8 The Lost Puppy2-9 New Trees2-10 Up and Down2-11 The Little Dragon2-12 The Band2-13 The Big Egg2-14 Poor Floppy2-15 Put it Back2-16 In a Bit 2-17 A Present for Mum2-18 The hole in the Sand2-19 The toys Party2-20 New Trainers2-21 A New Dog2-22 What a Bad Dog2-23 The Go-kart2-24 The Dream2

20、-25 Floppys Bath2-26 The Baby-sitter2-27 The Water Fight2-28 Kippers Balloon2-29 Spots!2-30 Kippers Birthday2-31 Kippers Laces2-32 The Wobby Tooth2-33 The Foggy Day 2-34 Biffs Aeroplane2-35 Floppy the Hero2-36 The ChaseDD 2-1 The odd eggDD 2-2 Out!DD 2-3 Fire!DD 2-4 The Gulls picnicDD 2-5 Red nosesD

21、D 2-6 The Ball PitDD 2-7 Got a job?DD 2-8 The new gingerbread manDD 2-9 HiccupsDD 2-10 Gorilla on the run!DD 2-11 A big bunch of flowersDD 2-12 Catch it!Stage1-2再加6本牛津經(jīng)典故事(贈送)牛津閱讀樹3-5級(共計136本書)其中繪本120本,家長指導手冊16本。書本目錄對應編號:目錄:Stage 3 First Sentences3-1The Duck Race3-2Sniff3-3Pond Dipping3-4The Ice Rin

22、k3-5The Mud Bath3-6The Steel BandGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 3 Stories3-7on the Sand3-8The Egg Hunt3-9Nobody Wanted to Play3-10A Cat in the Tree3-11The Rope Swing3-12By the StreamGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 3 More Stories A3-13Kipper the Clown3-14Strawberry Jam3-15The Jumble Sale3-

23、16at the Seaside3-17Kippers Idea3-18The SnowmanGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 3 More Stories B3-19The Barbecue3-20The Carnival3-21At the Pool3-22Bulls-eye!3-23Book Week3-24The Cold DayGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage3 Sparrows3-25Midge in Hospital3-26Joe and the Bike3-27Roy and the Budgie3

24、-28Midge and the Eggs3-29Pip at the Zoo3-30Pip and the Little MonkeyStage 3 decode and DevelopDD 3-1 Floppy and the puppetsDD 3-2 Monkeys on the carDD 3-3DragonsDD 3-4 The Enormous PictureDD 3-5 Gran and the Go-kartsDD 3-6 Helicopter RescueGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 3 More A Decode and Dev

25、elopDD 3-7King of the CastleDD 3-8Bug HutDD 3-9Mister HaggisDD 3-10A Walk in the SunDD 3-11Green SheetsDD 3-12Road BurnerStage 4 Sparrows4-1Lucky the Goat4-2Adams Car4-3Yasmin and the Flood4-4Yasmins Dress4-5Mosque School4-6Adam Goes ShoppingGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 4 Stories4-7House for

26、 Sale4-8The New House4-9Come In!4-10The Secret Room4-11The Play4-12The StormGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 4 More Stories A4-13Nobody Got Wet4-14The Weather Vane4-15Poor Old Mum4-16The Wedding4-17The Camcorder4-18The BalloonGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 4 More Stories B4-19Wet Paint4-20

27、Swap!4-21The Flying Elephant4-22The Scarf4-23The Dragon Dance4-24Everyone Got WetGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 4 More Stories C4-25Dads Jacket4-26Stuck in the Mud4-27The Den4-28Look Smart4-29Tug of War4-30An Important CaseGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 4 decode and DevelopDD 4-1 The sta

28、rsDD 4-2 Long legsDD 4-3 Floppy and the skateboardDD 4-4 Grans new glasessDD 4-5 The birthday candleDD 4-6 the seal pupGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 4 More A Decode and DevelopDD 4-7Finger SnapperDD 4-8The Bowling TripDD 4-9The Minibeast ZooDD 4-10The Good Luck StoneDD 4-11Top of the MoutainD

29、D 4-12Kid RocketStage 5 decode and DevelopDD 5-1 Highland GamesDD 5-2 The orchid thiefDD 5-3 Rats!DD 5-4 A pet called CucumberDD 5-5 Bush Fire!DD 5-6 Bessies Flying CircusGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 5 More A Decode and DevelopDD 5-7Queen of the WavesDD 5-8Crab IslandDD 5-9Where Next?DD 5-10

30、Gotcha!DD 5-11In the DarkDD 5-12The Frogs TaleStage 5 Stories5-1The Magic key5-2Pirate Adventure5-3The Dragon Tree5-4Gran5-5Castle Adventure5-6Village in the SnowGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 5 More Stories A5-7The What sit5-8Under grand Adventure5-9Vanishing Cream5-10Its Not Fair5-11The Grea

31、t Race5-12A Monster MistakeGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 5 More Stories B5-13The New Baby5-14Camping Adventure5-15Scarecrows5-16Noahs Ark Adventure5-17A New Classroom5-18Mum to the RescueGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 5 More Stories C5-19Sleeping Beauty5-20The Adventure Park5-21Kipper a

32、nd the Trolls5-22Safari Adventure5-23Dads Run5-24Drawing AdventureGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書牛津閱讀樹6-9級(共計74本書)其中繪本64本,家長指導手冊10本。書本目錄對應編號:目錄:Stage 6 More Stories6-1In the Garden6-2Kipper and the Giant6-3The Outing6-4Land Of The Dinosaurs6-5Robin Hood6-6The Treasure ChestGroup/Guided Rading Notes家

33、長指導用書Stage 6 More Stories A6-7A Fright In The Night6-8Rotten Apples6-9The Laughing Princess6-10Christmas Adventure6-11The Go-kart Race6-12The Shiny KeyGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 6 More Stories B6-13Paris Adventure6-14The Stolen Crown Part16-15The Stolen Crown Part26-16Ship In Trouble6-17Ho

34、mework!6-18Olympic Adventure6-19Dads Grand Plan6-20Mirror Island6-21Dont Be SillyGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 7 More Stories7-1Red Planet7-2Lost In The Jungle7-3The Broken Roof7-4The Lost Key7-5The Willow Pattern Plot7-6Submarine AdventureGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 7 More Stories A

35、7-7The Motorway7-8The Bully7-9The Hunt for Gold7-10Chinese Adventure7-11Roman Adventure7-12The Jigsaw PuzzleGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 7 More Stories B7-13The Power Cut7-14Australian Adventure7-15The Riddle Stone Part17-16The Riddle Stone Part27-17A Sea Mystery7-18The Big Breakfast7-19The Joke MachineGroup/Guided Rading Notes家長指導用書Stage 8 Stories8-1The Kidnappers8-2Vi


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