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1、Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?第 1 課時 Section A 1a-1c【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1. 掌握 P 1 單詞2. 掌握句型: Where is your pen pal from? He is from Australia.3. 掌握世界上一些國家的英文名稱及地理位置?!菊n前預(yù)習(xí)】1 會讀寫 P1 的單詞。筆友法國澳洲;澳大利亞美國 新加坡日本加拿大英國2 . 你知道 be from, come from 的關(guān)系嗎?分別用它倆造句(陳述句、否定句、一般疑問句和特殊疑問 句)陳述句:否定句:一般疑問句:特殊疑問句:【合作探究】1. 你知道下面是哪個國家的國

2、旗嗎?請用英語將這些國家的名稱寫在圖下面的橫線上。除了以上圖中出現(xiàn)的國家,你還知道哪些?請寫在橫線上。比一比,看誰寫的多。2. 小組展示 1b 部分的對話。的區(qū)別。3. 討論展示be from 與 come from【課堂檢測】A 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞1 ) Where is your pen pfrom? He s from New Zealand.2)My name is Meimei. I m from C. I can speak Chinese.3)He is from C. He can speak English.4)Tom is from Australia. He i

3、s an A5)My pen pal can speak Japanese. He is from J B 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1)Where is(you) pen pal from?2)John is from Japan. He is(Japan).3)My pen pal(be) from Canada.C. 1 ) Is she from Australia? (同義句改寫)shefrom Australia?2)youAustralia? 你來自澳洲嗎?(完成句子)第 2 課時 Section A 2a -4【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1. 掌握 P 2-3 單詞2. 掌握句型: Where

4、does he live? He lives in Sydney.| What language does he speak? He speaks English.3. 學(xué)會談?wù)撊藗兊膰幼〕鞘屑八f語言。【課前預(yù)習(xí)】1. 會讀寫下列單詞。國家 悉尼 紐約 巴黎 多倫多 東京 居住 語言 2. 填寫下面的表格:國家名稱 國籍(居民) 語言名稱(中國)(英國)(日本) (美國)(澳大利亞)(法國)(加拿大)3. 翻譯句子 “他居住在哪?他住在巴黎。他講什么語言?他講英語。 ”并用 “你、他們 ”人稱替換造句。【合作探究】1. 你知道這些是哪些城市的標(biāo)志性建筑嗎,請寫在橫線上。2. 合作練習(xí)聽

5、力對話并展示。3. 交流展示預(yù)習(xí)內(nèi)容 2 與 3 。【課堂檢測】1. 選擇( )1.My pen pal is from.She speaks.A. Japan;Japan B.Japanese;JapanC.Japan;Japanese D.Japanese;Japanese( )2.Whereshe? In New York.A. is;live B.does;live in C.does;lives in D.does;live( )3. Where s Pair? It s in.A.Japan B.France C.Australia D.the United Kingdom( )4

6、.JapaneseJapanese.A. speak B.speaks C. tell D.talk( ) 5. Her parentsfrom England.A.is B.are C.be D.comes2. 完成對話,每空一詞A:Do you have a new pen ?B: Yes ,I have.A:Where is she ?B:She is from France.A:Where does she live?B:She in Paris.A: What language does she ?B: She speaks .:3. 請將下列句子按正確的順序排列A. That s

7、OK. Thank you. We can be good friends.B. Hello! Are you from the USA?C. I sp eak English. And I also speak Chinese. Let s help each other. Is that OK? D .Can you speak Chinese?E. Yes, but a little. What language do you speak?F. No, I m from Australia. What about you?G. Hello!H. I m from France.I. I

8、want to learn Chinese history.J. Why do you come to China?第 3 課時 Section B 1-2C【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1. 掌握 P 4 單詞2. 掌握句型: Where does he live? He lives in Sydney.| What language does he speak? He speaks English.-Does she speak English? - Yes ,she does ./ No, she doesn t.-Does she have brothers or sister ? - Yes ,she

9、 does ./ No, she doesn t.【課前預(yù)習(xí)】1 . 你能寫出下列單詞嗎?筆友 伙伴 加拿大 法國日本 . 美國 澳大利亞 國家語言 世界 居住 法國人 巴黎 _東京 多倫多 悉尼2 會翻譯下列句子嗎?1. )你的筆友來自哪里?他來自日本。?。2. ) Tom 住在哪兒?他住在法國。?。3. ) Mary 講什么語言?她說日語。?。【合作探究】合作練習(xí)聽力對話并展示。【課堂檢測】補(bǔ)全對話。John: How do you do !Jodie: Hi !John: Do you have a pen pal ?Jodie: Yes, I 1 .John: 2 is she fro

10、m ?Jodie: She s from Australia .John: 3 Language does she speak ?Jodie: She speaks English, and she can speak a little Chinese,too.John: What s her 4 subject ?Jodie:Her favorite fubject is physics. My favorite 5 is physics, too. Do you have a pen pal?John: No , I don t have a 6 7 now. But I want to

11、have one.Jodie: Simon wants a pen pal in China. You can write to him.John: What s his favorite subject ?Jodie: His favorite subject is PE.John: 8 9 is he ?Jodie: He s 14 years old.John: OK. I can write to him soon . Thank you !Jodie:You re 10 .John: Bye...9.10.第 4 課時 Section B 3a-3c【學(xué)習(xí)

12、目標(biāo)】1. 會讀寫 p6 單詞。2. 掌握句型:I can speak English and a little French.I like going to movies with my friends and playing sports.My favorite subject in school is P .E.Write to me soon.3. 給自己的筆友寫信 ,或者征集筆友?!菊n前預(yù)習(xí)】抄寫 3a 課文并翻譯?!竞献魈骄俊?. 合作交流課文翻譯并展示。2. 小組合作完成3b ,并展示交流?!菊n堂檢測】一句型轉(zhuǎn)換1 .Where does he come from?( 改為同義句

13、 )Where he ?2 .His brother lives in Beijing ( 對劃線部分提問 ) his brother ?3 .Her favorite subject is Chinese.( 對劃線部分提問 ) her favorite sbject?4 .That man is from Canada.( 對劃線部分提問)that man ?二翻譯下列句子1. 你能趕快給我回信嗎?2. 周末我經(jīng)常進(jìn)行體育運(yùn)動。3. 我喜歡和哥哥一起去看電影 .4. 我能講漢語和一點(diǎn)英語。5. 在學(xué)校里我最喜歡的學(xué)科是英語 .6. 我認(rèn)為中國是一個非常有趣的國家。7. 我不喜歡數(shù)學(xué),它太難

14、了。Period 5 ( Self check )一)課前準(zhǔn)備請復(fù)習(xí)本單元的內(nèi)容,將重點(diǎn)句型和詞組進(jìn)行總結(jié)1. 句型:2. 詞組:3. 知識點(diǎn):二 ) 課堂反饋 :1. 單項(xiàng)選擇:( )1. The students are. They comes from.A. Australia; Australia B. Australians; AustraliaC. Australians; Australians D. Australian; Australia( )2.Where your pen pal live?A. is B. do C. areD. does( )3. The boy i

15、s my friend. He is America.A. in B. from C. on D. about( )4. is Shanghai? In China.A . What B. Where C. When D. Why()5. Where Simon and Julie from?A . is B. are C. do D. does()6.you come from England?A. Are B. DoC. Where D. How()7. Where he come from?He from Beijing.A . is; is B. do; comes C. does;

16、comes D. do; come()8.My name is Jenny. My home is in.A. Sydney, Canada B. Sydney, AustraliaC. Canada, Sydney D. Australia, Sydney()9. Can you English?A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell()10.Li Ping often to me and tells me himself.A. asks; about B. Speaks; at C. writes; about D. says; at2 .用所給單詞或漢語提示填空:

17、1. The boy is a, and he lives in. He likes food very much. He can speaka little(China).2. Tom and Sam are from. They are. They speak( 美國).3. is a big country. Most can speak two languages, English and French.(France)4. I have a pen pal. He speaks. He asks me to go to one day( Japan).5. Morgan is a. But he doesn' t live in now. He teaches in China. (France)6. Becky(not have) a computer.7. She doesn ' t have(some) bothers.3 .句型轉(zhuǎn)換:


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