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1、Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully.一重點句型。Section A1. The first International Food Festival is now open!A. open 在此為形容詞,意為“開張的,營業(yè)的 。e.g. The shop is open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 這個商店從上午 9 點到下午 6 點營業(yè)。B. open 作形容詞時,還可意為“開著的 ,反義詞: closed 。e.g. Some doors are ope n, but some a

2、re closed.有些門開著,有些門關(guān)著。C. Open 作動詞時,意為“翻開 ,反義詞: close。e.g. Don't open the box. Close it. 別翻開箱子,關(guān)上它。2. Thanks for coming! 謝謝諸位的光臨!A. thanks for 是客套用語, thanks 相當(dāng)于 thank you , 意為“因 , 而感謝, for 強(qiáng)調(diào)為何而 感謝 ,其后可接名詞或 v.ing 。e.g. Thanks for your help. 謝謝你的幫助。Thanks for inviting us to your birthday party. 謝謝

3、你邀請我們參加你的生日聚會。B. thanks to 為習(xí)語介詞, thanks 不可以改為 thank you , to 介詞,后面可以加名詞、動名 詞、代詞,這個短語表示原因,意為“由于 、“多虧, to 表示感謝的對象。e.g. Thanks to the English language,we can learn a lot from other countries. 由于英語這門語 言,我們能從其它國家學(xué)到很多東西。3. I hope everyone has a wonderful time! 希望大家玩得愉快!1hope 意為“希望 ,用于表示實現(xiàn)可能性很大的希望, 常用結(jié)構(gòu):

4、hope to do sth. 希望做某事;hope + that 從句, that 可以省略。e.g. He hopes to be a doctor. 我希望成為醫(yī)生。I hope she will be well again. 我希望她會痊愈。 注意:“希望某人做某事 ,英語習(xí)慣上不說 hope do sth. 。2 have a wonderful time! = have a good time! = enjoy oneself 玩得愉快!4. Many different delicious foods are for sale, such as fried rice, apple

5、 pies and Indian curries. 有 很多諸如炒飯、蘋果餡餅、印度咖喱之類的美味食品正在出售。1A. for sale 意為“待售,供出售尤指從主人手里。e.g. I'm sorry, it's not for sale. 抱歉,這個不賣。B. on sale (常用于商店 ) 出售,上市。e.g. Tickets are on sale from the booking office. 售票處正在售票。The new model will be on sale next month. 新款下月上市。2) such as 表例如舉,后接名詞性短語;for ex

6、ample ,后接句子,表示舉例說明,常用逗號隔開。e.g. I like drinks such as tea and soda. 我喜歡諸如茶和汽水之類的飲料。For example, john has the same opinion. 比方約翰就有相同的看法。5. Let' s wish them success! 讓我們祝他們?nèi)〉贸晒?!wish 此句中 wish 意為“祝,祝愿 。 wish sb.+ne.g. Wish you good luck. 祝你好運。wish (sb.) to do sth. 希望某人做某事 。e.g. I wish (you) to stay h

7、ere. 我希望你留在這兒。hope 和 wish 的聯(lián)系與區(qū)別:a) hope 一般側(cè)重于表達(dá) 有可能實現(xiàn) 的愿望,故常譯為“希望 。b) Wish 一般側(cè)重于表達(dá) 不大可能實現(xiàn)或根本不考慮是否能實現(xiàn)的 愿望,故常譯為“但愿。 相同點:(1) 表示“想、“希望時,均接不定式做賓語。 hope/wish to do sth.e.g. I hope wish to come tomorrow 。我希望但愿明天能來。不同點:1) hope 和 wish 均可接賓語從句。 wish 常用虛擬語氣,表示一種 無法實現(xiàn)的或不真實 的愿 望;而 hope 用陳述語氣,表示 很有把握實現(xiàn)或得到 。e.g.

8、I wish I were bird. 但愿我是一只鳥。I hope she won' t come together. 我不希望她今晚來。2) wish 后通常接“賓語 +不定式賓補 ,即 wish sb. to do sth. , 而 hope 不行 。e.g. My parents wish 不用 hope me to grew up quickly 。我父母希望我快快長大。3wish 可接雙賓語,表示“祝愿 ,而 hope 不能 。e.g. I wish 不用 hope you well and happy 。我祝你健康幸福。4)作簡略答復(fù)時, hope 后可用替代詞 so 或

9、 not ,而 wish 不能。e.g. Will it be fine tomorrow ?明天會是晴天嗎? I hope so. 我希望是晴天 。 Can we be late for class? 我們上課會遲到嗎? I hope not. 我想不會。6. Enjoy yourselves! 祝你玩得開心!enjoy oneself 過得愉快!過得開心!e.g. We enjoyed ourselves last night. 昨天晚上我們玩得很愉快 .7. May I take your order? 我可以記下您點的菜嗎?order 在此作名詞,意為“點菜,所點的飲食菜肴。 e.g.

10、 An order for a hamburger 點一份漢堡包;May I have the bill, please? 我可以結(jié)賬嗎?1)同義句: Could I have the bill, please? 這是付錢時的禮貌用語。2 have the bill 意為“付賬 。同義詞組有: pay the bill/get the bille.g. I paid the bill. 我已付賬了。8. Here is your change. 這是你的零錢。此句是 倒裝句 ,句子的真正主語是 your change。倒裝句通常以 here/there 開頭 假設(shè)主語是名詞,那么主謂要倒裝,即

11、主語放到謂語動詞后面。e.g. Here are two girls. 這兒有兩個女孩。Here comes a car. 車來了。 注意謂語動詞形式要看后面的名詞假設(shè)主語是代詞,那么主謂不需要倒裝,主謂語序正常Here we are. 我們在這兒。A. 此句中 change 當(dāng)“零錢講,是名詞。B. change 也可作動詞,意為“改變,轉(zhuǎn)換 。e.g. We changed our plan. 我們改變了我們的方案。C. 與 change 有關(guān)的一些短語:change one' s mind 改變某人的主意;e.g. Nothing will make me change my m

12、ind. 任何事情都不能使我改變主意。o. 把 , 換/ 變成 , ;e.g. I need to change my dollars into pounds. 我需要把我的美元換成英鎊。 make a change 作出改變Section B1. Could I order a meal by phone? 我可以通過 訂餐嗎?1 A. order 動詞,意為“訂,預(yù)訂 ;e.g. Shall I order a room for you? 要我給你訂一個房間嗎?B. order 作動詞還有“命令的意思。 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事;e.g.

13、 The boss ordered me to post the letter at once. 老板命令我立刻把這封信寄出去。C. order 作名詞時,意為“訂購;訂貨單 ,常與 for 連用。e.g. He placed an order for ten boxes of apples. 他訂購了十箱蘋果。2 by phone 通過 ,相當(dāng)于 over the phone 。e.g. I book a room by phone. 我通過 定了一個房間。2. My office is at on Beisihuan Road. 我的辦公室在北四環(huán)路 62 號。atRoad 在路;e.g.

14、 My home is at No. 4 on Zhongshan Road. 我家在中山路 4 號。3. Anything else? 還要別的嗎?A. else 譯為“別的,其他的常修飾疑問詞,不定代詞,不定副詞并放在所修飾詞的后面。女口: what else, who else, no body else, someth ing else,somewhere esle 等。e.g. What else do we need? 我們還需要其他什么嗎?B. other 也表示“別的 “其他的,但它修飾名詞 。如:some other people其他的一些人,other修飾名詞 people

15、,不能用else代替。e.g. I rang her the other day and she said she'd like to come round. 我前幾天給她打 ,她說想 過來玩。4. We' ll send the food to you in thirty minutes. 我們 30 分鐘后把食物給您送去。 1send.to. 把 , 送到 , ;e.g. He sent the message to me yesterday.他昨天給我捎來一個消息。2in+ 一段時間,意為“ 之后,用于一般將來時,用 How soon 提問。e.g. How soon w

16、ill come back? 李先生什么時候回來? He will come back in three hours. 他三小時后回來。 I'll go to Beijing in two days. 兩天后我將去北京。5. Please have a seat 請坐!have a seat = take a seat 請坐;e.g. I'll take a seat if I may. 可以的話我想坐下了。6. May I have the menu? =May I look at the menu? 我可以看看菜單嗎? Section C1. How are you the

17、se days? 近來好嗎?2. The first International Food Festival went very well, and the results were worth the effort. 第 一 屆國際美食節(jié)進(jìn)展得非常順利,付出的努力都得到了回報。1 go well 進(jìn)展順利 ;e.g. Does everything go well? 一切進(jìn)展順利嗎?2worth 值得 , 的,有 , 價值的; 常用結(jié)構(gòu) :be worth sth. 值 ; be worth doing sth. 值得做某事;e.g. The computer isn't worth

18、 repairing. 這臺電腦不值得修理。The book is worth 20 yuan. 這本書值 20 元。3. Maria cooked very successfully. Jane cooked more successfully. I cooked the most successfully. 瑪麗亞做得很成功。簡做得更成功。我做得最成功。1more 一般與局部雙音節(jié)或多音節(jié)的形容詞或副詞連用構(gòu)成比擬級。e.g. more neatly 更整潔地;2) the most 與雙音節(jié)或多音節(jié)的形容詞或副詞連用構(gòu)成最高級。e.g. the most quickly 最快地;4. .

19、,and in the end we made over 1 500. ¥,最后我們掙了 1500多元。in the end=at last 最后 ;e.g. In the end, I went to the U.S. 最后我去了美國。5. We' ll send the money to you. 我們將把錢寄給你。1 send 含有“派遣 ,寄,送的意思,是及物動詞,后面接賓語或雙賓語。常用結(jié)構(gòu):send sth. to sb. send sb. sth.e.g. I sent him several letters. 我寄了幾封信給他。Did you send it

20、to him or to me? 你是把它送給他,還是送給我?2 send for 派人去請,派人去拿;e.g. I sent for some cakes. 我派人去買蛋糕了。3send up 發(fā)射;e.g. When are they going to send up the rocket? 他們準(zhǔn)備什么時候發(fā)射火箭?6. Best wished to you! 向你致以最好的祝福!Section D1. Healthy eating is important for us. 健康飲食對我們非常重要。1 healthy eating 健康飲食 ;2be important for sb 對

21、 , 來說是重要的 ;e.g. You are important for your family. 你對你的家庭很重要。2. First, we need to have enough food never too much or too little. 首先,我們需要吃足夠的食 物,不要吃得太多或太少。A. too much 太多,修飾不可數(shù)名詞或動詞 ,反義詞為 too little 太少。e.g. He drinks too much water. 他喝了太多水。B. too many 太多,修飾可數(shù)名詞 。e.g. I had too many cookies and now I a

22、m too full. 我吃太多餅干了,現(xiàn)在我快撐死了。C. much too 修飾形容詞或副詞 。e.g. He ate too much food. 他吃得太多。3. Second, it' s very important for us to have different kinds of foods. 其次,吃不同的食物對我 們來說很重要。1 different kinds of 各種各樣的 ;e.g. There are different kinds of vegetables in the fridge. 冰箱里有各種各樣的蔬菜。2 表示“食物時 ,food 通常用作不可

23、數(shù)名詞;但是如果表示食品的種類,不同種類的食 物, food 那么可以加 s。He is provided with food. He needs various foods. 他被提供食物,他需要各種食物。4. It ' s said that half of the students don ' t have breakfast regularly or don ' t eat anything at all in the morning. 據(jù)說有一半的學(xué)生吃早晨沒有規(guī)律或者不吃早餐。It' s said that.據(jù)說.It代替that從句,it在這里是形

24、式主語,無詞義。后常接 that引導(dǎo)的 從句。類似用法的還有:It' s reported.據(jù)說,據(jù)報道 ;It is known that 眾所周知;It is believed that 人人都相信;It is thought that 人們認(rèn)為;e.g. It 's said/reported that more and more people will use computers. 據(jù)說 /據(jù)報道,越來越多的 人將使用電腦。5. In short, We should not only eat enough, good and healthy food but also

25、 eat regularly. 總之,我 們不僅要吃足夠的,好的和健康的食物,而且還要吃得有規(guī)律。1 in short 總之;簡言之,一般用于句首,對上文進(jìn)行歸納總結(jié),相當(dāng)于 in a word 。e.g. He is not only good at his lessons but also ready to help others. In short, he is a good student. 他不僅學(xué)習(xí)好,而且樂于助人??傊且粋€好學(xué)生。2 not only.but also. 不但 , 而且 , ,連接相同的并列成分。如果連接兩個名詞或代詞作 主語時,謂語動詞的單復(fù)數(shù)要采用就近原

26、那么 。類似的有neithernor兩者都不; eitheror或者或者;另外,neithernor是 not onlybut also,bothan的否認(rèn)式。e.g. He learns not only English but also Japanese. 他不但學(xué)英語而且學(xué)日語。Not only you but also he likes English. 不但你喜歡英語,而且他也喜歡英語。Not only Lucy but also Lily likes English. 不僅露西而且莉莉都喜歡英語。2.thanks to sb./sth. 多虧;wish sb.+n 祝某人 .付賬;

27、6. hold a food festival 舉行美食節(jié);8. by phone 通過 ; 10.send sth.to sb. 給某人送某物 12. have a seat = take a seat 請坐;Not only Lucy but also her sisters like English. 不僅露西而且她的姐姐也喜歡英語。 二重點詞組。I. thanks for 因 , 而感謝;3. for sale待售,供出售尤指從主人手里4. wish them success 祝他們成功5. have the bill = pay the bill= get the bill7. or

28、der a meal 訂餐;9. Anything else? 還要別的嗎?II. main courses 主菜;14. go well 進(jìn)展順利;16. be worth doing sth. 值得做某事18.make money 賺錢20. be important for sb. 對 , 來說是重要的22t's said that 據(jù)說24.in fact 事實上,實際上26. not only.but also.不但 , 而且 , ;13.have the menu 看一下菜單15. be worth sth. 值 ;.17. in the end=at last 最后;19

29、. healthy eating 健康飲食;21.in a right way 用正確的方法23.half of. 一半的 .25. in short= in a word 總之;簡言之; 三重點語法。副詞的比擬等級和最高級二1. 副詞的比擬級 比擬級表示的是兩個人或物中“一方程度比另一方更 , ,也可用于兩局部之間的比擬。(1) 句型:A+謂語行為動詞+副詞的比擬級+than +B意為“ A做某事比B更 e.g. His brother worked harder than him. 他的兄弟工作比他努力。The train runs faster than the bus does. 火車

30、比汽車快。(2) 說明“和 B比起來,更喜歡 A,用like(s) A better than B句型。e.g. she likes dancing better than singing. 與唱歌相比,她更喜歡跳舞。3表示“ 不如,,用less+原級+than結(jié)構(gòu)。e.g. He studies less carefully than his sister. 他不如他的妹妹學(xué)習(xí)認(rèn)真。4不與其他事物相比,表示本身程度的改變,用“比擬級+and+比擬級,意為“越來越 e.g. It is raining more and more heavily.5表示一方隨隨著另一方程度變化時,用the +副

31、詞比擬級, the +副詞比擬級結(jié)構(gòu),意為“越, ,就越 , 。The more regularly we eat, the healthier we are 。我們吃的越有規(guī)律,我們就越健康。 6表示“幾倍于 , 時 ,用倍數(shù) +asas 來表示,也可用倍數(shù) +比擬級 +than 來表示。 e.g. This kind of plane flies twice as fast as that kind.= This kind of plane flies twice faster than that kind. 這種飛機(jī)的速度比那種快兩倍。7用 much, even, still , a l

32、ot,far,a little , a bit 等副詞來修飾副詞的比擬級時,表示程 度,放在比擬級之前。e.g. He did even worse than before. 他做得甚至比以前更糟。2. 副詞的最高級。1表示三個或三個以上的人或物的比擬時,用副詞最高級。副詞最高級的the 可省略。結(jié)構(gòu)為“ the+副詞最高級+比擬范圍。即:A+謂語行為動詞+ the副詞的最高級+in/of/among+比擬范圍。e.g. Maria speaks English (the) best in our class. 在我們班上,瑪麗亞英語講得最好。 He studies (the) hardest

33、 of the three boys. 這三個男孩中,他學(xué)習(xí)最用功。2用比擬級的形式表達(dá)最高級的含義。這類句型常見的結(jié)構(gòu)為:比擬級 +than+ any other +單數(shù)名詞 / all the other +復(fù)數(shù)名詞。e.g. Mark works hardest in his class 。馬克在班上學(xué)習(xí)最刻苦。Mark works harder than any other student in his class 。馬克在班上學(xué)習(xí)最刻苦。Mark works harder than the other students in his class 。馬克比他班上其他學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)刻苦。 3最

34、高級可被序數(shù)詞以及much, by far, nearly, almost等詞修飾,表示程度。e.g. She studies almost the hardest in her class. 在班上她學(xué)習(xí)幾乎最努力。 八年級下冊 Unit 7 topic 3 練習(xí)I .單項選擇。( )1. Not only you but also I interested in the English song Yesterday Once More.A. am B. are C. was D. were( )2. Maria cooked as as Jane.A. success B. success

35、ful C. more successful D. successfully()3. Let me have a look. Beijing Roast Duck is ¥ 40. 00, and the hot dog is ¥ 3. 00.A. May I have the bill ? B. Can I pay the bill ? C. Can I help you ? D. Can I give you money ? ( )4. Lily is a girl.You're right. Everyone her very much.A. love; loves B. lovely; loves C. lovely; love D. love; lovely( )5. My little sister likes some soft drinks, tea, milk and lemonade.A. for example B. such as C. looks like D. is like( )6. With Xu Ming 's help, Zhang Lin does his homework than before.A. more careful B. more carefully C. much c


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