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1、1Unit 6 Packing. Aims & Requirements1. Help students to learn and master key words, phrases and sentence patterns 2. Help students to learn and master how to write a business letter about packing. Emphases& Difficulties1. How to make a letter of packing2. Neutral packing; Marks of Package2 .

2、 Main Contents 6.1 The Introduction of Packing 6.1.1 Functions of Packing 6.1.2 Types of Packing 6.1.3 Marks 6.2 Specimen letters of Packing36.1 The Introduction of Packing 6.1.1 Functions of Packing 1、To protect the product 2、To make the product look appealing to the buyer. 3、To provide information

3、 about the product inside, make it easy to carry the product, and provide convenience in using the product. 包裝的作用和種類包裝的作用和種類運(yùn)輸包裝運(yùn)輸包裝保護(hù)商品、方便運(yùn)輸、保護(hù)商品、方便運(yùn)輸、減少運(yùn)費(fèi)、便于儲存、減少運(yùn)費(fèi)、便于儲存、節(jié)省倉租、便于記數(shù)節(jié)省倉租、便于記數(shù)固濟(jì)固濟(jì)牢經(jīng)牢經(jīng)銷售包裝銷售包裝美化、宣傳、介紹商品美化、宣傳、介紹商品美觀美觀 吸引吸引散裝貨物散裝貨物 裸裝貨物裸裝貨物 包裝貨物包裝貨物56.1.2 Types of Packing 1、 Transport pa

4、cking (or Outer Packing) It is mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during transportation. solid; pilferaged-proof(防行竊, 偷盜); easy to store; convenient to load and unload 2. Sales Packing (or Inner Packing)To make the product look appealing to the buyer. 收貨人簡稱 參考號碼 目的地 件號二、運(yùn)輸包裝 Shipping Packing (O

5、uter Packing) 運(yùn)輸包裝的標(biāo)志 - 運(yùn)輸標(biāo)志 Shipping Mark - 指示性標(biāo)志 Indicative Mark - 警告性標(biāo)志 Warning Mark76.1.3 Marks of Packagen In order to identify the packages easily at the port of destination, the outer packing must be clearly marked with the identifying symbols and numbers in accordance with the instructions o

6、f the customer.n Three kinds of marking: shipping marks, indicative and warning marks.8 1. Shipping Marksn Shipping marks are marks of simple designs, some letters, numbers and simple words on packages, often stenciled (用模板印刷;用蠟紙印), that serve as an identification of the consignment to which they be

7、long. nThe shipping mark consists of: *Consignee or Consignors code name; * The port of destination; *Numbers of the packed goods * Number of the contract or the L/C運(yùn)輸標(biāo)志運(yùn)輸標(biāo)志(Shipping Mark)ABCLONDONSC123NOS.1-100標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化運(yùn)輸標(biāo)志標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化運(yùn)輸標(biāo)志ABC收貨人代號收貨人代號1234參考號參考號LONDON目的地目的地1/100件數(shù)號碼件數(shù)號碼102、Indicative Marks n Indi

8、cative marks are requirements and matters needing attention for transporting, loading and unloading, storing goods. nThey are usually marked with pictures and languages.n The following are some common markings and phrases. KEEP FLAT DO NOT CRUSH FRAGILE THIS SIDE UPIndicative marks nHandle with care

9、nThis side up nKeep dry / Keep away from moisturenKeep away from heatnUse no hooksnKeep flatnFragileTypes of marking -Indicative/warning marks123、 Warning Marks n Warning marks are pictures and phrases printed on the package of the goods by the exporter according to some dangerous characteristics su

10、ch as inflammable, explosive, etc. poisonousWarning marksnDangerous goods / Hazardous materials shipping labels n1. Explosivesn2. Toxic gasn3. Flammable/inflammable Liquidsn4. Flammable solidsn5.Radioactive Materialn6.Corrosivesn7. poison131415 Packing Container 包裝容器包裝容器 n1.packet 小包 2. bale包n3. bun

11、dle捆 4. tin , can罐頭 n5. basket籃,簍,筐 6. bamboo basket竹簍 n7. bottle瓶 8. wooden keg小木桶n9. hogshead大桶 10. iron drum鐵桶 n11 cylinder鐵桶 12. barrel桶 n13. drum圓桶 14. waterproof paper防水紙16n16. kraftpaper牛皮紙 17. canvas帆布 n18. fibreboard纖維板 19. nylon strap尼龍腰子 n20. plastic strap塑料腰子 21. adhesive tape膠帶 n22. stu

12、ffing material填料 23. nylon plastic尼龍絲 n24. fermented plastic泡沫塑料 25. paper scrap紙屑 n26. saw dust木屑 27. tar paper瀝青紙 n28. wax paper蠟紙 29. tarpaulin油布、防水帆布nwooden drum 木桶 nCase 箱 wooden case 木箱 Carton紙板箱nPallet貨盤,托盤 nContainer集裝箱Packing for ShipmentBale iron drum plastic drum crate carton (CTN) wooden

13、 case caskOther toolsBundle (一捆), balegunny bag (麻布袋),sack/cloth bag,plastic bag,kraftpaper bagContainerMarketing Packing (Inner Packing)19 3.Neutral packingn It is kind of packing without carrying the name and address of the manufacturer, the origin of country, the trade mark and brand on both oute

14、r and inner packages. nWhat is purpose of Neutral packing?20 Specimen Letter 1 nDear Sirs, nRe: Our Order No. 226 nFurther to our telephone conversation on 22 regarding the packing of the above order for Baby Toy, we would like to propose the following:21n1.Our clients would like to have the product

15、s packed in window packing for inner packing so that the products can be seen directly. They believe it will help to promote the sales. n2.They prefer wooden cases to cartons for outer packing. They fear that cartons are not strong enough for ocean transportation. They might be easily damaged throug

16、h rough handling. 22n3.Please indicate HANDLE WITH CARE and mark our initials SJP in triangle, under which the port of destination and our Order No. should be stenciled(用蠟紙印刷) on the outer packing, as follows: n LIVERPOOLn 226nPlease let us know if you can do as requested. nYours faithfullySJP23Expl

17、anation: A. Further to our telephone conversation on 22 regarding the packing of the above order for Baby Toy, we would like to propose the following: packing: u. n. Compression packing 壓縮包裝 Neutral packing 中性包裝 24B.They prefer wooden cases to cartons for outer packing. prefer: prefer A to B 寧愿要寧愿要A

18、不要不要B; prefer doing A to doing B; prefer that; prefer not to do something. 25C. Please indicate HANDLE WITH CARE and mark our initials SJP in triangle, under which the port of destination and our Order No. should be stenciled on the outer packing, as follows: 1.indicate:指出, 顯示, 象征, 預(yù)示, 需要, 簡要地說明2. m

19、ark:標(biāo)志 n.v 刷嘜頭The box of eggs was marked HANDLE WITH CARE and FRAGILE. 3. initial: 首字母大寫4. stencil:vt. Stencil the word: THIS SIDE UP26Specimen Letter 2 nDear Sirs, nRe: Your Order No. 226 nThank you for your letter of November 23, in which you proposed packing and marking for Baby Toy. nYou will be

20、 pleased to know that we can do as requested. However, we have the following suggestions:27n1.Our packing with cartons for toys like Baby Toy has been widely accepted by our customers. n Our cartons are lined with polythene(聚乙烯) sheet, reinforced with plastic straps to protect the goods from possibl

21、e damage in transit. Besides, they will be carried in containers, which will greatly reduce the chance of damage caused by rough handling. 28n2.Cartons are light in weight, as a result, cargo weight can be reduced and freight saved. We can certainly use wooden cases if you so desire but there will b

22、e extra charges. n3.For inner packing and marking, we shall follow your instruction. nIf we do not hear from you to the contrary before December 15, we shall pack Baby Toy in window packing padded with foam plastic, 20 pieces to a carton lined with polythene sheet. nYours faithfully29Explanation: A.

23、 Our cartons are lined with polythene sheet, reinforced with plastic straps to protect the goods from possible damage in transit. 1. be lined with 內(nèi)襯內(nèi)襯 如鮮花用紙箱包裝,內(nèi)襯保鮮袋如鮮花用紙箱包裝,內(nèi)襯保鮮袋Flowers are packed in cartons lined with fresh-kept bags2. polythene聚乙烯聚乙烯 polythene sheet 3. reinforce: vt. reinforced

24、with 外箍外箍 Carton is reinforced with 2-ply ropes.紙板箱用兩道繩子加固紙板箱用兩道繩子加固. 4. strap n.帶帶, 皮帶皮帶 箍箍 plastic straps 塑料腰子塑料腰子 塑料封條塑料封條 vt.用帶縛住用帶縛住, 用帶捆扎用帶捆扎 30 transit: n.經(jīng)過, 通行, 搬運(yùn), 運(yùn)輸, 運(yùn)輸線, 轉(zhuǎn)變 v.橫越, 通過, 經(jīng)過in transit: 在運(yùn)輸途中The goods were damaged in transit. transit authorization certification 轉(zhuǎn)口許可證,過境許可證; t

25、ransit declaration 過境報(bào)關(guān)單; transit tariff 過境稅率; transit tolls 通行費(fèi),過境費(fèi) 31B. Cartons are light in weight, as a result, cargo weight can be reduced and freight saved. 1. freight: n. v. freight: n貨物, 船貨, 運(yùn)費(fèi), 貨運(yùn) The seller shall not be responsible for all charges for freight and insurance.freight by value

26、 按貨值計(jì)算的運(yùn)費(fèi); freight by measurement 按容積計(jì)算的運(yùn)費(fèi)freight: v.裝貨, 使充滿, 運(yùn)送We freighted the samples by air yesterday. 32C. If we do not hear from you to the contrary before December 15, we shall pack Baby Toy in window packing padded with foam plastic, 20 pieces to a carton lined with polythene sheet. contrary

27、: n. They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary. to the contrary:相反的情況 be contrary to 與.相反quite the contrary 恰恰相反just the contrary 恰恰相反foam plastic泡沫塑料33漢譯英漢譯英1. 獨(dú)特的包裝將有助于我們推銷這些藥品。 2. 包裝必須十分堅(jiān)固,以承受粗率的搬運(yùn)。 .3. 包裝完好無損(破損)4. 我們的包裝可以與日本同行相媲美。 5. 我們已經(jīng)特意加固包裝,以便使貨物萬一遭到的損壞減小到最低程度。6. 我們同意用紙箱做外包裝。341.獨(dú)特的

28、包裝將有助于我們推銷這些藥品。 The unique design of the packing will help us promote the sale of drugs.2.包裝必須十分堅(jiān)固,以承受粗率的搬運(yùn)。 The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling.3. 包裝完好無損(破損)The packing is in good (bad) order. 354.我們的包裝可以與日本同行相媲美。Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese. par

29、n.同等adj.票面的, 平價(jià)的, 平均的, 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的 5.我們已經(jīng)特意加固外包裝,以便使貨物萬一遭到的損壞減小到最低程度。 We have especially reinforced out packing in order to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods. 6.我們同意用紙箱做外包裝。 We agree to use cartons for outer packing. Useful expressionsn要求你方按照我方指示給所有箱子刷嘜。要求你方按照我方指示給所有箱子刷嘜。nYou are reque

30、sted to mark all cases as per our instructions.n箱子上應(yīng)按訂單所示刷上批號。箱子上應(yīng)按訂單所示刷上批號。nThe cases are to be marked with the lot number as given in the order sheet.n每個包裝上應(yīng)標(biāo)上每個包裝上應(yīng)標(biāo)上“易碎易碎”字樣。字樣。nEach package should have the marking “fragile”.n請刷上一菱形,內(nèi)刷我公司首字字母請刷上一菱形,內(nèi)刷我公司首字字母SCCSCC,其下應(yīng)刷目的港及,其下應(yīng)刷目的港及我訂單號。我訂單號。nPle

31、ase mark our initials SCC in a diamond, under which the port of destination and our order number should be stenciled.Useful expressionsnThe goods should be packed in a manner that ensures safe and sound arrival of goods at the destination and facilitates handling during transshipment.nAll the cases

32、must be lined with/have an inner lining of waterproof paper (craft paper, polythene sheet).nWe would ask you to be particularly careful to seal each box into a watertight bag before packing into cases.nPlease take necessary precautions so that the packing can protect the goods from dampness or rain

33、since these shirts are liable to be spoiled by damp or water in transit.nThe package for export goods should be strong enough to withstand the roughest handling during transit.nWe require the inner packing to be small and exquisite to help sales and the outer packing to be light and strong to be eas

34、y to carry.nGreen tea is packed 100 grams to a tin, 50 tins to a carton and 2 cartons to a crate.381. The opening part: to express thanks for the previous letter and introduce the matter of packing.2. The body part: to state in details the packing instructions for the goods ordered. 3. The closing p

35、art: to express the hope for the addressee to make a response as quickly as possible. Content of a packing letterUseful expressions1. invWalnuts are to be packed in double gunny bags. 2. .to. vThe chairs are packed two pieces to a carton. 3. .to and to ; .in and in vPens are packed 12 pieces to a bo

36、x and 200 boxes to a wooden case. 4. inofeach = in, each containingvGroundnuts are packed in gunny bags of 50 kilograms each.vGroundnuts are packed in gunny bags, each containing 50 kilograms.5. each in and tovEach shirt is packed in a polybag and 10 dozen to a box.How to reply to a packing lettern1

37、. express receipt of packing lettern2. notify whether or not do as requestedn3. If agree with customers request, confirm details of packing; If theres disagreement, state convincing reasons.n4. Express hope for early reply Expressions for replies nWe can meet your requirements to have the goods pack

38、ed in wooden cases but you have to bear the extra packing charge / the extra packing charge will be for your account.nTaking into consideration the transport at your end, we have especially reinforced our packing.We hope the goods will reach you in perfect condition and to your entire satisfaction.C

39、omplaining about the Received Packing Conditions SLM Electronics, Inc.11880 Borman Drive, St. Louis, MO 63148, U.S.ADear Sirs,We thank you for your quotation No.1234 0n 5, 000 pcs of plastic speaker. Reverting to the 10 lots of speaker stand which arrived here on “Orient” on October 30, in the same

40、hold, we have to inform you that among them, six cartons of different sizes arrived in a broken and mixed condition because their packing was not sufficiently strong and their plastic hoops broke in transit. Since it was most difficult to lodge a claim, inconveniences and losses occurred. Though suc

41、h unfortunate things have also occurred before and you were notified to that effect in time, the present case shows that our comments were ignored, for no improvement in packing has been made.Therefore, we must have your promise to take effective measures to improve your packing before we could make this new order with you.We await your reply. Yours faithfully,Sunny Dabbelt45 1. Please make an offer indicating the packing. 2.A packing that catches the eye will help us push the sales.3. Packing ch


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