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1、:英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:)(其他店都是2018年 3月 亞太新SAT:英語唯一售后教育(源源資料站): xuexi1208 .com)(其他店都是:英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:)(其他店都是Reading Test65 MINUTES, 52 QUESTIONSTurn to Section 1 of y,。ur answer sheet t。answer the questions in this section.11:1:111111h' LEach passage or pair of passages below

2、 is followed by a number of questions. After reading each passage or pai巳choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the passage o passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or graph).Questions10 are based 。n the foll。,wing passage This passage is fr

3、om Ayana Mathis, The Twelve Tribes of Hattile. ©2012 by Ayana Mathis is set in 1923.Thirty-two hours after h憂ie and her mother and sisters crept through也Georgia woo也to由e train station, thirty-two hours on hard seats坦白eLine cmmotion of the Negro c磯Hattie w臼startled企om s a light sleep by the trai

4、n conductor's bellow, "Broad Street Station, Philadelphia!” Hattie clambered from the train, her由rt still hemmed with Georgia mu也e dream of Philadelphia round as a marble in her mouth and the fear of it a needle in her chest. Hattie10 and Mama, Pearl and Marion climbed the st,叩s企om the trai

5、n pla證orm up into the main hall of the station. It was dim despite the midday sun.咀1e domed roof arched. Pigeons cooed坦白E rafters. Hattie was only他een也en, slim 臼 a finger. She stood1s with her mother and sisters at由e crowds edge, the four of them wai世ng for a break in the flow of people so they too

6、might move toward the double doorsat由e也r end of the創(chuàng)ation. Hattie stepped into the multitude. Mama called, “Come back! You'll be lost in20 all those people. You'll be lost!” Hattie looked back in panic;血e也ought her mo也er was right behind her. he crowd was too由ick for her to turn back, and sh

7、e was borne along on由e current of people. She gained the double doors and w臼 pushed out onto a long2s sidewalk that ran the length of the station.The main thoroughfare was congested with more people也m Hattie had ever seen in one pla咀1e sun was high. Automobile exhaust hung in the甜alongside the tar s

8、mell of丘eshly laid 部phalt and the30 sickening odor ofgarbage ro憂ing.Wheels rumbled on也e pa·剖ng stones, engines revved, paperboys called也e headlines. Across the street a man in d讓ty clothes stood on由e comer wailing a song, his hands at his sides, palms upturned. Hattie resisted35 由e urge to cove

9、r her e缸S to block the rushing city sounds. She smelled the absence of trees before she saw it.咀1ings were bigger in Philadelphia-that w撾true-and there was more of eve圳tl噸,too much of every由ing. But Hattie did not see a promised釗 land in this tumult. It was, she thought, only Atlanton a larger scale

10、. She could manage it. But even 描she declared herself adequate to由e city, her knees knocked under her skirt and sweat rolled down her back. A hundred people had passed her in the few45 moments曲d been standing outsi巾,but none of them were her mother and sisters. Hattie's eyes hurt 明白白e effort of

11、scanning由e fas of the p副sersby.A cart at the end ofthe sidewalk caught her eye. Hattie had never seen a flower vendors cart. A white50 man sat on a stool 明白his shirtsleeves rolled and his hat tipped forward ag血st由e sun. Hattie set her satchel on也e sidewalk and wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt. A

12、Negro woman approached the cart. She indicated a bunch offlowers.The white man55 侃。od-he did not hesitate, his body di巾t contort into a post町·e of menace-and took the flowers from a bucket. Before wrapping them in paper, he shook 由e water gently仕om由e stems.咀1e Negro woman handed him the mon町.Ha

13、d也eir hands brushed?60As the woman took her change and moved to-Ill.2E豆且且“且旦盟 ,Unauthorized copying oeuse of any pa同of this page Is Illegal.料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8源資20:英

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17、om(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi

18、1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是)教源資料站) 1208. s 45°sÖ22x30°60° x r chbw45°sbac2 = a2 + b2xÖ3A = 1 bhA = pr2C = 2prA = wSpecial Right Trian

19、gles2rh r hhhwrw V = 4 pr3V = 1 pr2hV = 1 whV = pr2hV = wh333育(源exi com唯一售后: xu(其他店都是)料站)86w y- 2w z + 3xy - xz4x2 y11(aw + x)(by - z)5k +15 = 35源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)g105yh005Number of hours traneled10xOg5h +10g = 10h + 5gininemas rf ganblumer oloN料

20、站)8DECz °Gy °x °BFABECFAD15 x2 +17 x + 415 x2 + 7x + 43x2 +17 x + 4源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)3x + 5 y = 10cx+10 y = 12x = - 3 ± 138æ 19 ö20t() F t= 540,000ç 21 ÷èø1921料站)8 7 12Answer:Answer: 2.5Write answ

21、er in boxes.For questions 16 -20, solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid, as described below, on the answer sheet.Fraction lineDecimal point1.Although not required, it is suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top of the columns to help you fill in the circles accurate

22、ly. You will receive credit only if the circles are filled in correctly.Mark no more than one circle in any column. No question has a negative answer.Some problems may have more than one correct answer. In such cases, grid only one answer.Grid in result.Mixed numbers such as 3 15.must be grid

23、dedAcceptable ways to gridare:32as 3.5 or 7/2. (Ifis entered into thegrid, it will be interpreted as 31, not 3 1 .)226.Decimal answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with more digits than the grid can accommodate, it may be either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.Answer: 201 e

24、ither position is correctNOTE: Youmay start your answers in any column, space permitting.Columns you dont need to use should be left blank.2 0 1/.2/.010001231231231123232333源資20.667/.12345678012345780123457801234568.6/.123456780123457801234578012345782/3./.123456780678780124567831/22.5/.123456789034

25、567890123467897/12./.123456890123456789023456789013456789:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)yt(x,2)xO2(9x + 5 y)(-11 x + 3y)ax2bxy + cy2教育(源源資料站)8唯一售后: (其他店都是)教源資料站) 1208. s 45°sÖ22x30°60° x r chbw45°sbac2 = a2 + b2xÖ3A = 1 b

26、hA = pr2C = 2prA = wSpecial Right Triangles2rh r hhhwrw V = 4 pr3V = 1 pr2hV = 1 whV = pr2hV = wh333育(源exi com唯一售后: xu(其他店都是)料站)81 x132æ 3x öæ 3x ö6ç÷ +12ç÷yyèøèøæ 6x ö12ç÷yèøæ 3x ö18ç÷y

27、2;øæ 3x ö54ç÷yèøæ 9x ö72ç÷yèø源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)Vf = Vi + at料站)8源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)yyA)B)55xxOO-55-55-5-5C)D)yy55xxOO-55-55-5-5:英

28、語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)p = 7c - 40p = 10 fp = 14 f + 5料站)82x 3 = 144xLewis and Clark Expedition3,6003,2002,8002,4002,0001,6001,20080040000510Time(months)16 18Distance()源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8 3 10 9

29、 20 1120源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)(x + 6)2 + (y + 8)2 = 10(x - 6)2 + (y - 8)2 = 10Vt = V0 (0.97)10ttVt = V () 130,0000.9710y =x + 90,1750Vt = V0 (0.03)10 ty = 30,000x + 90,175y = 90,175(0.75)xy = 90,175(1.33)xV = t (0.97V )t010料站)8yMinimum andumTemperatu

30、res in July for Selected Cities11010510095908580757065604550556065707580Minimum temperature(°F)x0 043 yx1222 yx = 123um temperature(°F)源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)9x +12 y = 6x 2 + cx -12料站)8 7 12Answer:Answer: 2.5Write answer in boxes.For questi

31、ons 31-38, solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid, as described below, on the answer sheet.Fraction lineDecimal point1.Although not required, it is suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top of the columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. You will receive cr

32、edit only if the circles are filled in correctly.Mark no more than one circle in any column. No question has a negative answer.Some problems may have more than one correct answer. In such cases, grid only one answer.Grid in result.Mixed numbers such as 3 15.must be griddedAcceptable ways to g

33、ridare:32as 3.5 or 7/2. (Ifis entered into thegrid, it will be interpreted as 31, not 3 1 .)226.Decimal answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with more digits than the grid can accommodate, it may be either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.Answer: 201 either position is corre

34、ctNOTE: Youmay start your answers in any column, space permitting.Columns you dont need to use should be left blank.2 0 1/.2/.010001231231231123232333源資20.667/.12345678012345780123457801234568.6/.123456780123457801234578012345782/3./.123456780678780124567831/22.5/.123456789034567890123467897/12./.12

35、3456890123456789023456789013456789:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:(其他店都是)料站)8abc源資20:英語教育(源唯一售后: xuexi1 .com(其他店都是):英語教育(源源資料站)唯一售后:)(其他店都是SAT Essay March 10,2018 AsiaAdapted frommed Ibrahim, “Looting Egypts heritage” ©2013 by the The. Originally publis

36、hed October 18, 2013.Egypts future lies in its history, particularly its archaeological history. For hundreds of years1theand wonders of the pyramids, the sphinx and the Valley of the Kings have attractedvisitors from around the world. Tourism is the lifeblood of Egypts economy and touchesthe lives

37、of most Egyptians, whether they work as tour guides, restaurant owners, craftsmen or bus operators. Egypts history holds the prosperity of the countrys future generations, including that of youths more than 40 million Egyptians are age 30 or younger who are seeking opportunities.But thieves are raid

38、ing our archaeological sites and selling their findings to the highest bidders. They are taking advantage of Egypts security situation to loot our nations economic future and steal from our children.2Egyptians need the people and the government of the United States to support our efforts to combat t

39、he systematic and organized looting of our museums and archaeological sites. Imagine a world in which the stories of King Tut, Cleopatra, Ramesses and others were absent from the collective consciousness. And with much of our history still waiting to be discovered under the sand, the potential losse

40、s are staggering. Antiquities theft is one of theworlds top crimes after the trafficking of weapons, narcotics and people but it is seldom addressed.3Egyptian antiquities are flooding international markets. Recent auctions at Christies in London and New York included several items from Egypt. Fortunately, when contacted, Christies in London withdrew a number of items that had been stolen from the tomb of King Amenhotep III, discovered in 2000 in


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