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1、1. occasion ?場(chǎng)合2. situation ?情況,處境3. take over ?接管4. exchange ?交換5. command ?命令6. confirm ?證實(shí)7. cultivate ?培養(yǎng)8. prosperously ?繁榮的9. suspect ?懷疑10. relatively ?相對(duì)的,比較的11. acknowledge ?承認(rèn),鳴謝12. ambition ?抱負(fù),野心13. quality ?質(zhì)量,品質(zhì)14. protection ?保護(hù)15. equally ?平等地16. promise ?承諾17. clearly ?清楚地18. gratef

2、ul ?感激的19. remove ?移開20. force ?強(qiáng)迫21. apologize ?道歉22. terrible ?可怕的,糟糕的23. stubborn ?固執(zhí)的24. actively ?積極地,主動(dòng)地25. spiritual ?精神的,心靈的26. magical ?魔力的27. willingly ? 愿意地28. strengthen ?加強(qiáng)29. image ?形象30. complexity ?復(fù)雜31. cautious ?小心的32. manage ?管理,成功做成33. prejudice ?偏見34. economic ?經(jīng)濟(jì)的,合算的35. academ

3、ic ?學(xué)術(shù)的36. control ?控制37. adopt ?收養(yǎng),采取38. consume ?消費(fèi),消耗39. unique ?獨(dú)一無(wú)二的40. beneficial ?有益的41. varied ?多變的,各種各樣的42. demanding ?要求高的高考完形填空419 個(gè)高頻詞43. appropriate ?合理的44. entertainment ?娛樂45. deliberately 故意地46. purchase ?購(gòu)買47. tough ?艱難的48. bright ?明亮的49. remain ?留下,保持50. terrify ?使害怕51. disappointi

4、ng ?令人失望的52. formal ?正式的53. desire ?愿望54. share ?分享,共有55. fulfill ? 履行 (諾言) , 執(zhí)行 (命令)56. admit ?承認(rèn)57. evident ?明顯的58. consequently ?因此,所以59. accustomed ?習(xí)慣的60. accumulate ?積累61. participate ?參加62. absence ?缺席63. presence ?出席64. bravery ?勇敢65. horror ?恐懼66. spotless ?無(wú)暇的67. fundamental ?基礎(chǔ)的68. employ

5、ment ?就業(yè),雇用69. involve ?包含,使參與70. actually ?事實(shí)上71. harmony ?和諧72. basically ?基本的73. inspire ?激發(fā),鼓舞74. imitate ?模仿75. awful ?糟糕的76. generous ?慷慨的,大方的77. wealthy ?富有的78. function ?功能79. stressful ?有壓力的80. persistent ?堅(jiān)持不懈的81. reluctant ?勉強(qiáng)的,不愿意的82. diligent ?勤奮的83. attentive ?注意的,周到的84. unbearable ?不能

6、忍受的85. accommodation ?住所86. attractive ?有吸引力的87. constant ?連續(xù)的88. brilliant ?杰出的,才華橫溢的89. clumsy ?笨拙的90. declare ?宣布,聲明91. obtain ?獲得92. interactive ?相互的,互動(dòng)的93. incident ?事件94. adventure ?冒險(xiǎn)95. in particular ?尤其96. in reality ?事實(shí)上97. emphasize ?強(qiáng)調(diào)98. overlook ?忽視99. deny ?否認(rèn)100. ensure ?確保101. finan

7、cial ?金融102. budget ?預(yù)算103. on the whole ?整體上104. potential ?潛在的,潛能105. on the contrary ?相反106. loyalty ?忠實(shí)107. assume ?假設(shè)108. establish ?建設(shè)109. flexible ?靈活的110. sensitive ?敏感的111. essential ?必不可少的112. unfair ?不公平的113. expectation ?期待114. impression ?印象115. examination ?考試,檢查116. contribution ?貢獻(xiàn)11

8、7. certainty ?肯定118. confuse ?使迷惑,使混淆119. trap ?陷阱,困住120. secondary ?次要的121. turn up ?出現(xiàn)122. show off ?炫耀123. break in ?闖進(jìn)124. settle down ?定居,安定下來,安定 下來125. relief ?安慰,減輕126. justice ?公正127. previous ?先前的,早先的128. instantly ? 立即地129. regularly ?規(guī)則地,規(guī)律地130. occasionally ?偶爾地131. independence ?獨(dú)立132.

9、keep up with ?跟上133. catch up with ?追趕上134. come up with ?想出135. put up with ?忍受136. guarantee ?保證137. convince ?使確信,說服138. atmosphere ?氣氛139. sympathy ?同情140. punish ?懲罰141. puzzled ?感到迷惑的142. scared ?害怕的143. embarrassed 尷尬的?144. reaction ?反應(yīng)145. forgiveness ?原諒146. imaginary ?想象力豐富的147. be filled

10、with ?充滿148. be pleased with ?對(duì) 感到滿意149. be crowded with ?擠滿150. be equipped with ?配備有 151. possession 財(cái)產(chǎn)?152. precious ?珍貴的153. appreciate ?欣賞,感激154. admire ?欽佩155. wander ?閑逛156. get rid of ?消除,擺脫157. particularly ?尤其,特別158. purpose ?目的,意圖159. courage ?勇氣160. determination ?決心161. roll ?滾162. drop

11、 ?掉下163. undoubtedly ?毫無(wú)疑問地164. temporarily ?暫時(shí)地165. thankfully ?幸運(yùn)地166. lean against ?靠著167. challenge ?挑戰(zhàn)168. fierce ?激烈的169. practical ?實(shí)際的,實(shí)用的170. straight ?直接的171. delighted ?高興的172. congratulate ?祝賀173. faint ?頭暈的174. consult ?咨詢175. messy ?亂的176. review ?復(fù)習(xí),評(píng)論177. curious ?好奇的178. graduation

12、?畢業(yè)179. honor ?榮耀180. comfortable ?舒服的,舒適的181. tiresome ?令人生厭的,無(wú)聊的182. set up ?建立183. hold up ?舉起,支撐184. pick up ?拾起,學(xué)會(huì),接185. possess 擁有?186. crowded ?擁擠的187. march ?行軍,前進(jìn)188. apartment ?公寓189. frightened ?害怕的190. turn out ?結(jié)果是,證明是191. figure out ?算出,想出192. anxious ?焦慮的193. hunt ?尋找,打獵194. amused ?愉

13、快的,頑皮的195. optimistic ?樂觀的196. demonstrate證明,演示,顯示197. realize ?意識(shí)到198. meaningful ?有意義的199. faithful ?忠實(shí)的,忠誠(chéng)的200. grasp ?抓住,理解201. decorate ?裝飾202. pressure ?壓力203. obvious ?明顯的204. predict ?預(yù)測(cè)205. audience ?觀眾206. contain ?包含207. gesture ?姿勢(shì)208. pioneer ?先鋒209. afford ?支付得起210. affair ?事情211. depe

14、ndent 依賴的?212. properly ?合理地213. sincerely ?真誠(chéng)地214. severely ?嚴(yán)厲地215. guidance ?指導(dǎo)216. appearance 出現(xiàn),外貌?217. astonishment ?驚訝218. sharpen ?使鋒利219. comment ?評(píng)論220. privately ?私人地221. frequently ?頻繁地222. physical ?身體的,物理的223. donate ?捐贈(zèng)224. manufacture ?制造,制造業(yè)225. original ?原始的,起初的226. effective ?有效的2

15、27. object ?反對(duì)228. typical ?典型的229. possibility ?可能性230. accidentally ?意外地,偶然地231. immediately ?立刻232. concern ?關(guān)心,擔(dān)心233. concentrate ?集中234. tragedy ?悲劇235. neglect ?忽視236. approach ?接近,途徑,方法237. disturbance ?打擾238. arrest ?逮捕239. restore ?恢復(fù)240. available ?可得到的,可利用的241. accompany ?陪伴242. character

16、istic ?特征,特性243. automatic ?自動(dòng)的244. approve ?批準(zhǔn),同意245. roughly ?粗略地246. indicate ?暗示247. hesitation ?猶豫248. attach ?系著,附著249. plain ?平的,樸素的,簡(jiǎn)單的250. mercy ?憐憫251. sample ?樣本252. considerable相當(dāng)大的,值得考慮的253. enthusiasm ?熱情254. confirm ?證實(shí)255. phenomenon ?現(xiàn)象256. modify ?修改257. annual ?每年的258. isolation ?

17、隔離,孤立259. ceremony ?典禮,儀式260. acceptable ?可接受的261 eventually ?最后262 target ?目標(biāo)263 expose ?暴露264 absolutely ?絕對(duì)地265 negative ?消極的,否定的266 steady ?穩(wěn)定的267 consistently ?一貫地,一致地268 permanent ?永久的269 professional ?職業(yè)的,專業(yè)的270 dismiss ?解雇271 countless ?數(shù)不盡的?272 thoroughly ?徹底地273 standard ?標(biāo)準(zhǔn)274 tolerate ?忍

18、受275 memorable ?值得紀(jì)念的276 leave for ?離開去到277 adapt ?適應(yīng),改編278 somehow ?不知怎么地279 somewhat ?稍微,有點(diǎn)280 acquire ?獲得281 occupy ?占據(jù)282 accompany ?陪伴283 urgent ?緊急的284 technology ?技術(shù)285 giant ?巨大的286 invisible ?看不見的287 evaluation ?評(píng)估288 magnificent ?壯麗的289 inefficient ?效率低的290 nonsense 廢話,荒謬的?291 preserve ?保護(hù)

19、,保存292 career ?事業(yè)293 profession ?職業(yè),專業(yè)294 exhausted ?筋疲力盡的295 crash ?撞碎,墜毀296 suspicious ?懷疑的297 requirement ?要求298 athletic ?運(yùn)動(dòng)的,運(yùn)動(dòng)員的299 prohibit ?禁止,阻止300 depressed 沮喪的,蕭條的?301 instruction ?教導(dǎo),說明302 slightly ?輕微地303 meaningful ?有意義的304 principle ?原則305 undeserved ?不應(yīng)得的306 betray ?背叛307 moderate ?中

20、等的,適度的308 evaluate ?評(píng)價(jià),估價(jià)309 honorable ?值得尊敬的310 artificial ?人造的311 concept ?概念312 symbolize ?象征313 promising ?有前途的314 conflict ?沖突315 display ?顯示,陳列316 definitely ?明確地,肯定地317 interrupt ?打斷318 recall ?回想起319 recite ?背誦320 resist ?抵制321 desperate ?絕望的322 elegant ?優(yōu)雅的323 attempt ?試圖324 random ?隨機(jī)的325

21、profitable ?有利可圖的326 treasure ?珍惜,寶藏327 poisonous ?有毒的328 dilemma ?窘境329 correctly ?正確地330 system ?系統(tǒng)331 complicated ?復(fù)雜的332 application ?申請(qǐng),應(yīng)用程序333 simple ?簡(jiǎn)單的334 recognize ?認(rèn)出,認(rèn)可335 cruel ?殘忍的336 comfortable ?舒服的,舒適的337 feared ?害怕的338 replace ?代替339 method ?方法340 seize ?抓住341 misunderstand ?誤解342

22、mistake ?錯(cuò)誤,弄錯(cuò)343 imply ?暗示344 disease ?疾病345 repay ?償還,報(bào)答346 describe ?描述347 contract ?合同348 promote ?促進(jìn),提升349. sacrifice ?犧牲350. generally ?一般來說351. trouble ?麻煩352. pleased ?滿意的353. certainly ?肯定地,當(dāng)然354. national ?國(guó)家的,民族的355. cultural ?文化的356. entrance ?入口357. annoying ?令人惱怒的358. polite ?有禮貌的359.

23、unconscious ?無(wú)意識(shí)的360. patient ?有耐心的361. theory ?理論362. classification ?分類363. smart ?聰明的364. mature ?成熟的365. average ?平均366. creative ?有創(chuàng)造力的367. graduate ?畢業(yè),畢業(yè)生368. program ?節(jié)目369. intelligent ?智能的,聰明的370. competent ?有能力的371. independent ?獨(dú)立的372. separate 單獨(dú)的,分開的?373. voluntarily ?自愿地374. doubt ?懷疑375. reflection ?反射,沉思,映象376. conclusion ?結(jié)論377. adul


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