1、四川省仁壽第一中學校北校區(qū) 2018-2019學年高二英語10月月考試題(掃描版)第I卷£選擇段,共100分)第一部分I聽力(共兩節(jié)r滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小慝每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的M層C三個選項中選出最佳選項, 并標在試卷的相應位置"聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題, 每段對話僅讀一遍“L Where is 6e phone bill?C, On the table.C. Rainy.C. A role,C. She prepared ibr Ein exam.C. CnThurS好
2、.A. Beside the teleoisiGi. B. Under the thair.2. %加1 will the weather be Jike 由mcirmw marniiig?A. Sunny.B. Windy.3. WhM aie the speakers tdking about?A、An actor,邑 A teacher.電 VQiSii did the woman do last night?A. She went shopping. B. She attended a lecture,5. When Tftitl the speakers go to die ciur
3、aa?丸 On TuesdAy.B rQn W響c同冷,.第二節(jié) 供15小題每期L5分,滿分225冊聽下面5段對話或獨白.每段咕話或迪日后有人個小題,從題中所給的3隊。三個選項中 選出最性選頊,并標在試卷的相應位置.研誨相對話或獨白茹 你將有附間里禳叁個'誕也譚 5秒鐘.聽完后,每小題將結出3秒鐘的柞答時間a每段對話或獨臼讀兩遍.聽第6段材料,回答第£至1題.6. VvIil did the wojksii buy ycitCiday?A. A就B, A skirt.C. Abag.3 / 107. WM color didn't suit the 刖皿?A. Rsd
4、.B. Grtcn,C> Yaiilow,所第7段材料,回答第8至9題:8. Where did the tai acMdeut happen?A. Al rhe aiiport.0. On the highway.C, Nsar the liospiul.9. What caused the car accident?A. The bad road.B. The sleepy driver.C. A speeding car.聽第8段材料,回答第E。至12題.10. Who will have a birthday party?A. The womans son.B. The woma
5、n's brotherfC. The womans motber.11. How much does the woman plan to spend?A About $50.B. About S30.C. About $20.12. What does ths woman choose at last?A, A magit cav*B. A book.C, A pencil box.聽第9段材料.回答第13至16職.13. How does the wurnim kcej? in vith her C'hine&e fnnd?A. By sending emails.B
6、. By making calls.C. By writing letters.14. Wher* g的 the man want to go?A. BeijingB. Guangzhou.C. Shanghai.15. How wi| the man g旗 the mony for the eaveiing?A. By doing nan-lime johs.R. By asking his parents:for iL<2. Fy bjTiVwiiig , frorn his friers.16. Wiien does i'rofesjor kemre begin?A. At
7、 3:00.區(qū) At 3:30.C. At 3:45聽第19段材料,回答第17至2口題,17. Wliat do we blow abowr Gteve?A, He is t!試 most popular.B. He is the most hard-iworking. C, He is the most good-looking.18. What 柏 tbc 鏟業(yè)m?A. A producerE A musician.C. A waiter.A, David.B Steve.C. Tim.20. Whit is fie speakers younger brother good at?C.
8、Playing music.A. Drawing.B. Writing.第二部分:閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分4Q分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A. B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上 將該項涂黑.AFancy some fresh fruit and vegetables? At Parkside Farm we grow a wide variety of delicious summer fruits and high-quality vegetables for y(m to come and pick your own. Why
9、 nut pay us a visit? About usOur family has been farming at Parkside Fann since 1938 and we started growing strawberries for Pick Your Own back in 1979, Since then, we have made th< Pick Your Own area larger and we now grow about 20 different crops.Opening timesThe season stars in late June but o
10、pening hours changes the first week, Plea/se ring our message line to chsck. From July onwards, we arc open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 9 am to 5;30 pm (last entry 5 pm). Opening hours are changeable on Sundays. Mondays CLOSED,Crop calendarSome crops may be in limited supply at certain times, so alwa
11、ys ring the iMessage iine for daily updates beiore setting out.Suawbarries: eai'ly June to mid-OctoberB加ckrurr沖忸 caily July to mid-AugustP.aspberries; mid-Jime to mxi-AugEstRedc-iuiarits: mid-July to mid-kig語tElackbeiries mid-.Tuly to micl-C>cto?erPlurris: rnid-Juiy ic sarly SepteibeiPricesWe
12、 wiH cbarge £3 for each adult or child *ho eniert the Pick Yoyr Own a/ea ami diey can. pick and taste the tesh fruit ol their cwil And if they wat-i to take some fVuit ho擊易 they will ht charged tills aniount.Strawberries: £449/kgBlackciurants: £4.79/kgRaspberries: £639/kgRedcurra
13、nts; £4J9/lcgB!3ckbemes:£5.39/kgPlums: £ 299笈gFind usParkside Farm is in the Enfield of London, north cf the city center. For more iiiformation, please call our message line on 020 8367 2035 or check our websitc: vv.parksid<jfarmpyo,<o,uk,21. What do we team about Parkside Farm
14、fi-om the text?A. It has a small Pick Your Own area.B. It has limited supply of some crops on MondayshC. It sells fruit and vegetables online,D. It doesn't open on Mondays.r22. If a family of three enter the Pick Your Own area and buy 1 kg of strawberries and i kg of plums on the farm, how much
15、should they pay?4 £7.48B. £9C. £16.48D. £10.4823. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To iustruct farmer? how to grow crops. B. To advise people to grew crops,C To attract visitors to pickD. To ceil readers how io pkk fruits.BTc foreigners Chinese food 如n't a meal. It7s a
16、n cKperiencc. Failing to order the right food and miggling with chopsticks are only parts oflhe atnlure tvery tiuu I sit down in a r<?'staurantIn one of our favorite Sichuan restaurants, it took 3 waiters and 15 minutes for us to order only our drinks. I simply wanted water, but my dad 忙 iry
17、(he flesh juice they had iisit-J on ihe menu. There were two problems, howler. There were neither pictures nor English on the menu. After sevial hind gestures., he end期 up ordering just a coci ccia to s:瑞plify things.One of our mt詡 embarrassing moments was at Xiabuxiabu. a veiy fanous hotpoi chaia,
18、As scon as we 'Aalked in. the entire restanrarit stemed to stdrv al us. Umnmfo河北魚 already, v博 had the me融 difficulty ordering our neal, since ihere were sn many steps to the whole procss, Fommateiy, Il專 aiti ess was very patieni and succiissfully gave us our food, Although it was not the best fo
19、od I had in Btijjng, it was certainly entertaiiiiLg dfoppiiig things into the boiiirig pot ci soup. Once, I tried picking up a dumpling to show my father and dropped it onto his pants(ff), I looked behind me, and people were laughing secierly ai my chopstick skilKNo ntatter how many difficulties wt
20、have regarding food, cur experiences give the best stories to 托!i. The servers are always understanding of our situation and tliesr friendliness is exceptional. They always greet us with a big smile even when they realize tiiey have to clean up the noodles clipped through our clumsy chopsiicks.24. T
21、he author and his father find it difficult to order food, becauseA. he has never beMi to China before. B. they are treated badly.C. Chinese food culture is complex. D. no pictures or English go with the food.25. What may make the author feel embarras&cd most?A. The use of chopsticks.B. The Chine
22、se language.C.The name of Chinese food.D. The attitudes towards foreigners-26. How does the author feel about having dinner in Qiina?A. Excited, 氏 Thrilled. C. Satisfied. D. Disappointed.27. The passage mainly introduces.A, the kindness of Chinese peopleB, varieties of Chinese foodC, . the chopstick
23、 challengB in 豈 restaurantD, experiences of having Chinese ibodCIt5s not easy being a teenager-nor ib it easy bing the parent of a teenager. You can make yoor cJiild feei angry, hurt or misunderstood by whai yon say without realizing it yDiiiself. It is important to give your child the he needs to g
24、row while 日ent!y Jetting him know til?L you'll still be ihen,for him when he needs you.f-xpeci a -ct from yoijr child, jast not eveithixig. Except for health ind 3自他ty pTubleiiis, inch 前 drug use or careless drhin. consider tv宜 ything else open to discusscn. If your child is unwi仃 ng to discuss
25、something, don*t insist he should tell y???what1???his wind The mo:e ycu msist, the rROje likely that he'll clam up. Instead, jet liim attenipt to solve: things by himself At the time, remind him tliat you're always there lor him, should he look for advice or help. Show respect for your reen
26、.ager5s privacy. Never read his mail or listen S persenai conversaiior,Teach your teenager that the fumily phune is foi' the whole tamily. If your child talks cm the family's telephone for too long, tell hini he cun talk for 15 minutes, but then he must stay off rhe phone for at least an equ
27、al period of time. I his not only frees up the line so that other family members can tnake and receive calls, but teaches your teenager moderation (節(jié)制).Or if you are open to the idea, allow youi teenager his own phone that he pays for with his own pocket money or a part*time job.28. IMiai is this te
28、xi mainly about?A. Schooling. B. Parenting. C House-keeping D. Friendmaking529. In the 2nd paragraph, parents arc advised to do more if teenagers.A. have trouble with their friends B. perform badly in testsC. keep things to themselves D. begin to smoke30. By limiting th&tr phoning time. the chil
29、dren are expected to learn to 一.A. have others in mindB. be the best of themselvesC. spend more time to studyD. communicate facc-to-face3 L What's the message for parents from this text?A. Walch their children closely all the time.B. Leave iheir 4?hildi'en completely alone, C. Give their chi
30、ldren enough freedom.D. Work together with the school,DNowadays; parents worry a ht because their children spend hours and hours in hont of the TV scrn. Because this doesnJt happen to only one specific family, many experts warn us that thure can be some serious effects of children -watching viukuce
31、on television.Children who become addicted to TV sit down and turn on the TV as soon as they get horne+ Although They have lots of honiyorkj they become absorbed in TV programs,Since they spend tons cf time watching TV. they have less hme 詞 g? real iifh ficivities such as playing with mends, playing
32、 otdooi,邛6瓦 cr enjoying other kinds of en加naimnst.The: arc ioc)many violent scenes on TV, Some experts say ;here arc 25 acts of violence per hour cn TV 缶 addition, there are mauy experiments by psychologists which show how TV vioience influence? children. Finaliy, people 叫口了 that childiien tend to ”
33、由母佗 whit they watch on TV and iiuy star to behave moie violently,V;1iat should be done? First of all, the government should regulate CV violence. It should also cnurage people to invent and develop new cechnology which can block violent scenes from the programs children watch. Far example, with a ra
34、ting sy卷m(分級制度)and die udiip, unfit scenes of violence and sex can be blocked out. Second, pare口憎 should monitor whai their childi'en watch. At rhe same time, they should make their children interested in real lift activities. Then 認hen the children start to spend more time pVmng with mends or r
35、eading hooks, parents can stop their monitoring.It is a iact dial there is more violence on TV today than there was ten years ago. Moreover, violent incidents occur more liequ&ntly in real life. It's time to realize how harmful watching TV violence is, and *67/10ifs time to keep our children
36、 from watching violence.32, What experts really worry is thatA. TV violence has a bad influence on childrenB. children spend too much time watching TVC. children became addicted to TV programsD. children have 1 期 time to do their homework33, The author explains how the government should control TV v
37、iolence by.A, giving a definitionB. giving an exampleC. making a comparisonD. presenting research findings34 What doti tiie underlined word “imitate" in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?A. Explain.B. Ignore, C. Copy.D. Avoid.35. is the author's purpose for writing this text?A. To express his
38、ovm worries about TV vioknee.B. To ask parents to take good care of their children-C+ lo inform readers of the iatesc situation about TV violence,D. To 詞 1 on the whole socie to save children from violence.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)根據短文內容,從康文后的選頊中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項.選項中有兩項為多余選項, How io plan fcr a pcT-feci hond
39、ayPm時 ofsen 故am of a perfect holiday -'h,曲加 sands,乩境 beaches and so on. Bu; planning ft trip 而 be diilicult. Rtre 包中 sgtu*-標產 io make yom holiday a memorable cne, Set ?. bvdet(-®SBefore rrakng a plan fjr the holiday, the nest 加加nan【thing is to pE how money wi;l be spent,36 _ Pia ahead. The
40、first thing you need to da is io be sure of 1Tdiat yg need 丘am this -.rip, Do you want to experience the local cultui e or just have fun. cn those simdy beaches0 37 Read up b-fore yoii ga 舞一 .Buy a good guidebook and read 叩 on the culture, Mstory, local atuactionj of the placr. You can also surf the
41、 internet for mwe infbnnatior;, Ilie more you know, the better you can enj紇 rhe plaice and its traditions. Pack li旗t Qd iigijt.39 Avoid carrying unnecess3n, things around. A heavy luggage maysometimes influence your holiday spirit. Carry clotlies that are coiafortable and right for the season. Try t
42、o put everything you need in a single carry-oii Lag,40 Unreasonable expectations can lead to a lot of stress. So enjoy each moment, whethergood or bad.;A. You had better look for information before visiting an unknown holiday place.B. All you need is lo get away from busy people and the world, iiC.
43、Always book your stay.D. Have realistic expectations,EJt helps you to plan and enjoy the trip within ycur limits of money,E Pack only the impoTtant things.G. Ybu can plan your trip according to your nteds and likes.第三部分,英語知識運用(共三節(jié),滿分55分)第一節(jié)完形填空(共2。小遜,每小題15分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文u從短文后各題所給的明個選項IA、E、C和D)中,選出可以填
44、入空白處的 最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑.A littie boy invited his mother to attend his schcofs first teftcher-parent meeting. Tc the little boy's 復一 she said she would go. This would be the 42 time That his classmates and teacher 43 his mother and he felt 44 of her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman,
45、there was a severe scarf胞痕that 45_nearJy the entire right aide of her face. The boy never wanted to _46_why or how she gc< the scar."At the raeeting, the peopje w- 47 by the kjndness mA natural beauty cf his mother 要“ thpscar, but the Kttle boy a1 "as 5前 tmb&rras駁d and 49 himscif fi
46、rm everyone. He did, hewover. within 50 of a conversation between hi3 rncthsr and his teacher.The tcadier asked 也 ilHow die1 you get the scar on yoitr fhce?”The mother replied, " 52 g son was a baby, he was in a room that caught 擰臨 Everyone wa 53 to go in because the file 研究 54 , so I went 冠 As
47、 I was running toward his I saw a long piece o* wood coming down and 1 placed myself over him trying tu protect him. I w&j 55 senseless (失去知覺)but fcrtuiiately, a :油 man canie in and saved both of us" She 56 施 burned sid 己 of h部 face 'This scar v.ill be lasiingT bit to this day, i have n
48、ever57what I did.”At this point, the little boy canie out running toward his _5g 口訕 teais in his eyes. He held her in his arm* 卬 id felt great _ 59 from hi” mother. He hdd her hand 60for the rest of the day.41. A. comfort42. A. lastD. upsetD. thirdB. exchement CJuyB. first C. second43, A. noticedB.
49、greetedCh metD. accepted44. A. gratefulB. ashamedC. afraidD. tired45 A coveredB. passedC, experiencedD. flowed46. A. talk aboutB. go throughC, set downD. rely on47. A. surprisedB, impressedC. excitedD. judged48, A. in sight ofB. by means ofC, in view ofD. in spite of49. A. cloyedB, protectedC.liidD.
50、 dressed50, A. understandingB. hearingC. packingD. learning5 L A. officiallyB. happilyC, carefullyD. coldly52, A. BecauseB. WhenC, SinceD. Although53,A. soB muchC. quiteD, too54, A. out of controlB. out of sightC. in ruinsD. in power55+ A. shockedB. ignoredC. knockedD. settled56. A. washedB. touched
51、C. swappedD. buried57. A. regrettedB. forecastedC. consideredD. oianized58. A. teacherB. classmateC. deskD. mother59. A. helpB. loveC.gift .D. hope60. A, looselyB. graduallyC. tightlyD.suddenly第口卷(非選擇題,共就分)第二節(jié) 語法填空(共10小題;每小題L 6分,滿分15分) 閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當的內容或括號內單詞的正確形式口In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, 61 goes like this; "Your future depends
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