外研版七年級英語上冊課后訓(xùn)練試題:Starter Module 2My English lesson_第1頁
外研版七年級英語上冊課后訓(xùn)練試題:Starter Module 2My English lesson_第2頁
外研版七年級英語上冊課后訓(xùn)練試題:Starter Module 2My English lesson_第3頁




1、.A組一、英漢互譯1sit down 坐下2stand up 起立3put up your hand 舉起你的手4close your book 合上書本5telephone number 號碼6翻開書本 open_the_book73個包 three_bags811把椅子 eleven_chairs99班 Class_Nine108個女孩 eight_girls二、寫出以下字母對應(yīng)的大小寫三、看圖,寫出單詞或短語四、單項選擇D1._ your hand.A. Put B. OpenC. Close D. Put upA2.What class are you in?Im in _A. Cla

2、ss Seven B. a school學(xué)校C. Shanghai D. AmericaB3.Are you a new student here?_A. No, he isnt B. Yes, I amC. No, you arent D. Yes, you areA4._?Seven one five, nine two six.A. Whats your telephone numberB. How old are youC. How many desks are thereD. How are youB5.How many _ are there?A. bag B. desksC. b

3、oy D. girl五、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示拼寫單詞1This is my friend朋友, Tony.2This is Betty. Her她的 mother is a teacher.3Open翻開 your books, please.4How old are you?Im seven7 years old.5Three and eight is eleven116This is my new新的 teacher, Miss Li.7Whats your telephone number號碼?8Put up your hand手, please.六、看圖,補全對話B組一、用英語寫出以下

4、號碼1122 one_two_two2119 one_one_nine3999 nine_nine_nine4114 one_one_four5283612 two_eight_three,_six_one_two61395731193 one_three_nine,_five_seven_three,_one_one_nine,_three二、英漢互譯1two girls 2個女孩2four boys 4個男孩3six books 6本書 4eight teachers 8位老師5ten bags 10個包63把椅子 three_chairs77張書桌 seven_desks三、看圖,寫出圖

5、中所標物品的名稱四、單項選擇B1._ your book, please.A. Sit B. CloseC. PutA2._?Eight six nine, two three one, one one.A. Whats your telephone numberB. How old are youC. What class are you inB3._?Im in Class 3.A. How are youB. What class are you in語文課本中的文章都是精選的比較優(yōu)秀的文章,還有不少名家名篇。假如有選擇循序漸進地讓學(xué)生背誦一些優(yōu)秀篇目、精彩段落,對進步學(xué)生的程度會大有裨

6、益。如今,不少語文老師在分析課文時,把文章解體的支離破碎,總在文章的技巧方面下功夫。結(jié)果老師費力,學(xué)生頭疼。分析完之后,學(xué)生收效甚微,沒過幾天便忘的一干二凈。造成這種事倍功半的為難場面的關(guān)鍵就是對文章讀的不熟。常言道“書讀百遍,其義自見,假如有目的、有方案地引導(dǎo)學(xué)生反復(fù)閱讀課文,或細讀、默讀、跳讀,或聽讀、范讀、輪讀、分角色朗讀,學(xué)生便可以在讀中自然領(lǐng)悟文章的思想內(nèi)容和寫作技巧,可以在讀中自然加強語感,增強語言的感受力。久而久之,這種思想內(nèi)容、寫作技巧和語感就會自然浸透到學(xué)生的語言意識之中,就會在寫作中自覺不自覺地加以運用、創(chuàng)造和開展。C. Whats your numberC4.Whats

7、_ name?_ name is Ann.A. my; Your B. you; IC. your; MyC5.Whats seven and eight?Its _A. twelve B. thirteenC. fifteen五、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示拼寫單詞1Open翻開 your books.2Listen聽 to the teacher in class, Tom.3Im a new student學(xué)生 at在 this school.4Im eleven11 years old.5My telephone number號碼 is nine nine three, two one five

8、.6How many chairs椅子 are there?7How many boys男孩 are there?8Sam is 12.He is in Class班級 Three.9Daming and I are是 friends.10Put up朝上 your hand.六、根據(jù)表格,提出問句并進展答復(fù)選擇三項1How_many_desks_are_there?特殊疑問句There are 152How_many_chairs_are_there?特殊疑問句There are 193How_many_bags_are_there?特殊疑問句There are 16七、書面表達假設(shè)你叫Sandy,下面表格中列舉了你的一些信息。請根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容簡單介紹一下你自己。不少于5句話??蛇m當(dāng)發(fā)揮。Hello, everyone. My names Sandy


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