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1、學號班級(A 卷)學原理 II(2011 年春季學期)期末(A 卷)(2011/6/16)注意:請將所有題目的寫在答題冊上,寫在本試題紙上一律無效。一、1.題(并簡要說明理由,必要時可以用圖形。每題 4 分,共 28 分)在固定匯率制度下(即名義匯率固定),力平價理論不成立。2.Low saving impedes investment (thus productivity and living standards) for a closed economy, but not for an open economy at all, which can borrow from other eco

2、nomies. (Usea graph to illustrate your idea)3.長期來看,通貨膨脹并沒有降低工人的力;短期來看,通貨膨脹有可能降低了工人的力。4.Suppose the central bank suddenly decides to increase the growth rate of money supply. Thenas time goes on, nominal interest rate and real interest rate will first fall then increase. In the long run, nominal inte

3、rest rate will increase but real interest rate wont change.5.在計算的乘數(shù)效應時,只考慮了帶來的收入增加中用于消費的部分,而忽略了被儲蓄起來的部分,而這一部分會被用于投資,進而創(chuàng)造新的收入。因此,我們計算的乘數(shù)效應低估了財政政策對于總需求的影響。6.A budget-balanced fiscal policy would never affect aggregate demand.7.菲利普斯、索洛和薩繆爾森所發(fā)現(xiàn)的英國和美國的通貨膨脹與失業(yè)之間的負相關關系都在長達數(shù)十存在,這說明通貨膨脹與失業(yè)之間存在長期的權衡取舍關系。(提示:三

4、位學者發(fā)現(xiàn)菲利普斯曲線的化?)與現(xiàn)在相比,人們的預期通貨膨脹率發(fā)生了怎樣的變二、選擇題(每題 3 分,共 30 分。每題只有一個正確。)1.美國波音飛機公司向一家航空公司出售飛機獲得了一些日元,波音公司決定持有這些日元而不出售。則在美國的外匯市場上,以下理解正確的是:A.B.C.D.波音公司代表凈出口一方,即的需求方波音公司代表波音公司既是凈流出一方,即的需求方,也是的供給方的供給方,而且需求和供給量相等以上均不正確2.An economys output (Y) is 3 tril. Its national saving is 1 tril, and. Then theinvestment

5、 is 1.5 tril. Government expenditure (G) is 0.5 trilEconomys net capital outflow (NCO) istril. 0.5,1.5-0.5,1.51,11.5,0.5, and consumption (C)is tril A.B.C.D.3.中國決定通過增加外匯儲備的方式來抵消由于凈出口上升帶來的匯率上升的,以維持一個固定的匯率。美國是中國主要的貿(mào)易伙伴,則中國這一舉措,相對于不進行任何匯率而言,帶來的影響是:A.B.C.D.增加了中國的凈出口,但沒有改變美國的凈出口減少了美國的凈出口,但沒有增加中國的凈出口增加了中國

6、的凈出口,且減少了美國的凈出口沒有影響任何一國的凈出口4.Some economists believe that nominal wage adjustments have downward stickiness but not upward stickiness: nominal wages are hard to be lowered but easy to be raised. According to the sticky-wage theory, which of the following statements is true?When the aggregate demand

7、increases, the economy tends to increase its output; when the aggregate demand decreases, the economy tends to decrease its price level.When the aggregate demand increases, the economy tends to increase its price level; when the aggregate demand decreases, the economy tends to decrease its output.Wh

8、en the aggregate demand increases, the economy tends to increase both its output and price level; when the aggregate demand decreases, the economy is hard to decrease its output or its price level.When the aggregate demand increases, the economy is hard to increase its output or price level; when th

9、e aggregate demand decreases, the economy tends to both decrease its outputand its price level.A.B.C.D.5.Suppose the U.S. economy is in long-run equilibrium. Then the supply of crude oil from the Middle East reduces permanently, due to some political changes. According to the sticky-wage theory of a

10、ggregate supply, in general, in the new short-run equilibrium, nominal wage will, real wage will; in the new long-run equilibrium, nominal wage will, real wage will. (All is compared with the initial long-run equilibrium.)decrease, not change; not change, increase decrease, decrease; increase, incre

11、asenot change, decrease; increase, decreasenot change, decrease; increase, not changeA.B.C.D.6.Suppose banks install automatic teller machines on every block and, by making cash readily available, reduce the amount of money people want to hold. According to the theory of liquidity preference, in the

12、 short run, the interest rate will, output will , the pricelevel will . In the long run, the interest rate will , output will , the price levelwill.not change, not change, not change; not change, not change, not change decrease, increase, increase; decrease, not change, increase further decrease, in

13、crease, increase; not change, not change, increase further decrease, increase, increase; decrease, not change, not changeA.B.C.D.7.一篇分析的文章寫到:“由于福特汽車公司公布的虧損小于人們事前的預期,福特的股票在今天上漲了?!比绾卫斫膺@句話?這句話是錯誤的。公司虧損不可能導致股價上升。這句話是正確的。它含蓄地表達了福特公司實際上是這句話是錯誤的。股票市場是有效率的,股價根本就A.B.C.D.的,因而股價上漲。有任何波動。這句話是正確的。未預期到的虧損減少類似于未預期

14、到的利潤上升;人們對未預期到的好消息的合理反應使得股價上漲。8.In early 1992, President George H. W. Bush pursued a novel policy to deal with the lingering recession in the United States. By executive order, he lowered the amount of income taxes that were being withheld from workers paychecks. However, the higher take-home pay th

15、at workers received during 1992 was to be offset by higher tax payments, or smaller tax refunds, when income taxes were due in April 1993. What effect would you predict for this policy according to the logic of Ricardian equivalence?(Hint: Ricardian equivalence is the theory according to which forwa

16、rd-looking consumers fully anticipate the future taxes implied by government debt, so that government borrowing today coupled with a tax increase in the future to repay the debt has the same effect on the economy as a tax increase today.)Consumers would spend the extra income to increase their consu

17、mptions in year 1992, and cut down their consumptions to pay higher tax payments in year 1993.Consumers would save the extra take-home pay in year 1992, and use it to meet the tax liability in year 1993.Either A or BNeither A nor BA.B.C.D.9.假設自然失業(yè)率為 6。給定預期通貨膨脹率不變,失業(yè)率每低于自然失業(yè)率 1 個百分點,通貨膨脹率就上升 1 個百分點。則

18、下列四種情況下,失業(yè)率最低的是:實際通脹率 5,預期通脹率 3實際通脹率 3,預期通脹率 5 實際通脹率 5,預期通脹率 5 實際通脹率3%,預期通脹率 3A.B.C.D.10.學家弗里德曼說過: 通貨膨脹率上升可以減少失業(yè),而高通貨膨脹率卻不能?!睂Υ嗽u價正確的是:這個說法是錯誤的;足夠高的通貨膨脹率可以降低失業(yè)率 這個說法是正確的;任何高的通貨膨脹率都無法改變總需求這個說法是錯誤的;無論是高的還是上升的通貨膨脹率都無法減少失業(yè)這個說法是正確的;通貨膨脹上升對應著未預期的通貨膨脹率,從而減少失業(yè)A.B.C.D.三、問答題(共 3 題,42 分)1.Purchasing-power Parit

19、y and living standard comparisons among countries (6 points)Assume that a typical consumerand a typical consumer in the United States buy thequantities and pay the prices indicated in the accompanying table (suppose goods and servicesare of identical quality in different countries):Suppose one RMB y

20、uan is worth $1/7.(1)Compute U.S. consumption per capita in dollars, andRMB yuan.(1 point)consumption per capita in(2)Suppose each consumer spends all his/her income on consumption. When a consumer is going to live in the U.S., he/she exchanges all his/her income in YMB yuaninto U.S. dollars. What h

21、is/her consumption level (in dollars) will be in the U.S. then?How aconsumers standard of livings is compared with a typical U.S. consumer,reflected by your calculation? (1 point)(3)An alternative way to compare standard of livings among countries is like this: When a consumer is going to live in th

22、e U.S., we try to keep his purchasing-power (ratherthan nominal income) unchanged, i.e., to make the same bundle of goods he/sheconsumesstill available in the U.S. How much dollar income aconsumer would need to keep his/her purchasing power unchanged when he/she lives inthe U.S.? How aconsumers stan

23、dard of livings is compared with a U.S.consumer, reflected by your new calculation? (2 points)(4)Do the two methods of computing standard of livings give the same results? If not, whichmethod do you think is more reasonable? (1 point)(5)The purchasing-power parity theory states that a unit of any cu

24、rrency should be able to buy the same quantity of goods in both countries. Does this theory hold between U.S. and China for breads price data? For car services price data? Why might the assumptionunderlying the theory of purchasing power parity not hold for some goods? (1 point)2.中的貨幣政策與財政政策(18 分)一開

25、始處于長期均衡中。開放一個開放(1)畫出開放宏觀學的“三幅圖”模型,但在第 1 幅圖中,用均衡模型來替代可貸資金市場均衡模型。并在圖中用字母A 標出均衡點。(1 分)(2)畫出該長期均衡的總供求(AS-AD)圖形,仍用字母A 標出均衡點。(1 分)現(xiàn)在假定該開放決定通過增加貨幣供給量來刺激總需求。(3) 在極短期內,假定該開放的價格水平不變。貨幣供給的增加如何影響該的利率、匯率與凈出口?在“三幅圖”中表示。如何影響該表示。并用字母B 在所有圖形中標出該極短期內的產(chǎn)出?在總供求圖形中所處的點。貨幣供給量增加引起的產(chǎn)出變動比在封濟下更小還是更大?解釋你的回答。(2 分)(4)在時間稍長一點的短期內

26、,價格水平將有所上升,但預期價格水平維持不變。在總供求圖形中表示出該短期均衡點。你將如何在開放“三幅圖”中表示該短期均衡?用圖形示意。在所有圖形中,以字母 C 表示該短期均衡點。(2 分)(5)在長期中,預期價格水平上升并最終與實際價格水平一致。在“三幅圖”與總供求圖形中,表示出在長期中達到的均衡。在所有圖形中,以字母D 表示該長期均衡點。在長期均衡下,與初始狀態(tài)相比,利率、匯率、凈出口、產(chǎn)出與價格水平將如何變動?你認為貨幣政策是中性的嗎?(2 分)以上對于貨幣政策的分析均假定了該開放實行的是固定匯率制度。實行的是浮動匯率制度。現(xiàn)在假定該開放(6)重新考慮開放宏觀模型的“三幅圖”。為了維持匯率

27、不變,該開放是否(單獨地)使用貨幣政策來刺激總需求?解釋你的回答。(1 分)現(xiàn)在考慮財政政策的影響。假定該通過增加(G)來刺激總需求。仍然假定該開放為A點)。實行的是浮動匯率制度,在實施該財政政策之前,處于長期均衡狀態(tài)(標(7)該擴張性的財政政策如何在極短期(即價格水平不變時)影響圖形上表示。在圖中用字母B 表示該極短期均衡。(1 分)的產(chǎn)出?在總供求(8)該積極財政政策如何影響貨幣需求、利率、匯率與凈出口?仍然假定價格水平不變。在開放宏觀模型的“三幅圖”中表示這些變量的變動,在圖中用字母B 表示該極短期均衡。(1 分)(9)該積極財政政策帶來的在第(8)問中的效應是削弱還是加強了其對總需求的

28、影響?與在封濟相比,該積極財政政策的影響是更大還是更?。拷忉屇愕娜炕卮?。盡管存在這些次級影響,為簡便起見,我們仍然以B 點表示該極短期均衡。(1 分)(10) 在時間稍長一點的短期內,價格水平將有所上升,但預期價格水平不變。在總供求圖形中表示出價格水平變動的短期均衡點。你將如何在開放“三幅圖”中表示該稍長的短期均衡?用圖形示意。在所有圖形中,以字母 C 表示該短期均衡點。(1 分)(11) 在長期中,預期價格水平上升并最終與實際價格水平一致。在“三幅圖”與總供求圖形中,表示出 在長期中達到的均衡。在所有圖形中,以字母D 表示該長期均衡。在長期均衡下,與初始狀態(tài)相比,利率、匯率、凈出口、產(chǎn)出與

29、價格水平將如何變動?你認為財政政策是中性的嗎?(1 分)(12) 第(11)問中得到的長期結論與在長期中適用的開放宏觀模型得出的結論一致嗎?畫圖說明。在長期中適用的開放宏觀模型要求將“三幅圖”中的第一幅圖替換為原來的可貸資金市場模型。(1 分)以上分析假定了該開放實行的是浮動匯率制度。現(xiàn)在考慮該開放實行的是固一開始時處于定匯率制度。仍然考慮該長期均衡狀態(tài)(標為A 點)。通過增加(G)來刺激總需求,且(13) 在該積極財政政策下,為了維持匯率不變,該應該配合實行一個怎樣的貨幣政策?在“三幅圖”中表示該財政政策與該貨幣政策組合的影響下,仍用字母 B 表示該組合政策下的極短期均衡(假定極短期內價格水

30、平不變)。(1 分)(14) 與浮動匯率比較,將為維持固定匯率制度所采取的相應的貨幣政策考慮在內,固定 匯率制度使得積極的財政政策對于總需求的刺激作用更大還是更???解釋你的回答。(1 分)(15) 在長期中(時間足夠長),該固定匯率制度下的積極財政政策會帶來什么后果?將為維持固定匯率制度所采取的相應的貨幣政策考慮在內。解釋你的回答(可以不畫圖)。恒等式)。(1 分)(提示:考慮3.時間不一致與菲利普斯曲線(18 分)考慮一個與公眾之間的博弈。有兩種可選擇的貨幣政策,分別導致不同的實際通貨膨脹率(p):導致高通貨膨脹的政策(p=H)與導致低通貨膨脹的政策(p=L)。公眾也有兩種可選擇的通貨膨脹預

31、期(pe):高通脹預期(pe=H)與低通脹預期(pe=L)。這里, L<H。(1)畫出短期和長期的菲利普斯曲線。分別標出以下四個點(2 分):A:p=pe=H C:p=H, pe=LB:p=pe=L D:p=L, pe=H(2)總是希望失業(yè)率和通脹率越低越好。則在A 點和B 點之間,會喜歡哪個點?會喜歡哪個點?在 C 點和 A 點之間,會喜歡哪個點?在 B 點和 D 點之間,和D 點呢?對在四個點之間的喜愛順序排隊。給他最喜歡的點賦值 4,最不喜歡的點賦值 1,以此類推。如果遇到不能準確賦值的點,則說明這些點的范圍(所有賦值均為 1 到 4 的整數(shù),下同)。(2 分)(3)對于公眾來說,他們首先關心是否準確地預期實際


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