Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護者(2015)》第一季第十七集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護者(2015)》第一季第十七集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護者(2015)》第一季第十七集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護者(2015)》第一季第十七集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
Guardians of the Galaxy《銀河守護者(2015)》第一季第十七集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、You wanted me to steal the Seed.你想讓我偷走種子Of course, you did!當(dāng)然了You even left me the tools to do it!你甚至給我留了相應(yīng)的工具Your son's usefulness dwindles daily, J'Son.你的兒子越來越?jīng)]用了 杰桑Peter is the only one who can operate the CryptoCube只有彼得可以使用石盒and lead us to the Cosmic Seed, Thanos.帶領(lǐng)我們找到宇宙之種 滅霸If you shou

2、ld fail one more time如果你再次失敗to deliver the Cosmic Seed.沒有拿到宇宙之種.Halt!站住Let me in there!放我進去No one is permitted to see the king!任何人都不許會見國王You never found the Cosmic Seed, you stole it,你從來沒找到過宇宙之種 是你偷的from Asgard!從仙宮We've been over this, Peter.我們已經(jīng)談過了 彼得There isn't a shred of evidence,根本沒有一點證據(jù)

3、and I defy you to prove otherwise.我倒要看看你能不能證明What kind of sick, sad, twisted loser什么樣的變♥態(tài)♥混♥蛋♥會lies to his own son?對自己兒子撒謊Do not ever speak that way to your father and your king!不準(zhǔn)再用這種語氣對你的父親和國王說話You want it so bad?你這么想要Steal it yourself, Dad!那就自己去偷吧 爸爸Sto

4、p him! Guard, stop the prince!攔住他 守衛(wèi) 攔住王子Thanks for your key, Dad!謝謝你的鑰匙 爸爸I am Groot! I am Groot! I am Groot!我是格魯特 我是格魯特 我是格魯特I know your name!我知道你的名字Now let all of Spartax know mine.現(xiàn)在讓斯巴泰克斯的人知道我的名字吧Drax the Destroyer!毀滅者德拉克斯I told them I need a distraction, not destruction!我跟他們說要引開注意力 而不是毀掉一切Yeah

5、, we got problems of our own.是啊 我們自己也有麻煩This door!這扇門Or we could just open it with my dad's key.或者我們能用我爸爸的鑰匙打開Nice going, Quill.干得好 奎爾Drax and Groot are gettin' their keisters shot at德拉克斯和格魯特被皇家守衛(wèi)by the palace guard just射得屁♥股♥開花so we can sneak aboard this hunk of junk!好

6、讓我們能偷偷登上這艘破船This "Hunk of junk," Rocket,這艘破船 火箭happens to be the ship my dad used in his quest for the Cosmic Seed.恰好是我父親尋找宇宙之種時坐過的And you really think you can find proof你真的覺得能從飛船的he stole the seed from Asgard數(shù)據(jù)日志中找到他從仙宮in the ship's data logs?偷走種子的證據(jù)嗎Relax, Gamora.放松 卡魔拉I can shut dow

7、n the automated defenses with my dad's.我能關(guān)掉自動防御系統(tǒng) 用我爸爸的.key!鑰匙Down!趴下And up!再起來Gotcha!截住了This is it, guys.到底為止了 伙計們The truth about the Cosmic Seed is inside that ship.宇宙之種的真♥相♥就在這艘船里From now on, no more lies.從現(xiàn)在起 再也沒有謊言J'Son?杰桑Is it really you, J'Son?真的是你嗎 杰桑Yeah. T

8、otally.沒錯J'Son. I am.我就是杰桑Your father's ship talks.你父親的船說話了So talk to it already.那就和它說話啊So, uh, hey.那么How's it hanging?最近怎么樣啊Liar, liar, pants on fire!騙子騙子屁♥股♥著火Liar, liar, pants on fire!騙子騙子屁♥股♥著火Sir, there's been a breach in your private

9、hangar.長官 有人闖入您的私人機庫Peter.彼得Call off pursuit of the Milano.停止對米蘭號♥的追逐Secure the hangar, and make sure the prince does not leave.守衛(wèi)機庫 不得讓王子離開For years, I've sat here alone just waiting,我在這兒靜靜地等了好幾年wondering if my J'Son would ever come back for his Rora.想著我的杰桑會不會回來找她的羅拉Yeah, Rora, I

10、 kept meaning to call.羅拉 我一直想打電♥話♥給你Never heard that one before.從來沒聽過這種話I've just been crazy busy for, uh,我只是特別忙著you know, like, the last 25 years,過去這25年來but we're together at last.但我們最終在一起了If only we could fly again,如果我們能再次飛行soaring across the universe.翱翔于宇宙之種No bounda

11、ries, no limits. Just us.沒有束縛 沒有限制 只有我們Peter Quill, King J'Son has ordered your arrest.彼得·奎爾 杰桑國王下令逮捕你Well, hey, let's do it!我們出發(fā)吧Like now!就現(xiàn)在No harm will come to my J'Son as long as we're together.只要我和我的杰桑一起 誰都別想傷害他Whoa. Well, that was pretty impressive.那真是太厲害了You're too sw

12、eet. And what a sight.你真會說話 還是這么帥Exactly as I remember.就像我記憶中的樣子You. You too.你.你也是But how is it possible that after 25 years, you haven't aged?但你怎么會過了25年卻一點都不老Yo, J!杰Don't forget today's super-anti-aging miracle SPA treatment.別忘了今天做過了超級返老還童水療Oh, how cute.真可愛Is it for me?這是給我的嗎I always wa

13、nted a pet.我一直想養(yǎng)個寵物Uh, no. Actually, this is Rocket,不 其實 這位是火箭my, uh, royal advisor.我的皇家顧問And this is Gamora, my, uh.這是卡魔拉 我的.Oh, I know what she is.我知道她是誰Some things never change.有些事永遠都不會變Okay, look, much as I wanna catch up,雖然我也想敘敘舊how about right now we just take a little spin?不如我們現(xiàn)在出去轉(zhuǎn)一轉(zhuǎn)You know

14、, for old time's sake.為了過去的日子Nothing would make me happier, my love.我真是太開心了 親愛的Now let's have some fun.讓我們好好玩玩吧Hold on tight.抓緊了Rora wants to fly!羅拉要飛了J'Son, why are your ships shooting at us?杰桑 為什么你的船在向我們開火Uh, target practice.練習(xí)射擊Hey, why don't you test out your hyper warp?你不如試試你的超時

15、空扭曲技術(shù)As you wish, my love.如你所愿 親愛的Whoo! That felt great!這感覺太好了Yeah. That was, you know, just like old times.是啊 那.就像以前一樣Tell me about it.是啊Remember that time we shook those Cowinstian poachers你還記得那次我們在諾韋爾海岸邊off the coast of Norwell?擊退科文斯坦因偷獵者嗎Oh, yeah. Then we did that thing.是啊 然后我們做了那件事.You mean war

16、ping right into a massive solar storm at Roo-B-9?你是說扭曲跳躍到RooB9的劇烈太陽風(fēng)暴中嗎Of course. How could I forget?當(dāng)然了 我怎么會忘記呢Quill, what are you doing?奎爾 你在干什么What? Just making conversation.怎么了 就是說說話嘛With an intelligent ship that is clearly in love with you.跟一艘顯然愛著你的智能飛船So it can't be that intelligent.可能沒有那么

17、智能Technically, she's in love with my dad.嚴(yán)格來說 她愛著我爸爸So I figure I use the whole romance thing to get secret info,所以我想可以利用這種浪漫的氣氛搞到秘密情報which leads us to the Cosmic Seed.等夠帶領(lǐng)我們找到宇宙之種That's a plan?這是一個計劃嗎Lying to a woman and exploiting her trust?對一個女人撒謊并利用她的信任That's a Quill specialty.這簡直是奎爾

18、的特質(zhì)Rora, my love, being with you again has inspired me.羅拉親愛的 和你一起再度鼓舞了我Ah, you and I are. We're gonna find the Cosmic Seed.你和我.我們要找到宇宙之種I just need you to bring up all the old records from your ship's log.我需要你讓我看看飛船之前的記錄Silly J'Son. You know I never kept a log.傻杰桑 你知道我從來不記錄I recorded eve

19、rything with my Widgets, remember?我都是用我的小球球記錄一切的 記得嗎Obviously, I meant the Widgets, silly.當(dāng)然了 我是指小球球 傻瓜Asgard World Tree, Cosmic Seed.仙宮的世界樹 宇宙之種Not a shred of evidence. Ha!一點證據(jù)都沒有Evidence of what? And why the helmet?什么證據(jù) 為什么要戴上頭盔Oh, just, uh, recording the moment for my private files.記錄下來我曾經(jīng)的生活Look

20、, I. I just want to remember every moment we shared together.我.我只是想記住我們過去一起的日子Now, how about showing me the last time we saw the Seed?不如讓我看看我們最后一次見到種子是什么時候Must I?一定要看嗎Please, darling?拜托了 親愛的For me.為了我You know I could never refuse you.你知道我絕對不會拒絕你The Destroyer Armor?毀滅者盔甲Ah, yes. I remember it well.沒錯

21、 我記得很清楚I'll navigate manually, Rora.我來手動操作 羅拉You divert all power to your essential AI systems.你將所有能量用于維持你的智能系統(tǒng)It's too late for me, J'Son.太遲了 杰桑I'm going offline.我要休眠了Unless. I couldn't ask this of you.除非.我不能向你提這個要求Whatever it takes. I need to save you.不管要什么代價 我都要救你The Cosmic Se

22、ed accelerates life.宇宙之種能加速生命生長Perhaps it can do the same with artificial life.也許對人造生命體也一樣有用I'll try anything. Just don't go offline, Rora.我會做出一切努力 不要休眠 羅拉Not yet.還不行Of course not, silly.當(dāng)然不會了 傻瓜An illusion can't go offline.一個幻象怎么會休眠Loki.洛基Stupid petty thief!愚蠢的小賊None of your pathetic il

23、k你們這卑劣的種族shall ever gaze upon the Cosmic Seed again.不得再覬覦宇宙之種Wait. Loki stole the Seed back?等等 洛基把種子偷回去了嗎You mustn't blame yourself, darling.你不要怪你自己 親愛的Loki disabled me and replaced me with an illusion.洛基將我禁用 用一個幻想代替了我You know that.你知道的And you mustn't blame yourself for crashing me你也不該因為駕駛著我

24、撞到了on that primitive planet, either.那個原始星球上而自責(zé)Her, you can blame yourself for.你倒是可以因她而自責(zé)That's my. My.那是我.我.That's right.沒錯Your shameless homewrecker, Meredith Quill.那個不要臉的小三 梅雷迪思·奎爾You abandoned me for a common.你就為了一個普通人而拋棄我.Don't even talk about my m.不要說我母.Uh, Meredith,梅雷迪思的壞話who

25、I don't even remember.我甚至都不記得她了Not surprising.毫不意外Just one among dozens.只是萬千女人中的一個罷了Apple doesn't fall far, does it?有其父必有其子Nope.是啊What's an apple?什么意思Let us inform our compatriots讓我們告訴我們的同盟that we have evaded all pursuers.我們已經(jīng)甩掉了所有追兵Drax to Quill. Oh! Come in, Quill.德拉克斯呼叫奎爾 奎爾I am Groot

26、.我是格魯特So, you think you can sweet-talk your way你覺得你能這樣甜言蜜語騙走into a woman's heart and then just disappear?女人的心然后就這么消失嗎And hello! Never occurs to you而且 你還從來沒有to mention that you're a flargin' prince?想過告訴我你是個王子嗎Perhaps this is intended for Quill.也許這是發(fā)給奎爾的Lucy, do we have something intended

27、for Quill?露西 我們有什么要給奎爾的嗎Yes, we do, Supergiant.當(dāng)然了 超級巨人I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot!我是格魯特 我是格魯特 我是格魯特Not now, tree.不是時候 樹Can you not see I am trying to evade Quill's ex-girlfriends?你沒看到我正在忙著應(yīng)付奎爾的前女友嗎Peter Quill, this is for the lies!彼得·奎爾 這是為你說的謊And this is for treating me like krutak

28、!這是為把我當(dāng)巨怪看待I'm locking in, Supergiant. I'll take the other hatch.我要進來了 超級巨人 另一邊交給我Where is he?他在哪兒I am Groot.我是格魯特Lucy. Charmed.露西 魅惑Now, where's Quill?奎爾在哪里You're not so tough, shrub.你看上去沒那么難搞嗎 蠢豬I. am.我.是.Groot!格魯特Oh, don't be mad, Rora.不要生氣 羅拉You know you're the only girl,

29、 uh, ship for me.你知道你對我來說是唯一的姑.船I just wish I could believe you.我真希望能相信我If every word I've said isn't 100% true,如果我說的有半句假話then my name isn't J'Son of Spartax.那我就不叫斯巴泰克斯的杰桑Rora, return with Peter to Spartax immediately.羅拉 馬上跟彼得一起返回斯巴泰克斯That's an order. J'Son?這是命令 杰桑And meltdow

30、n in three, two.馬上崩潰 三 二.You lied?你撒謊Okay, not every single word I said雖然我說的不是is a literal fact, but he's my father.字字真言 但他是我父親So, uh, technically, from, you know, we.所以嚴(yán)格來說 我們.You're talking genetics.畢竟基因一樣I should've known from the stench我應(yīng)該聞到這股臭味that you were the son of that filthy Ea

31、rther,就知道你是那個骯臟的地球人Meredith Quill!梅雷迪思·奎爾的兒子Rora, let's just everyone calm down here,羅拉 大家都冷靜下來because I need.因為我需要.I'm done with the whole family.我受夠這一家了Join the club.歡迎加入我們J'Son's the criminal here.杰桑才是罪犯He's been lying to all of Spartax for.他在向所有斯巴泰克斯人撒謊 為了.You don't

32、say a word about J'Son.不準(zhǔn)你說杰桑的壞話Is it me,是我的錯覺or is it suddenly getting really cold in here?還是說這里突然變得特別冷Rora, please restore atmospheric control to the interior.羅拉 請恢復(fù)室內(nèi)溫控系統(tǒng)I'm sorry, Peter.抱歉 比特In the interest of conserving resources,為了保存資源I can no longer support organic life-forms.我無法再進行任何

33、生命活動Escape pod.逃生艙Ready? And.準(zhǔn)備.Now!跑She's shut down all functions.她關(guān)閉了所有的功能Apparently, not all functions.顯然不是所有功能Your crazed circuit board你的瘋狂控制器slash ex-girlfriend just killed the gravity.也就是前女友剛剛關(guān)閉了重力系統(tǒng)There's no call for rudeness,沒必要說臟話rogue's-accomplice slash-rodent.嚙齒類同伙也就是老鼠There&

34、#39;s no call for roastin' my fur either, so we're even!也沒必要燙傷我的毛 我們扯平了We need back-up. Whoa.我們需要增援I can't reach the Milano.我聯(lián)♥系♥不上米蘭號♥Rora must have fried out my comm.羅拉肯定干擾了我的通訊器Ahh, same with my Element Blaster.我的元素槍也一樣Then it's time we did some fr

35、ying of our own.那我們該拯救自己了Ground rule double!觸地雙倍分Aw, seriously?真的嗎Actually, I can work with this.其實我可以利用這個Gimme some cover.掩護我一下I must insist that you cease to vandalize my equipment.你們必須停止破壞我的裝備Okay, you know, there's a joke here about the ship有個笑話說有一艘船having a crush on me, but.喜歡上了我 但是.Not now

36、, Quill.現(xiàn)在不是時候 奎爾That wasn't very nice, you sabotaging little.這樣可不好 你這個搞破壞的.Call me "Rodent" Again, lady. I dare ya.你再敢叫我老鼠試試She's out for now, so let's see if I can get this comm working.她暫時不會出現(xiàn)了 我看看能不能通訊So, do we all suffocate?我們是要一起悶死Or do you spill the beans on Quill?還是說你乖乖

37、告訴我們奎爾的下落豆We have no beans in our food supply,我們的晚餐中沒有豆nor do I see the purpose of pouring them on a friend.我也不知道把豆子灑在朋友身上有什么用Drax! Groot! We need you stat!德拉克斯 格魯特 我們馬上需要你們Transmitting coordinates now!馬上傳送到這里來Now that's more like it.這才像話Rora, I'm different now.羅拉 我現(xiàn)在不一樣了I'd like to try

38、to work things out.我想重新試一試But please, bring Peter back safely.但是求你了 把奎爾安全帶回來He's my only son.他是我唯一的兒子I will.我會的For you, my sweet J'Son.為了你 親愛的杰桑Hyperspace warp in 10.時空扭曲跳躍 十Okay, new plan. Into the airlock! Nine.新計劃 進入氣閘艙 九eight. We'll eject just before warp.八 我們在扭曲之前發(fā)射.seven. She'l

39、l be halfway across the galaxy.七 等她發(fā)現(xiàn)我們不見了.before she figures out we're gone. .six.她已經(jīng)橫跨了大半個銀河系 六That would be a great plan if we had helmets. .five.如果我們有頭盔那就真是個好主意 五We'll just have to buddy breathe off of Quill's helmet.我們只能從奎爾的頭盔里分點氧氣Uh, Rocket? . three.火箭 三Rora shorted out my helmet,

40、too.羅拉還把我的頭盔弄壞了.two. Kill the eject!二 中止發(fā)射Too late! .one.太遲了 一Groot?格魯特Drax?德拉克斯Isn't he adorbs when he's sleepy?他睡眼朦朧的時候是不是很可愛You lost him!你弄丟了他I ask you to do one thing! One!我只要求你做一件事 一件事And you wonder why you've been sitting here alone all these years!你還想知道為什么我這些年一直丟你一個人But I thought.

41、 You do not think!但我以為 你根本不會想You are ones and zeros stuffed in a tin can!你不過是一堆數(shù)據(jù)的集♥合♥體Now you find him, and don't come back without him.你不找到他就別來見我Or I will personally tear you down for scrap!否則我將親自把你拆成碎片You told me 37 different lies.你跟我說了37個不同的謊言In three days!區(qū)區(qū)三天The broke

42、r told me that ring you gave me was nothing掮客告訴我你給我的戒指只是but a cubic zirconia!一塊鋯石Whatever that is.不管那是什么Guys! Little help.伙計們 幫個忙You got into this all by yourself.這些都是你自己惹的You can get out of it the same way.你自然能擺脫她們Ladies, please.女士們 拜托Look, give me one more chance. The truth is.再給我一次機會 事實是.I have a

43、 serious problem!我有個很嚴(yán)重的問題There can only be one princess.只能有一名王妃And how can I choose which of the two我怎么能從兩位摯愛中g(shù)reat loves of my life to marry?只挑一個人娶呢Ya gotta admit,你必須承認(rèn)I would look pretty darn cute in a tiara.我戴上王冠肯定特別美Oh. Yeah. Like a whale wearing a satellite.是啊 就像戴著一個衛(wèi)星If you want an overgrown

44、squid on the throne, well.你要是想在王座上看到一只魷魚.He's mine!他是我的Okay. Let go. Let go!放開他 放開他Girls, girls!姑娘們 姑娘們The prince is not made of elastic. Ow!王子可不是塑料做的Five units says the big one wins.我賭五塊這個大塊頭贏I am Groot.我是格魯特Okay, 10 units.好吧 那就十塊Quill, she's knocked out the autopilot.奎爾 她撞壞了自動駕駛Everyone, r

45、elax!大家放松I've got this completely under control.一切都在我的控制之中Okay, seriously, ladies.說真的 姑娘們I need both my arms attached.我還需要我這兩只手I am Groot.我是格魯特Give me that grenade, furball!把那個手榴彈給我 毛球Hey! I steal the explosives here.炸♥彈♥可是我偷的Either you make me princess right now如果你不馬上選我做王妃

46、or I'll blow you all to smithereens!我就把你們?nèi)空wLike flarg you will!開什么玩笑I am Groot.我是格魯特Fine! We'll take the Space Pods.好吧 我們?nèi)ラ_太空艇You follow on foot.你追上I am Groot!我是格魯特On the other hand, who wants to have king J'Son as a father-in-law?另一方面來說 誰想認(rèn)杰桑國王當(dāng)公公呢Am I right, ladies?我說得沒錯吧 姑娘們You'

47、re goin' down, lady!你死定了 女士Um, Super?超級醬Why ya going up? Oh, no, wait.你為什么要上去 不 等等I've seen this movie. I know how this ends.我看過這部電影金剛 我知道結(jié)局Careful, we don't want to hurt Quill. Much.小心點 我們可不想傷到奎爾 太重I am hit!我被擊中了But never destroyed.但永遠不會被毀滅Your feet stink!你的腳臭死了If you wanna live,你要是想活命l

48、et my prince come crawling up here就讓我的王子爬到這里and marry me this instant!馬上娶我Wait! Both of you!等等 你們兩個I lied to you when we were going out,我們一起的時候我騙了你們and I've been lying to you all day.我一直在騙你們But look, here, this is the truth.但是聽著 這才是真♥相♥I'm not gonna marry either of you.

49、我不會娶你們中的任何人的I'm not even a prince anymore. I'm done with it all.我甚至都不是王子了 我受夠這一切了So do what you want to me, but let my friends go.隨便你們怎么處置我 但是放了我的朋友They never did anything to hurt you. I did.他們從來沒有傷害過我 都怪我And I'm really sorry.我真的很抱歉Boo-flargin'-hoo!去你的We're all a bunch of miserab

50、le jerks,我們都是一群可悲的混♥蛋♥and we're all goin' together.我們要同歸于盡In 30 seconds.還有30秒29. 28.29.28.Everybody clear out! 27.所有人快撤離 27Groot, down! 26.格魯特 下去 26I am Groot. 25!我是格魯特 2524!23, 22.23 2221, 20, 19!21 20 1918, 17.18 17Fine! Blow yourself up, Quill!行吧 自爆吧 奎爾The galaxy'

51、;ll be better off!銀河系會變得更美好The galaxy would be better off without all of them!沒有他們所有人 銀河系會變得更好Fire in the hole!小心爆破Quill! I am Groot!奎爾 我是格魯特Rora! I knew you'd come back!羅拉 我知道你會回來的Actually, I never thought in a million years you'd come back.其實 我這輩子都沒想過你會回來After how I acted, after everything

52、 I've done.我這樣對你 我做了那么多事Why would you even help?你為什么還要幫我Your father asked me to find you.你父親要我來找你And I realized that it's我意識到你這樣not entirely your fault that you're a liar.滿口謊言不完全是你的錯You were born to it.你生來就這樣There's something else you need to know about your father, Peter.我需要告訴你一些關(guān)于你父親的事 奎爾Listen, Yondu. All Peter needs to know聽著 勇度 只要讓彼得知道is that he's a nothing Earther who's been abducted by pirates.他只是一個被誘拐的地球人而已I don't want to see him,我不想見到他I don't want to know about him我也不想知道他的情況until


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