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1、加油站建設(shè)項(xiàng)目安全設(shè)施竣工驗(yàn)收申請書新建 口改建 口擴(kuò)建申請單位項(xiàng)目地址聯(lián)系人聯(lián)系電話填寫日期一、建設(shè)項(xiàng)目申請單位基本情況申請單位建設(shè)項(xiàng)目地址經(jīng)濟(jì)類型郵編項(xiàng)目總投資安全設(shè)施投資法定代表人電話負(fù)責(zé)人電話安全生產(chǎn)管理部 門門數(shù) 立口火聯(lián)系人電話傳真項(xiàng)目職工人數(shù)技術(shù)人 員人數(shù)項(xiàng)目施工完成情況概述:安全生產(chǎn)責(zé)任制落實(shí)、安全生產(chǎn)管理制度建設(shè)和職工培訓(xùn)情況概述:二、項(xiàng)目設(shè)計(jì)單位情況及對設(shè)施施工情況意見設(shè)計(jì)單位地 址郵編法定代表 人設(shè)計(jì)資質(zhì)證書號項(xiàng)目組長電 話手 機(jī)項(xiàng)目單位是否按設(shè)計(jì)文件要求組織施工?若作部分修改,列出修改的具體內(nèi)容,這 些修改是否經(jīng)你單位義更確認(rèn)?設(shè)計(jì)單位對安全設(shè)施建設(shè)情況的陳述:由我公司

2、負(fù)責(zé)設(shè)計(jì)的 項(xiàng)目, 在設(shè)計(jì)過程中嚴(yán)格按國家法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)范和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求設(shè)計(jì),在建設(shè)期間 因工程需要圖紙修改 一次,發(fā)出設(shè)計(jì)聯(lián)系單 份,現(xiàn)工程已完成建設(shè), 經(jīng)對照工程現(xiàn)場檢查確認(rèn),認(rèn)為建設(shè)項(xiàng)目施工現(xiàn)狀與設(shè)計(jì)相符, 達(dá)到設(shè)計(jì)要 求,能滿足安全生產(chǎn)條件。設(shè)計(jì)單位項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人(簽章)年 月 日三、項(xiàng)目施工單位情況單位名稱地 址郵編經(jīng)濟(jì)類型聯(lián)系電話傳真法定代表人項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人電話資質(zhì)級別資質(zhì)證書號資質(zhì)范圍施工起止日期施工單位概況和承擔(dān)主要相關(guān)項(xiàng)目名稱:施工單位對安全設(shè)施施工情況的陳述:由我公司負(fù)責(zé)施工的項(xiàng)目,在施工過程中完全按設(shè)計(jì)圖紙施工,其中圖紙修改 次,收到設(shè)計(jì)聯(lián)系單 _份,施工過程符合國家法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)

3、范和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求, 保證項(xiàng)目建設(shè)工程質(zhì)量。施工單位項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人(簽章)年 月日四、項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理情況(無監(jiān)埋可不填寫監(jiān)理情況)單位名稱地 址郵編經(jīng)濟(jì)類型聯(lián)系電話傳真法定代表人項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人電話資質(zhì)級別資質(zhì)證書號資質(zhì)范圍監(jiān)理起止日期監(jiān)理單位概況和承擔(dān)主要相關(guān)監(jiān)理項(xiàng)目名稱:監(jiān)理單位對安全設(shè)施施工情況的陳述:由我公司負(fù)責(zé)施工的 項(xiàng)目,在施工過程中完全嚴(yán)格遵守國家法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)范和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求,工程 質(zhì)量合格。監(jiān)理單位項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人(簽章)年 月 日五、電氣設(shè)備設(shè)施檢測檢驗(yàn)情況供 酉己 電 檢 測 檢 驗(yàn)檢測單位名稱地 址郵編法定代表人聯(lián)系電話傳真項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人資質(zhì)證書號資質(zhì)范圍檢測起止日期檢測范圍(內(nèi)容)檢測結(jié)果(可附檢測

4、報告):(單位蓋章)年 月日防 雷 檢 測 檢 驗(yàn)檢測單位名稱地 址郵編法定代表人聯(lián)系電話傳真項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人資質(zhì)證書號資質(zhì)范圍檢測起止日期檢測范圍(內(nèi)容)檢測結(jié)果(可附檢測報告):(單位蓋章)年 月 日檢測單位名稱地 址郵編法定代表人聯(lián)系電話傳真防 靜 電 檢 測 檢 驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人資質(zhì)證書號資質(zhì)范圍檢測起止日期檢測范圍(內(nèi)容)檢測結(jié)果(可附檢測報告):(單位蓋章)年 月日六、建設(shè)項(xiàng)目安全設(shè)施驗(yàn)收評價報告評價機(jī)構(gòu) 單位名稱聯(lián)系電話地 址郵 編資質(zhì)級別資質(zhì)證書編號法定代表人資質(zhì)范圍主要編制人姓名何種專業(yè)技 術(shù)職稱安全評價工作 資格證書已從事過何種專業(yè) 技術(shù)工作專業(yè)技術(shù)工 作年限報 告 結(jié) 論 性 意

5、見 及 整 改 措 施七、建設(shè)項(xiàng)目安全設(shè)施驗(yàn)收評價報告評審意見評審組織單 位聯(lián)系電話評審日期評審影式或 會審地址評審組長聯(lián)系電話評審專家組成員姓名單位專業(yè)及職稱從事何種專業(yè)專業(yè)技術(shù)工 作年限專家組評審意見(可另附頁)評審組長:年 月日out city created,a nd caremasse slife,focus work,i n-dept hinvestigati on,more out boutiquemasterpie ce, makeswe ofresearch results more tointo le d of de cisi onvisi on,m ore toin na

6、tionalsomehas effectofnewspaperSOnthe negative i nformation a nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe pro cedures,firm, newspaper, ne wspapers, neverlate,fail to report,false claimand skimming.Investee 2.supervi-L - - I . L I .L -. -I . I . . d. II 1.1._I 一_I . . &

7、gt;L I -. 一 I > _.1_1_ . I. I _ .一 . 一一 一 一.一 . 一.一dared to use, i stoholda numberthe problem.The purofimportanti ssues, bold supervisi on oversion,toresolve theprobl em.To a dheretoand further imprsupervisi on,tracki nspecti on, problems arenot solvovetheeddo notpass,theblame doesnot hold did no

8、tmiss,assesi sion ahang published,fora dvance work, a nd publicitychang deplay due ofrole.Third,information submittedt obepragmati c. Q uicka ndtimel y.Theancients said:forthe timesystem;statementand insist on,aroundand protectingt heirinterest s to touchthe trut h,se k practicalre sults.Adhere to p

9、eople -orie nted,t hemost important thing is to re alize,safeguarda nd developtI_I.L II .1 _ I .11. _ . >一.- 一一 .1_1 I .I . I 一.一 一did not miss,t hereal rightofsupersion aut hority,with thebenefits.Callwith ca ution, is supervisi ng departments shouldstrengthen the consci ousne ssofauthorizedstri

10、backforthe timebei ng, nothing.Therefore,thesubmission ofinformation to do"four",that is,find theopthefundame ntalinterest softhe overw helming majority ofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so m-II 一. _L II.一 -ctlyaccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervision andexcessivetopreventadd

11、ing burden to bl emfaster,edit orialwriting ,sendand read fastera pprovalaust go deep among t he masse s,go dee p intot he realities, always pay atteLJ一>. . I -pervisind fee dback toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ue and ntion t othe people's liveli hood,t ograspt hepubliitteeSecretar

12、y-General(Office).Seg uard thecond,we shoul d focus on. Is tureofevent s, oneis one, tw o, thisi sthe life ofthei nformation.Accuracy i s primarbe nefit,addr essing themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe strong一 I - ”_. L II- .1 . .一 . I -he Gov ernor,those relatedtothe gl obalEve nt

13、,Gover northeprotra cted difficult,strongGoverons, quantitativeobjectivehepr obl emofde cisionsimplemente -I- II - I -nor duri ngemergency urgent.ofpublicQualitative logi-.Lspecialdepartments inc.To be relia blea nd useful.We submit informd. Onei s tostick t opri nci ples.Rig htof inspecti.I - . II

14、- - -charge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,underthe normalprocedurationto haveaccesst onis oneofthemost imecan do go de cision-making, to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practical problems.Mixe dcum.portant powersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on.So-calle-一.-. - ”-. -一

15、 . . I.g ood thing s not Governor,not a uthorized by Countyleaders, notthe Governor.Thir d isto solveeelings survey, by looking uppublicse ntiments tofind problem s.Pr oblems will increase its spe cialsupervision, set upccounts,holdit.Weshouldconscienti ously im plementthe leading contra ctingmatter

16、s, secured,ha d anansw ertoeverything,t hen settlesrateof100%.Haveanipactonsomeoftheoutstandi ng issues, supervisin departme nts andinformationcomponentstoget her,playthe supervisory role ofthe new s media to promoteproblemsolvi ng.Investee3.insist on adaily run,around thepracti ce oftruth catching

17、efficiency,focusspecification.Togive fullplaytng,coor dinati ng internals,to motivateeveryaspect,a dhere to t hetruth,strengt heni ng standardi zedma nagement to achieve cohere nt,efficient a nd effective functioningofthe dai lywork ofthePartyCommittee.Is processing messages shoull d strivetostreaml

18、ine,sta ndardizeand quality.Streamlining istocontr olthenumber ofmessages, compress messages, reducing procedur es, impr ovemessagehandling efficie ncy.Specificati ons,is to stri ctlyenforcethe ban issueshould lay stress on huma ne, personal, cult uralandhuman.Reception and work directlyw ith people

19、,re cepti on service s dire ctlyaffecting tenforceme nt, ensurethe safetyofthe party andState secrets.Confide ntialworkto meett hedema nds ofnewte chnol ogydevel opmentdbythe Communist partya I .he Office ofpartyCommitteeTuthorities in docume ntha ndlingregulations aI -.- 'III_-I-.heimageofthe r

20、egion.Atthesametimestrend provinciala一 一.- .L . Ingthe ning tnd munici pal regulatiI I . . . .11 一 . IIhe constr uctions, conscie ntiouslystrengI I I.n of library, improve the re cepti on chen and impr ove communications manageme一 一一. - I. -n conditi ons, more human -ori ented, personal,culturalwntt

21、oensurethatork intpartydocume nts or derly. High-IL. -Io there ception,alittle morehuma n needs,a littlemorehumaqualit y, istoimpr ove the quality - - 一 ofmessagepr ocessi ng, itis ne ce ssary to an car e more humaneatmosphere,and constaccuratelyimplementingthe intently improve t heservice,improvetn

22、tion ofthePartyhe qualityCommittee,cle.IL- -ofservice.Meaarance, good communi . JI -nwhile,tofcations,urther payspecialattepolicy program cl-.一.- -ose d, ensuri ng that ther1 ,L, II i.il -ntion tothe dailyw orkoft he ot here isnoerror.Second meeting一.一 . 一Office System.Confidentialscheduledt oensurethorough,safea_I I _I. I .work re sponsi bilitysystemforlend effi


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