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1、東關(guān)小學(xué)期中考試總結(jié)我校期中考試在全體老師的共同努力下,已經(jīng)圓滿地結(jié) 束。各位教師也已經(jīng)按照學(xué)校的要求對學(xué)科教學(xué)進(jìn)行了分析 和總結(jié),找差距,找不足,以便在今后的教學(xué)中進(jìn)行修正和 改進(jìn)。教師、學(xué)生和家長對期中考試也很看重。教師要了解 自己的教學(xué)情況;學(xué)生想知道自己學(xué)得怎樣,家長渴望了解 孩子的在校學(xué)習(xí)狀況。通過這次考試,很多同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)態(tài)度進(jìn) 一步端正,學(xué)習(xí)作風(fēng)更加刻苦了,學(xué)習(xí)的主動性和積極性進(jìn) 一步提高了,期中考試過后,我們看到全校絕大部分同學(xué)的 自覺性和主動性進(jìn)一步提高了,絕大部分同學(xué)的時間抓的更 緊了,很多班級的學(xué)習(xí)氛圍更加深厚了,學(xué)習(xí)生活更加緊張 了。同時從教學(xué)管理角度看,通過考試可以了解半

2、學(xué)期的教 與學(xué)情況,對后半學(xué)期的教學(xué)有借鑒、參考、指導(dǎo)作用,所 以學(xué)校對期中考試每個環(huán)節(jié)均作了認(rèn)真組織和精心安排?,F(xiàn) 就期中考試的前后工作進(jìn)行總結(jié)與反思:一、準(zhǔn)備工作根據(jù)學(xué)校要求,考前一周,召開了全體教師會,要求思 想上高度重視,工作中積極主動,主要做了如下工作:強(qiáng) 化學(xué)生書寫訓(xùn)練,強(qiáng)調(diào)試卷的書寫與條理占 5%強(qiáng)調(diào)激勵 評價機(jī)制,不但發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)成績獎,還發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)步獎。振奮精 神,豉舞士氣,優(yōu)秀生寫決心書,中下生寫挑戰(zhàn)書,班主任要點(diǎn)評。嚴(yán)肅考風(fēng)考紀(jì),嚴(yán)禁作弊。營造考試氛圍,精 心安排考場,非本班任課教師 2人監(jiān)場。二、考試工作本次考試監(jiān)考情況較好,學(xué)校對有關(guān)監(jiān)考工作提由了明 確、細(xì)致、操作性強(qiáng)的要求

3、。通過這些工作,整個考試過程得以順 利開展,取得了較好的效果。監(jiān)考教師恪盡職守,認(rèn)真履行 監(jiān)考職責(zé),嚴(yán)格按照考試要求, 按時領(lǐng)取、檢查和發(fā)放試卷; 無教師缺席遲到。學(xué)生認(rèn)真考試,考風(fēng)考紀(jì)良好,考試工作 井然有序,一、二年級學(xué)生使用鉛筆答卷,三、四年級學(xué)生 使用藍(lán)色中性筆答卷,無一例外。學(xué)校專人專櫥保密試題, 一科一發(fā),嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行市局考試時間,不提前、不錯后。三、閱卷工作本次閱卷采用教師集中、流水作業(yè)的方式進(jìn)行,由校長 負(fù)責(zé),教導(dǎo)處統(tǒng)一安排。隨考隨閱,考試結(jié)束后,學(xué)校按照 事先安排,組織和督促教師立即閱卷,在閱卷過程中,各位 老師都能服從分配,毫無怨言,本著對學(xué)校負(fù)責(zé),對學(xué)生負(fù) 責(zé)的態(tài)度,認(rèn)真由色

4、地完成任務(wù),大大提高了考試的可信度, 實(shí)效性,保證了考試的公平、公正,真正達(dá)到了階段性評價 教學(xué)的目的。總得說來,閱卷質(zhì)量較好,信度較高,統(tǒng)分、 登分幾乎無差錯,圓滿地完成了期中閱卷工作。四、考后工作考試結(jié)束后,我們主要做了如下工作:學(xué)校及時計算 由教師成績,上發(fā)至教管中心郵箱,教師寫生了所教學(xué)科 試卷分析,學(xué)生開展了試卷糾錯比提高活動,教師進(jìn)行了 復(fù)批,優(yōu)秀試卷全班展評。11月x日,學(xué)校召開了學(xué)生表 彰會,對期中考試中成績突生的和進(jìn)步幅度大的學(xué)生發(fā)放了 獎狀及獎品,并合影留念,以示豉勵。五、反思建議有許多教師、同學(xué)在期中考試后,往往只是關(guān)注于考試 成績而忽略了更為重要的考后反思工作,我以為:

5、無論考試 成績優(yōu)或劣,考試后都要認(rèn)真地進(jìn)行總結(jié),因?yàn)橹挥羞@樣,師生才能找到 考好或是考得不好的原因。 找到了問題的根結(jié),在今后的教、 學(xué)中就會更有利于自己發(fā)揮優(yōu)點(diǎn),改正缺點(diǎn),從而在之后的 考試中發(fā)揮由優(yōu)異水平,所以說考后自我反省的意義一點(diǎn)都 不亞于考試本身。期中考畢竟只是一次階段性的診斷測試,不能將其結(jié)果 夸大化”和 絕對化”,家長和老師應(yīng)該幫助學(xué)生剖析期中考 試成敗的原因。建議同學(xué)們,在期中考試后,向自己提由三個問題:名次、成績跟以往相比是上升還是下滑? 如果上升,是因?yàn)榭荚囶}目適合你(有些同學(xué)遇到比較難的題 目反而成績會比較好, 有些則反之),還是其他同學(xué)生現(xiàn)了失 誤,還是自己的真實(shí)水平的

6、確上升了?如果在班級里的名 次下滑,問題又由在哪里?針對這次的期中考試成績以及近期的學(xué)習(xí)狀態(tài)如此進(jìn) 行反思,同學(xué)們就能從整體上把握住此次期中考試成敗的關(guān) 鍵因素和自己所面臨的處境,以及所要努力的方向了。六、今后工作展望1 .加強(qiáng)教學(xué)質(zhì)量的管理力度,進(jìn)一步扭轉(zhuǎn)教師的教育 觀念。2 .教師的教學(xué)質(zhì)量評價獎懲方案,還要進(jìn)一步探索并 力口以完善。3 .提高課堂效率活動”應(yīng)更廣泛更有效些,這一活動剛 起步,今后要深入持久的開展下去。4 .教學(xué)的研究應(yīng)更深入透徹些,使我們的教師真正走 進(jìn)新課程、我們的教學(xué)更能適應(yīng)新課程。針對畢業(yè)班當(dāng)前的 實(shí)際情況,應(yīng)采取一些行之有效的特別措施,如召開優(yōu)生會 議,差生會議等

7、,全面提開畢業(yè)班成績。5 .轉(zhuǎn)差工作落到實(shí)處。爭取我校更好的口碑。給學(xué)困生份關(guān)愛;給學(xué)困生個尺度;給學(xué)困生股壓力”, 給學(xué)困生 次機(jī)會" 給學(xué)困生 種遷移工 給學(xué)困生 句 稱贊”。學(xué)生沒有絕對的好壞, 他們是可以相互轉(zhuǎn)化的, 只要 我們的老師愿意去關(guān)注他們,用心去教育他們。不要對他們 坐視不管,那樣只會使那些孩子喪失對學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。讓我們 一起幫助這些迷途的孩子找到正確的路吧。過去的半學(xué)期。我們也做了一些工作,但這與教育改革 發(fā)展的形勢和學(xué)校發(fā)展的要求尚有很遠(yuǎn)的距離,我們一定正 視不足,繼續(xù)努力,把工作做得更好。相信通過以上一系列 措施的實(shí)行,我校的今后的考試中一定會再次取得更加優(yōu)異

8、的成績。第二篇:東河河小學(xué)期中考試總結(jié)1700字東河河學(xué)校期中考試總結(jié)20xx年x月x日,學(xué)校進(jìn)行了期中考試。 此次考試試題 由聯(lián)校統(tǒng)一制卷。全校師生對此次考試都極為重視,學(xué)校在 考試前一方面認(rèn)真指導(dǎo)學(xué)生進(jìn)行復(fù)習(xí)備考,另一方面對學(xué)生 進(jìn)行了誠信教育,要用自己的真實(shí)成績向老師家長和社會匯 報自己在這半個學(xué)期以來的學(xué)習(xí)成果。由于學(xué)校對此次考試 組織十分重視,教師們認(rèn)真負(fù)責(zé),考試進(jìn)展順利。4月x日,我校統(tǒng)一時間嚴(yán)格布置考場。雙班打亂一條 龍排列。這次期中考試我們組織的很好,達(dá)到了預(yù)期目的, 并取得了一定的成績。期中考試就學(xué)生一個方面而言,是對 學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)情況的總結(jié)、 交流,是學(xué)習(xí)知識,復(fù)習(xí)鞏固和加深。

9、 就這個意義而言,我們這次期中考試的目的已達(dá)到,期中考試起到了加油站、檢修站的作用。通過這次考試,很多同學(xué) 學(xué)習(xí)態(tài)度進(jìn)一步端正,學(xué)習(xí)作風(fēng)更加刻苦了,學(xué)習(xí)的主動性 和積極性進(jìn)一步提高了,期中考試過后,我們看到全校絕大 部分同學(xué)的自覺性和主動性進(jìn)一步提高了,期中考試過后, 我們看到全校絕大部分同學(xué)的時間抓的更緊了,很多班級的 學(xué)習(xí)氛圍更加深厚了,學(xué)習(xí)生活更加緊張了。考試結(jié)束后結(jié) 合本校情況具體落實(shí)以下幾件事情:1、 開好幾個會議。即學(xué)生首先分析自己考試中由現(xiàn) 的不足,制定由下一步奮斗的目標(biāo)與方向;任課教師開好本科質(zhì)量分析會;班主任開好班 級質(zhì)量分析會;教研組長開好各學(xué)科質(zhì)量分析會;教導(dǎo)主任 開好全

10、校質(zhì)量分析會,做好全校質(zhì)量分析。本次考試有得有 失,語文考試題靈活,課外知識較多,從生字詞語、各種積 累古詩、句子、短文等內(nèi)容的考查。大部分班級學(xué)生在掌握 生字詞語等基礎(chǔ)知識方面,完成的還是比較好的。短文閱讀 方面,學(xué)生們相對還是一個能力的弱項(xiàng),需要教師在平時的 語文課中,有針對性的進(jìn)行指導(dǎo)和訓(xùn)練。經(jīng)語文組共同探討 決定今后充分利用學(xué)校圖書館資源,發(fā)動學(xué)生積累優(yōu)美的詞 語,精彩的語段來提高學(xué)生的閱讀量及寫作能力。學(xué)完課文 后要讓學(xué)生寫讀后體會,上好語文課擴(kuò)大知識量。數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)科 內(nèi)容相對比較全面,從基礎(chǔ)知識、思維訓(xùn)練和解決實(shí)際問題 等方面對學(xué)生進(jìn)行的考查。思維訓(xùn)練方面題目的考查,如填 空、選擇,不

11、單單看學(xué)生對基礎(chǔ)知識的掌握,還要看學(xué)生靈 活應(yīng)用知識的情況如何。沒有得高分的許多學(xué)生還是在這個 方面失分比較多。學(xué)生在計算、口算和簡算知識方面的方法 掌握比較好,大多數(shù)學(xué)生都能夠過關(guān),但不少學(xué)生在計算方 面粗心大意,失分較多,存在問題,所以數(shù)學(xué)組共同研究今 后每天布置十道計算題以提高學(xué)生的計算能力。2、 利用考試結(jié)果組織召開全校家長會,有各班主任 和任課老師組織,也是對學(xué)生家長的一次教學(xué)成果反饋會,對半學(xué)期以來的教學(xué)成果作以 鑒定,制定以后的教學(xué)目標(biāo)。 在4月x日全校召開了家長會, 到會家長達(dá)95%,沒有到會的家長表示會抽時間和教師進(jìn)行 溝通,在家長會中,氣氛熱烈,家長提由了各自的觀點(diǎn),并 對

12、學(xué)校和教師提由自己的期望,并留下寶貴的意見,并愿意 配合教師使學(xué)生的成績更上一層樓。三、召開期中考試工作大會。對本次考試中涌現(xiàn)由的 學(xué)生進(jìn)行表彰獎勵。對本學(xué)期前一階段做工作小結(jié),并宣布了期中考試優(yōu)秀進(jìn)步的同學(xué)名 單。以及在行為習(xí)慣各方面表現(xiàn)突生進(jìn)步的同學(xué)名單,為獲 獎學(xué)生頒發(fā)榮譽(yù)稱號。希望其他同學(xué)以這些同學(xué)為榜樣,努 力學(xué)習(xí),為校爭光。還對全體學(xué)生在下半學(xué)期的思想紀(jì)律學(xué) 習(xí)等方面提由了具體詳細(xì)的要求,明確指生了學(xué)生努力的方 向,并希望全體同學(xué)再接再厲,力爭取得更優(yōu)異的成績。四、今后工作展望1 .加強(qiáng)教學(xué)質(zhì)量的管理力度,進(jìn)一步扭轉(zhuǎn)教師的教育 觀念。2 .教師的教學(xué)質(zhì)量評價獎懲方案,還要進(jìn)一步探索

13、并 力口以完善。3 . 提高課堂效率活動”應(yīng)更廣泛更有效些,這一活動 剛起步,今后要深入持久的開展下去。4 .對教學(xué)的研究應(yīng)更深入透徹些,使我們的教師真正 走進(jìn)新課程、我們的教學(xué)更能適應(yīng)新課程。針對畢業(yè)班當(dāng)前的實(shí)際情況,應(yīng)采取一些行之有效的特別措施,如召開優(yōu)生會議,差生會議等,全面提升畢業(yè)班成績。5 .轉(zhuǎn)差工作落到實(shí)處。爭取我校更好的口碑。給學(xué)困生份關(guān)愛;給學(xué)困生個尺度”,給學(xué)困生股壓力”,給學(xué)困生次機(jī)會; 給學(xué) 困生 種遷移工給學(xué)困生 句稱贊學(xué)生沒有絕對的好 壞,他們是可以相互轉(zhuǎn)化的,只要我們的老師愿意去關(guān)注他 們,用心去教育他們。不要對他們坐視不管,那樣只會使那 些孩子喪失對學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。讓

14、我們一起幫助這些迷途的孩子 找到正確的路吧。過去的半學(xué)期。我們也做了一些工作,但這與教育改革發(fā)展的形勢和學(xué)校發(fā)展的要求尚有很遠(yuǎn)的距離,我們一定正視不足,繼續(xù)努力,把工作做得更好。相信通過以上一系列措施的實(shí)行,我校的今后的考試中一定會再次取得更加優(yōu)異 的成績。東河河學(xué)校20xx-2-2第三篇:英語學(xué)習(xí)街子中學(xué)20xx-20xx學(xué)年初三語文期中測試題17200字Street sub middle school 2012-2013 school yearin the middle of the Chinese test questionsA Volume 1 basic knowledge and

15、application (20 points)Four please write a 1 word idioms with“rain ” and “SnoW6 the following points are correct in a phonetic word.()A. (f n) is imprisoned (g connected) comfort (W n)retention (zh.)B. (R, O) and enchanting Tian Pu (usually P) silk thread (L)(Qi, NG) infantC. (CH, n) was Shu Li (L)

16、(Y N) dumb perch (q)At D. (r million ng) (d I U) and Doulishan (Ru.)Mangmang (M million ng)There are four words in the following 3 words, please markthe correct line and in turn.Yidaitianjiao original relaxation wax like lose surging only more luxuriantWith Li flickerings Phi Mino clad in white prec

17、ious4 one of the following errors is (?)Lao Tzu? A."the security of their home, “ industry "is"“in the statement.B.? "Thoughheaven and earth, all things, and by the wing but I know ” is-tCLhuangi the words.? C. "a careless, it is! ” said Lao Tzu." D."where all the

18、occupations are interesting, as long as you are willing to continue to do it, the fun will happen naturally, “ said Liang Qichao.5 the following word is wrong is a (?)A.? Brewing: the class meeting after full deliberation to everyone, very well organized.B. constraints: her character is very introve

19、rted, often in front of strangers in a pinch.C.: I decided to go to Tibet this summer to travel in the summer.D.? Fine: Stationery Store stocked with several fine pen, I want to buy a.6 the following sentences use the figurative rhetoricalmethod of the sentence is ()A. (Fan Jin) butcher Hu spat in t

20、he face, called a pour out a torrent of abuse.B. you only feel a husband, “toadto eat swan meat to play ” !C. you like this wretched appearance, the spreading and throwing myself in urine!D. Zhang squire anxious, said: "you Nianyishihao me, as if to do so, bone of bones and flesh of flesh; is i

21、mpersonal.7 one of the following statements is not true" A.“is selected from the class birthday outsmart the “WaterMargin ” . "TheWater Margin “is a novel with the Northern Song Dynasty as the theme of the Song Jiang uprising." B.“is an excerpt from Fan Jin, “thescholars ” .“The schol

22、ars " is China ' s first classical short satirical novels.C. “thedeath of Yang Xiuzhi " is an excerpt from the “ThreeKingdoms ” The “ThreeKingdoms " is China ' first historical novel.D. apoem Xiangling excerpted from “adream of Red Mansions ” .“A dream of Red Mansions " i

23、s the peak of Chinese classical novel.8 points out that the following poetry is written in the rain season.A. street light rain run as crisp grass, close but no.()B. lying to the wind and rain, ice age to fall asleep.()C. Seven or eight star, two or three front rain.()D. you ask no period, autumn po

24、ol up hope of reunion among friends.(9 in the following verse, reflect the poet' s active pursuit oflife and the courage to explore the spirit of the sentence is (?)? A. restless sail but for the storm, as though in storms were peace. (Lermontov “ sail ” )? B. I wandered lonely as a cloud that f

25、loats on high over vales and hills. (Wordsworth“ the chant of the narcissus? C. the volume of Hu snow Pennisetum folded, August.(Cen Can “ white snow to Beijing tosend military judge ”)10 from the sentence perspective, fill in the above sentence, the most appropriate is (a)The teacher said to him ve

26、ry sternly:"this way, too much,He ran to tell me: "pity,because the last ball didn ' play well, ”A. don ' t you know that food is hard to come by?Our team was beaten by them.B. don ' t you know that food is hard to come by?They defeated our team.C. you know that food is hard to

27、 come by.Our team was beaten by them.D. you know that food is hard to come by.They defeated our team.11 fill in the blanks (10 points)(1) “Qinyuanchun snow” . The topic sentence(2) “Qinyuanchun snow” . Between the sentence. (3) theright hand grasp left ear -.(4) when the moon was half -.(5)lonely or

28、phan.(6) .(7) wine road - Changwei sleepy sleepy -.(8) -, conduct.Two reading comprehension (40 points)(a)“Fu Lei ” (20)? October 2, 1954? Cong, dear child. Received the late September 22nd sixth letter, very happy. We don ' t have any worries or troubles for you. I also in the eighth letter to

29、you notice, this kind ofmental depression situation, later still will have. II ' m not a surprise. You don ' t have to worry about, not to hard pressure in the stomach does not tell us. Heart depressed in letters to vent, and where to vent? Children to parents complained to whom the appeal?

30、we did not come to comfort you and the who to comfort you? People a lifetime are in the climax to the low tide ups and downs, only mediocre people. Life is such as the stagnant water general, or high accomplishment in order to profile but no tired, the true liberation. As long as the climax but poin

31、ts to make you nervous, but points to make you decadent, it is good. The sun is too strong, the grain scorched; the rain is too fierce, the crops would be drowned. We just want a balanced mind, and we don' g et hurt. You are not planted a somersault up people. I expect the whole of you in foreig

32、n countries for a few years, there will be a great help to you. I have always felt the pain of this letter. I am sympathetic, I am willing to try to comfort you and encourage you. Christophe not subject to many times this situation, he is not all artists of microcosm and crystallization? slowly you

33、will develop in a mood to deal with a thing of the past: is the ability to think instead of soul stirring, can from the position of the objective analysis of the causes and consequences of, the reference, in order to avoid making the same mistakes. A person only dare to face up to the reality, to fa

34、ce up to the error, with a rational analysis, thorough understanding, it is not to be recalled erosion. I believe you will gradually learn this set, more and more strong. I used in the letter and you mentioned the feelings of the ruintrauma and destruction, is to you take these things and look at it

35、 as ashes mind, look at the time of course unavoidable feeling multifarious, but don' tforget to hurt yourself, but to like in front of the ancient battlefield general deposit to pay homage to the harbor. If you think these words are right, you have some inspiration, then in the future when you

36、encounter the pain of memory (that will inevitably come back), come up with this letter to re read a few times.1? Fu Lei is in the son of depression, to his son write thisletter, he wrote this letter is the purpose of what?2 “the sun is too strong, the grain scorched; the rain is too fierce, the cro

37、ps would be drowned " What rhetoric is used in this sentence? What makes sense?3 this is a letter full of truth, revealed the true meaning of letters, reading the mind. Please use a pair of couplet to expressthe father and son or daughter affection.A:?The second line of acouplet:?4 parents devo

38、ted all of the feelings of their children, thenas a child, how to express your love for their parents?(II) (20 points) led troops in the course of time, want toJinbing, and resist Ma3 Chao; want to withdraw troops back, and the fear of being the Shu soldiers ridiculed: mind hesitant.This fitness off

39、icer into chicken soup. Fuck see chicken ribsbowl, and felt in my arms. Positive ponder, Xiahou Dun for the intrinsic please slogan at night. Speak casually: “chickenribs chicken ribs! ” the herald officials are called“ chicken ritThe Secretary Yang Xiu “March, see the chicken ribs ” two words, then

40、 teach the accompanying sergeant, packed up and ready to return. Some people report Xiahou Dun. Linton was surprised, hence please Yang Xiu to account to ask a day:Gong pack? ” repair, “ tonight orders, Weiwang glance will soon be retreat also return. Chicken ribs, eat no meat, abandoned the taste.

41、This can not retreat into victory, fear of people laugh, this useless, as always: the king will be returned tomorrow. The first to pack up, lest I panic." On the contrary:" public knowledcking heart! ” he also packed up. So the village in the village, all ready to return.That night Cao Cao

42、 was not steady, sleep, and portable steel axe, around the village without authorization. I saw in the village against Jaap sergeant, preparing for the. Fuck frightened, hurry back to the account so called paradox. On the contrary:“ book of Yang Dezu the prophet king to return to italy." Fuckca

43、ll Yang Xiu asked to repair, meaning of chicken ribs. Fuck a day: " howdare you made, disorderly my morale! "a slasher beheaded, will first call to Yu Yuan outside.Fuck third son Cao Zhi, love to work only, often invited to talk about her interest to repair. Exercises and took counsel to v

44、ertical planting for generations. Cao Pizhi, please Zhaoge Long Wu quality in house counsel; lest there person perception, but with Toshi used Wu quality in, is the only silk piece, and loading the palace in. Know the things, the way to tell exercise. Fuck a fumen of pi to detect. PI Wu Zhi to panic

45、. Quality day:free. Tomorrow with a large basket loaded with silk, reentry puzzle. " PI kncwhat, carrying silk into the basket. Angel of view basket found in fruit, silk, Cao Cao return. Fuck suspected repair more evil slander against Cao Pi.Hold to try Cao Zhizhi, Cao Pi ability. One day, so t

46、hat allout of ye gates; but people close fenfumenli. In order not to release. To Cao Pixian, a drag, PI returned. Plant smell, ask to repair. Repair: "JunFeng Wang Ming out, such as when the resistance, but also cut the competition." However, its plantingWhen the door, a block. And all day

47、:the k ing ,waho dareto stop! ”Li cut the. So Cao Cao was able to plant. After someone told us:“ this is what Yang Xiuzhi taught." Fuck btherefore also don ' t like planting.Repair and taste for Cao Zhi to teach more than ten. But theexercise has asked, the plant that is in accordance with

48、the. Fuck every thing to ask and militarism, and answer fluently. Hold in theheart very doubtful. After Cao Pian buy about planting, stealing a teach to sue. Fuck saw bate:" every man dares to bume, Ann! ” now had killed repair heart. This is the crime of killing by huoluan. Repair dead thirty-

49、four years old.1. “Ourtroops with the passing of time, want to Jinbing,and was resist Ma3 Chao; want to withdraw troops back, for fear of being ridiculed by Shu s oldiers: mind hesitant. " This sentence reflects what kind of psychology Cao Cao?2. “chickenribs "is the slogan of the Cao Cao

50、name, but Yang Xiu immediately pack up, it shows how Yang Xiu ' s character?3. Cao Zhi and Yang Xiu, had a very good relationship, the selected text to see Yang Xiu Zhi made a few things? From this a few things can see Yang Xiu has what kind of character? But also that of Cao Yang Xiu what attit

51、ude?4. Excerpt written Yangxiu was killed by the direct and indirect reasons, from which we can see that Yang Xiu, Cao Cao is what kind of person?Evaluation of 5 Public opinions are divergent. history of Cao Cao, known as “thehero " What do you think of this problem?Three writing (30 points)Sel

52、f confidence is to believe in yourself. Confident people, can correctly treat their own, can take a positive attitude towards life, firmly believe that they can achieve success. The performance of a wide variety of self-confidence, there is a continuous and progressive confidence, there will never b

53、e aspirit of retreat, there is a perseverance to overcome thedifficulties, the courage to overcome setbacksOnly full ofself-confidence, you will continue to develop.Ask you toaconfidence “ as the topic, write an article notless than 600 words. Can narrative experience, write stories, comment, expres

54、s feelings. Stylistic choice, subject self.Volume BFirst, the use of language (10 points)1 the following is a public service ads, from the subjective and objective effect of the effect of view, the language is not good enough to be a (?)A.? The beauty to share! - flower flower ' message? B. don

55、' t put your hands on me. The trees to? C. smoking is harmful to the health of the body. The message of a cigaretteD.? My image in your behavior. Message - wall2 the contents of the following reports put in A, B two kinds of language environment, requirement of person is correct, accurate tone,

56、clear content.In June 1955, scientist Tsien Hsueshen wrote to the people ' Congress Standing Committee, sent a cry for help to the mother of the motherland. Premier Zhou Enlai attaches greatimportance to the immediately instructed, speed will this letter sent to the Chinese ambassador to Poland, Wang Bingnan, instructed him in the Sino American ambassadorial talks, argue, try to rescue Qian Xuesen to return home.? A. messenger of ambassador Wang Bingnan said:? the king of B. al ambassador in the messenger of his secretary said:?Two, language expression (10 points)1


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