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1、df d t, not hatng; bluer ns wor ds ad sm ib, bu ful of iv e, tut, < ", etre peneua pass on.T ths opport uh, m,""naqutesLi DZa' s . ".eca - in”., be nd w ih teatce" gave everyone, 1h a view on how to do wel udde ten Huai of towsp a nd vla esinsie a nd hel p, ad assae w

2、tyou. A g"dp m to create ion Sou .es"on> arms te the burn be passe d; i ny secfc . ,wi i bepo “e i specfc area s t cce ae a wr .In my viw, v、e ches ii the new "a”, mus firs have fbase .One am biin s to pinee. "Wo shadsme" Pepe ony hghm".e. -tm-e t he .w of momentum t

3、o become brave a i d pesse nt, be come . tan. pow eful Towsi p ad vlage"y"aa - s", w> resectve u »ons po»a stai iy and ecnomi c and seal . - 1 opmet i sues, . ins and ori entaton depends to a or. exteb of yu. Evey body in vlge ces a nd te postons both tI e tus of te m-ss,

4、'he Oga nZains tu<> , more abi iy tyu, ul " aim - Ie mora ad otequat Theeore mut alwys milai the hs orial misin ad scil rsponsiI ly a nd our id tre roote d i the had w irk of the si wi h idom-ia1e spii, i ndomiae couage tope up a new Hutonof v、- ad towns、ha<e a eel*ng of cooennss t

5、 o te seccnd. T he pe opl e and cut y." busiels foundaion in t he pe “l(fā)es blood ite pe ope pow e pe I pl. <anneddec »ns of t he pa" - drs tte feeigs of te |e ope i s aee nal thme Fa nZhong. n, cal - “t and e njoy com" aout it hes, Zheg Baqao' s as w ote a Cai ly ise nig t

6、t he rrsl ng of sspectislufeig. Ca,Cu、offcils1te ”,a tota turn of."Od of fiuia1 of eveha s s eel ngs alone we s t" _ning "or pupooe s of pe ope-vatdoel? mI re so,d awhod wt on pe opl e of dde p feig s hhar Deamet mlsss of dig vsed ta, cae mases of - otons thooghs compl aie d, alwys i

7、nsstd pu mases of ieess pu i ir> cnnciu - fom itel do up, fom smal doup, fommlsss moscae, ad mos dircly ad mos rraly of iterss problm gabbed, rial l<e fr| eple by Deamet and .ht fr pe ope by wt, a id Lee for pe opl e by ccnspira cy to. Ie e wit te ffme of mid "Nonidiffeet not inis yu de&#

8、187;, wtI ou seeiy not .ar" Asensontame is moaly, is the lublmatI nof te sol:s.wsi ad vlgebe lure tmaiana norma stae of mid esalsa corec vew | oi nt on power posit on a nd uus and Lok, ameis light lie wae, deeI di ng 50 km, ored ad lie hudresof thousa nns of te IMT mltay comba, but he nt on t o

9、 cllec a vaiey of new spapes ad maie s ad the n ace aai ns tme to poe ove-s long as te .u>yof mind, it sI ot nee s cme t the 1roy wrrs0Psi s pe 0Ple -ne d amig tecnque, 1rb1ms vng me ho-,1ari C2-2地面變形縫技術(shù)、安全交底記錄施工單位:北京城建集團(tuán)大同市給水工程項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部2011年4月15日編號:工程名稱大同市黃河給水凈水廠工程交底部位活性碳濾池車間共4頁(二標(biāo)段)變配電間第1頁交底內(nèi)容:、施工內(nèi)

10、容及做法活性碳濾池車間1地面變形縫縫寬 70mm共3條作法詳05J7-1圖集102頁1做法變配電間1地面變形縫縫寬 50mm共1條作法詳05J7-1圖集100頁5做法圖集號由上至卜用料做法05J7-1圖集102頁1做法向?qū)訛?厚不銹鋼板5厚花紋硬橡皮粘貼于5厚鋼板上5厚鋼板保溫材料(改性瀝青麻絲,巖棉,發(fā)泡聚苯乙烯板)24號鍍鋅薄鋼板雙面刷防銹漆兩道阻火帶圖集#由上至卜用料做法05J7-1 圖集100頁5做法面層為5厚塑膠硬板聚氨酯改性塑料油膏保溫材料(改性瀝青麻絲,巖棉,發(fā)泡聚苯乙烯板)24號鍍鋅溥鋼板固定在角鐵上阻火帶技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人交底人接受交底人df d t, not hatng; blue

11、rns wor ds ad sm lb, bU ful of Ive, tut, p in, etrepeneua pass on.T ths opport uh, m,""naqutesLi DZa' s ca c、on.eca- in”.g be nd w ih teatce" gave everyone, 1h a view on how to do wel udde tenHuai mol towsi a nd vlaesinsie a nd hel p, ad assae wty ou. A g "dp m to create ion

12、SoU des"on> arms te the bur den be passe d; I ny specfc . ,WI i be po “e ispecfc area s toce ae a wr d.In my Viw , v、e ches i I the new “ain, muS firs have fbase .One am biin s to pinee. "Wo S hadsme" Pepe ony hgh mi I ded tm-e t he .w of momentum to become brave a I d pessent, bec

13、ome quetand pow eful Towsi p ad vlage"y"aa - s", w> resectve u “ons po»a stai iy and ecnomic and seal. lopmet i sues . ins an d ori entaton depends to a age exteb of yu. Evey body in v、e ces a nd the postons both tI e tus of the m>sss,lhe Oga nZains tu<>, more abiiy t

14、oyu, ul " aim - the mora ad othequa. Theeore mut alwys miintain the hsorial misinad scil rsponsiI ilty a nd our id tre roote d i the had w irk of the sl wthidm'ble spirit, i ndomiae couage toope up a new stuti on of v、- ad towns、ha<e a eel*ng of cooe st o the se cnd. " he pe opl e a

15、nd ccutry."bisinels foundaion in t he pe “l(fā)es blood inthe pe ope pow e pe I pl. <anneddec sons of t he pa" - drs to the feeings of the |e ope i s aee nal thme Fa nZhong. n, cal - "ist, and e njoy com" aout it hes, Zheg Baqao' s as w ote a Cai ly lse ning to t he usl ng of

16、sspectislufeig. Ca,Cu、offcils lte ”,a tota turn of."Od of fiuial oflcia eveha s s eel ngs alone w e s to" _ning "or pupooe s of pe ope-vatdoel? mI re so,d awhod wt on pe ople ofdde p felng s hhar Deatmet mlsss of ladng vsed ta, cae mases of - otons thooghs complined, alwys insstd pu m

17、ases of ieess pu i is, cnnciu - fom itelf doup, fom small doup, fommlsss moscae, ad mos drrcly ad mos rraly of iterss problmgabbed, rral l - fr I eple by Deatmet and rg ht fr pe ople by wt, a id Lee for pe opl e by cnspia cy to. Iee wit te ffme of mid "Nonidifeet not iss yu de», wtI ou see

18、iy not .ar" Asensontame s moaly, is thelublmatI nof te sol:sowsiad vlgebe lure tmantana norma stae of mid esalsa corec vew | oi nt on power post on a nd uus and Hok, ame s light lie wae, dee I di ng 50 km, ore d ad lie hudresof thousa nds of te IMT mltay comba, but he nt on t o cllec a vaiey of

19、 new spapes ad mlgaines ad the n ace aai ns t>e to poe ove-s long as te .u>yof mid, isI ot nee s cme t the ray wr_hops, i vl s pe 0Ple -ne d amig tecnque, prbsng me ho-,1ari C2-2地面變形縫技術(shù)、安全交底記錄施工單位:北京城建集團(tuán)大同市給水工程項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部2011年4月15日 編號:工程名稱大同市黃河給水凈水廠工程 (二標(biāo)段)交底部位活性碳濾池車間 變配電間共4頁第1頁交底內(nèi)谷:二、施工準(zhǔn)備(一)作業(yè)條件1、地

20、面施工作業(yè)已經(jīng)完成,縫內(nèi)已經(jīng)清理干凈。2、地面已經(jīng)彈好控制線。3、施工所需的其他條件準(zhǔn)備就緒。(二)材料要求1、鋼板、不銹鋼板、鍍鋅鋼板應(yīng)選擇合格產(chǎn)品,符合規(guī)范要求。2、選用的保溫材料符合規(guī)范要求。3、阻火帶產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量要合格。4、所選用的不銹鋼板 、鍍鋅鋼板要符合規(guī)范要求,且要經(jīng)過防銹處理。(三)施工機(jī)具:1、鋼抹、水桶、剪力、滾刷、鐵鍬、掃帚、手錘、壁紙刀等;經(jīng)緯儀及放線工具、托線板、方尺、探針、鋼尺等。二、施工工藝(一)活性碳濾池車間地面交形縫1、工2流程基層及縫內(nèi)處理一彈控制線一固定阻火帶一安裝24號鍍鋅薄鋼板一填塞保溫材料一 5厚鋼板一上面粘貼5厚花紋硬橡皮一 5厚不銹鋼板2、操作工2(

21、1)將基層及縫內(nèi)的表面的浮土、砂漿塊等雜物應(yīng)清理干凈。施工過程中砂漿留下的沉積塊,要用剁斧清理干凈;將縫內(nèi)的雜質(zhì)要剔鑿干凈,留出縫寬70mm為下道工序做好準(zhǔn)備。(2)利用測量放線工具打出控制線,保證控制線的準(zhǔn)確。(3)將阻火帶安裝固定在縫內(nèi),阻火帶向上彎曲,保證與縫固定牢固,整齊。(4)將24號鍍鋅薄鋼板雙面刷防銹漆兩道,對折成三角型,尖端向內(nèi),兩翼各超出縫寬60采用鋼釘固定于縫的兩端。(5)將保溫材料填塞于 V型槽內(nèi),上面固定 5厚鋼板,鋼板寬為 310mm沿縫對稱布置。(6) 5厚花紋硬橡皮粘貼于 5厚鋼板上,寬為 310mm上覆5厚不銹鋼板,寬為 310mm壓實(shí), 保證與地面接縫良好平整

22、。(7)各層具體尺寸見附圖 1。技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人交底人接受父底人df d t, not hatng; bluer ns wor ds ad sm lb, bU ful of Ive, tut, p in, etrepeneua pass on.T ths opport uh, m,""naqutesLi DZa' s ca c、on.eca- in”.g be nd w ih teatce" gave everyone, 1h a view on how to do wel udde ten Huai mol towsi a nd vla esinsie a n

23、d hel p, ad assae wtyou. A g "dp m to create ion SoU des"on> arms te the burn be passe d; I ny specfc . ,WI i be po “e i specfc area s toce ae a wr d.In my Viw, v、e ches iI the new “ain, muS firs have fbase .One am biin s to pinee. "Wo S hadsme" Pepe ony hghm".e. -tm-e t

24、he .w of momentum to become brave a I d pesse nt, become quetand pow eful Towsi p ad vlage"y"aa - s", w> resectve u “ons po»a stai iy and ecnomic and seal . l opmet i sues . ins and orientaton de pends t o a age exteb of yu. Evey body in v、e ces a nd the postons both tI e tus

25、of the m>sss,lhe Oga nZains tu<>, more abiiy toyu, ul" aim - the mora ad othequa. Theeore mut alwys miintain the hsorial misinad scil rsponsiI ilty a nd our id tre roote d i the had wirk of the sl wthidm'ble spirit, i ndomiae couage toope up a new stuti on of v、- ad tow ns、ha<e

26、a eel*ng of cooe st o the se cnd. T he pe opl e and ccutr y."busines s fouudai on in t he pe “l(fā)es blood inthe pe ope pow e pe I pl. <anneddec sons of the pa" - drs to the feeings of the |e ope i s aee nal thme Fa nZhong. n, cal - "ist, and e njoy com" aout it hes, Zheg Baqao&#

27、39; s as w ote a Cai ly lse ning to the rustlng of sspectislufeig. Ca,Cu、offcilslte ”,a tota turn of."Od of fiuial oflcia eveha s s eel ngs alone w e s to" _ni ng "or pupooe s of pe ope-vatdoel? mI re so,d awhod wt on pe opl e of dde p felng s hhar Deatmet mlsss of ladng vsed ta, cae

28、mases of -otons thooghs compline d, alwys i nsstd pu mases of ieess pu i is, cnnciu - fom itelf do up, fom small doup, fommaslsmoscae ad mos diecly ad most reaiy of iterss prblmgabed, rral l - fr I eple by Deatmet and rght fr pe ople by wt, a id Lee for pe opl e by cnspia cy to. Ie e wit te foe of m

29、id "Nonidifeet not iss yu de», wtI ou seeiy not .ar" Asensontame s moaly, is thelublmatI nof te sol:sowsiad vlgebe lure tmantana norma stae of mid esalsa corec vew | oi nt on power post on a nd uus and Hok, ame s light lie wae, dee I di ng 50 km, ore d ad lie hudresof thousa nds of te

30、 IMT mltay comba, but he nt on t o cllec a vaiey of new spapes ad m .aZne s ad the n ace aains t>e topoe ove-s long as te .u>yof mid, i sI ot nee s cme t the ray wr_hops, i vl s pe 0Ple -ne d amig tecnque, prbsng me ho-,1ari C2-2地面變形縫技術(shù)、安全交底記錄施工單位:北京城建集團(tuán)大同市給水工程項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部2011年4月15日編號:工程名稱大同市黃河給水凈水廠工

31、程交底部位活性碳濾池車間共4頁(二標(biāo)段)變配電間第1頁交底內(nèi)容:(二)變配電間地面變形縫1、工藝流程預(yù)埋0 6長150中距300鐵爪一基層及縫內(nèi)處理一彈控制線一固定阻火帶一安裝24號鍍鋅薄鋼板一填塞保溫材料一聚氨酯改性塑料油膏一5厚塑膠硬板一油膏填縫2、操作工藝(1)在地面施工墊層時(shí),預(yù)埋06長150鐵爪,中距300mm留出縫寬50mm墊層距面層30mm(2)將基層及縫內(nèi)的表面的浮土、砂漿塊等雜物應(yīng)清理干凈。施工過程中砂漿留下的沉積塊,要用剁斧清理干凈;將縫內(nèi)的雜質(zhì)要剔鑿干凈,留出足夠的縫隙,為下道工序做好準(zhǔn)備。(3)利用測量放線工具打出控制線,保證控制線的準(zhǔn)確。(4)將阻火帶安裝固定在縫內(nèi),

32、阻火帶向上彎曲,保證與縫固定牢固,整齊。(5)將24號鍍鋅薄鋼板雙面刷防銹漆兩道,對折成三角型,尖端向內(nèi),兩翼各超出縫寬35mm,采用鋼釘固定于縫的兩端。(6)通長L40X 30角鐵與0 6鐵爪焊牢,角鐵位置離縫 30mm與相鄰地面相距 5mm離面層為30mm(6)將保溫材料填塞于 V型槽內(nèi),上面固定 5厚鋼板,鋼板寬為 310mm沿縫對稱布置。(7)聚氨酯改性塑料油膏寬 110mm填于縫內(nèi)。5厚塑膠硬板寬110mm鋪設(shè)縫內(nèi),壓實(shí),壓牢。(8)聚氨酯改性塑料油膏將 5mn縫填實(shí)。(9)各層具體尺寸見附圖 2。四、質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)1、所有進(jìn)場材料應(yīng)有產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量證明,保證進(jìn)場材料符合規(guī)范要求。2、縫內(nèi)填充材

33、料保證固定牢固,上下平整,垂直,縫內(nèi)清潔干凈。3、蓋縫板邊緣裁切整齊,安裝固定牢固,地面平整,順直。與墻體連接嚴(yán)密,不空鼓,縫隙密封良好。五、安全事項(xiàng)1、安裝施工人員嚴(yán)禁施工現(xiàn)場嚴(yán)禁吸煙、打鬧。2、使用機(jī)械,防止傷人;注意用電安全 。3、注意防火安全。六、環(huán)境保護(hù)1、進(jìn)入施工現(xiàn)場的作業(yè)人員,杜絕人為敲打,大叫大嚷,野蠻裝卸等現(xiàn)象的發(fā)生。2、要做到活完腳清,保證現(xiàn)場整潔、干凈。附圖:技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人交底人接受交底人dilcuInot h.ng; bluer r ds ad sm pe, bu ul ol lv e tuI, pasion, eIe peneuia ppss on.Tae Iis opp

34、or uiy, my isiainabecuue ol yu. Evey body in v、e Ues and Ie poslons both II e Ius ol Ie m_ss,lhe Oga nizainstu, , more abi iy I yu, ul"alrmld hemora ad oIe'一p leig s hhar Deamet m_ss ol ladig vise -ii -.1hod I on pe opl e ol ddemases oons thoughts vlae s pe opl e ere d laming tecnque, prblm

35、 slvng me hoos, pari comp , d, alays insstd pU masesof ieequotas Li Dza' 一 一s 一 c ".a inuiigbeTheeor* mtaeys m.ai Ind -m-ss mosel esponsiha v on ho- I do -» ude “y . nd our id- I - root.I e nesiuaI mol I sip a nd via* edes insie and hel p, ad assae - y ou. A g .od p m I ceae ion shou d

36、essIon_g ams I asume the bur den be pase d; I nly spe cic . , -il i be poosi" i sleciic aras Ice ae a -r dd i the had - irk ol the sl th indmmabl e spirit, i ndomiae couage Iope up a ne - si-ton ol v、- ad to-ns Thal a e, ng ol cooe st o Ie se cnd. " he pe opl e and cut y."bbsie - loun

37、daion in t he pe .ples blood inIe pe 1 一 一 . F 一 .” . m g.bb.d, rial id l<e frI eple by D1ame1and rg ht lr pe ope by I, a id Lee lor pe opl e by cnspia cy to. Ie, -""-" mid "Nonidieet not isis yu de_, I oU -enot . ar" Aion to ame is moaly, iIn my vi , v、e ches i I the ne

38、s.ain, mus lis have liebbsc quaty Oe - biin s Ipinee. "Wo s hadsme" Pepe ony hghmi.ded . .s.e t he l- ol momeum I becme br aI d pesse nt, be come q - tand po- eul Tosi p ad via pary "lades", -iope po- e pe I pe tanneddec sins ol t he pary drs I Ie leeigs ol Ie |e ope i s aee nal

39、Ihme Fa nZhong. n, cal Id "I and e njoy comlr .oute he* Zheg Baqao' s as ote a Cai ly ise nig I t he usl ng sspecisluleig. Ca .Cu、ol'ias lIe .y, a Iota t. _ I - I 一 一I , . 一 ”一 s the lublmalmol IesUl Aoesi 1ad vlgen a norma sla.of mid . aas a corec Vi-"inton po posit on a nd vl uus

40、 and ittlok, ame is light le -ae, deeI di ng 50 km, m ored ad lie hudres nns of Ie IMT mllay comba, but he er rrspeclve U i>ons poKa slai iy and ecnomi c and scial . l opmet i suus, deisions and ori entalon de pendurn of.”d ol llU l ollcia eveha s seel ng* alone - e is I" - vi ng "or pu

41、po- s ol pe ope -vat doe" m. .I _ I _ L- I 一. II. . . . L - i L. I _o cclec a via of nn-spapes ad m.lzles ad then ace aai ns Ime to pppends t o a 1ale -etI re so, d aasnee ssay IC2-2施工單位:北京城建集團(tuán)大同市給水工程項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部2011年4月15日編號:工程名稱大同市黃河給水凈水廠工程(二標(biāo)段)活性碳濾池車間交底部位變配電間地面變形縫技術(shù)、安全交底記錄噂*希亡W士一士為:, f飛交底內(nèi)容:MQ tOIQ

42、2 q -f金2 £占軍孑第發(fā)霹蚊我,抬板-5 f正以硬盤及物達(dá)于f與就優(yōu) J 果艮城號-附圖1aS"1 曲星色軍板或諾隹橫遂拿錯(cuò)硬板取氫或位量忖意 保溫安普附圖2技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人交底人接受交底人assdifficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.Take this opport unity,my inspirationalbecause ofyour. Every body invil

43、lage chiefs andthe positions, both the trustofthe masses,theOrga nization'strust ,moreabil itytoyou,ful lyaffirmed themoralandotherp feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visitehold withon pe opl e ofdeentothe village s,pe opl e learne d farmingtechniques,massesoproblem-solving metonsthough

44、tshods,particomplaine d, alwaysicipati on insistedput massesof interequotes LiDazhao'qualiti es.sclassic"ironspecia lise i n uplifting bleTherefore, we must alwaysmaintain tup,frommasses mosth aview on howto do wellunder bility, a nd our i dealtree rootethe new situati on oftownshipa nd v i

45、llage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosharewith y ou.Agd inthe hard w orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitable courage to open upa newsituatiII- . .-. . .1.1 -> I . . II L . . 一 I _ -I _em grabbed, realdolove forpeoplebyDepartment, and rightforpe ople by with,a nd Leeforpeood playto

46、create ironshoul ders strong arms,toassume theburden bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be possi ble in specificarea stocre ate aworl don ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeli ng ofcl ose nesst othese cond."T hepe opl e andcountr y."Our busines s foundati on int hepe opl e's bl o

47、odinthe peI 一 .一一L- - . I. L .L. 1>I. .1 L _d I . .1 一. opl e byconspira cy to.Threewiththefameof mind."Non-indifferent notinsistyourdream,without serenitynotgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,i. opleIn my view ,villagechiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefivebasic quality. O

48、neam bition isto pioneer. "Who is handsome."Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,become quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvillage party"leaders",wite pow erpe ople.Advanced deci sionsoft he partyca drestothe feelings ofthe pe opl

49、ei saneter naltheme.Fa n Zhong-ya n, call ed"first,and e njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao' salso wr otea "Ya Chailayliste ningtot herustli ngof bamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca oCounty officials,little my,atotalt-II- - II ._ L _ . _ _I_ 一I 一一 . 一 一一一.一 一一 一 _ _ _ILI II

50、 I- - 一.一 _ 一一一一一 . . 一 一 一 _.111. I _ I. I |_ 一s thesublimation ofthesoul.Aownship andvillage,besuretomaintain anormalstateofmind, establish a correct viewpoi ntonpower,positi ona nd val ues a nd Outlook,as fame is light like water,dependi ng.50 km,also red and like hundredsofthousa ndsoftheKMT mil

51、itary combat,but he wehintheir respectivejurisdictions, political stabil ityand economi c andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsand orientation de pendst o alargeextenurn off."Oldoffeuda lofficial evenha s sofeeli ngs,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurpose sof pe ople servantdoes? we

52、moreshoul dalwaysnot nece ssary tontonto collectavarietyofnewspapers andmagazine s,andthen race agai nsttime to ponfere nces,learne d superiors polici es;re ports,y ou canlear nto dealwithproblems, art,just wanted tolear n,tolen atanytime.TTocontinuouslyexpandthe scope oftheplexityaeness ofour work,

53、deci dedto notonlydow ewantto be "professionals",or if"generalists",to dabbleinknowledge.Masteryofknowl edge notonlytohave knowledge to rationala nalysis.Thi s on requirementswe,not onlytol earni ngng nationalofroute, anda pproach,and policy,also totolearning national of legal,an

54、d regulations; notonlytowithpoliticalthe oryarmed mind,alto with economictheory g uide w ork; notonly to readhistor y,also torea d hist ory; notonlytoabsorpti on SM of mirror,alsoto getsisof road;not onlyto fromlocalle arn,alsotot o out sidelearn; notonlytotobooks lean,also to fieldstudy learn.There

55、fore, Iwould encouragurageyou,andmore to toutsi de dev elopments,learnotherpe ople' s devel opme nt appr oach, a ndthencome backtogui deourwork.Second,wemustthink. "Learnihope,and most urgent,and mostw orries,a ndm ostcomplai ned of hot,a nd difficulties a ndfocus problem,more to breakthroughofpoli cy,a nd exerci se innovation oflift, developed


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