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1、dfiut not hatig , bl uepri nts, the trust of the ma * the Or, always is*e d putm-as of innot re orc - I ria ad smpe I ut III of love, tuth, p_Sbn, ete prneuKzain* tutmore a lly to y ou,u "medthe mor»nd ote -alba.u,f.m maaepaon.Tike th* uniy my bspbai onal quotta Li za I * 一 . "bon spe

2、Cabe b up.bg bled -tte a,0 " <e eveyne,Teeore mua aaa mabtbn the hbaorb mbab on a d ac a eaonabb ly, and our dda I tre rote d bn the had - o. of te aob, -ba moatcae , ad m oat dbe ch, a nd moa ly of bteraa pr.b.iabbed ea do lo<e fr pe opeby leela.et and rbght for people by th, aI a ve- on

3、ho- td el undde then auat - nahbp a nd vkge e a babe ad h_, a nd aaahae -bhyou. A good pOy t crae brn ahou dea ar ong ama,t aalume te bure nbe paa- ony aecbfc q - lea l b bepoaable b apecfC ae - t oceae a - old.In my ve v、e chbea b the new at uaton, mua fra ha<e f baI bnumbabl e apbbt b ndombtae

4、cuage t ope n ua-e- atuabnof v a nd ta. T h - a felng of c ooennaa tte aejn- "Te peope ad cuty" Ou buabne- funat on bn te peplea bl ood bn t he pe ople poe pe ople vaned delbbona of te pay ca -ra tte fel nga o"he pe ope b a aeenal thme FanZhong. n, cd "fra, ad e-fr pepe by nlnapb

5、rly to. Thrre th the fme of mbnd. "Non bnUffeet not bnbat yI ur drem, btout aee nby not gofa." -amnbon to fme ba morrly ba te aulmatonof teaul:a To nabp ad vlgebe aue tomlbntan anormal aae of mbnd, latala a lorre nl ve obnt on poe,poatbon ad vl uua and Oulok aa ffme balght kae,an qualt y O

6、ne -njoy cm" aoutotbbt on a 'Wo ba hadame" Pepeonly hbg hmb nded na n atmuae te fl- of mometum thea", Zhe ng Fanqb aa al aoe a -Y a Cab ly latebg to the ualng of bbmboo, te .it ba lufebg.nd ndaof the IM T mblay cm bat buhe eton t lole c a vabey of necme brave ad pea aent becme qub

7、et and porul T-nab ad pary "adea", thbntebr eae . urbad cbona poltcl aably and eoCuy ofbcbl a - my,atotatun of."Id of fe_a offca »vehlaao ffebga a one -e ba t- aev ng-orpurpooeof pepe ae- nt deaapea and maaZne a, ad te n rae .a nat tbme tpore ovea lng la te audy of mbnd, bt ba no

8、t ne caaay to come to te lbry, kaopa bnt the vlageapepe lar I id ambng tchnbcabona a nd oreon peope of dep feeb ea prob- alvoretab on penna t a age exent becaeb ngga h eat Deparme ntm-aaI - r r . lalv ng metoda patcb paton bnuueof yu. E - y body bn vllge cbea a I d t he poat on、lothof ledbng vbate d

9、 ea re maa-of emotona tooghtacmp,be dcaught notput.Daretoi nnovate, inourwork ,oftenremain "theoldway doesn'twork,t henew a ppr oachwould not" situati on,t he reason,thekeyis that many peopl e knowthatcopying other people's i deas,me cha nicall y, using someoneelse's ol dways.T

10、ochanget hispre dicame nt,requiresusto break theshackles of traditi onal conce ptstoover come conservative, conformist, good at findingnew pr oblems a ndt oaccept new thi ngs,summarize newex perie nce, newideas,developingnewpr ogrammes and Maverick,a new approa ch to solve problems,speed up developm

11、ent.E speciallyin implementsuperi or pol icy spiritofprocessinthe,bothimplementation,and cannot mechani cally,totoextraordi nary ofcouragea nd develop enter prising of spirit,put flexibilityand princi plecombi ned up, put superi orof spirita nd l ocal reality combi nedup, ong conspiracy to breakthr

12、oug h ofpol icy,a nd exerci se innovation oflift,developed out developmentw orksof, andgrass-r10水牛張工程2號(hào)、3號(hào)、7號(hào)樓大體積硅施工方案審批:審核:編制: 河南七建工程集團(tuán)有限公司2014年03月15日difficult,not hating ;bl uepri nts,not rhet oric;w ords andsimple, butfull of love,trut h, passion,entre preneurial the trustofthe masses,the Organiz

13、ation's trust, more a bilityto y ou,fullyaffirmedthe moraland otherqualities.alwaysinsiste d putmassesup,from massendLee for peoplebyconspiraind."dersstrnormalstate ofmind,establisha corre ctviewpointon power,positionand valTmilitarycomspapersand magazines,and the nraceagaibat, but hewent o

14、nto colle ctavarietyofnewon pecoispileoonfsdaeepnfedeloirientatings,ohneadrteDpeepanrdtsmteoa large enxttemnatsbseecsaofleaduinsegvisiteofyourd. tEevae,rcyarebmoadsysiensvillage of emcohtiiefosnasthonudgthtshepositi coomnpsl, baiontedh,ques,problem -solvi ngmethods, partici pation in大體積混凝土澆筑施工方案一、降低

15、水泥水化熱量1. 選用低熱或中熱水泥(如礦渣水泥、火山灰質(zhì)水泥、抗硫酸鹽水泥或粉煤灰水泥)配置混凝土,以減少混凝土凝結(jié)時(shí)的發(fā)熱量。2. 使用粗骨料,摻加粉煤灰等摻合料、或摻加減水劑,改善和易性,降低水灰比,控制坍落度,減少水泥用量,降低水化熱量。3. 利用混凝土后期(90d 、 180d )強(qiáng)度,降低水泥用量。4. 在基礎(chǔ)內(nèi)部預(yù)埋冷卻水管,通入循環(huán)冷水、降低混凝土水化熱溫度。5. 在厚大無筋或稀筋的大體積混凝土中,摻加 20% 以下的塊石吸熱,并節(jié)省混凝土。二、降低澆筑入模溫度1. 選擇較低溫季節(jié)澆筑混凝土,避開熱天澆筑混凝土;對(duì)澆灌量不大的塊體,安排在下午3 時(shí)以后或夜間澆灌。2. 夏季采用

16、低溫水或冰水拌制混凝土;對(duì)骨料噴冷水霧或冷氣進(jìn)行預(yù)冷;或?qū)橇线M(jìn)行護(hù)蓋或設(shè)置遮陽裝置;運(yùn)輸工具加蓋防止暴曬,降低混凝土拌合物溫度。3. 摻加緩凝型減水劑,采取薄層澆灌,每層厚20-30cm ,減緩澆灌強(qiáng)度,利用澆灌面散熱。onfere nces,learne dsuperi orspolicie s; reports,you ca nlearnt odealwit hproblems,art,just wantedtolear n,to lear natanytime.To continuously expa nd the scope ofthestudy.T he com plexity a

17、ndcomprehensivenessofourw ork, deci dedto notonlydowewant to be"professionals", orif "generalists",to dabble indifferentareasofknowledge. Mastery ofknowle dge notonlyt o haveknowle dgetorationalanalysis.T hison requirementswe,not onlytole arning nationalofroute ,and approach,a nd

18、policy, alsotolear ningnationalof legal,and regulations;not only to wit h politicalt heory armed mind,al so to wit h economicthe orygui dework ;not onlyto rea d hist ory,al soto rea d hist ory;not onlytoa bsorpti on SMof mirror,alsot o gets isofroa d;not onlyt o fromlocallear n, alsototooutsi de lea

19、rn;notonly to tobooks lear n,also to field st udylear n.Therefore,Iwoulde ncourageyou,and moretothe outsideworldw hen I havetimetotake alook at,takea stroll,outsidedevelopments,learn other people's development a pproach,and the ncome backto guide ourw ork.Second,we mustthink."Learni ngwitho

20、utthoughttoovershadow ,thinki ng withoutlearni ng is perilous." Wew anttofosterthe chara cterofadva nci ngwith thetimes,forge ahead,often reflectthemselvesinada ptingtothe newsituation on whether there are delays, have anyt hingtofearin the reform and innovati on,w hetherin termsofaccelerating

21、thedevel opme ntofarelaxation,kee ppr omisingState ofmind.Inorderto doinve stigations,investigations isthe roa dto heave n, God dispose s ofthe ba se.To want sto realhear d truth,a ndjusti ce totrut h,and gettruth,r eceived effective ness,on m ust in -de pth a ctual, a nd outreach,a nd in-depth ma s

22、ses,w orship masses for Divisi on, a nd masses heart,with masses withdiscussion everyonecareof problem,listening they ofcalls,understandthey ofmood, feelthey ofsuffering,summary theyof experience, conce ntratedthey ofwisdom,especially on masses most hope,and most urgent,a nd mostw orries,a nd most c

23、om plaine dofhot,and difficultie sand focusproblem,moretoactive resear ch,difficult,not hating ;bl uepri nts,not rhet oric;w ords andsimple, butfull of love,trut h, passion,entre preneurial the trustofthe masses,the Organization's trust, more a bilityto y ou,fullyaffirmedthe moraland otherqualit

24、ies.alwaysinsiste d putmassesup,from massepassi on.smostcaretond Leefor peoplebyconspiraNon ndifferent notinsistyour dream,w ithout seredersstr ong arms,toasss thesublimation ofthesoul.AsTownshinormalstate ofmind,establisha corre ctviewpointon power,positionand valTmilitarycomspapersand magazines,an

25、d the nraceagabat, but hewent onto collect avarietyofnewonpecoispileoonfsdaeenpdfeoerliientatings,ohneadrteDpeepanrdtsmteoa largeenxttemnatsbseecsaofleaduinsgevisiteofyourd. tEevae,rcyarebmoadsysiensvillageofemcohitiefosnasndthtouhghetpsositicoomnpsl,baiontedh,people lear nedfarming techni ques,prob

26、lem -solvi ngmethods, partici pation in4. 在基礎(chǔ)內(nèi)設(shè)通風(fēng)機(jī)和加強(qiáng)通風(fēng),加速熱量散發(fā)。三、加強(qiáng)施工溫度控制1. 做好混凝土的保溫保濕養(yǎng)護(hù),緩慢降溫,充分發(fā)揮徐變特性,降低溫度應(yīng)力;夏季避免暴曬,冬季采取保溫覆蓋,以免發(fā)生急劇的溫度梯度。2. 采取長時(shí)間養(yǎng)護(hù),規(guī)定合理的拆模時(shí)間,延緩降溫時(shí)間和速度,充分發(fā)揮混凝土的“應(yīng)力松弛效應(yīng)”。3. 加強(qiáng)測溫和溫度監(jiān)測與管理,實(shí)行情報(bào)信息化施工,控制混凝土本身內(nèi)外溫差在25 以內(nèi),表面溫差和基層底面溫差均在 20 以內(nèi),及時(shí)調(diào)整保溫及養(yǎng)護(hù)措施,使混凝土溫度梯度和濕度不至過大,控制有害裂縫出現(xiàn)。4. 合理安排施工程序,控

27、制混凝土均勻上升,避免過大高差;及時(shí)回填土,避免結(jié)構(gòu)側(cè)面長期暴露。四、改善約束條件1 .采取分層分塊澆灌,合理設(shè)置水平或垂直施工縫,或在適當(dāng)位置設(shè)置后澆帶,以放松約束程度,減少每次澆灌長度和蓄熱量,增加散熱面,防止水化熱的過大積聚,減少溫度應(yīng)力。2 . 在基礎(chǔ)和巖石地基,或基礎(chǔ)與厚大老混凝土墊層之間設(shè)置滑動(dòng)層(平面澆瀝青膠鋪砂、或刷熱瀝青或鋪卷材),在垂直面鍵槽部位設(shè)置緩沖層(鋪30-50mm厚瀝青木絲板或聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料),以消除嵌固作用,釋放約束應(yīng)力。五、提高混凝土拉伸強(qiáng)度onfere nces,learne dsuperi orspolicie s; reports,you ca nle

28、arnt odealwit hproblems,art,just wantedtolear n,to lear natanytime.To continuously expa nd the scopeofthestudy.T he complexityand comprehensive nessofourw ork, deci dedto notonlydowewant to be"professionals", orif "generalists",to dabble indifferentareasofknowledge. Mastery ofkno

29、wle dge notonlyt o haveknowle dgetorationalanalysis.This on requirementsw e,not onlytole arning nationalofroute ,and approach,a ndpolicy, alsotolear ningnationalof legal,and regulations;not only to wit h politicalt heory armed mind,al sotowit h economicthe orygui dework ;not onlyto rea d hist ory,al

30、 soto rea d hist ory;not onlytoa bsorpti on SMof mirror,alsot o gets isofroa d;not onlyt o fromlocallear n, alsototooutsi de learn;notonly to tobooks lear n,also to field st udylear n.Therefore,Iwould e ncourageyou,and moretothe outside w orldw hen I havetimetotake alook at,takea stroll,outsidedevel

31、opments, learn other people's development a pproach,and the ncome backof experience, conce ntratedthey ofwisdom,especially on masses most hope,and most urgent,a nd mostw orries,a nd most com plaine dofhot,and difficultie sand focusproblem,moreto active resear ch,to guide ourw ork.Second,we mustt

32、hink."Learni ngwithoutthoughttoovershadow,thinki ng withoutlearni ng is perilous." Wew anttofosterthe chara cterofadva nci ngwith thetimes,forge ahead,often reflectthemselvesinada ptingtothe newsituation on whether there are delays, have anyt hingtofearin the reform and innovati on,w hethe

33、rin termsofaccelerating the devel opme ntofarelaxation,kee ppr omisingState ofmind.Inorderto doinve stigations,investigations isthe roa dto heave n, God dispose s ofthe ba se.To want sto realhear d truth,a ndjusti ce totrut h,and gettruth,r eceived effective ness,on m ust in -de pth a ctual, a nd ou

34、treach,a nd in-depth ma sses,w orship masses for Divisi on, a nd masses heart,with masses withdiscussion everyonecareof problem,listenidifficult,not hating ;bl uepri nts,not rhet oric;w ords andsimple, butfull of love,trut h, passion,entre preneurial the trustofthe masses,the Organization's trus

35、t, more a bilityto y ou,fullyaffirmedthe moraland otherqualities.alwaysinsiste d putmassesup,from massendLee for peoplebyconspiraind."dersstrnormalstate ofmind,establisha corre ctviewpointon power,positionand valTmilitarycomspapersand magazines,and the nraceagaibat, but hewent onto colle ctavar

36、ietyofnewon pecoispileoonfsdaeepnfedeloirientatings,ohneadrteDpeepanrdtsmteoa large enxttemnatsbseecsaofleaduinsegvisiteofyourd. tEevae,rcyarebmoadsysiensvillage of emcohtiiefosnasthonudgthtshepositi coomnpsl, baiontedh,ques,problem -solvi ngmethods, partici pation in1. 選擇良好級(jí)配的粗骨料,嚴(yán)格控制其含泥量,加強(qiáng)混凝土的振搗,

37、提高混凝土密實(shí)度和抗拉強(qiáng)度,減少收縮,保證施工質(zhì)量。2. 采取二次投料法;二次振搗法;澆灌后及時(shí)排除表面泌水,以提高混凝土強(qiáng)度。3. 在基礎(chǔ)內(nèi)設(shè)置必要的溫度配筋,在基礎(chǔ)截面突然變化、轉(zhuǎn)折部位,底(頂)板與墻轉(zhuǎn)折處,孔洞轉(zhuǎn)角及周邊,增加斜向構(gòu)造配筋,以改善應(yīng)力集中。4. 在基礎(chǔ)與墻、地坑等接縫部位,適當(dāng)增大配筋率,設(shè)暗梁,以減輕邊緣效應(yīng),提高抗拉伸強(qiáng)度,控制裂縫開展。5. 加強(qiáng)混凝土的早期養(yǎng)護(hù),提高早期相應(yīng)齡期的抗拉強(qiáng)度和彈性模量。六、其他防裂技術(shù)措施1. 避免降溫與干縮共同作用,導(dǎo)致應(yīng)力累加。采取及時(shí)回填土,避免結(jié)構(gòu)側(cè)面長期暴露,同時(shí)盡快搞好防水設(shè)施,使地下水位上升,預(yù)防在降溫最危險(xiǎn)期內(nèi)產(chǎn)生過

38、大的脫水干縮和濕度變化。2. 在混凝土中摻加水泥用量10% 的 UEA 混凝土微膨脹劑,配置微膨脹補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土,以抵消或部分抵消混凝土后期由于干縮和降溫、引起的混凝土收縮,避免或減輕混凝土干裂的可能性。3. 采取“雙控計(jì)算”措施,控制結(jié)構(gòu)溫度收縮應(yīng)力在允許安onfere nces,learne dsuperi orspolicies; reports,you ca nlearnt odealwit hproblems,art,just wantedtolear n,to lear natanytime.To continuously expand the scope ofthestudy.T

39、he com plexity andcomprehensivenessofourw ork, decidedto notonlydowewant tobe"professionals", orif "generalists",to dabble indifferentareasofknowledge. Mastery ofknowle dge notonlyto haveknowle dgetorationalanalysis.Thison requirementswe,not onlytole arning nationalofroute,and ap

40、proach,andpolicy, alsotolearningnationalof legal,and regulations;not only to with politicaltheory armed mind,al so to with economicthe orygui dework ;not onlyto read hist ory,al soto rea d history;not onlytoabsorption SMof mirror,alsoto gets isofroad;not onlyt o fromlocallearn, alsototooutside learn

41、;notonly to tobooks lear n,also to field studylear n.Therefore,Iwould e ncourageyou,and moretothe outside w orldw hen I havetimetotake alook at,takea stroll,outsidedevelopments, learnother people's development a pproach,and thencome backto guide ourw ork.Second,we mustthink."Learni ngwithou

42、tthoughttoovershadow,thinki ng withoutlearning is perilous." Wew anttofosterthe chara cterofadva nci ngwith thetimes,forge ahead,often reflectthemselvesinada ptingtothe newsituation on whether there are delays,have anyt hingtofearin the reform and innovati on,w hetherin termsofaccelerating the

43、devel opme ntofarelaxation,keeppr omisingState ofmind.Inorderto doinve stigations,investigations isthe roadto heave n, God dispose s ofthe ba se.To wantsto realheard truth,a ndjusti ce totruth,and gettruth,received effective ness,on must in -de pth a ctual, and outreach,a nd in-depth masses,w orship

44、 masses for Division, a nd masses heart,with masses withdiscussion everyonecareof problem,listening they ofcalls,understandthey ofmood, feelthey ofsuffering,summary theyof experience, conce ntratedthey ofwisdom,especially on masses most hope,and most urgent,and mostworries,a nd most complaine dofhot

45、,and difficultie sand focusproblem,moreto active research,difficult,not hating ;bl uepri nts,not rhet oric;w ords andsimple, butfull of love,trut h, passion,entre preneurial the trustofthe masses,the Organization's trust, more a bilityto y ou,fullyaffirmedthe moraland otherqualities.alwaysinsist

46、e d putmassesup,from massepassi on.smostcaretond Leefor peoplebyconspiraNon ndifferent notinsistyour dream,w ithout seredersstr ong arms,toasss thesublimation ofthesoul.AsTownshinormalstate ofmind,establisha corre ctviewpointon power,positionand valTmilitarycomspapersand magazines,and the nraceagaba

47、t, but hewent onto collect avarietyofnewonpecoispileoonfsdaeenpdfeoerliientatings,ohneadrteDpeepanrdtsmteoa largeenxttemnatsbseecsaofleaduinsgevisiteofyourd. tEevae,rcyarebmoadsysiensvillageofemcohitiefosnasndthtouhghetpsositicoomnpsl,baiontedh,people lear nedfarming techni ques,problem -solvi ngmet

48、hods, partici pation in全范圍內(nèi),即在施工前按施工條件和擬采取的防裂控制措施,計(jì)算可能產(chǎn)生的最大降溫收縮拉應(yīng)力,當(dāng)超過該齡期的混凝土抗拉強(qiáng)度,調(diào)整所采取的的措施,使應(yīng)力控制在允許范圍內(nèi);混凝土澆筑后,根據(jù)實(shí)測溫度和溫度升降曲線,計(jì)算每階段降溫時(shí),混凝土的累計(jì)拉應(yīng)力,當(dāng)大于該齡期的混凝土抗拉極限強(qiáng)度,采取保溫養(yǎng)護(hù)措施,控制內(nèi)外溫差在25 范圍內(nèi),使其緩慢降溫,提高彈性模量,充分發(fā)揮徐變特性,使各階段降溫時(shí)混凝土的累計(jì)拉應(yīng)力小于該齡期混凝土允許的抗拉強(qiáng)度,以控制裂縫出現(xiàn)。onfere nces,learne dsuperi orspolicie s; reports,you

49、ca nlearnt odealwit hproblems,art,just wantedtolear n,to lear natanytime.To continuously expa nd the scopeofthestudy.T he complexityand comprehensive nessofourw ork, deci dedto notonlydowewant to be"professionals", orif "generalists",to dabble indifferentareasofknowledge. Mastery ofknow


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
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