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1、Unit 11Section 1 Listening and Translation1. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy is the most important test of how well adult Americans can read.2. Those who took part were tested on how well they could read and understand information used in everyday life.3. The study found that 11 million ad

2、ults, or five percent, cannot read English.4. Researchers say part of the problem is that many young Americans do not read as much for pleasure anymore.5. The best readers were found to earn up to 28,000 dollars a year more than those who lacked simple reading skills.1. “國(guó)家成人讀寫(xiě)能力評(píng)估是檢測(cè)美國(guó)成年人閱讀能力的一項(xiàng)主要測(cè)

3、試。2. 該測(cè)試檢測(cè)的是參加者閱讀和理解日常生活信息的能力。3. 這項(xiàng)調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)有1,100萬(wàn),即百分之五的成年人看不懂英語(yǔ)。4. 研究人員說(shuō),問(wèn)題的局部原因在于很多美國(guó)年輕人作為消遣所進(jìn)行的閱讀已經(jīng)不太多了。5. 人們發(fā)現(xiàn)閱讀水平高的人比那些不具備根本閱讀能力的人的年收入多28,000美元。Section 2Part 1 DialogueLeadershipOutlineThe subject is “l(fā)eadership1. Great leaders in history2. Characteristics all great leaders have in commonFor a sta

4、rt, Secondly, The third, the fourth, FinallyGreat leaders in history1. military chiefs1) national heroes; dreaded tyrants2) 2. spiritual leadersCharacteristics all great leaders have in common1. what they want to achieve2. work towards themwhat obstacles they may come up against3. the end justifies

5、the means4. the will of the people; improve their lot5. be successfulPart 2 PassageEx. B:1. Going to the library or locking yourself in your room with no aim other than reading for a predetermined預(yù)先確定的 time is likely to lead to boredom.2. One way round this problem when you encounter it is to set yo

6、ueself really small and manageable可做到的reading tasks.3. The task sould be one that is useful towards your final aim of getting your essay or paper or dissertation學(xué)位論文 written, or revising for為而復(fù)習(xí) your exam.4. In devising設(shè)計(jì) such tiny but doable可行的 tasks for yourself you are using your creativity, maki

7、ng the reading a personal task to you and breaking a large endeavor努力 up分解 into small and attainable可到達(dá)的steps.5. Often the motivation動(dòng)力;動(dòng)機(jī) supplied by an assignment作業(yè) or essay will help you to focus your reading in helpful ways.  Ex. C: 1-4 T T T F 5-8 T F T F1. T (Reading for the sake of readi

8、ng has no value whatever.)2. T (Unless it is combined with a thoughtful choice of predetermined預(yù)定的 reading task, or a particularly wise or fortuitous幸運(yùn)的choice of reading material, going to the library or locking yourself in your room with no aim other than 除了reading for a predetermined time is likel

9、y to lead to boredom, so that you end up mindlessly不用心地 staring at the text, without engaging運(yùn)用your brain. )3. T (On the other hand, setting yourself a particular period in which to accomplish a reading task can be helpful as a way of getting yourself to focus. )4. F (If you try this tactic方法 to hel

10、p you focus as a reader, dont be despondent沮喪的if, as may well happen, you get so absorbed 專心致志的that you overrun超過(guò)the time you have set yourself. This could well be a positive thing.)5.T (Sometimes the difficulty with reading, as with many other jobs, is simply how to get started.)6. F (All are sugge

11、sted in the passage except the preface序言, 前言.)7. T (The task should be one that is useful towards youe final aim of getting your essay or paper or dissertation written, or revising for your exam, but small enough for it to be hardly conceivable 可想像的that you could not complete it however tired, depre

12、ssed, lonely or bored you are.)8. F (When you are reading at other timesfor examle, in an attempt to expand on進(jìn)一步闡述 ideas and information that you have picked up 學(xué)會(huì)in lectures or seminarsinventing possible essay topics for yourself will often be a good way of structiing your reading.)Section 3News I

13、tem 1A: about a fat mans walk from California to Manhattan.B:The hero : Steve Vaught , a 40-year-old father of twoTime spent : a year and a monthLength of the journey : nearly 4,800 kilometersStarting point : his home in CaliforniaDeatination : ManhattanHis original aim

14、 : to lose weight after falling into a depression and developing an eating disorderHis achievement :1. He arrived 100 pounds or 45 kilomgrams lighter2. He realized weight loss was more about the state of mind 心境,心情;精神狀態(tài)than body and the secret to becoming thinner was being happier.His webs

15、ie : A Fat Man WalkingHis future plan : to publish a book about his experiencesScript :A 40-year-old father of two, Steve Vaught, took the final steps of his epic史詩(shī)般的journey as he crossed the George Washington Bridge into Manhattan. It took him a year and a month to walk the nearly 4,

16、800 kilometers from his home in California.His original aim had been to lose weight after falling into a depression and developing an eating disorder. He did arrive 100 pounds or 45 kilograms lighter but said he had learned that weight loss was more about the state of mind than body. He now realized

17、 the secret to becoming thinner was being happier.His voyage of self-discovery 自我發(fā)現(xiàn)was viewed by millions around the world on his webside A Fat Man Walking, and he now plans to publish a book about his experiences. But before disappearing into a hotel, he told reporters his first plan was to put on穿

18、上some new socks短襪. News Item 2A: about the first atheist無(wú)神論者 summer camp in the UKB:the US, atheism, what they think, philosophy, logical fallacies謬論, the Invisible Unicorn Challenge, live in the area around their tents,they dont exist, a negative, thinking, philosophy, scientific and critical think

19、ingCamp QuestScript : Its beyond belief ! 超越信仰is the motto座右銘 of the organization, which was set up in the United States to counter the influence of faith-based 以信仰為根底的summer camps run by the Scouts and church groups. But the director of the camp in the UK, Samamtha Stein, says its purpose

20、 is not to spread atheism無(wú)神論rather to encourage thinking. (Samamtha Stein) The idea of Camp Quest is really to let the children decide what they think. So were going to run some activities on philosophy人生觀 for children. And well run activities on logical fallacies邏輯的推理謬誤. So its really a way of gett

21、ing the kids interested in thinking, interested in philosophy and questions of religion and all sorts of scientific and crtical thinking. One of the games played at Camp Quest is called the Invisible Unicorn Challenge. Campers are told that unicorn live in the area around their tents, and are then a

22、sked to prove that they dont exist. The aim is to illustrate the difficulty of proving a negative. But any children who manage the feat will win a ten-pound note signed by the author of The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, whose money also helps fund the camp.News Item 3A: about the new compulsory cit

23、izenship ceremony and test in Britain. 英國(guó)新公民強(qiáng)制性的入籍宣誓儀式和入籍考試B: Old practiceswear an oath of allegiance擁護(hù), 忠誠(chéng), lawyer, certificateNew Practice1. 2004, compulsory citizenship ceremony, a broader oath, respect Britains rights, freedoms, laws, civic公民 dignitaries權(quán)貴2. a test, establish knoeledge of the co

24、untry, its language1) 24, life in the United kindom, 45 minutes2) try again and again3) simple tests of knowledge, more complex cultural issues3. Purpose1)feel they belong2)ease racial tensionControversy1. have similar schemes, the United States, citizenship classes, ceremonies2. nationalistic, undu

25、e pressure, conform, build a multi-culture society in Britain.Script : For years those becoming British citizens simply had to swear an oath of allegiance in front of a lawyer and then receive a certificate in the post. But in 2004 Britain introduced a compulsorycitizenship ceremony, which requ

26、ired new citizens to take a broader oath promising to respect Britains rights, freedoms and laws, and all of this in front of civic dignitaries dressed in full regalia Now the government is going even further : Its launching a test designed to establish knowledge of the country and its language

27、. The test contains 24 questions on life in the United Kingdom and will last for 45 minutes. If applicants dont pass the first time, they can try again and again. The questions range from simple tests of knowledge such as Whats the minimum age for buying alcohol ? to exploring more complex cult

28、ural issuesHow interested are young people in politics? The government believes the test is part of a process that will help new citizens to feel they belong and ease舒緩racial種族的 tension緊張的狀態(tài)by removing除去suspicion of immigrants移民. Supporters point to other countries which have similar schemes, partic

29、ularly the United States where citizenship classes and ceremonies have long been common practice. Opponents反對(duì)者 however, say its all too nationalistic民族主義的and puts undue過(guò)分的pressure on newcomers to conform, working against the efforts to build a multi-cultural society in Britain. 多年來(lái)那些申請(qǐng)入籍英國(guó)的人只需簡(jiǎn)單地在律師

30、面前宣誓效忠,然后領(lǐng)到一份郵寄的入籍證書(shū)就可以了。但在2004年,英政府提出了強(qiáng)制性的入籍宣誓儀式,要求新公民的誓言范圍更廣,包括許諾尊重英國(guó)權(quán)利、自由和法律,整個(gè)入籍宣誓儀式過(guò)程中,新公民都要面對(duì)全副盛裝的民事權(quán)貴。現(xiàn)在英政府要再加強(qiáng)措施為了測(cè)驗(yàn)新公民對(duì)英國(guó)風(fēng)俗與語(yǔ)言的了解,政府開(kāi)始實(shí)施入籍考試制度。 這個(gè)考試包括了24道關(guān)于英國(guó)生活的問(wèn)題,全卷限時(shí)45分鐘。如果申請(qǐng)者第一次考試不及格,還可以不斷補(bǔ)考。問(wèn)題涉及面從簡(jiǎn)單常識(shí)譬如“買酒的最低年齡是多少歲?到探索更復(fù)雜的文化問(wèn)題譬如“年輕人對(duì)政治的興趣有多大?。英政府相信測(cè)試既是幫助新公民增強(qiáng)歸屬感的一局部,同時(shí)還可以通過(guò)排除可疑的移民來(lái)緩解種族緊張。 支持者指出其它實(shí)施類似方案的國(guó)家尤其是美國(guó),其公民等級(jí)制和入籍儀式已成為普通慣例。然而,反對(duì)者認(rèn)為這一方案太具民族主義,會(huì)給新公民在入鄉(xiāng)隨俗上增添過(guò)大的壓力,這與英國(guó)建立一個(gè)多元文化社會(huì)的初衷背道而馳。Section 4Part I: A: B: 1. Six basic ingredients of explosives. 2. Because the dogs are very reliable. They have never had a dog out workin


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