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1、構成原級比較級最高級單音節(jié)和少數雙音節(jié)單詞1、一般詞尾加-er, -esttalllongOldeldsmalltallerlongeroldereldersmallertallestlongestoldesteldestsmallest2、以字母e結尾的形容詞或副詞,直接加-r,-stnicefinelargenicerfinerlargernicestfinestlargest3、以重讀閉音節(jié)結尾的形容詞或副詞,如末尾只有一個輔音字母,雙寫該字母,再加-er,-estredbigHotWetfatthin redder biggerhotterwetterfatterthinner red

2、dest biggesthottestwettestfattestthinnest4、以“輔音字母+y”結尾的形容詞或副詞,把y變?yōu)閕,再加-er,-est(元音字母a e i o u以外都是輔音)heavybusyearlyeasyheavierbusierearliereasierheaviestbusiestearliesteasiest1.形容詞的比較級和最高級變化2.部分雙音節(jié)5、與多音節(jié)的詞比較級在原級之前加more, 最高級在原級之前加most -通常是ful/ing/tant/sive結尾的形容詞或者副詞,比較級和最高級都是在該單詞前加more/mostbeautiful-mo

3、re beautiful-most beautiful(反義-less beautiful不那么漂亮,或者不如.漂亮,例如:Lily is less beautiful than Lucy莉莉沒有Lucy 好看interesting-more interesting -most interesting difficult- more difficult-most difficultFriendly-:more friendly -most friendlyExpensive-more expensive-most expensiveImportant-more important-most i

4、mportantDangerous-more dangerous-most dangerous注意:副詞的最高級前可以不加the,但是形容詞的一定要加the,和序數詞一樣。Fast既是形容詞也是副詞,不要亂加6.不規(guī)則變化的形容詞: little (原形) -  less (比較級)- least(最高級)Few -fewer -fewestGood/well(原形) - better(比較級) - best(最高級)bad /ill(原形) - worse(比較級) - worst(最高級)Much/many-more(比較級)-most(最高級)And so on等等 (不是等某

5、人的意思,是列舉不完后寫的,例如 I like apples bananas grapes and so on我喜歡蘋果香蕉葡萄等等)far  (原形)- furtherfurthest(表示抽象概念,表示學術或者其他專業(yè)知識方面等更深遠的意思】far(原形)-farther-farthest【表示具體概念,比如他家是所有人中最遠的,表達是His home is the farthest of all,farther和farthest是表示具體的路程、距離的遠】例句:Tom is tall. John is tall. Bob is tall. I'm as tall as

6、you.Tom is as tall as John.Bob is taller than John.John is the tallest of the three.(john是三個人中最高的)Lily is the tallest of the five(莉莉是這五人中最高的)John is the tallest in his class.比較級是兩者之間的比較,表示更.、比. (做題思路:通常句子里有than,都用比較級)最高級是三者及以上的比較,意思是最.,(做題思路,通常句子里有of/all/in/among(三者及以上之間)(都是表示范圍)等詞語,要用最高級)形容詞(adj)和副

7、詞(adv)的區(qū)別:通常副詞都是在形容詞后面加上ly變成副詞,比如 quick-quickly happy-happily特別注意:friendly和lovely這兩詞雖然是ly結尾的,但是不是副詞而是形容詞-友好的、可愛的另外,有一些形容詞的副詞形式不是加ly,比如good-well,比如,He speaks english well(well是副詞,修飾動詞speak) 但是另外要注意,well可以用來表示身體好,比如有人問你:how are you?回答可以是-Im fine、Im well/Im very well-記住,well作為形容詞用時只可以用來表示身體好,形容詞和副詞意思基本

8、上都是一樣的,只不過形容詞是(的),副詞是(地),例如:他飛快地跑出去了 He runs out quickly用法:副詞修飾動詞和形容詞,形容詞修飾名詞【注意:感官動詞(五官感受的一些詞):touch(摸起來) smell(聞起來) sound(聽起來) look(看起來) taste(嘗起來) feel (感覺,感到)這些詞在表示括號里意思的時候,要用形容詞修飾,如果不是這些意思,則可以用副詞修飾。】例如:這道菜聞起來不錯.This dish smells good/nice她生氣的摸了一下桌子She touched the table angrily(本題不是摸起來的意思,所以要用副詞修

9、飾她高興de嘗了這道菜She tasted this dish happily(taste在這里不是嘗起來怎么樣的意思,所以可以用副詞修飾例如:他飛快地跑出去了He runs out quickly-(quickly 是副詞,修飾動詞runs)又比如:He smiles happily -(happily是副詞,修飾動詞smiles)Im deadly tired我累的要命(deadly快死地,致命地,是副詞,tired疲憊的,是形容詞,副詞可以修飾形容詞)Im terribly sorry非常抱歉(terribly惡劣地,糟糕地,是副詞,本意是貶義詞,但是在修飾一些形容詞的時候,有的時候是表

10、示褒義的意思, sorry抱歉的,是形容詞,本句子是副詞修飾形容詞)Badly need急需現(xiàn)在看形容詞修飾名詞的情況比如:He is a good person(good是形容詞,person 是名詞)She is a beautiful girl(beautiful是形容詞,girl 是名詞)【比較級做題思路:通常如果句子里有than,much、a little、even(甚至)between等詞語的時候,都是用比較級-總之,比較級是兩者之間的比較,表示更.】【最高級做題思路:通常如果句子有of、in、all among(三者及以上)等詞語的時候,都是用最高級-總之,最高級是三者及以上的比

11、較,表示最.】【常見雙寫單詞比較級最高級的詞語有:thin fat hot wet big等等】常見題目考查點:1、比較級+and+比較級是固定用法(同一個比較級),表示越來越.例如(for example/such as):(more and more beautiful 越來越漂亮 fatter and fatter越來越胖 richer and richer越來越富有 poorer and poorer 越來越重 more and more interesting越來越有趣)2、【the+比較級,the+比較級,是固定用法,表示越某某,就會越某某,】例如(The more you eat

12、,the fatter you will be 你吃的越多,你就會越胖)你穿的越少,你就會越冷 The fewer you wear,the colder you will feel.【The more you wear,the hotter you will feel 你穿的越多,你就會越熱)3、as +原級(原形)+as是固定用法,是表示與.一樣.的意思,總之,做比較級最高級題目時,凡是有as出現(xiàn)的時候,只能用原級,不能用比較級或者最高級】例如:湯姆和瑪麗一樣高 Tom is as tall as Mary 琳達的英語和Lucy講的一樣好 Linda speaks English as w

13、ell as Lucy.Not as.as.和not so as與different是表示與.不一樣的意思(注意,not so as沒有so as的表達,它只有否定)湯姆和瑪麗一樣高 Tom is as tall as Mary Tom is so tall as Maryx(so as只有否定表達,也就是not so as,不能用肯定句)例如:媽媽做的飯沒有爸爸做的好 My mum cooks not as/so well as my dad. 湯姆的書包與杰克的大小不一樣 Toms schoolbag is not as/so big as Jacks 6、 more and more.表

14、示“越來越”: (同一個單詞的比較級+and+同一個單詞的比較級】More and more students realized the importance of a foreign language. Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 7.倍數表達法:【times除了表示次數外,還可以表示倍數】(1) A is 倍數 as +原級+ as BAsia(亞洲) is four times as large as Europe(歐洲).(2)A is 倍數 + 比較級 +than + B Asia is three times larg

15、er than Europe.例如:我的書包比她的大兩倍(once 一倍,一次 twice兩倍,兩次)My bag is twice as big as hersMy bag is once bigger than hers(3)A is 倍數 + 名詞 + of B常見名詞:the size(尺寸)/weight(重量)/height(高度)/width-是wide的名詞形式(寬度)/length(長度)The table is twice(兩倍,once一次,一倍) the length of the desk.(這個桌子比那個書桌長兩倍)My schoolbag is twice the

16、 size of your schoolbag.(我的書包比你的書包的尺寸大兩倍】My pen is three times the length of her pen.Lily is three times the weight of Lucy.(4)A is 倍數 + what從句The production is now three times what it was three years ago.【production 產量,現(xiàn)在的產量是3年前的三倍】My height is now three times what it was three years ago.用比較級表示最高級:

17、約翰是班里最高的男生?!救魏纹渌谋磉_有這些:any other any one else any of the other all the other 后面的名詞都用單數,】-表示主語屬于該范圍內使用這些詞 John is taller than any other boy in the class.John is the tallest boy in the class.John is taller than any of the other boy. John is taller than any of the others. John is taller than all the ot

18、her boy.John is taller thanany one else.表示兩個中 表示最.的一個的時候,比較級前要加the。Of the 2 books,he likes the cheaper one【常用來修飾比較級的詞語有much a little even(甚至)等,注意,這些詞是放在比較級前的(不是原級)】通常ed結尾的形容詞,都是表示人的,比如 I am excited about the news-我對于這個新聞非常興奮, 而 以ing結尾的形容詞,通常都是表示物的,很多時候,ing結尾的詞,都有表示“令人.的的意思,比如 We are very happy to he

19、ar the exciting news-聽到這個令人興奮的新聞,我們都很高興 He is a boring man, I really hate him【the+形容詞,表示一類人,是固定用法,后面表示一類人,后面不要加名詞,且是復數意義,the poor 窮人, the rich有錢人 the old老人 the young年輕人,the blind盲人 the deaf聾子 the ill/sick病人 the disabled殘疾人 后面的動詞要用復數形式,不能用三單,be動詞用are】Old 與 eld 的區(qū)別姐姐 elder sister妹妹 younger sister哥哥 el

20、der brother 弟弟 younger brother注意,除了表示上面這種表達用elder,其他基本都用old。寫出以下各形容詞的比較級和最高級:1. nice _nicer nicest_ 2. fat _fatter fattest_3. slow _slower slowest_ 4. dry _drier _driest_5. happy _happier happiest_ 6. wet _wetter_wettest_7. much _more most_ 8. ill _worse worst _9. little _less least_ 10. bad _worse

21、worst_11. thin _thinner thinnest_ 12. far _farther/further farthest/furthest_【farther和farthest是表示具體的遠(路程、距離),further/furthest是表示抽象的遠-比如學術方面深遠的意義等等】13. early _earlier earliest_ 14. careful_more careful most careful _通常ful/ing結尾的形容詞或者副詞,比較級和最高級通常是前面用more、和most,比如 beautiful,比較級和最高級是more beautiful ,most

22、 beautiful,比如interesting,比較級和最高級分別是more interesting ,most interesting15. exciting _more exciting most exciting_ 16. busy _busier busiest_2. 根據句意,用所括號內所級形容詞的比較等級形式填空:1. Mr. Smith is _the richest_ man in this office. (rich)2. Winter is _the coldest_ season of the years. (cold)4. It is much _hotter_ to

23、day than yesterday. (hot)5. She is a little _more careful_ than her classmates. (careful)6. _More_ people came to the meeting than last time. (many)7. Which book is _easier_, this one or that one? (easy)8. My room is _smaller_ than yours. (small)9. Hainan is _farther_ from Beijing than Hunan. (far)1

24、0. Skating is _more exciting_ than swimming. (exciting)【exciting刺激的,興奮的】11. Jim is _honester_ than all the others. (honest)12. Things are getting _worse_ and _worse_. (bad)比較級+and+比較級是固定用法13. The higher you climb, the _colder_ it will be. (cold)【the+比較級,the+比較級,是固定用法,表示越某某,就會越某某,翻譯本句:你爬的越高,就會越冷】14.

25、Now his life is becoming _more_ and _more difficult_. (difficult)My daughter is becoming more and more beautifullife生活、生命】用適當形式填空: 1. Bob is _younger_ ( young ) than Fred. But _taller_ (tall) than  Fred. 2. Almost all the students' faces are the same ,but Li Deming looks _fatter_ (fat)

26、 than before after the summer holidays. 3.Which is _heavier_ (heavy), a duck or a chicken? 5.- How _tall_ (tall) is Sally? -She' s 1.55 metres _tall_ (tall). What about Xiaoling? - She' s only 1.40 metres _tall_ (tall). She is much _shorter_ (short) than Sally. She is also the _shortest_ (sh

27、ort) girl in the class. 6. He is _bad_ (bad) at learning maths.   He is much _worse_ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _worst_ (bad) at English. 翻譯本句:他不擅長學數學,他更不擅長學語文,他最不擅長學英語-be good at-擅長,be bad at-不擅長。At 后接動詞ing,所有的介詞后都接動詞ing,常見的介詞有:【at on in by with without about after of for等】7. Annie sa

28、ys Sally is the _kindest_ (kind) person in the world. 8. He is one of the_most friendly_(friendly) people in the class, I think. 再次強調,friendly和lovely是形容詞,雖然是ly結尾,形容詞是修飾名詞的,副詞是修飾動詞和形容詞的】9. A dictionary is much _more expensive_ (expensive) than a story-book.【cheap 便宜,比較級是cheaper expensive/dear 貴的,dict

29、ionary 詞典】10. An orange is a little _bigger_ (big) than an apple, but much _smaller_ (small) than a  watermelon.11. The Changjiang River is the _longest_ (long) river in China.12. Sue is a little _more beautiful_ (beautiful) than her sister.14.-How difficult is physics? -I' m not sure. - Is it _more difficult_ (difficult) than maths? - I don' t think so.15.- Annie plays the piano very _well_ (we


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