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1、歡迎閱讀離別英語美句簡短導(dǎo)讀:1 、離別很多年,我卻依舊在懷念。Years of parting, but I still miss.2、經(jīng)不起離別,是我們太脆弱了而已。We are too fragile to stand parting.3、后悔當(dāng)初和你在一起,不然離別后也不會這么痛。Regret being with you, otherwise it won't hurt so much after parting.4、在即將離別的路口,我只想讀懂哪一個是曾經(jīng)的你。At the crossroads that are about to leave, I just want to

2、 understand which one was you.5、短暫的離別,是為了更好的相聚!Short departure is for better reunion!6、我們相愛一年,因為心的距離太遠,而導(dǎo)致了一生的離別!We love each other for a year, because the heart is too far away, and led to a lifetime of separation!7、離別只是暫時的,生離死別才是最痛苦的。Farewell is only temporary. Farewell between life and death is t

3、he most painful.8、曾經(jīng)的海誓山盟,換來的不過是一個離別的背影。Once the vow, in exchange for a parting figure.9、嘆流年,悲暮遲,傷離別,苦相思。Sigh for years, sad and dusk, sad departure, bitter love.10 、三年,我們揮手說再見。離別,我們擁抱說再聚。For three years, we waved goodbye. Farewell, we hug and say goodbye.11 、你臨別的微笑雖然只是短短的一瞬,但是攝在我心的底片 上。Your parting

4、 smile is only a short moment, but it's on the negative of my heart.12 、你已經(jīng)走出我的視線,但從未走出我的思念。You have come out of my sight, but never out of my thoughts.13 、離別的場面太煽情,我還是默默離開好了。The scene of parting is too emotional. I'd better leave silently.14 、 每天早上睜開眼,你都是我最心動的相遇,最不舍的離別。Every morning when I

5、open my eyes, you are my most heartfelt encounter and most reluctant departure.15 、來也匆匆,去也匆匆,離緒千種,期待著一次重逢。Come and go in a hurry, leaving a thousand kinds, looking forward to a reunion.16 、明明是我說離開,但現(xiàn)在我卻后悔了。Clearly I said to leave, but now I regret it.17 、深不過真情,涼不過人心。美不過回憶,傷不過離別。Deep but true feeling

6、s, cold but the hearts of the people.Beautiful memories, hurt but parting.18 、吟一曲傷離別,嘆一句此生休,流一世傷心淚。Sing a sad farewell, sigh a lifetime of rest, shed a lifetime of sad tears.19 、當(dāng)遺忘變成另一種開始,淡了回憶,痛最真實。When forgetting becomes another kind of beginning, fading the memories, the pain is the most real.20、

7、既然結(jié)局是分離,那再談相遇也毫無意義。Since the end is separation, it is meaningless to talk about meeting again.21 、真的要說再見了,說好要微笑離別的不許反悔。I really want to say goodbye and say goodbye with a smile and no regrets.22、也許離別你才會將我記起,也許放棄你才會懂得珍惜!Maybe you will remember me only after parting, and maybe you will know how to che

8、rish after giving up!23、離別并不傷心,令人傷心的是那些隨之而來的回憶片段。Farewell is not sad, sad is the memory fragments that follow.24、俄捫多少次離別和回眸,卻還是錯過今生。How many times have I left and looked back, but I still missed my life.25、若我們就此永別,愿你夜夜好夢。If we say goodbye, may you have a good night's dream.26、離別后,思念是一顆沒有年輪的樹,永不老

9、去。After parting, missing is a tree without rings, never old.27、讓生命總在歌唱,不泣離別,不訴終殤。Let life always sing, leave without weeping, and die without complaining.28、誰把流年里的落花無情唱成離別,聽得好心殤。Who sings the falling flowers in his fleeting years as parting heartlessly and heartily?29、要么幸福的笑下去,要么離別留個背影。Either laugh

10、happily or leave behind a figure.30、 你走的那天,我決定不掉淚,迎著風(fēng)撐著眼簾用力不眨眼。On the day you left, I decided not to shed tears and hold my eyes against the wind without blinking.31 、最痛的,不是離別,而是別后的回憶。The most painful thing is not parting, but the memories after parting.32、我們往往把離別看成是各奔東西,卻忽略了一點地球是圓 的。We often think

11、of parting as going our own way, but we neglect that the earth is round.33、因為注定要離別,所以笑著說再見。Because it was destined to leave, I said goodbye with a smile.34、回憶過去,那么美好,離別時的傷痛,我不愿承受。Recalling the past, so beautiful, the pain of parting, I do not want to bear.35、滿天的云,是不能相守的一聲嘆息。Clouds all over the sky a

12、re a sigh that cannot be kept together.36、離開你,不管多久,總希望一瞬間,你就出現(xiàn)在面前。Leave you, no matter how long, always hope that in a moment, you will appear in front of you.37、在這個世間的生死離別中,最難的不是死別,卻是生離。In this world of life and death parting, the most difficult isnot death parting, but life and death.38、相遇,不過一個瞬間;

13、離別,不過一個轉(zhuǎn)身。Meet, but for a moment; departure, but a turn.39、 就算有一天,離別的時刻來臨,但那也不一定意味著永別。Even if one day, the time of departure comes, it does notnecessarily mean farewell.40、 相遇的時候,如果是個意外,離別的時候,意外的看不開。When meeting, if it is an accident, when leaving, the accident can not be seen.41、 、今天笑著和你分手,但愿不日笑著把你

14、迎接。Laugh and break up with you today, I hope you will be greeted with a smile day after day.42、離別的故事一版再版,我們的故事卻永不復(fù)返。The story of parting is reprinted, but our story will never return.43、多情自古傷離別,更那堪,冷落清秋節(jié)!Affectionate since ancient times hurt parting, even worse, the cold autumn festival!44、有些人注定要遇見,有些人注定是離別。Some people are doomed to meet, some are doomed to leave.45、你可曾知道,你走進的旅程,名為離別。Did you ever know that the journey you entered was called parting?46、等待并不可怕,只怕?lián)Q來的是離別。Waiting is not terrible, just afraid of leaving in return.47、離別與重逢是一場沒有結(jié)局的鬧劇,習(xí)慣了,就看淡了。Separation and reu


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