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1、專題七翻譯句子回ZHUANT1 0 FANY3JUZI翻譯句子是近幾年中考英語中的一個重要考查項目,它要求考生有較精準的語言素養(yǎng),考查考生在詞義理解、詞匯拼寫、詞性選擇和運用以及固定搭配、句子的結(jié)構(gòu)、句子的時態(tài)等方面的能力。對于翻譯的給分,每一項都有很細致的評判標準。 翻譯作為英語輸出能力考 查項目,對于基礎(chǔ)不扎實、詞匯量匱乏、語法能力薄弱的學生來說一直是一個失分點。考點2016201520142013短語(動詞及其他)3次3次3次2次單個動詞1次1次1次2次堂考點分析總結(jié)O總結(jié)概括近幾年的翻譯句子題目,有以下幾個考查點:1 .動詞短語的應用是翻譯句子考查的重點,包括正確使用動詞時態(tài)、語態(tài)以及

2、主謂一 致等,這些也是我們平時英語學習中的重點。2 .詞匯的拼寫、詞性的正確應用以及固定搭配是翻譯句子考查的重點。3 .句子類型的合理選擇。正確理解并應用賓語從句、條件狀語從句、時間狀語從句、 定語從句等,包括不同從句引導詞的選擇、從句時態(tài)的確定等。4 .正確組織句子結(jié)構(gòu)也是該題型考查的重點,要求學生掌握好句子的基本結(jié)構(gòu),正確 組織句型。醫(yī)題型命題趨勢心近幾年中考英語翻譯句子更注重基礎(chǔ)考查,從單詞、短語的正確應用和搭配,到基本時態(tài)、語態(tài)的選擇,在難度上降低了很多,所以學生在復習過程中要扎實基礎(chǔ),重視積累,切 忌“眼高手低”。喳如何進行復習o1 .熟練掌握常用單詞和短語的用法。在中考英語復習過程

3、中,要注重英語單詞、短語 的積累與應用,包括正確掌握詞性、詞形和詞的正確搭配。2 .注意各種句型結(jié)構(gòu),正確總結(jié)、積累各種不同復合句的結(jié)構(gòu)特點及應用,在平時的 學習中多讀、多寫、多背誦各種形式的句子。3 .正確掌握語法知識,在學習中準確記住各種時態(tài)的句子結(jié)構(gòu)、標志詞,熟練掌握主 動語態(tài)和被動語態(tài)的轉(zhuǎn)換,注意多練習、多總結(jié)。4.平時要加強翻譯句子這類題型的訓練,夯實基礎(chǔ)、及時鞏固、注重總結(jié)。喳解題方法技巧中一、按照符合英語表達習慣的原則進行變通由于英漢兩種語言表達方式的不同, 在進行翻譯時,不能拘泥于詞語的字面意思、生搬 硬套或只求英漢句型上的對等,這就要求學生掌握英語語言的特點, 找準句子的主語

4、、謂語、 賓語、狀語等,切忌按照所給漢語進行逐詞翻譯。例如:我們的城市在這幾年里發(fā)生了很大變化。正確的翻譯是: “Great changes have taken place in our city over these years.”對于這個句子,很多學生會這樣翻譯:“ Our city has taken place great changes over theseyears. ”這就是漢語式英語,單純按照漢語意思逐詞翻譯,不能準確找出句子的主語,不清楚 take place 這個短語的用法。二、重點單詞、短語及句型的積累與應用例 1 我們都盼望著去參觀迪士尼樂園。(look forwar

5、d to)【答案】We are looking forward to visiting Disneyland.【解析】正確掌握look forward to doing sth. 的用法。例 2 吃太多的垃圾食品對我們有害。(be bad for)【答案】Its bad for us to eat too much junk food. 或 Eating/To eat too much junk food is bad for us.【解析】(1) 可以用It s+adj . +(for sb. ) to do sth. 這個句式,這是非謂語動詞to do 的用法。(2)動詞短語作主語時需要把

6、動詞換成doing 或 to do 的形式。例 3 天太黑了,什么也看不見。(too. to. )【答案】It s too dark to see anything.【解析】掌握并正確理解結(jié)構(gòu)too+adj. +to do sth. 是做該題的關(guān)鍵。根據(jù)近幾年的翻譯句子題可以看出中考英語考查的主要內(nèi)容是一些常用短語和句型,例如: look forward to doing , too. to. , instead of. , Its bad for. , there be 句型等。這就要求同學們在日常學習過程中要重視積累、活學活用,真正明白所學短語和句型的用法,做到翻譯時準確無誤。三、正確運用

7、時態(tài)和語態(tài)英語時態(tài)和語態(tài)是初中英語語法學習中的重點,在翻譯句子時首先要根據(jù)句子中的時間狀語來確定用什么時態(tài),其次要根據(jù)主語和謂語之間的關(guān)系來確定語態(tài),如表示被動關(guān)系時要用被動語態(tài)。例 1 外面正下著雨,你最好待在家里。(had better)【答案】It s raining outside. You d better stay at home.【解析】通過“正”字確定時態(tài)用現(xiàn)在進行時,注意 had better do sth. ,這是正確翻譯該句子的兩個關(guān)鍵。例 2 明天不下雨的話,我將和父母一起去動物園。(if)【答案】If it doesn t rain tomorrow , I will

8、 go to the zoo with my parents.【解析】本句考查含有if 引導的條件狀語從句的主從復合句的時態(tài),應注意“主將從現(xiàn)”的原則。例 3 老師要求我們保持教室的清潔。(be asked to. )【答案】Were asked to keep the classroom clean.【解析】根據(jù)英文提示,選擇被動語態(tài)。四、正確把握詞性及其應用很多同學在英語學習中只注重其漢語意思而忽視了其詞性,這樣容易導致錯將形容詞當副詞、名詞當動詞等。在英語中,不同詞性的詞在句子中充當?shù)某煞质遣灰粯拥?。例如:形容詞一般作定語修飾名詞,副詞作狀語修飾動詞、形容詞,名詞在句中一般作主語、賓語、

9、例 幸運的是,他成為了一個幸運兒。【答案】Luckily , he became a lucky dog.【解析】在這個句子中,luckily 是副詞,放在句首作狀語,lucky 是形容詞,在名詞前作定語。以上四點是同學們在英語復習過程中應該注意的重要問題,本部分為同學們提供了達標測試、中考模擬、中考鏈接及中考預測題,目的是讓同學們在中考中可以從容應對“翻譯句子”,贏得中考!若備考試題精選心一、達標測試1 .直到12點鐘湯姆才寫完作業(yè)。(not. until)2 .我們學校圖書館有數(shù)千本書。(thousands of)3 .學生的數(shù)量正在增加。(the number of)4 .我弟弟不如我高

10、。(not so. as)5 .有幾個男孩正在操場上打籃球。(there be.)6 .他總是坐在教室的前面。(in the front of)7 .他們所有人都為他而驕傲。(be proud of )8 .我發(fā)現(xiàn)學英語很有趣。(find it+ adj. +to do sth.)9 .我相信總有一天我白夢想會實現(xiàn)。(come true)10 .我寧愿坐公共汽車也不愿意開車。(prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.)isa1. Tom didn t finish his homework until 12 o clock.2. There are thous

11、ands of books in the library of our school.3. The number of students is increasing.4. My younger brother is not so tall as I.5. There are several boys playing basketball on the playground.6. He always sits in the front of the classroom.7. All of them are proud of him.8. I find it interesting to lear

12、n English.9. I believe my dream will come true one day.10. I prefer to take the bus rather than drive the car.二、中考模擬1 .最后我們算出了那道數(shù)學題。(work out)2 .河里的水太臟了,我們不能游泳。(too. to)3 .你最好穿上你的外套。(had better)4 .街上發(fā)生了什么事?(happen)5 .我爸爸習慣了每天跑步。(be used to)6 .當你長大了,你就不應該依靠你的父母。(depend on)7 .你學習越努力,你取彳#的成績就越好。(the ha

13、rder. the better)8 .在課堂上,我集中注意力學習。(pay attention to)9 .他爸爸總是把他和其他的孩子作比較。(compare. with.)10 .林丹是中國最受歡迎白體育明星之一。(popular)11 .講英語的時間到了。(Its time to.)12 .游泳使我強壯。(make)13 .我媽媽每天忙于做家務。(busy)14 .我不認識那個正在抽煙的人。(that)15 .昨天他們在山里迷路了。(be lost)16 .是在公園里我碰見了瑪麗。(Its. that.)17 .我會盡快完成家庭作業(yè)。(as. aspossible)18 .我期待著下周去

14、香港。(look forward to)19 .我媽媽對工作要求很嚴格。(be strict about)20 .我每天練習游泳。(practise doing)21 .多么漂亮的花!(how)22 .為什么不停下來休息一下呢?(Why not. ?)23 .大明要去上海,我也要去。(so)24 .我奶奶不可能在家。(cant)25 .這臺機器被用于做蛋糕。(be used for)ISS1. We worked out that maths problem in the end.2. The water in the river is too dirty for us to swim in.

15、3. You had better put on your coat.4. Whats happened in the street?5. My father is used to running every day.6. You shouldn t depend on your parents when you grow up.7. The harder you study, the better grades you will get.8. I pay attention to learning in class.9. His father always compares him with

16、 other children.10. Lin Dan is one of the most popular sports stars in China.11. It s time to speak English.12. Swimming makes me strong.13. My mother is busy doing the housework every day.14. I don t know the man that is smoking.15. They were lost in the mountain yesterday.16. It was in the park th

17、at I met Mary.17. I will finish my homework as quickly as possible.18. I m looking forward to going to Hong Kong netxweek.19. My mother is strict about work.20. I practise swimming every day.21. How beautiful the flower is!22. Why not stop to have a rest?23. Daming will go to Shanghai ; so will I.24

18、. My grandmother can t be at home.25. This machine is used for making cakes.三、中考鏈接1. (2013 山東濰坊)我們應該和老師友好相處。(get on. with)2. (2013 山東濰坊)我去年經(jīng)常聽她在房間里彈鋼琴。(hear)3. (2014 山東濰坊)你現(xiàn)在應該戒煙了。(give up)4. (2014 山東濰坊)王先生總是鼓勵我們課堂上說英語。(encourage)5. (2015 山東濰坊)這本書是十年前印刷的。(print)6. (2015 山東濰坊)吃太多鹽對我們的健康不利。(no good fo

19、r)7. (2015 山東濰坊)放學后孩子們迫不及待地去踢足球。(cant wait)8. (2015 山東濰坊)他似乎已經(jīng)找到他的錢包了。(It seems that.)9. (2015 蘇州)我們一到學校就會交作業(yè)。10. (2015 蘇州)制作風箏對你來說容易嗎?11. (2015 蘇州)你最好不要在公園里采花。12. (2015 蘇州)我想知道你是怎樣和湯姆保持聯(lián)系的。13. (2015 蘇州)上周這家博物館的一些藝術(shù)品被偷了。14. (2016 蘇州)為什么不參加校足球隊的選拔呢?15. (2016 蘇州)16. (2016 蘇州)你能猜猜我叔叔買這個機器人多久了?17. (2016

20、 蘇州)大自然如此重要以至于我們都在合理保護它。18. (2016 山東濰坊)EQ代表什么? (stand for)19. (2016 山東濰坊)大明不僅是個好學生還是個好歌手。(as well as)20. (2016 山東濰坊)如果李萍聽到這個消息,她會很高興的。(if.)1. We should get on well with our teachers.2. I often heard her play the piano in the room last year.3. You should/must/ought to give up smoking now.4. Mr. Wang

21、always encourages us to speak English in class.5. The book was printed 10/ten years ago.6. (Eating) Too much salt is no good for our health.7. The children can t wait to play football after school.8. It seems that he has already found his wallet.9. We will hand in our homework as soon as we get to s

22、chool.10. Is it easy for you to make a kite?11. You d better not pick flowers in the park.12. I wonder how you keep in touch with Tom.13. Some works of art in this museum were stolen last week.14. Why not try out for the school football team?15. Plenty of application letters are dealt with in time e

23、very day.16. Can you guess how long my uncle has had the robot?17. Nature is so important that we are all protecting it properly.18. What does EQ stand for?19. Daming is a good singer as well as a good student.20. If Li Ping hears the news , she will be very happy. /Li Ping will be very happy if she

24、 hears the news.四、中考預測題1 .為什么我們不創(chuàng)辦一份????(Why dont. ?)2 .當我到達那里的時候,正在下雨。 (when.)3 .你五分鐘后就會到達那里。(in five minutes)4 .聽起來像個好主意。(sound like)5 .不要讓他們影響到你。(get to)6 .很多人仍然閱讀他的作品。(be read)7 .故事的主題和成長有關(guān)。(be to do with)8 .他被認為是最受歡迎的作家之一。(be thought)9 .他已經(jīng)被選中代表中國參加奧運會。(be chosen)10 .書能被電腦代替嗎?(be replaced)11 .他

25、自己離開了。 (go off)12 .對我們來說學好英語很重要。(It s+adj. +for sb. to do sth.)13 .你能幫助我,你真好。(Its+adj. +of sb. to do sth.)14 .如果你不是足夠快的話,獅子會抓住你。(fast enough)15 .他們的家庭生活和我們的相似。(be similar to)16 .我騎的那頭駱駝有個壞脾氣。(have a bad temper)17 .他的相機出了些問題。(something wrong)18 .和去年相比,我們收到了更多照片。(compared with)19 .我有個朋友,他的哥哥正在為奧運會訓練。(

26、train for)20 .是我的爸爸給我零用錢。(Its. who.)21 .據(jù)我所知,他是一周以前離開這里的。(as far as)22 .亂扔紙是常良費的。(It s+adj. +to do sth.)23 .我們應該阻止人們砍伐樹木。(prevent sb. from doing)24 .謝謝你幫助我學習英語。(thank sb. for.)25 .我每天花兩個小時彈鋼琴。spend. (in) doing26 .這本書花了我 10美元。(cost)27 .這件襯衫花了他 100元。(pay. for)28 .在陽光下讀書對眼睛不好。(be bad for)29 .這是學習英語的好方法

27、。(a way to do)30 . Tony 足夠大了,可以上學了。(old enough)31 . Mr. Li對我們要求很嚴格。(be strict with)32 .我去過北京好多次了。(have been to)33 .下周我要采訪 Becky。(do an interview with)34 .我們要去青島而不是北京。(instead of)35 .我期待再次見到你。(look forward to)36 .他太累了,很快就睡著了。(so. that.)37 . Betty 的奶奶去世時 100 歲了。(at the age of)38 .多虧了你的幫助,我成功地通過了面試。(th

28、anks to)39 . Amy 害怕坐飛機。(be afraid of)40 .我贊同老師的觀點。(agree with)41 .我一到那里就給你打電話。(as soon as)42 .我們正在考慮接下來做什么。(think about)43 .你沒有必要擔心錢的問題。(have to)44 .你最好每天鍛煉。(had better)45 .今天天氣多好??! (what)1. Why don t we start a school maigae?2. When I got/arrived there , it was raining.3. You ll get there in five m

29、inutes.4. It sounds like a good idea.5. Don t let them get to you.6. His works are still read by many people.7. The theme of the story is to do with growing up.8. He is thought to be one of the most popular writers.9. He has been chosen to represent China at the Olympic Games.10. Can books be replac

30、ed by computers?11. He went off on his own.12. It s important for us to learn English well.13. It s kind of yoiheop me.14. If you arent fast enough, the lion will catch you.15. Their family life is similar to ours.16. The camel that I rode had a bad temper.17. There s something wrong with his camera.18. Compared with last year , we received more photos.19. I have got a friend whose elder brother is training for the Olympics.20. It s my father who gives me my pocket money.21. A


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