



1、Module 3同步練習(xí)Section A Reading and Vocabulary根據(jù)所給單詞的首字母提示或漢語注釋,寫出各句中所缺單詞的正確形式。1. The police want to find if he has any c with the murder case.2. The thief p when a policeman suddenly appeared before him.3. Her baby was f by the scream from the next door and began to cry.4. Look, how the twins r each

2、other!5. I tried to persuade him to stay, but he was d to leave.6. Many people went to Shenzhen with the purpose of making a big f.7. These students seemed c about everything in the lab and kept asking me questions.8. He is a public figure. Any bad behavior will damage his r.9. It has been raining t

3、his week, but today is an e. It is sunny.10. Her tears were just a(騙局)to cheat others.11. In the past few years, this actress has(塑造)many new figures in his movies.12. This book has given us a vivid(敘述)of the life in the desert.13. The Health Department issued a( 警告)against eating fish caught in the

4、 river which was polluted by chemicals.14. Recently Mr. Wu has been in a bad(情緒)because he is out of work.單項選擇從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。1. My grandfather told me the hard life he in the past.A. liveB. leadC. livedD. leaded2. Mr Smith had worked a worker in a chemical factory for many years and fi

5、nally dieda terminal cancer.A. for; fromB. as; ofC. on; fromD. in; of3. Yesterday Tom was late for school and he had to an excuse in order not to be blamedby his teacher.A. make ofB. make use of C. make upD. make out4. Local people at the foot of Mount Merapi in Indonesia has been by the Governmentt

6、he eruption of Merapi volcano.A. notified;against B. warned; of C. told; aboutD. minformed; with5. From the look on his face, I knew that he must have been threatened by someone.A. vividB. horribleC. curiousD. terrified6. 一 She is an easy-going person.- No wonder she is always being into buying what

7、 she doesn ' t need at all.A. persuadedB. triedC. managedD. force7. As we know, many of Zhang Yimou ' movies are the countryside where there isbeautiful scenery.A. made ofB. located inC. begun with D. set injingetieji8. He made a in real estate. Now he has become a billionaire.A. moneyB. for

8、tuneC. luckD. wealth9. , or we will be late for the meeting!A. Moving onB. Get a moving on C. Get a move on D. Get on a moving10. A man has been sent to prison the murder of the robbery happened outside the bank.A. in connection withB. in relation with C. thanks forD.in response to11. The stroke lef

9、t her paralysed on both sides of her body. She on bed for two years.A. liedB. has lainC. has liedD. is lying12. My plan is to next weekend, when the summer vacation begins, for Kunming, the cityfor its beauty and mild temperature.A. take offB. get offC. go offD. set off翻譯1 .兩個小偷正要逃走的時候,警察出現(xiàn)了。(run aw

10、ay)2 .昨天晚上停電了,我們不得不用蠟燭照明來學(xué)習(xí)。(by the light of)3 .他問我們是否打算那一天走。(間接引語)4 .讓我驚奇的是,油漬(oil spots)完全消失了。(to one's astonishment)5 .當(dāng)時我并未意識到她是在捉弄我。(play a trick on)6 .他失業(yè)之后,朋友們都鼓勵他到南方去發(fā)財。(make a fortune)Section B Grammar語法專練一、從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。1. I don't want like I' m speaking ill of a

11、nybody, but the manager' s plan is unfair.(2005天津)A. to sound B. to be sounded C. sounding D. to have sounded2. I think you 'll grow him when you know him better. (2005 江西)A. likingB. to be likeC. to likeD. to be liking3. The flowers sweet in the botanical garden attract the visitors to the

12、beauty of nature.(2004上海)A. to smell B. smellingC. smeltD. to be smelt4. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role in making theearth a better place to live. (2003 上海春季)A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing5. I would love to the party last night bu

13、t I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A. to goB. to have gone C. goingD. having gone6. While shopping, people sometimes can 't help into buying something they don 't reallyneed.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded7. At last, we found ourselves in a pleasan

14、t park with trees providing shade and down toeat our picnic lunch. (2005 上海)A. sittingB. having sat C. to sitD. sat8. When she heard the news, her eyes were full of tears.A. exciting; excitedB. exciting; excitingC. excited; excitingD. excited; excited9. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the

15、 old couple, but it remains whetherthey will enjoy it.A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. seen10. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found in the kitchen.A. smokeB. smokingC. to smokeD. smoked11. 一 Listen! Who is crying in the room?一 like the man who has just arrived from the south.A. LooksB. L

16、istens C. Sounds D. Seems12. 一 Is there enough time for us to reach the airport?- No. We have no time. Let ' s hurry up.A. lostB. losing C. loseD. to lose二、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。將下列直接引語變?yōu)殚g接引語。1. “ Where do your parents work, Tom? ” the teacher asked.14. He said to me, "I've left my key in the office yes

17、terday.”15. Don't forget to take an umbrella, mom, " my daughter said.16. What a brave boy you are!” she told him.17. Light travels faster than sound,“ the physics teacher said to us.18. Will you continue to live here next year? ”I asked him.19. She asked me, Do you want a red one or a blue

18、 one?"20. You can keep the book for a month." The librarian said.21. He said, “I will come here again tomorrow.”22. Are you sure that Eric will come to help us, Helen? ” Lily asked.Section C Cultural Corner閱讀表達In most bars, customers can only watch the performance of Jazz or pop music. The

19、y rarely find rock music composed and performed by the bands on stage.Several youngsters have changed all that with a bar in a small warehouse on lane 200, Longcao Road in Shanghai. Instead of calling it a bar, they refer to it as the“ Music WareThe building had been a warehouse for many years befor

20、e these young people found it and turned it upside down.Large photos of local and overseas rock bands who have performed here will definitely catch the eye of first-time visitors. Almost every rock band in Shanghai has found its way to this stage.Unlike the simple furnishings, the sound equipment is

21、 of the same quality found in any studio or professional theatre.In January this year, 19 local and foreign bands performed here in the largest rock concert in Shanghai, which lasted 10 hours.Presenting more rock concerts is not the only goal for the founders of the Music Warehouse. They have formed

22、 an organization named Yuyintang to look for more promising rock bands in Shanghai, especially at universities. With their help, many bands have produced their first albums at the warehouse free of rental charge. A rehearsal room not far from the bar were set up by the members of Yuyintang and stock

23、ed with all kinds of musical instruments. Rock bands, especially those giving their first concerts, can use the room to get prepared. The owners of the bar plan to promote these bands ' albums to music companies in the future.“We hope everyone will love these bands and the music we love, and we

24、hope we can bring more concerts and joy to people because all of us love rock music too." Sai(Dan, one of the owners of the bar.1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following oneThey would rather ca ll

25、it Mu sic W arehouse " than a bar.3. Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph within 5 words to complete the sentence.4. Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.參考答案詞語1. connection 2. panicked 3. frightened 4. resemble 5. determined 6. fortune 7. curious8. re

26、putation 9. exception 10. trick 11. created 12. account 13. warning 14. mood選擇 1-6 CBCBD A 7-12 DBCA BD翻譯1. The two thieves were about to run away when the police appeared.2. There was a power failure yesterday and we had to study by the light of candles.3. He asked us whether we were going away that day.4. To my astonishment, the oil spots disappeared completel


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