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1、.第一部分 交際英語.-以下紅色1-60重點(diǎn)掌握看,可得分值9-12分-1.-Are you going on holiday for a long time"你度假很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間嗎.- _C_ 不是,只是幾天。A. It was a long time B. Two weeks ago.C. No. Only a couple of days. D Not long time ago.2.-Could you help me with my physics, please" 請(qǐng)問你能幫我做物理課作業(yè)嗎.-_D_.很抱歉不行。我馬上要去開會(huì)。(表示歉意要婉轉(zhuǎn),不能直接說NO 還應(yīng)

2、加理由)A. No, no way B. No, I couldntC. No, I cant D. Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now3.-Could I speak to Don Watkins, please" 我能和Don Watkins說話嗎. - _A_ 我就是。A. Speaking,please. B. Oh, how are you" C. Im listening.D. Im Don.4.-Could I borrow your car for a few day" 我能借你的車用

3、幾天嗎. -_C_.當(dāng)然可以。給你。祝你旅途愉快。A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go onC. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journeyD. It doesnt matter5.-Congratulations!You won the first prize in todays speech contest. -_C_. 祝賀你在今天的演講比賽中獲得冠軍。 -謝謝你。 A. Yes, I beat the others B. No, no, I didnt do it well C. Thank youD. Its pl

4、easure6.-Do you mind my smoking here" 你介意我在這吸煙嗎.(介意詢問時(shí),YES是表示介意)-_B_.是的,我介意A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes, Id rather not D. Good idea7.- Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday"你知道戴維昨天弄傷了他的腿嗎.- Really" _C_真的嗎.發(fā)生了什么事.A、Who did that"B、What's wrong with him"C、H

5、ow did that happen"D、Why was he so careless"8.-Excuse me, how much is the jacket"請(qǐng)問,這件夾克衫多少錢.-Its 499 Yuan. _D_. 499元。你想試一下嗎.A. Oh, no. Thats OK! B. How do you like it" C. Which do you prefer" D. Would you like to try it on"9.-Excuse me, could you show me the way to the

6、 nearest post office"打擾下,你能告訴我最近的郵局怎么走嗎.- _D_Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it.噢,我想下!從這里過兩個(gè)街區(qū),在格林大街,你不會(huì)錯(cuò)過A. I beg your pardon" B. What do you mean" C. Youre welcome. D. Um,let me think.10.-How are you, Bob"你好嗎,鮑勃.-_B_, Ted.我很好,謝謝。A. How are y

7、ou"B. Im fine. Thank you. C. How do you do" D. Nice to meet you.11.-How are you getting on today"你今天感覺怎么樣.- _A_.非常好A. Very well.B. How do you do"C. I'm a doctor.D. Nice to have known you.12.-Hows your family"你家人好嗎.-_C_.馬馬虎虎/還可以。A. Thanks all the same.B. Thanks for callin

8、g.C. Not too bad. D. Dont mention it.13.-Hello, Im Harry Potter. 你好,我是Harry Potter.-Hello, my name is Charles Green, but _C_. 你好,查爾斯·格林,不過叫我查爾斯A. call my CharlesB. call me at CharlesC. call me CharlesD. call Charles me14.-Hi,Tom, hows everything with you" 你好,湯姆,近來都好嗎.-_B_, and how are you&

9、quot; 還不錯(cuò),你呢"A.Dont mention itB.Hm, not too badC.ThanksD.Pretty fast15.-Is Mary there"是瑪麗嗎"- _A_我就是。A. Speaking.B. I'm not Mary.C. Who are you"D. Mary is well today.16- I'm sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic. 對(duì)不起,由于交通擁擠我遲到了。- _A_好吧。A、Well, it's OK.B、No, it'

10、s all right.C、You are welcome.D、You are wrong.17.-Its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window" - _B_.這里相當(dāng)冷,你介意我把窗關(guān)上嗎. -不介意,去關(guān)上吧。A. Yes, please B. No, please. C. Sure, please D. I dont like it18.-May I see your tickets, please" 可以看一下你的票嗎.-_A_.當(dāng)然可以。A. Sure B. No, you cant C. N

11、o, they are mineD. Yes, you can19.-Thank you for inviting me.感謝您的邀請(qǐng)。 -_C_謝謝光臨A. I really had a happy time. B. Oh, its too late.C. Thank you for coming. D. Oh, so slowly20.-Thanks for your help. - _A_.謝謝您的幫助 -這是我的榮幸。A. My pleasureB. Never mindC. Quite rightD. Dont thank me21.-Paul,_B_"鮑,那邊在說話的人是

12、誰.-Oh, thats my father! And beside him, my mother.哦,那是我的爸爸,在他旁邊的是我媽媽。A. what is the person over there.B. whos talking over there.C. what are they doing.D. which is that.22.-What does Toms wife do for a living" 湯姆的妻子是做什么的.-_A_.她是一位醫(yī)生。A. She is a doctor. B. Tom loves his wife.C. She has a happy l

13、ife. D. She lives far from here.23.-How tall is your sister"你姐姐有多高.- _D_和我一樣高。A. She is not very well.B. She is 28 years old.C. She is very nice.D. She is as tall as I am.24.-What do you think of this novel"你覺得這部小說怎么樣.- _B_寫的非常好。A. I've read it.B. It's well-written.C. It was writte

14、n by my uncle.D. I bought it yesterday.25.-Whos _C_"你是誰. -This is Tom.我是湯姆。A. speaksB. spokenC. speakingD. saying26.-Please help yourself to the seafood.請(qǐng)吃點(diǎn)海鮮-_D_.謝謝,但我不喜歡吃海鮮。A. No, I cant.B. Sorry, I cant helpC. well, seafood dont suit forD. Thanks,but I dont like the seafood27.- Would you lik

15、e to go to the concert with us this evening"今晚你愿意跟我一起聽演唱會(huì)嗎.- _B_ 我很想去,但是今天晚上我很忙。A. No, I already have plans.B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.C. No, I really don't like being with you.D. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.28.-Must I take a taxi" 我必須坐出租車嗎.-No, you_D_. You

16、 can take a car. 不必。你可以坐我的車。A. had better to B. dont C. must not D. dont have to29.-We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us"今晚我們有個(gè)歌唱聚會(huì),你想來嗎. -_A_.恐怕不行,因?yàn)槲业脜⒓右粋€(gè)重要會(huì)議。A. Im afraid not, because I have to go to an important meetingB. Of course not. I have no ideaC. No

17、, I cant D. Thats all set30.-How was your trip to London, Jane"簡(jiǎn),你在倫敦的旅行如何.-_A_.哦,真的好極了A. Oh, wonderful indeedB.I went there aloneC. The guide showed me the wayD. By plane and by bus31.-Hey, Tom, whats up"嗨,湯姆,你在忙什么.-_B_.哦,沒忙什么A. Yes, definitely! B. Oh, not much.C. What is happening in you

18、r life" D. You are lucky.32.-This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs. 這個(gè)盒子對(duì)我來說太重了,搬不到樓上去 -_B_-讓我?guī)湍惆葾. You may ask for helpB. Ill give you a handC. Please do me a favorD. Id come to help33.-I wonder if I could use your computer tonight" 我在想是否今晚可以用你的電腦.-_A_Im not using it right now

19、.行,拿去用吧,今晚我不用。A. Sure, here you are. B. I don't know. C. It doesn't matter D. Who cares"34.-Wow!This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic. -_C_.哇!多么漂亮的房間啊,我從來不知道你如此有藝術(shù)品位?。?謝謝你的贊揚(yáng)A. Great, I am very art-conscious B. Dont mention itC. Thanks for your compliments D. Its f

20、ine35.-Is it possible for you to work late tonight" 今晚你可以加班嗎. -_D_.我認(rèn)為可以A. I like itB. Ill do thatC. Id love toD. I think so36.-Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!難以置信!我的駕照考試又沒通過!-_B_. This is not the end of the world. 振作點(diǎn)。這不是世界末日。A. Good luck B. Cheer up C. Go ahead D. No probl

21、em37.-Are you feeling better today, Jack" 你今天感覺好些了,杰克.- _C_好點(diǎn)了,謝謝你,但是我仍然有點(diǎn)不舒服。A、There must be something wrong.B、Just have a good rest.C、Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.D、Don't worry about me.38.-Thank you so much for your lovely gift.謝謝你可愛的禮物。-_B_我非常喜歡它。A.Never mind.

22、B.Im glad you like it.C.Please dont say so.D.No,Its not so good.39.-Would you like something to drink" What about a cup of tea"請(qǐng)問你想喝點(diǎn)什么.一杯茶怎么樣.- _A_不,謝謝。A、No, thanks.B、No, I wouldn't.C、Yes, I want.D、Yes, I like.40.-What's the problem with your bike"你的自行車出了什么問題. - _C_沒事A. Not a

23、t all. B. Good, thank you. C. Nothing serious. D. Sure41.-Good morning, John. How are you doing"早晨好,約翰。近來怎么樣.- _C_還可以,還不錯(cuò)A. I'm pleased.B. Good night.C. Not so bad. And you"D. How do you do"42.-How do you do"見到你很高興.- _B_.見到你也很高興(初次見面問候、打招呼常用語)A. Fine, thank you.B. How do you

24、do"C.Not too bad.D. Very well.43.-Good-bye for now.再見吧。-_C_ 再見A. The same to you. B. That's OK. C. See you. D. Long time no see.44.-Hello, how are you" 嗨,你好嗎.- _C_我很好,謝謝。A. Hello, how are you" B. How do you do". C. Fine, thank you. D. That's OK.45.-I didn't mean to do

25、 that. Please forgive me.我不是故意那么做,請(qǐng)?jiān)徫摇?_B_ 沒關(guān)系A(chǔ). Not too bad. B. That's all right. C. It's a pleasure. D. Thank you.46.-Thank you for your invitation.多謝您的邀請(qǐng).- _B_.我很榮幸A. It doesn't matter.B. It's a pleasure.C. It's a small thing. D. I'll appreciate it.47.-What a beautiful dr

26、ess you have on today!你今天穿的裙子非常漂亮!- _D_.謝謝A. It is suitable for me.B. No, it isn't.C. You want to have one, too"D. Thank you.48-I think he is a good lecturer.我認(rèn)為他是一個(gè)好講師。-_B_我也這樣認(rèn)為。A. Sorry, it doesnt matter.B. So do I.C. Yes. Its a good idea.D. I dont mind.49.-What's the matter, dear&qu

27、ot;親愛的,怎么了.- _B_ 我頭很痛A. I didn't go to school.B. I have a terrible headache. C. I took the kids shopping today.D. It is a beautiful dress.50.-Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please"早上好,我可以跟馬克說話嗎.- _B_ 請(qǐng)講(我就是)A. Who's there" B. Who's speaking"C. Who are you" D. Who

28、wants to speak to Mark"51.-let me introduce myself. I am Steward.自我介紹下,我是史都華德- _B_.很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你 A. What a pleasure B. Pleased to meet youC.I dont knowD.Thanks a lot.52.-Let's go to the library this afternoon.咱們一起下午去圖書館.- _D_. 好主意。A.Yes, that's right.B.No. I can't.C.What about you"D.T

29、hat's a good idea.53.-How much is this necklace"這條項(xiàng)鏈多少錢.- _C_五十英鎊。A. It's very nice.B. It's a birthday present from my parents.C. It costs fifty pounds.D. It's a bargain.54.-How can I get to the cinema"請(qǐng)問電影院怎么走.- _D_ 沿著這條街走然后左拐。A. It's very far.B. Yes, there is a cinema

30、 near here.C. It's well known.D. Go down this street and turn left.55.-What's the matter, John"怎么了,約翰- _A_我的語法考試考砸了。A. I failed my French test.B. It doesn't matter.C. Nothing's wrong with him.D. I don't think I can.56.-What are you majoring in"你是學(xué)什么專業(yè)的.- _C_數(shù)學(xué)A. In a un

31、iversity.B. Very hard.C. Mathematics.D. At nine in the morning.57.-What day is today"今天是星期幾.- _D_.今天是周一。A. It's March 6.B. It's a fine day today.C. It's March.D. It's Monday.58.-Is that seat taken"這個(gè)座位有人嗎.- _B_沒有A. Please don't worry.B. I don't think so.C. Why not&q

32、uot;D. It's very nice.59.-Thank you for calling.謝謝你打電話來。- _C_.很高興能同你交談。A. Don't mention it.B. That's fine.C. Nice talking to you.D. Call back again.60.-_A_"你爸爸是從事什么工作的.-He teaches physics in a school.他在一所學(xué)校教物理。A. What does your father do" B. Who is your fatherC. What is your fa

33、ther doing" D. Where is your father now-1.- Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! 圣誕快樂,新年快樂!- _D_ 同喜。A. It's very nice of you. B. You're welcome. C. Thank you D. The same to you2.- Is there anyone in your family looking for a job" 你有家人在找工作嗎.- Yes, my sister is. She is _B_part time

34、in a restaurant now, but she wants to change her job.有的,我妹妹在找工作,她現(xiàn)在在餐廳工作,但是她想換個(gè)工作。A. studying B. working. C. eating D. playing3. - Why didn't you tell me" 你為什么不告訴我呢.- _A_ 不好意思,我忘記了。A. Sorry, I forgot. B. I'm sorry you should wait. C. I don't know. D. I'd love to.4. - What would

35、you like to drink" 你想喝點(diǎn)什么.- _C_ 一杯牛奶,謝謝。A. Thanks a lot. B. Be quick. C. A glass of milk, please. D. I'm sorry.5.-What can I do for you" 我有什么可以為你效勞的嗎.- _B_ 可以給我一杯水嗎.A. Let me have a watch. B. Could you show me the watch"C. Yes, you can. Give me the watch. D The watch, please don&#

36、39;t give me the pen6.- Ben, would you like to play football with us" 本,你愿意跟我們一起踢足球嗎._D_, but I have to wash the dishes first.我很想,但是我要先洗盤子。A. No, I can't B. I don't want to C. Yes, please. D. I'd love to7.- Your garden is very beautiful. 你家花園真漂亮。_A_ 謝謝A. Thank you B. Congratulations

37、 C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn't8. -Thank you ever so much for the present you sent me. 多謝你來看我。- _B_. 我很榮幸A. Please don't say so B. I'm glad you like it C. No, thanks D.It's not so good, I think9.- I'd like to book a room, please. - _A_" 麻煩你,我想預(yù)定一個(gè)房間 -單間還是雙人間"A. Single or

38、 double" B. Good or bad" C. Which room" D. We don't have books here.10.- Would you like some more" 您還需要點(diǎn)什么.- _D_. I'm full.不用了,謝謝,我很飽了。A. Yes, please B. I'd love to C. No, I wouldn't D. No, thanks.11.- I need to go to the library today. Do you know what time it cl

39、oses" 我今天要去圖書館,你知道幾點(diǎn)關(guān)門嗎. - _C_ 下午5點(diǎn)半 A. No, thanks. B. I'm very busy now. C. At about 5:30. D. I don't need to go there.12.- You haven't paid for it yet. 您還沒有付款- _A_哦,真的很抱歉。A. Oh, I'm really very sorry. B. Thank you. C. Not at all. D. Of course, I know.13.- How is it that you ar

40、e late for class again". 你怎么上課又遲到了. - _A_因?yàn)槲义e(cuò)過了公交車。A. Because I missed the bus. B. By bus and then on foot. C. Yes, it is quite wrong. D. It is far from school.14.- Whom does the teacher explain the word to".老師給誰解釋這個(gè)詞. - _A_學(xué)生們A. The students B. The words. C. The teacher. D. Many of them.1

41、5.- What can I do for you".有什么可以幫您的嗎. - _A_ 沒有,謝謝。A. No, thanks B. Of course not. C. I agree not D. Sorry16.-Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.在學(xué)校運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)上我們班贏得了女子接力比賽。- _C_ 祝賀你A. That's right. B. Thanks a lot. C. Congratulations! D. It's a pleasure.1

42、7.-I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A. - _B_我很擔(dān)心我的數(shù)學(xué),但是布朗先生給了我一個(gè)A。-祝賀你!真不容易。A. Dont worry about it. B. Congratulations! Thats a difficult course.C. Mr. Brown is very good. D. Good luck to you!18.- What is she" - _A_"她是做什么的. -她是個(gè)打字員。A. She is a typist. B. She is talkin

43、g to her friend. C. She is having a holiday. D. She is my sister.19.- You have a good voice - _A_"你有一副好嗓子 謝謝。A. Thank you B. Not at all C. Just so so D. My voice isn't good20.-Do you think I could borrow your dictionary" 我能借用下你的字典嗎._D_. 當(dāng)然,請(qǐng)自便A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, you could C.

44、 Yes, go on D. Yes, help yourself21. - Do you mind if I switch off the radio"你介意我關(guān)閉收音機(jī)嗎.- _C_. Go ahead. 不,不介意,請(qǐng)便A. Never mind B. No way C. No, not at allD. No, you'd better not22. - Thanks for the lovely and delicious food. 謝謝您提供的美味食物。- _D_. 這是我的榮幸A. No thanks B. Never mindC. All right D.

45、My pleasure23.- Excuse me, I'm afraid you've overcharged me. 不好意思,恐怕你多收我錢了 -_A_ " 噢.是嗎. A. Oh, really" B. That's all right. C. That's fine. D. You're welcome.24.- let me introduce myself. I am Tom. 自我介紹下,我是湯姆- _D_.很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你 A. What a pleasure B. It's pleasure. C. I'

46、;m very pleased D. Pleased to meet you25. -Hi! George. How are you" 你好,George,你好嗎.- _D_ 很好,謝謝,你呢.A. That's all right. B. Don't mention it. C. How are you" D. Fine, thanks. And you"26. -Welcome to Beijing! 歡迎來北京-_A_ 謝謝A. Thank you.B. Oh, good. C. How do you do" D. That'

47、;s all right.27.-What can I do for you" 我有什么可以為你效勞的嗎.-_A_.我想要一公斤梨。A.I want a kilo of pears.B. You can do in your own way.C. ThanksD. Excuse me. Im busy.28.- Would you like to see a film" 你想去看電影嗎.- _A_ 當(dāng)然,我很樂意A. Yes, I'd love to.B. Do it, please.C. No, you like it" D. How do you do

48、"29. -I was born in Boston, but I studied in New York. _B_"我出生在波士頓,但在紐約上學(xué),你呢-I was born in New York, but studied in Boston.我出生在紐約,在波士頓上學(xué)。A. What do you doB. And you C. Where were youD. Do you30.-This week, I will travel to Japan. 這個(gè)星期,我將去日本旅游。-_A_. 玩的高興點(diǎn)A. Have a good time! B. Let me go wi

49、th you C. Do you have money" D. Don't joke31. - That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to. 這是一只美麗的貓,我不知道是誰的。- _A_ 它是布朗先生的。A. It belongs to the Browns.B. The cat is my favourite too.C. Mind your own business.D. I can't say anything more.32. -Oh, dear! I've lost my new wa

50、tch. 哦,天?。∥襾G了我的新手表。-_D_ 太可惜了。A. I'm sad. B. That's right.C. That's all right.D. What a pity!33.-Oh, dear! Ive just broken a window.噢天啊,我剛剛打破了一扇窗戶。- _B_ 不要緊。A. GreatB. Dont worry / Never mind C. Thats fineD. Not at all34.-Why not join us in the game"為什么不加入我們的游戲呢.-_A_.好的,我加入。A.OK! Im

51、comingB. No, you do the same C. Oh, thats all rightD. Dont mention it35. -Good evening, Professor Hardy. 晚上好,教授-Good evening, John. Come in, please. 晚上好,約翰,請(qǐng)進(jìn)。-Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you.謝謝,希望沒有打攪您。-No, _B_. 沒有,一點(diǎn)也不A. thank you B. not at all C. thanks D. let it alone36.-Im sorry to

52、trouble you. Can I borrow a pen, please"很抱歉打攪您,我能借用下您的筆嗎.- _B_.當(dāng)然!在這兒A. Yes, you canB. Certainly! It is here C. Shes welcomeD. Thank you37. Would you mind if I use your car" 您介意我用下您的車嗎.Of course not. _C_. 當(dāng)然不介意,它在那兒。A. I'm sorry I can'tB. I'm afraid notC. It's over there D.

53、 I have no car38. May I use your dictionary" 我可以用下你的字典嗎._A_. 當(dāng)然,給你。A. Yes, here you areB. No, you won'tC. Never mindD. Sorry here it is39.-Would you mind closing the window" It is windy outside. 您介意幫我關(guān)下窗戶嗎.這有風(fēng)-_A_ 當(dāng)然可以A. Not at all. B. Sure, go ahead. C. Why not" D. Yes, I would.4

54、0.-Excuese me, can I smoke here" 打攪下,我可以在這吸煙嗎. -_C_.您最好不要。A. You mustnt B. No C. Youd better not D. Im sorry, you can41.-Could I use your bike for a moment"我可以用一會(huì)你的自行車嗎.-_C_.可以的A. Its well. B. It doesnt matter. C. By all means.D.I have no idea.42.-Will you please give me the note to him" 你能幫我遞個(gè)條子給他嗎.-_A_.當(dāng)然,我遞給他。A. Certainly, Ill give it to him B. No, please not C. Sorry, I dont D. Yes, please do43.- Could you pass me the salt and pepper" 你可以把鹽和胡椒遞給我嗎.- _B_.好的,給你A. Sorry, I didn't know what you mean. B. Ok, here you are. C. No, I w


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