



1、漁夫The Fisherman and the Golden Fish和金魚的故事2011-07-21 15:03:14網(wǎng)友評論 0 條Characters:Narrator, Fisherman, Wife, Golden FishScene 1海邊,漁夫在釣魚Narrator:Once upon a time, a fisherman and his wife lived in a dirtyhovel (小屋)close by the sea. Every day he went out fishing. Once,as he was sitting with his rod, look

2、ing at the clear water, his line suddenly went down, and when he drew it up again he brought out a large Golden Fish. Then the fish said to him:旁白:從前,有個漁夫和妻子住在海邊的一座小屋里,漁夫每天都去釣魚。一天,他拿著 釣竿坐在海邊,看著清澈的海水。忽然,魚線猛的往下沉,等他把釣鉤拉上來時,發(fā)現(xiàn)釣 上來一條很大的金魚。那魚對他說Golden Fish: Listen to me, you Fisherman, I beg you, let meli

3、ve! I ' m not a fish. I' mnot really a fish, but an enchanted (被施魔法的) prince. Please put me in the water again, and let me go!金魚:聽我說,漁夫,我懇求你放我一條生路。我并不是什么金魚,而是被施了魔法的王 子。請把我放回大海吧。Fisherman: Come, there is no need for so many words about it. A fish that can talk I should certainly let go.漁夫:哎,你

4、不用這么費口舌,我無論如何也會放走一條會說話的魚。Narrator:With that the fisherman put the fish back into the clearwater. Then he got up and went home to his wife in the hovel. 旁白:說著他就把魚放回了大海。然后回到茅屋里。Scene 2大海邊,漁夫的小屋里Wife: Husband, have you caught nothing today漁婆:親愛的,今天你什么也沒釣到嗎Fisherman: No, I did catch a Golden Fish who co

5、uld talk. He said he was an enchanted prince, so I let him go.漁夫:不,我的確捕到了一條會說話的金魚。他說他是一個被中了魔法的王子,所以我就又把它放回了大海。Wife: Did you not wish for anything first漁婆:難道你就沒有先提什么愿望嗎Fisherman: No, what should I wish for漁夫:沒有,我該提什么愿望嗎Wife: Ah, it is surely hard to have to live in this hovel. You might have wished f

6、or a small cottage for us. Go back and call him. Tell him we want to have a small cottage.漁婆:唉,住在我們這樣的一間小破屋里,實在是難受。你該提提出得到一座漂亮的小別墅的愿望。回去告訴他,我們要一幢小別墅。Fisherman: Ah, why should I go there again漁夫:啊,我為什么要再去呢Wife: Why You did catch him, and you let him go. He is sure to do it.Go at once.漁婆:為什么你捉住了他,又放走了

7、他。他肯定會滿足咱們的愿望的,快去吧。Narrator:The manstill did not like to go, but he did not like to opposehis wife either, so he went back to the sea.旁白:漁夫還是不愿去,可又不想和他妻子作對,于是就去了海邊。Scene 3 海邊,海水綠得泛黃,也不像以往那樣平靜。Fisherman: Golden Fish, Golden Fish in the sea, Come, I pray that you hear me; My wife orders me to come aga

8、in. She wants you to grant her wish.漁夫:金魚啊,海里的金魚,懇請你出來見見我;我的老婆命令我又來到這里,她要你滿足她的愿望。Golden Fish: Well, what does she want, then金魚:那么,她想要什么Fisherman: Ah, she would not like to live in a hovel any longer. She would like to have a small cottage.漁夫:她再也不想住在那個破舊的茅屋里啦。她想有一幢小別墅。Golden Fish: Go, then, she has i

9、t already.金魚:回去吧,她已經(jīng)擁有了小別墅。Scene 4海邊上矗立著一幢小別墅。有美麗的花園,果樹。Narrator:Whenthe man went home, his wife was no longer in the hovel,but instead in a small cottage. Everything went well for a week, but then the woman said to the fisherman 旁白:當他回到家,他的老婆已經(jīng)不在小茅屋了,她住進了一座別墅。他們就這樣生活了 一個星期,一天,妻子突然說Wife: Dear, this

10、cottage is far too small for us, and the garden and yard are little; go to the fish and ask him to give us a large house.I should like to live in a great stone castle(城堡).漁婆:親愛的,這房子太小了,花園和院子也太小了??烊フ夷囚~,叫他送給咱們一座更 大的房子。我要住在一座石頭城堡里。Fisherman: Ah, wife, the cottage is quite good enough, why should we liv

11、e in a castle漁夫:唉,老婆,這別墅不是夠好的了嗎咱們?yōu)槭裁催€要住在宮殿里呢Wife: What Just go there. The fish can certainly do this.漁婆:胡說,你只管去找金魚,他會照做的。Fisherman: No, wife, the fish has just given us the cottage, I do not want to go back so soon. It might make him angry.漁夫:不行啊,老婆,金魚剛剛送了我們一幢別墅,我實在不想這么快就找他。這會讓他不tWj興。Wife: Go, he ca

12、n do it quite easily and will be glad to do it. Just go to him!漁婆:他輕而易舉就能辦到,也樂意這么辦??烊グ伞arrator:The man didn ' t want to go, but he h ad to. When he came tothe sea the water was quite purple and dark-blue, no longer so green.He stood there and said 旁白:漁夫不愿去,可他還是去了。當他來到海邊時,海水變成了黑紫色,不再是那么綠 了。他站在那兒

13、說Scene 5海水變成紫藍色,但仍舊很安靜。Fisherman:Golden Fish, Golden Fish in the sea,Come, I pray that you hear me; My wife orders me to come again. She wants you to grant her wish.漁夫:金魚啊,海里的金魚,懇請你出來見見我;我的老婆命令我又來到這里, 她要你滿足她的愿望。Golden Fish: Well, what does she want, then金魚:那么,她想要什么Fisherman: Ah, she wants to live in

14、 a great stone castle.漁夫:啊,她想要一座石頭建造的城堡。Golden Fish: Go to it, then. She is standing before the door.金魚:回去吧,她現(xiàn)在正站在城堡門前呢。Narrator:Then the man went back home. He found a great stone palace,and his wife was just standing on the steps.旁白:老頭回到家,果真看到一座石頭建造的宮殿,他老婆站在石階上。Scene 6宮殿大廳鋪著大理石,紅地毯,金碧輝煌,眾多的仆人。Wife

15、: Come, isn ' t this beautiful漁婆:進來,很漂亮吧Fisherman: Yes, indeed. Now we will live in this beautiful castle and be content.漁夫:是的,確實很漂亮。到此為止吧,咱們就好好住在這座美麗的宮殿里吧,總該心滿 意足啦。Narrator:Next morning the wife awokefirst, she said to her husband旁白:第二天早晨妻子先醒了,她丈夫說Wife: Get up, husband, couldn ' t we be emp

16、erors over all the land Go to the fish, we will be emperors.漁婆:起來,老頭子。我們難道不能當當這個國家的皇帝嗎我們要做皇帝。Fisherman: Ah, wife, why should we be emperors I do not want to be an emperor.漁夫:哎呀,老婆,干嗎要當皇帝呢我可不想當什么皇帝。Wife: Well, if you won ' t be an emperor, I will. Go to the fish, for I will be Empress.漁婆:好了,如果你不想

17、當皇帝,我當。到金魚那里去,告訴他,我要當皇后。Fisherman: Ah, wife, why do you want to be Empress I do not want to say that to him.漁夫:哎,老婆,你為什么要當皇后我不愿意去跟他說這個。Wife: Why not I must be Empress.漁婆:為什么不我一定要做皇后。Narrator:So the manwent, and wasquite unhappy because his wife wishedto be Empress. He did not wish to go, but yet he

18、went.旁白:老頭因為他老婆要當皇后很不高興,他不想去,但是沒法子只好又去了。Scene 7海水一片墨黑,渾濁不清,洶涌翻騰,旋風陣陣。Fisherman: Golden Fish, Golden Fish in the sea,Come, I pray that you hear me;My wife orders me to come again.She wants you to grant her wish.漁夫:金魚啊,海里的金魚,懇請你出來見見我;我的老婆命令我又來到這里, 她要你滿足她的愿望。Golden Fish: Well, what does she want, then金

19、魚:她又想要什么啊Fisherman: She wants to be Empress.漁夫:她想要做皇后。Golden Fish: Go to her, she is Emperor already.金魚:去找她吧,她已經(jīng)是皇后了。Narrator:So the man went, and when he got there, he saw thegreat royal palace. His wife had become an Empress.旁白:于是漁夫往回走,到家一看,一座皇宮。老婆已經(jīng)成了皇后。Scene 8 金碧輝煌的皇宮,站著許多大臣,一個手執(zhí)皇杖不可一世的皇后。Fisher

20、man: Ah, wife, be content, now you are Empress. You cannot become anything greater.漁夫:啊,老婆,你現(xiàn)在做了皇后,該滿足了吧。不會再有什么非分之想了吧Wife: Can I order the sun and the moonto rise Husband, go to the fish, for I wish to be even as God is.漁婆:我能對太陽和月亮升起發(fā)號施令嗎老頭子,去金魚那里,我要和上帝平起平坐。Fisherman: Aha, wife, what are you saying漁夫:哎呀,老婆,你說什么呢Wife: If I can ' t order the sun and the moon to rise, and h


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