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1、四川省雅安市2020年中考英語試題學(xué)校:姓名:班級:考號:一、單項選擇name is Tom.I. That boy is from Canada.A.HerB. HisC. YourD. My2.A.DriveB. DrivingC. To driveD. Drove3.Judy Brownas an English teacher in our school since five years ago.A.worksB. will workC. workedD. has workedcarefully, please! There is a school ahead.4.Lets buy s

2、omeones.A. cheapB. sweetC. freshD. smallMum, (he apples in the box have gone bad.5. How beautiful your skirt is! Could you please tell meThanks. I bought it on Taobao.B. when you bought itD. who you bought itA. where you bought itC. why you bought it二、完型填空This world is not fair. Some people are born

3、 into rich families. They never need to 6 about things like food as they grow up. Some people arc born into poor families. Whenthey are still kids, they have to learn how to live on their own. Some people are born into peaceful countries. They never feel 7. Some people are bom during the wars. Theyn

4、eed to do everything to stay alive.8 people who are born into rich families may not grow into useful ones. People who are born into poor families can work hard and live 9. People who are born intopeaceful countries may choose wrong ways and become bad men. Yet there are many great men even born in t

5、he most chaotic (混舌L的)country in the world.Your way of 1() decides your life. It would be the greatest regret in your life if you let chances go away through your fingers.6. A. knowB. worryC. forgetD. hear7. A. sickB. excitedC. scaredD. safe6. B7. C8. A9. D10. B【分析】文章主要論述了世界是不公平的,但天生的東西并不能決定你如何做人和生活

6、。你的思維方 式?jīng)Q定了你的人生之路。6.句意:他們長大從不需要擔心食物之類的審情。know 知道;worry 擔心:forget 忘記:hear 聽見。由Some people are born into rich families. They never need to.about things like food as they grow up.可知,出生在富裕家庭的人長大后不需 要擔心食物之類的事情。故選B。7.句意:他們從不感到害怕。sick 生病的;excited 興奮的:scared 害怕的;safe 安全的。由Some people are bom into peaceful c

7、ountries. They never feel.MnJ知,出生在和平國家的人不會感到害怕。故選C。8.句意:但是出生在富裕家庭的人可能不會成長為有用的人。But但是;S。因此;Or或者;Because因為。上文“出生在富裕家庭的人長大后不需要擔心 食物之類的事情和下文“出生在富裕家庭的人可能不會成長為有用的人之間為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系, 故用but連接。故選Ao9.句意:出生在貧困家庭的人可以努力工作,幸福地生活。sadly 悲傷地;carefully 認真地;quietly 安靜地;happily 幸福地。由People who are born into poor families can wor

8、k hard and livc.M可知,人們通過努力工作,可以獲得幸福的生活。故 選D。10.句意:你的思維方式?jīng)Q定了你的生活。explaining 解釋;thinking 思考;speaking 說;playing 玩。由“Your way of.decides your life.* 及全文可知,本文主要講述了出生在富有、貧窮、和平、戰(zhàn)亂等環(huán)境下的不同的人生,人們 在不同境遇下的思維方式?jīng)Q定了不同的人生。故選B。11. A12. C13. D14. B15. D16. A17. C18. B19. A20. C【分析】文章講述了作者剛步入九年級,感覺壓力很大,于是通過慢跑來放松的事情。從起

9、初的不適 應(yīng)到后來的應(yīng)對自如,讓作者意識到:慢跑是解壓的好方法,做好每天的小步,最終夢想 都會實現(xiàn)。11.句意:我過去常在晚上8點之前完成作業(yè),但在九年級我必須熬夜到午夜。until 直到;for 因為;since 因為;about 關(guān)于;根據(jù)“I used to get my homework done by 8 p.m. But I have to stay up”以及“midnight”可知,此處說的是九年級不得不熬夜到午夜,空格表達 的是“直到.”,故選A。12.句意:所以我決定通過慢跑來放松自己。tired 疲憊的;embarrassed 尷尬的;relaxed 放松的:satisf

10、ied 滿意的;根據(jù)T was quite stressed out”可知,此處說的是通過慢跑來放松自己,故選C。13.句意:相反,我只想著我邁出的每一步。However 然而;Besides 除之外,還有;Though 雖然:Instead 相反:根據(jù)4tSo I avoided thinking of the long way that I had to run以及l(fā)kI just thought about each step that 1 made.可知, 此處表達的是相反,作者只想著自己邁出的每一步,所以用instead,故選D。14.句意:在我嘗試了跑步的方式之后,令我驚訝的是,事

11、情變得不同了。difficult 困難的;different 不同的:terrible nJ怕的;scary 恐怖的;根據(jù)started to feel the pleasure that ninning had brought me.”可知,此處指的是嘗試了新的辦法之后,事情變得不一 樣了,故選B。15.句意:每一步都比以前容易。harder 更難的:slower 更慢的;heavier 更重的:easier 更容易的;根據(jù)At first I always felt tired. 以及“I started to feel the pleasure that running had brou

12、ght me.”可知,此處指的是現(xiàn)在跑步比以 前容易多了,故選D.16.句意:我身邊的風(fēng)不再嘲笑我,而更像是一個陪我一起的朋友。friend 朋友;energy 能量;stranger 陌生人;customer 顧客;根據(jù)t4The wind beside me was no longer laughing at me”以及“who came along with me”可知,此處指的是風(fēng)像朋友一樣陪著我, 故選Ao17.句意:而且,我生活中的每件事都逐漸變得更好。possibly 可能;certainly 當然;gradually 逐漸;usually 通常;根據(jù)“When I first

13、entered Grade9, all the thing got so hard fbr me.以及“I started to feel the pleasure that running had broughtme.who came along with me”可知,此處說的是所有的一切都逐漸變得好起來,故選C。18.句意:我的老師甚至在課堂上稱贊我學(xué)習(xí)出色。warned 警告;praised 表揚:held 握??;greeted 問候;根據(jù)in class for my good job”可知,此 處指的是因為學(xué)習(xí)好而受到老師的表揚,故選B。19.句意:所以慢跑是解決我壓力的好方法。de

14、al with解決;care about關(guān)心;get into進入;put on穿上;根據(jù)上文的描述以及t4So jogging isagoodway”以及“mystress”可知,此處說的是慢跑是解決壓力的好方法,故選A。20.句意:每一天只是一小步。dream 夢想;lesson 課程;step 步;way 方法;根據(jù)We can make our dream come true only by doing well in each step.”可知,此處指的是每天只是,小步,做好每天的這小步,就能實 現(xiàn)夢想,故選C。21.D22.A23.C24.D25.B【分析】為了確保您和您的學(xué)生能夠

15、成功地、有教育意義地參觀CU博物館,文章給出了一些建議。21.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段In order to make sure that you and your students have a successful and educational visit to CU Museum, here are a few suggestions fbr what you can do.為了確保您木【I 您的學(xué)生能夠成功地、有教育意義地參觀CU博物館,這里有幾個建議,您可以知道做什么。 故選D。22.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)上文Before the visit : Discuss the coming tr

16、ip with your students.可知在 訪問之前應(yīng)和你的學(xué)生討論即將到來的旅行。故選Ao23.詞句猜測題。根據(jù)單詞“pre-visit (參觀前的)”出現(xiàn)在“Before lhe visit這一段落里,而 post-visit這一詞出現(xiàn)在段落After the visit中,After the visit意為“在參觀以后”,由此推測 post-visit的意思為“訪問過的,參觀過的,故選C。24.推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段In order to make sure that you and your students have a successful and educational

17、visit to CU Museum”為了確保您和您的學(xué)生能成功地有教育意義地訪問CU博 物館,可知這篇文章是寫給老師們的。故選D。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)最后一段For more intbnnation on how you can make your visit a success please call us at (303 ) 492 - 1666 or send an email to . You can also write a letter to 781 N. Blue Lake Street, Green Island.,有關(guān)您如何使您的訪問成功

18、的更多信 息,請致電(303) 492-1666或發(fā)送電子郵件給o你也可以寫信給 綠島藍湖街781號??芍?種聯(lián)系方式。故選B。26.A27.D28.C29.C30.B【分析】文章大意:華盛頓郵報在繁忙的地鐵站做了一項實驗,讓偉大的音樂家Joshua Bell在地鐵 站演奏,看有多少人駐足欣賞,實驗的結(jié)果并未能讓人滿意。作者由此想告訴我們不要因為 忙碌而忽視了太多發(fā)生在身邊的美好事物。26.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)It was a cold day in January.以及“most of them on her way to work.可知, 這是一個寒冷

19、冬天的早晨,人們都著急去上班,故選A。27.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“Three minutes went by and the first person, a middle - aged man, noticed there was a musician play!ng.,可知,第一個注意到音樂家演奏的是一位中年男人,故選D。28.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)During the musicians performance, only a few people gave response (反應(yīng)) to him: six people stopped and stayed fbr a while, twenty

20、 gave him money but continued to walk., 可知,有六個人駐足,二十個人給了他錢但繼續(xù)前行,總共是26個人,故選C。29.理解判斷題。根據(jù)No one knew the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in theworld.”可知,Joshua Bell是一位世界上優(yōu)秀的小提琴演奏家,故選C。30.主旨大意題。根據(jù)If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the worl

21、d playing the best music, how many other nice things arc we missing?如果我們沒有時 間停下來聽世界上最好的音樂家演奏最好的音樂,我們還會錯過多少其他美好的事情呢?可 知,作者通過本文主要呼吁人們不要因為忙碌而忽視了太多發(fā)生在身邊的美好事物。故選B。31. D32. B33. A34. D35. A【分析】文章大意:這是一篇說明文。文章主要講述了當前世界糧食形勢并分析了糧食短缺產(chǎn)生的原 因,然后就如何解決糧食短缺問題提出了一些建議。31.伺義猜測題。根據(jù)上文October 16 is World Food Day. The UN

22、 started the day in 1979.”10 月 16 日是世界糧食日。聯(lián)合國于1979年開始設(shè)立這一天??芍颂幍摹癐t”指代上文提到的“World Food Day,故選 D。32.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Many children go to sleep, hungry and 15 million of them die of hunger each year.”許多兒童餓著肚子睡覺,每年有1500萬兒童死于饑餓,可知,是1500萬,故選B。33.段落大意題。根據(jù)第四段According to the UN, more than 1/3 of all food produced i

23、n the word goes to waste each year?據(jù)聯(lián)合國統(tǒng)計,世界上每年生產(chǎn)的食物中有超過1/3被浪費掉。可知, 第四段主要告訴我們“世界上食物浪費嚴重,故選Ao34.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Dont buy or cook too much.”不要買太多,也不要烹飪太多??芍坎?烹飪適量的食物可以避免浪費,故選D。35.標題歸納題。根據(jù)October 16 is World Food Day. The UN started the day in 1979. It is used to remind people not to waste food and (o ask pe

24、ople to fight hunger (饑餓).10 月 16 H 是世界糧 食日,聯(lián)合國從1979年開始設(shè)立這一天,用來提醒人們不要浪費食物,并要求人們戰(zhàn)勝饑 餓??芍瑯祟}可以是“讓我們節(jié)約食物來戰(zhàn)勝饑餓吧,故選A。36. C37. E38. A39. D40. B【分析】文章大意:文章講述了進入高中生活的幾條建議,忘記恐懼,去和別人交談,參加社團活動, 保持整潔的形象,尊重跟你有不同意見的人。36.根據(jù)上文But dont worry, because you are not alone. You are going to school with a group of student

25、s of your age.但別擔心,因為你并不孤單。你將和一群同齡的學(xué)生一起去上學(xué)。結(jié) 合下文Forget your fear and just talk to someone. Join clubs.,可知此處應(yīng)是說給幾個建議 供參考,結(jié)合選項,C 選項“And we have several suggestions fbr you to follow.我們有幾個建 議供你參考。”符合語境,故選C。37.根據(jù)上文Forget your fear and just talk to someone. .Dont be afraid to get close to people. 忘 掉你的恐懼

26、,找個人傾訴。.不要害怕和人親近??芍颂帒?yīng)是說要和人交談,結(jié)合選 項,E 選項Introduce yourself and start a conversation with your classmates.介紹你自己,開始 和你的同學(xué)交談。符合語境,故選E。38.根據(jù)上文Join clubs. Take pari in after school activities that interest you.加入俱樂部。參加你感 興趣的課外活動。可知此處說的應(yīng)是與俱樂部有關(guān)的,結(jié)合選項,A選項“Try to make friends in the clubs.試著在俱樂部里交朋友。符合語境,故選

27、A。39.根據(jù)上文“Stay clean. No one likes a bad smell that could knock someone over.保持清潔。沒有 人喜歡能把人熏倒的難聞氣味??芍颂幷f的應(yīng)是與保持清潔有關(guān)的,結(jié)合選項,D選項 “Shower every day, brush your teeth and wash your hair,每天洗澡,刷牙,洗頭。符合語境, 故選Do40.根據(jù)下文Everyone has his or her own opinion of the world And everyone believes in different things.每

28、個人對世界都有自己的看法,每個人的信仰都不一樣??芍颂幷f的應(yīng)是與人們 之間的差異有關(guān),結(jié)合選項,B選項lBe respectful of peoples differences.尊重人們的差異。 符合語境,故選B。36. jokes【詳解】句意:這位英國老師很幽默。他總是給我們講笑話.tell sb. sth-告訴某人某事”,故空格處 應(yīng)為名詞;joke笑話”,可數(shù)名詞,此處應(yīng)用其復(fù)數(shù)形式表泛指。故填jokeso37. unless【詳解】句意:除非你努力工作,否則你不會成功。unless-除非”,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。故填unless,.38. lucky【詳解】句意:他很幸運能和他最喜歡的歌

29、手合影?!靶疫\的英文表達是lucky,形容詞,在句中用 在系動詞is后面作表語,故填luckyo39. lend【詳解】句意:你能借給我一些錢買一本書嗎? “借給英文表達是lend,動詞,強調(diào)“借出”,對于主 語而言,借的事物是遠離的,常用結(jié)構(gòu)為lend sth to sb,意為“把某物借給某人”;could為情 態(tài)動詞,后接動詞原形;故填lendo40. front【詳解】句意:公用電話在圖書館前面。infronlof意為“在前面故填fronto41. the42. into43. books44. old【分析】本文主要介紹了土耳其的一群垃圾收集者正在收集人們?nèi)拥舻臅?。他們已?jīng)創(chuàng)建了一個

30、移 動的圖書館,希望能激發(fā)人們的閱讀熱情。46.句意:圖書館在一輛巡視鄉(xiāng)村學(xué)校的卡車里。in the countryside44在鄉(xiāng)卜,固定短語。故填the。47.句意:書籍分為20種,包括醫(yī)療保健、科學(xué)技術(shù)、歷史等。be divided into-被分成.”, 固定短語。故填into。48.句意:他們希望為孩子們閱讀書籍創(chuàng)造更大的熱情。由“They hope to create a greater passion (激情)for reading.”可知,此處為閱讀書籍;故備選詞匯book“書”符合語境,此處應(yīng)用其 復(fù)數(shù)形式表泛指。故填bookso49.句意:土耳其人總是把他們的舊書送到圖書館

31、。由“People from Turkey arc sendingtheir.books to the library”可知,土耳其人把舊書送往移動圖書館;故備選詞匯old“舊的”作 定語修飾名詞books o故填old。50.句意:每天客人來這里借書或安靜地閱讀。由Each day the guests come here to borrow books or have a quiet time 知,來圖書館的人應(yīng)為安靜地閱讀;備選詞匯read“閱讀”符合語 境;此處為動詞不定式作后置定語,故空格處應(yīng)為動詞原形。故填reado51.be52.tall53.others54.was55.by5

32、6.came57.both58.feet60. any【分析】文章大意:本文講述了作者在過去幾年發(fā)生的變化,最大的變化就是學(xué)會關(guān)心其他人。51.I used to being weak and short.我以前又弱又矮。used to do sth過去常常做某事”,是固定搭配, 因此這里的being應(yīng)改為be,故填be。52.But now, I am strong and as taller as my father.但是現(xiàn)在,我很強壯,和我爸爸一樣高。as+形 容詞原級+as表示“和.一樣”,固定搭配,因此taller應(yīng)改為原形【all,故填tall。53.The most import

33、ant thing is that I have learned to care about other.最重要的是我學(xué)會了 關(guān)心他 Ao other別的、另外的,一般只能和復(fù)數(shù)名詞連用,此處后無名詞,所以用不定代詞others其 他的人或物,故填others,54.when I went back home, no one were in.當我回到家時,家里一個人也沒有。no one作主語時, 謂語動詞用單數(shù),因此were要改為was,故填was。55.Sol cooked the meal with myself.所以我自己做飯。by oneself4獨自,為固定搭配,因此這里 的with

34、應(yīng)改為by,故填by。56.I didnt know my mother was ill until my parents come back from the hospita 1.直到我父母從醫(yī)院 回來我才知道我母親病了。until引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,主句didnt是一般過去時,所以從句也 用一般過去時,come的過去式為came,故填came。57.They aH said the meal was very delicious,他們都說這頓飯很好吃。all表示三者后三者以上都, 這里的they指代“我的父母,表示“兩者都”用不定代詞both,因此這里的all應(yīng)改為both, 故填both。

35、58.At bedtime, I brought hot water to my mother to wash her fool.睡覺的時候,我拿熱水給媽媽洗 腳。foot“腳”,通常是以復(fù)數(shù)形式出現(xiàn),因此這里應(yīng)用feel,故填feel。8. A. ButB. SoC. OrD. Because9. A. sadlyB. carefullyC. quietlyD. happily10. A. explainingB. thinkingC. speakingD. playingWhen I first entered Grade 9, all the thing got so hard fbr

36、me. I used to get my homework done by 8 p.m. But I have to stay up 11 midnight in Grade 9.1 was quite stressed out. So I decided to make myself 12by jogging(慢跑).At first I always felt tired. So I avoided thinking of the long way that I had to rid. 13, I just thought about each step that I made. Afte

37、r I tried the way of running, to mysurprise, things got 14.1 started to feci the pleasure that running had brought me.Every single step became 15 (han before. The wind beside me was no longer laughing at me, but more like a(n) 16 who came along with me. Also, everything in my life 17 became better.

38、For example, I felt more relaxed in class. At the same lime, I finished homework more quickly. My teacher even 18 me in class fbr my good job.This is a very important lesson in my life. As I can see. Grade 9 is like a marathon(馬拉 松).So jogging is a good way to 19 my stress. Every day is just a tiny

39、20.Wc can make our drcam conic true only by doing well in each step.11. A. untilB.forC.sinceD.about12. A. tiredB.embarrassedC.relaxedD.satisfied13. A. HoweverB.Besidesc.ThoughD.Instead14. A. difficultB.differentc.terribleD.scary15. A. harderB.slowerc.heavierD.easier16. A. friendB.energyc.strangerD.c

40、ustomer17. A. possiblyB.certainlyc.graduallyD.usually18. A. warnedB.praisedc.heldD.greeted19. A. deal withB.care aboutc.get intoD.put on20. A. dreamB.lessonc.stepD.way三、閱讀單選In order to make sure that you and your students have a successful and educational visit to CU Museum, here are a few suggestio

41、ns for what you can do.Before the visit59.My mother said, Dear, you have real grown up.”媽媽說:“親愛的,你真的長大了。” real“真正 的,形容詞,這里是修飾后面的動詞,因此應(yīng)用副詞形式really,故填really。60.It was the first time that I had realized I was not a child no more.這是我第一次意識到我不再是 一個孩子了。not.any moreu不再,是固定搭配,因此這里的no應(yīng)改為any,故填any。61. 例文Dear F

42、rank,Hows it going? You asked me about the ways of learning Chinese in your last letter. I think Chinese is useful and interesting. It is one of the most important languages in the world. So it is necessary to learn Chinese well. Here are some tips on how to learn Chinese. First, you should spend mo

43、re time learning Chinese by watching Chinese TV programs and listening to tapes. Second, reading more Chinese books is a good way to improve Chinese. Third, you can try to write in Chinese and dont be afraid to make mistakes.I wish you success in learning Chinese.Yours,Li Hua【詳解】1. 題干解讀:本文是一篇書信作文。假如

44、你是李華,你的美國筆友Frank打算學(xué)習(xí)漢語,因 此他寫了一封信向你詢問有關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)漢語的方法,要求你根據(jù)要點提示給他回一封電子郵件。 內(nèi)容包括你對漢語的認識、學(xué)習(xí)漢語的方法以及你對他的祝愿和希望;注意要點要齊全,可 適當發(fā)揮。2. 寫作指導(dǎo):本文主要采用第二、第三人稱來展開寫作,輔以第一人稱,時態(tài)主要用一般 現(xiàn)在時。寫作時要認真審題,根據(jù)提示的內(nèi)容,列出寫作要點及每個要點中可能要用到的表 達;然后緊扣要點,動筆寫作;可以圍繞主題準確使用一定的語法、詞匯、短語和句型等; 語言的表述要符合語法的結(jié)構(gòu),造句應(yīng)該符合英語的表達習(xí)慣;層次要分明、條理要清晰。 Discuss the coming tri

45、p with your students.Use the pre-visit (參觀前的)activity ideas with your class.Use one of the CU Museum Classroom Resources (資源)as a pre-visit activity.After the visit Discuss the trip with your class. Talk about what you have learned and answer theirquestions.Ask them to write about their museum exper

46、ience.Use the Dosl-visit activity ideas with your class.Use one of the CU Museum Classroom Resources as a post-visit activity.For more information on how you can make your visit a success, please call us at (303)492 - 1666 or send an email to . You can also write a letter to 781N

47、. Blue Lake Street, Green Island.21. Why should you follow the suggestions?A. To know the museum resources better.B. To learn more activity ideas with theclass.C. lb make the students interested in the tip.D. To have a successful and educationalvisit.22. What should you do before the visit?A. Discus

48、s the coming trip with the class.B. Talk about what you have learned.C. Write about the museum experiences.D. Find the answers to some questions.23. What docs the underlined word post-visit0 mean in Chinese?A.失蹤的B.有益的C.參觀后的D.郵寄后的24. The passage is probably written fbrA. guidesB. studentsC. parentsD.

49、 teachers25. How many ways can you use to get more information?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.A man sat at an underground station in Washington, D. C. and stared to play (he violin. It was a cold day in January. He played Bach (巴赫)pieces for about 45 minutes. Thousands of people went through the station in a h

50、urry, most of them on her way to work.Three minutes went by and the first person, a middle-aged man, noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed down and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried up (o goto work.After a minute, received his first dollar, a young woman threw the money in the box

51、 and continued to walk. Then another few minutes went by and someone stood against the wall to listen to him, but he young man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.During the musicians performance, only a few people gave response (反應(yīng)) to him: six people stopped

52、 and stayed for a while, twenty gave him money but continued to walk. When he finished playing, no one applauded (鼓掌):No one knew the violinist was Joshua BelL one of the best musicians in the world.This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing in the underground station was organized by The Washington

53、Post (華盛頓郵報)as part of a social experiment (實驗).What we learn from this experiment could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music, how many other nice things are we missing?26. When did the story take place?A. On a cold mornin

54、g.B.On a warm afternoon.C. On a rainy evening.D.On a windy weekend.27. Who was the first person to notice the musician playing?A. A young woman.B.A small girl.C.A young man.D.A middle - aged man.28. How many people gave response to the musicians performance?A. 6.B. 20.C. 26.D. 45.29. Who was Joshua

55、Bell?A. A well - known reporter.B. A poor artist.C. An excellent violinist.D. A famous pianist.30. What was the writers purpose of writing this passage?A. To let us know the importance of saving time.B. To make us pay more attention to nice things around.C. To find out what people usually did in the

56、 underground.D. To do a survey on how many people were interested in music.October 16 is World Food Day. The UN started the day in 1979. Il is used to remindpeople not to waste food and to ask people to fight hunger (饑餓).A big member of people in the world still dont have enough to eat. Food shortage (匱乏) is a big problem in the world. Right now, there are more than 1000 million hungry people in the world accor


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