



1、八年級上英語對話復習八年級上英語對話復習你去哪里度假了?八年級上英語對話復習嗨 ,海倫。好久不見。Helen: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month.嗨 ,里克。是的,我上個月去度假了。Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting?噢 ,你去什么有趣的地方了嗎?Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family.是的 ,我和家人一起去貴州了。Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall?哇!你看到黃果樹瀑布了嗎?Helen:

2、Yes, I did. It was wonderful.是的 ,我看到了。它太美了。We took quite a few photos there. What about you?我們在那里拍了不少照片。你呢?Did you do anything special last month?上個月你做什么特別的事了嗎?Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.沒做什么。我大部分時間只是待在家里讀書,休息。Unit 2 How often do you exercise?你多久鍛煉一次?J

3、ack:Hi, Claire, Are you free next week?嗨 ,克萊爾,下周你有空嗎?Claire: Hmmnext week is quite full for me, Jack.嗯 我下周會相當忙,杰克。是嗎? 怎么會呢?Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.我在上舞蹈課和鋼琴課?Jack:What kind of dance are you learning?你在學哪一種舞蹈?Claire: Oh, swing dance. It s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday.哦 ,

4、搖擺舞。他很有意思!我一周上一次課,在周一。Jack: How often do you have piano lessons ?你多久上一次鋼琴課呢?Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.一周兩次,在周三和周五。Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?那么 ,你周二干什么呢?哦!我得跟朋友們打網球。不過你想來嗎?Jack: Sure!當然啦!Unit3 I am more outgoing than my sister我比我姐姐外向。朱莉:安娜,你喜歡昨天的歌詠比賽嗎?Anna: Oh, it was fantasti

5、c! Nelly sang so well!安娜:哦!真是好的出奇!內莉唱的是那么好!Julie : Yes, but I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.朱莉:嗯,我認為麗薩比內莉唱得好!Anna: Oh,Which one was Lisa ?安娜:哦,哪個是利薩?Julie : The one with shorter hair.I think she sang more clearly than Nelly.朱莉:短頭發(fā)的那一位,我覺得她唱歌(吐字)要比內莉更加清晰。Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Li

6、sa.安娜:對的,但內莉比利薩舞跳的好。Julie: You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though.朱莉:不過你能看得出來利薩確實想贏呢。Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most安娜:這個嘛,每個人都想贏。但最重要的事情important thing is to learn something new and have fun.是能學點新東西,并且享受這個過程。Unit 4 What s the best movie theater?最好的電影院是哪家?Greg: Hi, I m G

7、reg. I m new in town .格雷格:你好,我叫格雷格,我新來此處。Helen: Hi, I海倫:你好,我叫海倫。歡迎來到這里!到此為止,你覺得這里怎么樣?Greg: It s fantastic, but I still don t really know my way around.格雷格:很棒,只是我還不太熟悉周邊的環(huán)境。Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street.海倫:奧,最好的超市在中央大街,You can buy the freshest food there.在那兒你可以買到最新鮮的食品。Greg: O

8、h, great. Is there a cinema around here ?格雷格:啊,太好了!這附近有電影院嗎?I love watching movies.我喜歡看電影。Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one.海倫:有的,太陽影院是(鎮(zhèn)上)最新的電影院。在那里你坐得最舒服,因為那兒的座椅是最大的。Greg: Thanks for telling me.格雷格:謝謝你告訴我這些。Helen: No problem.海倫:別客氣。Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?你想看游戲競技節(jié)目嗎?Grace: W

9、hat did you do in class today , Sarah?格蕾絲:今天你們課上做什么了?莎拉?Sarah: We had a discussion about TV show。薩拉:我們進行了一次關于電視節(jié)目的討論。My classmates like game shows and sports shows.我的同學們喜歡游戲類節(jié)目和體育節(jié)目。Grace: Oh, I can t stand them . I love soap operas.格蕾絲:噢,我受不了這些節(jié)目。我愛看肥皂劇。I like to follow the story and see what happe

10、ns next.我喜歡追劇情,看看下一集會發(fā)生什么。Sarah: Well, I don t mind soap operas.薩拉:嗯,我不介意看肥皂劇。But my favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows.但是我最喜歡的電視節(jié)目是新聞節(jié)目和訪談節(jié)目。Grace: They re boring.格蕾絲:它們太無聊了吧!Sarah: Well, they may not be very exciting,薩拉:嗯,可能他們不讓人那么興奮,but you can expect to learn a lot from them.但是你可以從這些節(jié)

11、目中學到很多。I hope to be a TV reporter one day.我希望有一天成為一名電視臺記者。Unit 6我將要學習電腦科學。Andy: What are you reading, Ken?肯,你在看什么書啊?Ken: The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.海明威的老人與海。Andy: Wow, now I know why you ' re so good at writing stories. 哦,我現在終于明白你為什么會寫故事了。Ken: Yes, I want to be a writer.是的,我想成為一名作家。真的?

12、那你打算怎么成為一名作家呢?Ken: Well, I ' m going to keep on wrtories, of course. What do you want to be?嗯,當然我會繼續(xù)堅持寫故事。那你想要成為什么呢?Andy: My parents want me to be a doctor, but I' m not sure about that.我父母希望我成為一名醫(yī)生,但我自己還不確定。Ken: Well, don orrywNot everyone knows what they want to be.嗯,不用擔心,并非每個人都清楚自己想做什么。Ju

13、st make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want!只要你努力,那么你就成為你想做的人了。Andy: Yes, you ' re right.是的,你說得對。Unit 7 Will people have robots?人們將會有機器人嗎?Nick: What are you reading, Jill?你在讀什么書,吉爾?Jill: It ' s a book about the future.一本關于未來的書。Nick: Sounds cool. So what will the future

14、be like?聽起來好酷。那么未來會是什么樣子呢?Jill: Well, cities will be more crowded and polluted.嗯,城市將更加擁擠,污染將更加嚴重。There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. 樹木將會更少,環(huán)境將及其危險。Nick: That sounds bad! W川 we have to move to other planets?真糟糕!那我們得搬到其他行星上去嗎?Jill: Maybe. But I want to live on the e

15、arth.或許吧。但是我想住在地球上。Nick: Me, too. Then what can we do?我也一樣。那么我能做些什么呢?Jill: We can use less water and plant more trees.我們可以節(jié)約用水,還可以種更多的樹。Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.每一個人都應當盡一份力來拯救地球。Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?你怎樣做香蕉奶昔?Anna:I want to make Russian soup for a party on

16、 Saturday.安娜:薩姆,我想在周六的聚會上做份羅宋湯Can you tell me how?你能告訴我怎么做嗎?Sam: Sure,First,buy some beef, one cabbage,four carrots,薩姆:當然可以。首先買些牛肉,買一棵卷心菜、四根胡蘿卜Three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion.三個土豆、五個西紅柿和一個洋蔥。Then ,cut up the vegetables.然后把蔬菜切碎.Anna: What is next?安娜:接下來呢?Sam: Next,put the beef ,carrots an

17、d potatoes into a pot薩姆:接下來把牛肉、胡蘿卜和土豆放入鍋里And add some water. After that ,cook them for 30 minutes.加水。之后呢,把他們煮上30 分鐘。Then ,add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion然后加上卷心菜、西紅柿和洋蔥,and cook for another 10 minutes.再煮上十分鐘。Anna :OK,that is it?安娜:好的,這就完了嗎?Sam: No, one more thing .Finally, don t forget to add som

18、e salt.薩姆:不,還有一點。最后別忘了放點鹽。Unit 9你能來參加我的聚會嗎?杰夫:嘿,尼克,星期六你能來我家嗎?My cousin Sam from Xi'an is going to be here.我來自西安的表弟薩姆打算到這兒。Nick: Oh,Sam! I remember we went bike尼克:哦,薩姆!我記得去年秋天他來看你時,riding together last fall when he visited you.我們一起騎自行車旅行過。Jeff: Yes,that's right.杰夫:是的,很對。尼克:我想去,但是恐怕不行。I have a

19、n exam on Monday so I must prepare for it.星期一我有一次考試,所以我必須為此而準備。Jeff: That's really too bad!杰夫 : 那真是太糟糕了!Oh,but Sam isn't leaving until next Wednesday.哦 ,但是薩姆直到下周三才要離開。Can you hang out with us on Monday night?你可以在周一晚上和我們去閑逛嗎?Nick: Sure! Catch you on Monday!尼克:當然可以了!周一見你們!Unit 10 If you go to the party,you ll have a great tim


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