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1、中考人教英語課本一輪聚焦夯練 八下Units1-2一、閱讀理解。閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。My Favorite Sweater By Bonnie Highsmith TaylorMy favorite sweater grew too small.I love that sweater best of all.My grandma made it when I was three. She made that sweater just for me.I picked the yarn (紗線), a special blue.The color of bluebells (風(fēng)

2、鈴花).When I was three I was very small.But now Im five and much too tall.I have a new jacket now thats green.So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.Queen just gave birth to kittens in her room.My favorite sweater is now their bed.1. Who made the sweater?A. The grandma.B. Miss Taylor. C. The Kittens. D

3、. The cat Queen.2. In the poem “small” ryhmes with “tall”. Which of the following rhyme with each other?A. Blue and bluebells. B. All and three.C. Green and Queen.D. Room and bed.3. The underlined word “kittens” in this poem most probably means _. A. a kind of foodB. baby catsC. a kind of drinkD. be

4、ds for babies 參考答案13、ACB 二、單項選擇。1. The government is trying to develop winter sports for the 2022 Winter Olympics. No wonder people are showing their _B_ in them.(宜昌)A. warmth B. interestC. victory D. standard2. Does Jimmy often volunteer in his free time?Yes. He often fixes up _C_ computers for oth

5、ers. (貴港)A. bright B. fallen C. broken D. weak3. (22604013)What's the news about?People near the lake didn't allow them to _D_ a factory so as not to pollute the water. (荊州)A. look up B. put upC. take up D. set up4. Life is becoming convenient with the Internet. That's true! Almost every

6、thing _D_ be done online. (宜昌)A. must B. would C. should D. can5. Could you please teach me how to _D_ “red envelope”(紅包) on WeChat?Sure. Let me show you. (西寧)A. give away B. give up C. give back D. give out6. Did you _B_ that Nancy has been a little too quiet these days?Yes. She didn't say a wo

7、rd this afternoon. A. hope B. notice C. explain D. decide7. I hope to be a volunteer on weekends. You could help to _C_ the city park. A. make up B. think upC. clean up D. get up8. More and more people have realized the _B_ of protecting the environment. They haven't thrown litter everywhere any

8、 more. A. trouble B. importance C. difference D. kindness9. You should do exercises every day because it can reduce the _C_ of catching diseases. A. cost B. doubt C. risk D. value10. We need to protect endangered animals. _D_. Everyone should realize it. A. Thank you B. Don't mention it C. Well

9、done D. That's right三、完形填空。閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的 A, B, C 項中選出最佳選項,并在答題 卡上將該項涂黑。 In real life, robots are mainly used in factories. They do many different jobs. Usually these jobs are too 1 , difficult or boring for humans. Robots also help _2_ people and people who cannot look after themselves.

10、For example, scientists are making a robot to help 3 people. Now many of them have a dog to help them. The dog is called a guide dog. In the future, guide dogs might be robot dogs. One robot dog is called Meldog. It has wheels. It usually “_4_” in front of its owner. It is very clever. It knows the

11、speed of its owners walk. Meldog talks to its owner by 5 . The owner wears a special belt. This belt 6 instructions to the owner from Meldog such as “Stop here”, “Turn left” and “Turn right”. In the United States, another 7 of robot helps disabled workers. This robot, called Kilroy, helps disabled c

12、omputer operators. The robot 8 the sound of its owners voice. It follows instructions such as “Turn the page” and “Make a cup of coffee”. Robots are also used in American 9 . They can do simple jobs. For example, they shave (刮臉) patients and brush their teeth and take meals from the kitchen to patie

13、nts rooms. It never gets 10 _ because this robot has a map of the hospital in its computer memory.1:AinterestingBstrangeCdangerous2:Adisabled ByoungChealthy3:Adeaf Bblind Cold4:AwalksBsleepsCflys5:Atelevision BradioCloudspeaker6:ApostsBwritesCsends7:Atype BsizeCset8:AguessesBthinksChears9:AcinemaBho

14、spitalsCmuseum10:AluckBwellClost完形填空:1-5: CABAC 6-10:CACBC四、任務(wù)型閱讀?;卮饐栴} 閱讀下面的材料,然后根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容回答問題。At the age of four, Allman fell off a train and his eyes were badly hurt. Since then, he couldnt see anything. It would be wonderful to see again, but bad luck may not be always bad.In fact, although Allman b

15、ecame blind, he learnt to love his life more. But he had a hard time before he was successful. The hardest lesson was to believe in himself and it had to start with the simplest things. One day a girl gave Allman a baseball. He thought she was laughing at him and he was hurt. “I cant use this,” he s

16、aid. “Take it with you and roll it around,” the girl smiled and said. Her words got into his head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball Allman could hear where it went. This gave him an idea to do something he never thought of: playing baseball. Years after that, he invented a successful game of ba

17、seball for the blind. They called it ground ball. From then on, Allman began to smile at life and achieved more dream.1. Did Allman become blind after falling off the train? _2. Who gave Allman a baseball one day? _3. What did they call the game of baseball for the blind? _【參考答案】1. Yes. /Yes, he did

18、. 2. A girl. /A girl did. 3. They called itt ground ball. /Ground ball. 五、書面表達。(2016,廣安)健康的身體是我們中學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的保證。但是網(wǎng)絡(luò)搶走了我們的鍛煉時間, 垃圾食品威脅著我們的健康。請根據(jù)下面的提示, 以“How to Keep Healthy”為題寫一篇英語短文。提示:1. 堅持鍛煉; 2. 健康飲食; 3. 合理上網(wǎng); 4. 充足的睡眠; 5. 保持愉快的心情。要求:1. 不要逐條翻譯, 可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。2. 詞數(shù):80字左右。開頭已給出, 不計入總詞數(shù)。3. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實人名, 校名等相關(guān)信息。參考詞匯:junk food(垃圾食品)How to Keep HealthyIt's important for us


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