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1、2019-2020 年高中英語(yǔ)必修 9Module4Section2-Backgroundlnformation1. Languages and nationalities:LanguagePut on ghuaEn glishHin dusta niSpanishRussia nNatio nalityChin eseEn glishIn dia nSpan iardRussia nLanguageArabicBen galiMalay-I ndon esia n PortugueseFrenchNatio nalityArabBen galiMalaysia n;Indon esia nP

2、ortugueseFrench2. Languages on different continents:Text Transcript of Languages on the ContinentsAFRICA - accounts for almost one-third of the worlds Ianguages. It is estimated that 2,058 Ianguages are spoken on the Africancontinent. Very few of these Ianguages are spoken by large numbers: less tha

3、n 5% of them have more tha n a milli on speakers. Themost widely accepted classificati on of Africa n Ian guages recog ni zes four main families as follows: Niger-C on go, Nilo-Sahara n,Khoisa n and Afroasiatic (Semitic Ian guages con stitute one of its bran ches).In addition to English and French t

4、hat have spread throughout Africa as a result of colonialism, Arabic and Swahili are also used as lingual fracas throughout the con ti nent.ANTARTICA - has no in dige nous in habita nts, but there are seas on ally staffed research stati ons on it. Approximately 29 n atio nssig natory to the An tarct

5、ic Treaty, send pers onnel to perform seas on al (summer) and year-round research on the continent and inits surrounding oceans; the population of persons doing and supporting science on the continent and its nearby islands south of 60degrees south latitude (the region covered by the An tarctic Trea

6、ty) varies from approximately 4,000 in summer to 1,000 in win ter. Inadditi on, approximately 1,000 pers onnel in clud ing ships crew and scie ntists doing on board research are prese nt in the waters ofthe treaty region. These personnel speak a variety of Ianguages including Bulgarian, Chinese, Dut

7、ch, English, Finnish, French,German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spani sh, Swedish, and Ukrainian.ASIA - the vast continent contains the largest number of the world Ianguages. It is estimated that 2,197 Ianguages are spoken inthe various regions of Asia.

8、 Russian is the dominant Ianguage of Siberia. The northernmost tier of Asia is home to Uralic andPalaeosiberian Ianguages, many of which are represented by only a few thousand people. The Altaic family of Ianguages covers avast area from the Balkan peninsula to northeast Asia. The best known languag

9、e of this group is Turkish. Some scholars think thatJapanese and Korean also belong to the Altaic family, but not everyone agrees. Southeast Asia contains languages of theAustro-Asiatic family spoken in the countries between China and Indonesia, as well as parts of India and Malaysia. There are well

10、over 100 Austro-Asiatic languages.The Indian subcontinent is home to speakers of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family with over500 languages spoken by over 500 million people. Among these languages are Hindi, Urdu, and Bengali. By the way, Romany, thelanguage of the gypsies, also belo

11、ngs to this family. The southern part of the Indian subcontinent contains languages of the Dravidianfamily, such as Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam, each spoken by about 25 million people. By far the largest language familyin Asia is Sino-Tibetan. Chinese is the largest member of this family w

12、ith over 1 billion speakers. It has at least eight main varieties,referred to as dialects.EUROPE - With only 230 languages spoken on its territory, is the least linguistically diverse of all the continents.It accounts for only 3% of the worlds languages. Most of the languages spoken in Europe belong

13、 to the Indo-European family. Thisfamily includes Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Romance, and Slavic languages, in addition to Albanian, Armenian, and Greek that donthave any close relatives. Europe is also home to some scattered members of the Uralic family, such as Finnish, Estonian, andHungarian. You

14、may have also heard of Basque - a language that does not belong to any known language family.OCEANIA - includes several language families: the Austronesian family with up to 700 languages, that covers a vast area, fromMadagascar to Easter Island, and from Taiwan and Hawaii to New Zealand; the Indo-P

15、acific family with some 800 languages spokenin New Guinea and in the islands to the immediate east and west, and the languages of Australia, home to some 250 aboriginallanguages.NORTH AMERICA - The dominant languages are English, French, and Spanish spread by colonialism. In addition, North America

16、ishome to a number of indigenous American Indian languages. Only about 50 of the once numerous American Indian languages havemore than 10,000 speakers. The American Indian languages have been classified into over 50 families. It is not known whether theselanguages have a mon origin. Some of the larg

17、er families are Eskimo-Aleut, Na-Dene, and Algonquian. The main linguistic bridgebetween North and South America contains mostly speakers of languages that belong to the Mayan family.SOUTH AMERICA - The dominant languages are Spanish and Portuguese that have spread throughout the continent as a resu

18、lt ofcolonialism. South America is one of the most linguistically diverse areas of the world. Indigenous Indian languages are usedthroughout the whole of the South American continent. They are spoken byover 11 million people. Few of these Ianguages have been pletely described. Most are spoken by tri

19、bes with smallnu mbers of speakers who live in remote jun gle areas. Many are on the brink of ext in cti on. Because of thedifficulties in recording and analyzing these Ianguages, classification of Ianguages into families is very generaland quite possibly in accurate. Among the major families are Ma

20、cro-Chibcha n, Ge-Pa no-Carib, andAndean- Equatorial. North and South America are estimated to have 1,013, or 15%, of the world s l3. Where are the main Chinese dialects spoken?HaitongiJilinMongolia4. Languages in China:Because there has long been a single method for writing Chinese, and a mon liter

21、ary and cultural history, a tradition has grown up ofreferring to, the eight main varieties of speech in China as dialects. But in fact they are as different from each other (mainly inpronunciation and vocabulary) as French or Spanish is from Italian, the dialects of the south-east being linguistica

22、lly the furthest apart.The mutual unintelligibility of the varieties is the main ground for referring to them as separate Ianguages. However, it must also berecognized that each variety con sists of a large nu mber of dialects, many of which may themselves be referred to as Ian guages.The boun darie

23、s betwee n one so-called Ian guage and the n ext are not always easy to defi ne.The Chinese refer to themselves and their Ianguage, in any of the forms below, as Han - a name which derives from the Han dynasty(202 BC-AD 220). Han Chinese is thus to be distinguished from the non-Han minorityIanguages

24、 used in China. There are over 50 of these Ianguages (such as Tibetan, Russian, Uighur, Kazakh,Mon golia n, and Korea n), spoke n by around 6% of the populati on.XinjiangQinghaiTibetCHINAWHERESPOKENImisr/ Morelia Liaoning .1墳Eeyins; A* Shandons-1J亠糾. JlitlESUJ嚴(yán)“L f Heiun t工匕 二皿*汩曲丿厶 廣嚴(yán) 八、 立陶廊MIP/jHu

25、nan , lujuit;Guizhoui -HftKKft予揃|Yunnan皿跖 曾際/Sichuan*aman2019-2020 年高中英語(yǔ)必修 9Module4Section3-WordsandExpressionsPart 1: Some key words to learn: includevt. As part of the whole: The atlas contains fifty maps, including six of North America. Price 2.75, postagein cluded. Your duties will in clude putt

26、 ing the childre n to bed. furthermoreadv. In addition: I didn t know what to do, and furthermore, everything was beyond expectation. Igo out; furthermore, it is too late. establishvt. set up; put on a firm foundation: He established his own pany four years after his graduation. cause people to acce

27、pt: Hesucceeded in establishing a claim to the title. His honesty is well established.similar1. adj. like; of the same sort: My wife and I have similar tastes in music.2. n. similarity: Are there any similarities between China and Japan? argue1. vi. express disagreeme nt; quarrel: don t argue with m

28、e about it. You can argue either way, for or aga in st.2. vt. persuade by givi ng reas ons: He was arguing that poverty may be a bless ing. They tried to argue him intojoining them. I man aged to argue him out of carry ing the pla n.3. n. disagreeme nt; quarrel: The couple has en dless argume nts ab

29、out mon ey. attachvt. faste n or join: He bought a house with a garage attached. There is a sample attached to the letter. Joinas a , perhaps un wele, member: He attached himself to a political party. delight1.vt. give great pleasure to; please greatly: His singing delighted every one.2.vi. take or

30、find great pleasure: He delights in teasing his young sister. He delights to prove his brother wrong.3.adj. be greatly pleased: I was delighted to hear the news of your success. I was delighted that you were successful.4.n. great pleasure; joy: To his great pleasure, his novel was accepted for publi

31、cation. diligence1. n. showing care and effort: Success calls for diligence.2. adj. hard-working; showing care and effort: This is a diligent girl. endangervt. put in danger; cause danger to: Some human activities have endangered a great number of wild animals. outlookn. view on which one looks out:

32、 What a pleasant outlook it is over the valley. what seems like to happen: The statistics suggesta bright outlook for trade. person s way of looking at sth.: You should avoid being a person with a narrow outlook on life. overtakevt. e or catch up with; outstrip: He likes to overtake other cars on th

33、e road. We must overtake the arrears of work. e uponsuddenly or by surprise: The city was overtaken by a sudden storm.Part 2: Some expressions and patterns to learn1.to give it its real name; to be honest; to tell the truthChinese Mandarin, or Putonghua , to give it its real name, is spoken by the v

34、ast majority of the population of China.To be honest, I don t like a person like you.To tell you the truth, I failed in the exam .2t is estimated / predicted / believed / said / reported thatIt is estimated that it would take three months to finish the work.It is believed that China will be a powerf

35、ul country in the near future.It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.3.apart from; in addition to; besidesI have three other hats apart from this.There were five of us in addition to John.He hadn t time to prepare his lecture, besides which, he was unwell.4. as well as;

36、as well; either; too; alsoHe gave me money as well as advice.He gave me advice, and money as well.There was a time, and not so long ago either.I, too, have bee n to Paris.Tom has bee n to Can ada. Harry has also bee n to Can ada.5. be similar toGold is similar in color to brass.6.furthermore; in add

37、ition; besides; moreover; whats moreI don t like that dict ion ary; besides / in additi on, its too expensive.It s too late to go for a walk now; moreover, its beginning to rain.鏈接咼考:Do you think I should get a good guidebook?Yes, of course. _, you also n eed a good camera and fortable shoes.A. What

38、 s moreB. In other wordsC. By the wayD. All in all(Key: A)7.under the control of; out of control of; take control ofThe blood waters are un der the con trol of the soldiers.The childre n have got out of con trol of the teacher.We must find some one to take overall con trol of this project.鏈接咼考:Can y

39、ou shoot that bird at the top of the tree?No, it s out of . (2000 Shanghai)A. rangeB. reachC. control(Key: A)8.more or lessIt t more or less an hour s journey.9.base on ;be based onI base my hopes on the n ews we had yesterday.Direct taxati on is usually based on ine.10.on averageOn average, there are twenty boys prese nt every day.D. distaneeIl.every two weeks; every other week; every second week; every few weeksThere are buses to the stati on every te


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