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1、題 目 從摩登家庭和小別離看中美家庭教育差異 AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me. Firstly, my deepest acknowledgement should go to Mr. Zi Jiangang, my supervisor, during the process of thesis writing, who patiently read and revised my drafts for several times, and who gave me c

2、onstant encouragement and guidance.Secondly, I would like to express my special thanks to Prof. Li Qiang who taught the course of thesis writing and my friends who gave me a lot of valuable advice and information.Besides, Id like to give my sincere gratitude to my beloved family who always support m

3、e, and also to the teachers who taught me in my study years.Finally, I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to all the experts who have taken time to review this thesis and put forward their valuable opinions.iiiAbstractThis paper mainly analyzes the difference of family education between c

4、hina and America in “Modern Family” and “A Love for Separation” on the three aspects of parent-child relationship and parenting style, parenting expectations and focus. In China, parents tend to focus on the development of intelligence in the growth of children, and that is to say that Chinese paren

5、ts attach great importance to childrens study. And the parenting style tent to be closed. Conversely, parents in the US generally will not put too much pressure on the children's study and the content of parenting is plentiful. And the ways of parenting is relatively more equal and open. In the

6、aspect of the parent - child relationship, American parents build a democratic and equal relationship with children, while Chinese families relatively lack a democratic and equal way of education. Of course, different ways of education will give rise to different results. Both types of family educat

7、ion have certain advantages and disadvantages. And finally, the reasons for these differences mainly include historical and cultural background, national conditions, thinking styles and value orientation.Key words: Family education; Modern Family; A Love for Separation; China; Americaiii摘要本文主要從親子關系、


9、等的關系;而中國家庭民主平等的教育方式相對欠缺. 當然,不同的教育方式會造成不同的結果,而結果也有好有壞。而造成這些差異的原因主要是因為中美不同的歷史文化背景、國情、思維方式以及價值觀。關鍵詞:家庭教育;摩登家庭;小別離;中國;美國 ivContents云南民族大學畢業(yè)論文(設計)原創(chuàng)性聲明iAcknowledgementsiiAbstractiii摘要ivI. INTRODUCTION11.1.Research Background11.2.Objectives of the Study11.3.Organization of the Paper2II. LITERATURE REVIEW3

10、2.1. Previous Studies on the Definition of Family Education32.2. Previous Studies on Family Education42.2.1. Study on Family Education Abroad42.2.2. Study on Family Education in China4III. METHODOLOGY63.1. Research Methods63.1.1. Literature Analysis63.1.2. Comparative Analysis63.2. Research Material

11、s63.2.1. Modern Family73.2.2. A Love for Separation73.3. Reasons for Choosing the Two Families8IV. CONTRAST OF FAMILY EDUCATION94.1. Parenting Style94.1.1. Equality or Obedience94.1.2. Open or Closed104.2.Parent-child Relationship114.2.1. Respect or Controlling114.2.3. Over-protection134.3.Parenting

12、 Expectations and Focuses134.3.1. Expect Children to Become a “Dragon” or a “Man”144.3.2. High Scores144.3.3. Responsibility and Creativity164.4. Differences in Results of Family Education164.4.1. Advantages164.4.2. Disadvantages17V. THE REASONS OF THESE DIFFERENCES195.1. Different Historical and Cu

13、ltural Background195.2. Different National Conditions205.3. Different Thinking Styles205.4. Different Value Orientation21VI. CONCLUSION23References25viiI. INTRODUCTIONIn this chapter, the author will explore the research background, objectives and structure of this paper. 1.1.Research BackgroundIn a

14、n era of globalization, the economic and cultural exchanges between China and the US have become more frequent, and the economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation in the world have become increasingly close. With the continuous development of China's economy and the increasing exchanges wit

15、h the US, people have come to realize that there are great differences in family education between the two countries. Family education is the earliest education which children receive. Parents are the primary teachers of their children. Family education also provides children extra-curricular guidan

16、ce and parents are expected to serve as good role models. Parents are childrens loved ones and their closest friends who give the essential impact on childrens progress and success. And family education is the cornerstone in all educations. Family education plays a key role in shaping children's

17、 values and world views, and it has a lasting influence on personal growth. Although parental love for children both in China and the US is same. It will still be easy to misunderstand each other because of the different views of parenting caused by cultural differences. Therefore, it is imperative

18、that we recognize the differences in education between the two countries so that we gain mutual reference.1.2.Objectives of the StudyFamily education plays a major role in the educational system, and it is the basis of school education and social education. The family is the main place for childrens

19、 elementary education and it plays a very important role for children to form a good habit and develop intelligence in the future. This paper will use the most direct feelings to narrow the distance between the readers and the author and arouse the emotional resonance through analyzing the two TV se

20、ries, Modern Family and A Love for Separation, and it will be easier to make the readers understand the importance of correct view of family education, so that they will put the correct way of education into practice and help children form a correct outlook on life and values in the days to come. An

21、d we will correctly understand the differences of family education between the two countries, and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of family education in China and the US by comparing the differences in family education between the two countries, we will absorb and profit from the outstand

22、ing and advanced educational concept of the US, and combine it with Chinas excellent idea, which has a very important practical significance and instructive role to promote the healthy growth of children and improve the quality of the future talent, as well as to promote the sound development of con

23、temporary family education in China, but also will further improve China's educational system.1.3.Organization of the PaperThe thesis is structured into six chapters. The opening chapter introduces the research background, the objectives of the study, and the structure of the paper. The second c

24、hapter is a literature review which reviews the previous study about family education at home and abroad.The third chapter explores and explains the research methods and research materials of study as well as reasons for choosing the materials.The fourth chapter mainly compares and analyses the diff

25、erences of family education between China and the US from the embodiment of parent-child relationship and parenting style, parenting goals and expectations as well as parenting focuses in Modern Family and A love for Separation, and explores the different results of the two types of family education

26、.The fifth chapter analyses the reasons for causing these differences.The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this thesis which sums up the major findings of this study, and explores some revelations of this study.II. LITERATURE REVIEWIn this chapter, the author will introduce some previous studies a

27、bout the definition of family education, as well as some domestic and foreign studies about family education.2.1. Previous Studies on the Definition of Family EducationWhat is family education about? Most people including some parents may say that family education simply means raising and educating.

28、 However, it never is the case. Family education is higher than raising and educating. There are numerous definitions of family education.The Grand Dictionary of Chinese Language (1979) defined family education as the mutual education put into effect among family members, especially the education th

29、at is implemented by parents on children and elders on younger in family.The book Family Education by Zheng Qilong (1984) pointed out that family education is a cultivating education of parents on children, and it is an integrant part or branch of the whole education. Deng Zuojun (1995) pointed out

30、in Family Education that family education happens in family life which is an educational activity that revolves around parent-child relationship and aims to cultivate the people who are required by society.One of the first professional organizations in the U.S. for Family Life Educators, the Nationa

31、l Council on Family Relations (NCFR), explains Family Life Education (FLE) in this way: “Family Life Education is the educational effort to strengthen individual and family life through a family perspective. The objective of Family Life Education is to enrich and improve the quality of individual an

32、d family life” (2011).The author believes that family education is based on parent-child relationship and conjugal relation, and it is a kind of two-way education activity that parents teach their children in accordance with certain expectations or goals and a certain way of education, but at the sa

33、me time, parents also get the access to education from children's behaviors and words. 2.2. Previous Studies on Family EducationIn this section, the author explores some previous study about family education.2.2.1. Study on Family Education AbroadAmy Chua used “Chinese mother” to refer to differ

34、ent ways of child-rearing in Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, she believes that it even exceeds the education for children because the westerners always ease up on children, so it is more conducive for childrens future development to properly implement some oriental strict ways of parenting (2011).H

35、aim·G· Ginott provided parents in Child, Give Me Your Hand with many specific recommendations and desirable solutions to all those who face daily problems and mental problems, it also gave some specific advice developed from the basic principles of communication to guide parents to respect

36、 each other when they get along with their children. The book revolutionized parent-child communication (1965).Sue·Kim and Jenny·Kim showed in the book Why Asian Students Are Outstanding - 17 Tips for Family Education that how Asian parents to cultivate their children to become a students

37、of American famous university and the white-collar workers,and reduced the affirmative characteristics of Asian family education to 17 tips through their own perception (2007).Charlotte·Mason warned all parents that the most important thing for society is to bring up and guide children. Especia

38、lly in family, the familys influence determines peoples character and career. And parenting is a very important thing, and anything cannot be compared with family education.2.2.2. Study on Family Education in ChinaBian Jia (2013) told a lot of examples of American family education, which pointed out

39、 the characteristics of American education as well as the methods of American parents to educate their children in America Family Educates Children in This Way. And in the integration of Chinas current situation and American social and cultural background, the author gave domestic parents a lot of s

40、uggestions to help them put their ideas into shape, which helps to find the most suitable education for their children. Huang Quanyu (2010) has shown some examples of authentic American family education to us and found out some similarities and differences between China and the US with a rigorous at

41、titude of an educationist and gentle eyes of a father as well as a vivid and funny narrative. The author told us in his book that American parents wont never transform their children according to their own ideas, and they do not force their children to accept the wills of parents, while many parents

42、 in China transform their children rigidly in accordance with their own designs because they want their children to become the most outstanding talent, which makes many children have less social skills and their own interests.As a rational researcher, Zou Qiang (2011) conducted a comprehensive study

43、 and analysis of contemporary Chinese family education from the perspective of the background of changes and the processes of changes, the contents of changes as well as the results and evaluations of changes in Study on the Changes of Contemporary Family Education in China. Nowadays, family educati

44、on is changing from the theoretical development to the practical operation, and it is the best destination for the contemporary family education in China.III. METHODOLOGYThis chapter explores the methodology of this study which includes research methods of literature analysis and comparative analysi

45、s. Research samples adopted are Modern Family and A Love for Separation. This chapter also explains the reasons for choosing the two samples.3.1. Research MethodsThis research adopts literature analysis and comparative analysis as research methods.3.1.1. Literature AnalysisLiterature analysis mainly

46、 refers to the collection, identification and collation of literature, and form a scientific understanding of the facts through the study of the literature. And literature analysis is an economical and effective method of information collection. It obtains information through a systematic analysis o

47、f the work-related existing literature. It studies various kinds of texts such as books, newspapers and journals about differences on family education of the two nations. This research will also analyze and interpret two television series: Modern Family and A Love for Separation.3.1.2. Comparative A

48、nalysisComparative analysis mainly refers to separate the similarities and differences of things so as to reach a deep understanding of all things. And comparative analysis is adopted in comparing two or more things with each other so as to find out the similarities and differences of these things.

49、In this study, the research objective is to find out the differences between American and Chinese parenting from the perspective of two television series Modern Family and A Love for Separation.3.2. Research MaterialsThe author chooses American series Modern Family and Chinese series A Love for Sepa

50、ration as the research materials for its availability and popularity. The following is a brief introduction of the two series.3.2.1. Modern FamilyModern Family is an American television premiered on ABC on September 23, 2009, which follows the lives of Jay Pritchett and his family, all of whom live

51、in suburban Los Angeles. Pritchetts family includes his second wife Gloria Pritchett and his stepson named Manny Delgado-Pritchett, as well as his two adult children and their spouses and children. Jays lawyer son named Mitchell Pritchett who is a gay has an adopted Vietnamese daughter with his part

52、ner Cameron Tucker. And his daughter named Claire Pritchett (Claire Dunphy) who is a homemaker and married to Phil Dunphy, a real-estate agent, and they have three children: Haley Dunphy, the older daughter who is a typically ditzy teenage girl, Alex Dunphy, a nerdy, smart middle child and Luke Dunp

53、hy, the naïve funny only son.3.2.2. A Love for SeparationThe series is adopted from Lu Yingongs novel A Love for Separation, it tells the story of three different families to face some problem of their childrens further study, overseas study as well as adolescence, and it hits the buzz topic of

54、 studying abroad. Firstly, Jin Zhiming, a taxi driver and his wife Wu Jiani who is a community doctor have common earnings like other ordinary people in society, and their daughter Qinqin always gets a good score. Originally, they intended to ask Qinqin to focus on domestic high school, but Qinqins

55、mother subsequently wonders that her daughter should study abroad because she does not want Qinqin to have an ordinary life in the future, but the fact is that Qinqin does not want to leave her parents completely. Therefore, Wu Jiani and her husband have a series of contradictions. Secondly, Fangyua

56、n, an oculist and Dong Wenjie, an executive of famous enterprises have a lively and cheerful daughter who likes writing novels, but what concerns Duoduos parents is that her grades are always variable. Wenjie is reluctant to let her children study abroad, so she asks Duoduo to attend a variety of cr

57、am schools in order to ask Duoduo to focus on domestic high school. While Fangyuans heart ache for Duoduo and also hopes that Duoduo will have more choices, so Duoduo and he prepare to study abroad. At last, Xiaoyus father is a business owner who has a young wife, Tina. Xiaoyu has been so-so in the

58、study, his father felt that Xiaoyu has no advantage in the examinations, and he hope to send Xiaoyu to study abroad, so he spares no expense to send Xiaoyu to foreign school.In these two television series and six families, the author will choose Phil Dumphys family and Fangyuans family to analyze and compare.3.3. Reasons for Choosing the Two FamiliesThere are two reasons for the author to choose the two families. Firstly, both Modern Family and A Love for Separation are based on family


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