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1、河北省石家莊市2018屆高中畢業(yè)班模擬考試(一)英 語本試卷由四個部分組成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一節(jié)為選擇題。第三部分的第二節(jié)和第四部分為非選擇題。注意事項: 1.答卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫在答題卡上。 2.選出每小題答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號。不能答在本試卷上,否則無效。第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)做題時, 先將答案標在試卷上。錄音內容結束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉徐到答題卡上,第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1. 5分, 滿分7. 5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給

2、的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項, 并標在試卷的相應位置,聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來問答有關小題和閱讀下一小題,每段對話僅讀一遍。例:How much is theshirt?A. 19. 15. B. 9. 15. C. 9. 18. 答案是B。1. Whatdoesthemanprobablylikebest? A. Food. B. Nature. C. Music. 2. Whatdothespeakerswanttheirteachertodo?A. Come to class on time.B. Getmorepatientwiththem. C. Letthemk

3、nowtheanswersearlier. 3. Whydoesthemanapologizetothewoman?A. Hecantlendherhiscamera. B. Hewontattendherwedding. C. Hesunabletotakephotosofher.4. Whatarethespeakersmainlytalkingabout?A. Traffic. B. Factories.C. Pollution. 5. Whatdoesthewomanmean?A. NormanStarmanIIIisworthseeing. B. Themanshouldhavekn

4、ownthefilm. C. Sheswaitedforthemanforalongtime. 第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1. 5分, 滿分22. 5分)聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后, 各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料, 回答第6、7題。6. Howmuchisthesuit? A. 700. B. 800. C. 1,100. 7. Howdoesthemanmanagetopersuadethewomani

5、ntobuyingthesuit? A. Bypointingoutitshighquality. B. Bygivingheranextradiscount.C. Bymentioningthegoodstyle. 聽第7段材料, 回答第8、9題。8. Whatisthemantryingtodo?A. Movebacktotown. B. Findaroommate. C. Rentahouse.9. Whatrelationisthewomantotheman?A. Hisclassmate. B. Hiscolleague. C. Hislandlady. 聽第8段材料,回答第10至1

6、2題。10. Whatisthemanworriedabout?A. Hecantholdaparty8thome. B. Hisparentswontkeeptheirpromise. C. Someofhisfriendsrefusedhisinvitation.11. Whywerethemansparentsangrywithhimlasttime?A. Heinvitedtoomanypeople. B. Heandhisfriendsweretoonoisy. C. Hisfriendsmadeamessinthehouse. 12. Whatdoesthewomanofferto

7、dofortheman?A. Callhisparents. B. Prepareabarbecue.CProvideaplace. 聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。13. Wherewillthespeakersgofortheirholiday? A. ToAberdeen. B. ToGlasgow. C. ToEdinburgh.14. Howdoesthewomansuggestgoingtochubs? A. Bybike.B. Onfoot.C. Bycar.15. Whatwillthespeakersdoattheweekend? A. Meetthemansbrother

8、. B. Takeabustour.C. Visitsomemuseums. 16. AtwhattimewillthespeakersmeetonThursday? A. 11:15. B. 11:30.C:12:30.聽第10段材料, 回答第17至20題。17. Howcanthevisitorsgettotheirhouses? A. Bysailingasmallboat. B. Bywalkingoverthebridge. C. Byridingabikealongthepaths.18. Wherecanthevisitorsplaytennis? A. Infrontofthe

9、swimmingpool. B. Onthewestsideofthelake. C. Attheendoftheforest.19. Whatdayisittoday? A. Sunday. B. Wednesday.C. Thursday.20. Whatwillthespeakergivethevisitorsnext? A. Anotebook.B. Atelephonenumber. C. Akey.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分, 滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。AInteresting Exhi

10、bitions Held in Four Different Museumsu Name: The British Museum Phone: 020-7323-8000 Website; www. Opening hours; daily 10 a. m.-5:30p. m. Price: FreeThis exhibition aims to show the mysteries of mummification (干尸化) From a kings daughter to a temple doorkeeper, the displays explor

11、e the identities of eight people, using their bodies to discover clues about how they lived, By using new methods, such as CT scanning and 3D visualization, the British Museum has been able to build up a picture of life in the Nile valley over 4,000 years, from prehistoric Egypt to Christian Sudan.

12、u Name: The Fashion and Textile MuseumPhone :020-7407-8664 Website :www. ftmlondon, org Opening hours: daily 11a, m.-5:30 p. m. Price: 8.80 adults, 5.50 students This Fashion and Textile Museum is housing the first-ever exhibition on classic Mexican shawl (披肩) which became famous in the 20th century

13、. Mexican artists, photographers and fashion and textile designers will be exhibiting their colorful works there. u Name: The Victoria and Albert Museum Phone: 020-7907-7073Website: www. vam. ac. ukOpening hours:Mon, Thur, . Sat. , San, , 10a.m.-5:30p. m; Fr. 10a. m. -10p. m.Price: Free The Victoria

14、 and Albert Museum has dug out some of their most charming wedding dresses to record their history during the past two centuries, White wedding dresses were made popular by Queen Victoria in the nineteenth century, See beautiful wedding dresses made by famous designers.u Name: The Science MuseumPhon

15、e: 0870-870-4868 Website: www. sciencemuseum. org. uk Opening hours: daily 10 a. m. - 6p. m. Price: Free This four-day festival displays the latest exciting gadgets and introduces their inventors. Visitors can explore electronics, build robots, get bands-on with new technologies and have ago at 3D p

16、rinting. There will be displays taking place throughout the festival, which is suitable for anyone aged ten and over. 21. Which number would you call if youre interested in exploring history with modern technology? A. 020-7323-8000. B. 020-7407-8664. C. 020-7907-7073. D. 0870-870-486822. Which museu

17、m can you visit if you are free at 8 p. m. on Friday?A. The British Museum. B. The Fashion and textile Museum. C. The Victoria and Albert Museum. D. The Science Museum. 23. What can we learn about the Science Museum?A. The exhibition will last a week.B. It displays CT scanning technology. C. Visitor

18、s themselves can try new technologies, D. More information can be found at www.vam.ac.uk.BMany years ago, when we first went to Canada, we were driving through Montans to Colorado with our two children, We thought we would find a mote! (汽車旅館) on the way and had not made a booking. As it was getting

19、late, we started looking for a motel, only to find that all were booked. Finally, around 9 p. m., we stopped at a gas station to fill up on gas. My husband asked for a phone book and told the woman at the counter that we were trying To find a motel. He tried for 15 minutes. When he was unsuccessful,

20、 the woman, Linda, said she and her family lived nearby and would be happy if we spent the night at her home. My husband was stunned at her offer. She called her son to direct us, since she had to hold fort at the gas station till midnight. When we reached their home, her husband greeted us, He took

21、 out two sleeping bags for the children. He invited us to have coffee and chat while we waited for his wife. When she came back, we asked if we could slip away in the morning so as not to disturb them, They said we were now guests and we would have to have breakfast with them. We woke up to a table

22、set for breakfast, Theyd made a mountain of pancakes and bacon. We ate breakfast, and when we were leaving, my husband asked if he could offer some payment.They insisted we were their guests, We left moved by their spirit of hospitality (好客). We were amazed that they would take in a family of total

23、strangers from a different country. We kept in touch for many years. Over the years, we lost touch, but have never forgotten their kindness. 24. What made the author upset at first?A. They got lost in Canada. B. They ran out of gas. C. They had nowhere to stay. D. They were late for dinner. 25. What

24、 does the underlined word “stunned” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Troubled. B. Surprised. C. Disappointed. D. Confused. 26. What did the author family do the next morning?A. They slipped away, B. They paid for their breakfast. C. They met some strangers. D. They had a big breakfast.27. What is the best tit

25、le for the text?A. Unexpected Hospitality. B. A Kind Woman.C. Be Kind to Strangers. D. Looking for a Motel. C You dont have to be a fan of math to get excited about Pi (“”) Day. While the event, which is also Albert Einsteins birthday, may start with some calculations, it is more than likely to conc

26、lude with a slice or two of delicious pie. the holiday is held every march 14, because “” is widely recognized as 3.14.The tradition of honoring “” began at San Franciscos Exploratorium Museum. On March 14, 1988, physicist Larry Shaw convinced his colleagues to mark the day by marching around one of

27、 the museums circular spaces and consuming fruit pies. The celebration was made official in 2009 when the US House of Representatives set aside March 14 as Pi Day.Today, Pi Day is observed in many creative ways.Students at the California Institute of Technology in Los Angeles host a pie-eating event

28、, which begins at 1:59 a.m. and features 26 pies, each of live different flavors of the popular dessert. Though that might seem random, the date(3.14), time(159), number of pies(25), and number of varieties (5) recreate the first nine digits of Pi:3.14159265!Students applying for the Massachusetts I

29、nstitute of Technology(MIT) in Boston eagerly wait for the day every year to find out if they have been accepted. However, instead of sending out the offers at 3:14 p.m., the institution waits till 6:28 p. m, 6.28 is referred to as Tau, which is Pi multiplied by 2. The number is believed to be much

30、more reliable than Pi by some experts and even has its own celebration on June 28. Since 2017, MIT has also used Pi Day as a fundraiser to support its students, departments and programs. The town of Princeton, New Jersey, where Einstein lived from 1935 until his death in 1955, celebrates the occasio

31、n with multi-day festivities that end on March 14. Visitors can participate in concerts, shows, as well as pie-eating, pi-recitation, and Einstein-lookalike contests.28. Where was Pi Day originally celebrated?A. In San Francisco. B. In Los Angeles. C. In Boston. D. In Princeton.29. When was Pi Day m

32、ade an official holiday? A. In 1955. B. In 1988. C. In 2009. D. In 2017.30. What does MIT do on Pi Day according to the passage?A. Inform applicants of admission results. B. Conduct a calculating test.C. Organize a march around the campus. D. Make desserts of different flavors. 31. Whats the authors

33、 purpose in writing the text?A. To instruct. B. To introduce. C. To persuade. D. To explain. DExperts believe that the best time to teach kids language skills is when they are babies. Most times the task is easily accomplished with parents reading or talking to their babies, However, in some cases t

34、hat is not possible due to busy work schedules or when kids are born deaf. Now, an adorable blue-eyed robot, a human avatar, and some high-tech neuroscience may be able to assist parents with this important developmental task.The Robot AVater thermal-Enhanced system, or RAVE, is the brainchild of a

35、team of researchers led by Laura Ann Petitto, an educational neuroscientist, at Washington, D.C.s Gallaudet University, The learning process begins when the robots camera, which is focused on the babys face, detects tiny changes in his/ her body temperature. This, combined with the babys facial expr

36、ession, causes the robot to turn its head and guide the badys attention to a computer screen, on which a human avatar starts to communicate with the baby, much like a parent would. For example, if the bady points towards the screen, the avatar might respond, “Are you pointing to me ”and follow that

37、up with a nursery rhyme, fairy tale, or some essential social communication, all in American sign language (ASL) The “conversation” continues until the kid loses interest.The researchers, who have been testing the system for three years, found that babies as young as 6 to 8 months old began to move

38、their hands in a rhythm similar to ASL after interacting with RAVE for just a few minutes. Petitto says natural language. whether communicated through speech or sign, activates the same parts of the brain and believes the rhythmic motion proves the babies are learning the essential elements of commu

39、nication.What sets this technique apart from other methods, such as showing educational videos or television shows, is its interactive nature and real-time response to the babys actions. The researchers say that while it is too early to determine the systems long-term influence on baby communication

40、, the initial response has been very encouraging. Next, they plan to introduce an avatar that can both sign and speak to babies.32. What can the RAVE system help parents do?A. Improve babies health condition. B. Take good care of babies. C. Develop babies language skills. D. Keep. company with babie

41、s.33. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. How babies learn ASL effectively. B. How parents educate their babies.C. How robots talk and read to babies. D. How the RAVE system works.34. What indicates babies are learning with the help of the RAVE system?A. Interests in videos and TV shows. B. C

42、hanges in their body temperature. C. Improvement in their natural languageD. Hand movements in a rhythm like ASI. 35. What do the researchers think of the RAVE system?A. Promising . B. Impractical. C. Satisfactory. D. Disappointing. 第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分, 滿分10分) 根據(jù)短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項,選項中有兩項為多余選項。How

43、 to be a Good Team LeaderTeamwork is essential in school, sports, and group activities. Being a good team leader involves a lot of skills, but knowing how to relate to your team is one of the most important qualities a good team leader should have. Show respect. As a leader, you will sometimes have

44、to make a quick decision in a hurry, 36 Youd better explain clearly why you made the decision and ask for feedback from your team, which shows that you are a leader with respect. 37If some people are a little behind on a project or task, help them. Be patient and spend some time with the individual

45、to assess why there is an issue. In addition, find a task for everyone no matter what their skill or level. 38 Encourage your team.Sometimes people are scared to try something, and this is where the leader comes in, 39 Its more likely that your team will get motivated and have the job done at last.

46、Recognize the positive results. Acknowledge your team for a job well done, even if its small. You dont have to reward good work with a pay raise. 40 Taking a second or two to stop and thank your team makes a difference, Once you follow the tips mentioned above, you will make a good team leader. A. I

47、nclude everyone, B. Keep a positive attitude. C. A pay raise will cheer up your team.D. Oral appreciation holds a lot of weight.E. After ell, they all want to contribute in some way. F. Show your team that the task is possible, even if difficult.G. But this may not always be what everyone in your te

48、am wants.第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45 分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題15分,滿分30分)閱讀下面的短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Ever since an accident put him in a wheelchair, Dan has had one dream: 41.That is why he was 42 to learn about a research that could possibly lead to his 43. But there are two 44. First, the re

49、search may take years before it becomes a treatment. And second is the most 45 of all considerations: money. 46 by love for Dan, friends worked hard through a series of 47 to raise 20,000 pounds, Dan felt he could really start looking toward the day when he could turn his 48 into a reality, Then he

50、49 Brecon, a 5-year-old who 50 from cerebral palsy (腦癱) Dan read about a new surgical procedure that could allow the little boy to walk 51. But the surgery would 52 more than 60,000 pounds-money Brecons parents were having a 53 time raising. Dan said, “Im in pretty much the 54 condition, but it appe

51、ars that Brecon can 55 walk if he gets his surgery, and I cant right now. So I thought I might as well pass the money on to him, Im incredibly 56 to everyone who has helped me out, but this boy need s it 57 I do at the moment.”And so he took his dream out of the bank and 58 it over to Brecons parent

52、s, telling them “it would make me very happy to see the 59 made to Brecons life. ”“I wanted to help someone whose life could get better,” he said, “If I can help someone to walk, I will. Even if it means 60 dream to do it.”41. A. lyingB. walkingC. jumpingD. working42. A. angryB. embarrassedC. calmD.

53、 excited43. A. recoveryB. achievementC. discoveryD. commitment44. A. benefitsB. hopesC. barriersD. experiments45. A. generousB, practicalC. valuableD. suitable46. A. InspiredB. StressedC. InstructedD. Motivated47. A. activitiesB. coursesC. observationsD. competitions48. A. researchB. dreamC. concern

54、D. possibility49. A. spoke ofB. believed inC. thought ofD. heard about50. A. suffersB. learnsC. differsD. survives51. A. swiftlyB. clumsilyC. unaidedD. untrained52. A. wasteB. collectC. depositD. required53. A. freeB. busyC. hard D. nice 54. A. commonB. sameC. generalD. different55. A. rarelyB. conf

55、identlyC. distinctlyD. definitely56. A. friendlyB. gratefulC. shamefulD. reliable57. A. more thenB. rather thanC. better thanD. other than58. A. castB. spreadC. handedD. distributed59. A. differenceB. effortsC. damageD. preparations60. A. realizingB. changingC. sacrificingD. recalling第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題1. 5分, 滿分15分)閱讀下面短文, 在空白處填入1個適當?shù)膯卧~或括號內單詞的正確形式。Mike Taylor, a university student in the study of prehistoric life forms for his Ph. D, discovered a brand-new species of dinosa


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