



1、 鑼點亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 鑼精誠凝聚=A_A=成就夢想 _班級:高三()班姓名:課題:Unit2,M7課型設置【自研 45+20+ 展示 60】一、高考要求:編號Review 80日期:主備校長設計者:YeUnit2, M7 :1重點句式應用及拓展、單元語法小結二、定向導學互動展示2.基于對文本的理解,進行創(chuàng)展性的微寫作輸岀。Self-study& Self-explorationCooperation &Exploration自學指導 內容學法時間Step1句式感悟句式1: “the+比較級.,the+比較級.1意為“越就越”,表示主、從句的兩個謂語是同時進行的,表示

2、一方隨另一方程度的變化而變化。,2從結構上看,第一個“ the +比較級”是表示條件的狀語從句; 在表示將來意義的情況下,從句用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來。第二個“the +比較級”是主句,用一般將來時。3本結構中常用省略結構。補充:“比較級+ and +比較級”意為“越來越”事句式2:“祈使句+ and/or/otherwise +陳述句”1 并列連詞前也可以是一個名詞性短語。(即前面的祈使句也可以換成一個名詞性的短語)2 該句式中的祈使句相當于一個 if 引導的條件句,后面的句子相 當于主句,所以主句用一般將來時。(即主將從現(xiàn))-見例句分析完成對以上內容的自研,請同學們自主完成復習講義上突破重點句

3、式部分的內容Step2語法感悟A.助動詞1.助動詞不能獨立作謂語,必須和動詞原形或分詞構成復合謂 語。常見的助動詞有:be; do; does; did; have; shall; will;等B.形容詞、副詞比較等級的用法形容詞原級的用法:1.在肯定句中,用as +原級 Adj + as ,表示:和.一樣2. 在否定句中,用not + as / so.as.表示:.不如.3.用 .times +as + 原級 Adj + as ,表示:是.的幾倍形容詞比較級的用法:27.用比較級+ than ,表示: 比.更.28.用比較級+ and +比較級“,表示: 越來越.29.用the +比較級.,

4、 the +比較級,表示:越.越30.用the +比較級+ of +兩個人或物,表示:兩者中較.的一 個31.用.times +比較級+ than ,表示:比.大(多,長,寬等).(倍)形容詞、副詞最高級的用法:1.The +形容詞、副詞最咼級+ (名詞)+比較范圍,表示:最.2.用one of +形容詞最咼級+復數(shù)名詞,表示:最.之一完成 P146 上的單元語法、基礎鞏固上的微語法部分Step3詞匯應用1.將 step3 中所給詞的名詞或形容詞、動詞寫出來,再用適當形式完成基礎鞏固上的語境填詞2.完成基礎鞏固中的詞義猜測題及微寫作Step4:晨誦鏈接A.借助字典完成晨誦文本中 stepl 的

5、內容B.明天早上的晨誦課上熟讀文本并完成step2-3 的內容互動策略(內 容形式時間)組長主持by theleader)Hostteam對學:相互探討、答案,step2 中題目,你的總結 是什么呢?核對五人互助組:1 小組長主持, 互相交流題 中的疑惑部分。2 探討并解答step3 中的詞的 詞性,各個詞的 其他形式是什 么?3.聽聽我的觀 點:交流并分享 自己的見解。十人共同體:根據(jù)本組所抽 到的任務,在組 長的帶領下進 行互動交流,形 成本組的展示方案。注意:合理分配 人員及其所展 示內容,盡量讓 全組成員都參 與Show&Improvement展示方案內容形式時 間展示單元句式

6、及語法處 理-小組成員 將復習講義上 突破核心句式 與單元語法、 基 礎鞏固中語境 填詞、 微語法部分的內容呈現(xiàn) 在黑板上。要求: 內容清晰;講解清晰;流程清晰;提示:小組間可以相 互合作展示; 句子可以也采 用思維導圖;展示單詞匯及文本 處理針對 詞匯及文本信 息處理,將step2-3、詞 義猜測、微寫作、晨誦文本部分 的內容呈現(xiàn)在 黑板上。要求:文章大意梳理 清晰; 講解清晰;提示:小組間可以相 互合作展示;Conclusion & Summarization隨堂筆記成果記錄知識生成同步演練Step2語法感悟Follow these tips , and your time spe

7、nt doing research on theIn ter net will be much moreworthwhile.可以轉化為:If you follow these tips, your time spent doing research on theter net jwill beFuch more worthwhile.主句的謂語(will be 是一般將來時)(從句中謂語是follow,是一般現(xiàn)在時)1. You can get accustomed to the new life heremore about the local customs.(2) easily B.v

8、ery easy C.more easily2. He is inferiorA.than B.to3. My garden isif you knowD.easierme in chemistry.C.over D.abovehers.29.twice larger tha n B.l arger twice tha nC.l arger tha n twiceD.twice large as2. Barack Obama proved to be one ofAmerica.A.most popular B.the most popularC.popularerStep3:寫出其名詞并翻譯

9、:assumediversereferAppoint寫出其形容詞并翻譯:correspondpresidents inD.the more popular書寫評定:晨誦文本:【美文賞析】-第一課時Are you feeling blue? An American study suggests that being surrounded by happy friends and neighbors could have more of an effecton your happiness than money.That is the finding of researchers from Har

10、vard University and the University of California at San Diego.Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler studied the emotonal health of more than four thousand seve hundred people.They usedinformation from the Framingham Heart Study. That study began sixty years ago in the American community of Framingham

11、Massachusetts .It was started to learn more about the risks of heart attack and stroke.For the new stjjcthe researchers examined theemotions of the men and women in the Framingham Heart Study.The information was gathered from 1983 to 2003. 鑼點亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 鑼 鑼點亮心燈/(AvA)照亮人生 鑼精誠凝聚=A_A=成就夢想The research

12、ers found that friends of happy people had a greater chance of being happy themselves.That means that happiness spreads orhas a contagious effect among people.And the smaller the physical distance between frienc,the larger the effect they had on each othershappiness.For example a person was twenty p

13、ercent more likely to feel happy if his/her friend living within one and a half kilometers was alsohappy.Having a happy neighbor who lived next door increased an individuals chance of being happy by thirty-ur percent.The effects of friendshappiness lasted for up to a year.Another finding was that pe

14、ople who worked together or were married did not have as much of an effect on happiness levels as friendsdid.The researchers said this was often true among friends of the same sex.A report on the findings was published this month in the British Medical Journal.Americas National Institute on Aging he

15、lped to pay for thestudy.Some researchers who were not involved with the study questioned its findings.They said the results could be disput 爭議)unless a separate study showed similar findings.學法指導隨堂筆記引言:這是一篇說明文。本文主要向我們介紹Stepl:了兩位科學家的一項研究發(fā)現(xiàn)快樂可以感染人,擁有快樂的朋友就會擁有快樂。communitygathercontagiousindividualStep

16、l:誦讀一感知文本A:大聲朗讀文本,感知文本信息,并且體會的收集在隨堂筆記處的單詞。separateinvolveStep2:B:結合上下文,在大腦中呈現(xiàn)畫面,猜測你所寫單詞的意思。Part AC :結合字典在核對你的單詞詞義。Step2:尋讀一脈絡把握 文章的細節(jié)把握-A . How to live a happy life?()B. Ones happiness influences others.C.How to keep emotions healthy?(D. A scientific experiment.()()Part APart BPart A 是文章主旨大意的敘述,正確的用

17、T,錯誤的用 FA . Nicholas and James based their findings on the study of a medical research B. Nicholasand James have been doing their research for more than twenty yearsPart BFrom this text we know thatC. a person with a happy friend has more chance of feeling blueD. a happy person is more likely to suffer from heart attackStep3:Step3:品讀一讀出理解A . Mr. Green , Smi


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