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1、2019-2020 年高考英語 語法專題復習 Unit 12 Culture Shock 教案 1 北師大版語法剖析活用不定式或動名詞作動詞賓語的用法在第十單元我們學習了不定式的句法功用,可以看出,不定式和動名詞都可以作主語、 賓語、表語、定語和補語。作主語和表語時,動名詞形式表示一般的、概念性的、時常的動作,而動詞不定式常表 示一時的、偶然的行為和動作。如:Being a doctor is a ehDicc.當醫(yī)生是不錯的選擇。(對任何人、任何時候而言都是這樣的)To lie a百:,donor is jy當個好醫(yī)生是我的夢想。(對個人而言,是個別情況)用動名詞還是不定式作賓語,主要分為以

2、下四種情況:(1)只可使用動名詞作賓語的動詞:enjoy,miss,practice,prefer,suggest,con sider,appreciate,avoid, min d,imagi ne,fi ni sh,admit,deny ,delay,risk等。只跟動名詞的短語:feel like,stick to,devote to,pay atte nti on to,be worth,bebusy,cant help,it is no use,be used to (習慣于),look forward to,cant stand等。(2)只可使用不定式作賓語的動詞:wish,hop

3、e,promise,expect,prete nd,wa nt,agree,refuse,prepare,ma nage,persuade,afford,offer,attempt,decide等。只跟不定式的習語:would like/love to等。(3)既可接動名詞,又可接不定式作賓語的動詞有:start,begi n,con ti nue,like,love,hate等,意思基本沒有區(qū)別。love,like和hate接動名詞和不定式時,表示長久的、規(guī)律性的好惡用動名詞,表示 時的、個別性的好惡常用不定式。如:lie httic chtiiig fish trom nis chiidh

4、ooc.他從小就不喜歡吃魚。1 love to百o driving on such a lovely azter noon.我想在這樣一個美好的下午出去兜風。(4)以下動詞既可接動名詞,又可接不定式作賓語,但意思有區(qū)別。接動名詞作賓語接不定式作兵語remember記得過去發(fā)生的動作記得將來要做的動作try試著去做、嘗試改變努力去做某事regret對做過的事表示后悔對要做的事表示遺憾mea n意味著企圖(打算)做某事go on繼續(xù)做未完成的事情做完一件事后,接著做另一件forget忘記以前曾做過某事忘記去做某事stop中斷正在做的事情中斷正在做的事,去做別的事cant help禁不住做某事不能幫

5、著做某事補充:need,want,require,demand,be worth等接動名詞,主動形式表被動:Mybtiir needsUIKting.My Imir ncccs :o be cut.The hook is w(?nh reading. -Ihc hookLSworthTOhe read.2不帶to的不定式。常用的有“十一個半動詞”:五看二聽一感覺,三個使役來幫助。即look,see,watch,notice, observe, listen,hear,feel,make,have,let,help。由于help也可使用帶to的不定式,所以它算半個。此外還有一些不帶to的習語:h

6、ad better do,would rather do than do,why not等。3作定語時,動詞不定式結(jié)構(gòu)放在被修飾語的后面,作后置定語;動名詞通常放在被修 飾語之前,多表示被修飾語的用途?,F(xiàn)在分詞現(xiàn)在分詞是動詞詞尾加-ing構(gòu)成的。它們還保留著動詞的特征,并帶有形容詞和副詞的 功能。因此,現(xiàn)在分詞在句子中可以作定語、表語和狀語。除此之外,現(xiàn)在分詞還可以充當 動詞的賓補。及物動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞有主動意義,不及物動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞則表示動作正在進行。 作表語許多現(xiàn)在分詞已經(jīng)成為形容詞,女口amusing,annoying,astonishing,attracting,boring,disap

7、po in ti ng,discouragi ng,e ncouragi ng,excit in g,frighte nin g,i nteresti ng,i nspiri ng,inviting,pleasing,puzzling,shocking,surprising,tiring等,這些詞都是由它們的同源動詞加-ing變來的,都具有主動意義,譯成“令人的”,同普通形容詞一樣可以由副詞 修飾,也可以有比較等級。The story is atiiijsing, morii amusing tbar all the ot這個故事很好笑,比其他的故事都好笑。作定語(現(xiàn)在分詞可以前置和后置)(1

8、)前置(通常由一個現(xiàn)在分詞充當1hard-work ing people勤勞的人民the n ever-e nding quarrel無休止的爭吵fin e-looki ng buildi ngs美觀的建筑an En glish-speak ing man說英語的人(2)后置(通常由現(xiàn)在分詞短語充當)1 have a friend living in L(ndon,我有一個朋友住在倫敦。Will tliL: pc(plL: sit ting a.t the back please keep quic t?請坐在后面的人保持安靜。注意:當現(xiàn)在分詞作定語時,它和被修飾的名詞之間通常是主謂關(guān)系,即被

9、修飾語是這個現(xiàn)在分詞的動作發(fā)出者。如上例,hard-working people中,people就是動作work的發(fā)出者。作狀語(1)時間狀語(常在句首Hearing the bad news, she burst tcars.聽到這個壞消息后,她大哭起來。Oncu, while working on a new in ven tloc, Edimon inadc 8000 tests without success.曾經(jīng)在進行一項發(fā)明時,愛迪生做了8000次試驗,都失敗了。Having arrived at a decisi on ,they immediately set to work|

10、決定了之后,他們立即動工。(2)條件狀語(常在句首)Working hard, y(jij will make it.加油干,你就會成功。If playing all day, y(jij will waste your valiidhlc- time.要是成天玩,你就把寶貴的時間浪費了。(3)原因狀語(常在句首)Bui匚百a shy man, Eins tri匚did not atrund his fit tiuth hir tnday pir:y.愛因斯坦是個內(nèi)向的人,連為他舉辦的50歲生日聚會都沒有參加。Having lived in Berlin so roEi.ny years,he

11、 knew thu city quite well.在柏林住了這么多,他對這個城市了如指掌。(4)結(jié)果狀語(常在句末)11 u dropped the cup, 3rcaking it inr(j pieces.他把杯子掉到地上,摔碎了。The fire lastud :hreu weeks, destroying the whole forest.大火燒了三個星期,毀了整片森林。伴隨狀語(常在句末,表示伴隨情況、行為方式、補充說明等)They stood航the iwdsidc, rachin the procession.他們站在路邊看游行。The childrenTHJIm,laughi

12、ng and tdiking mcirily.孩子們跑了出去,高興地邊說邊笑。He sp.t at the? winclow cadi他坐在窗子旁邊讀書。1現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語時,分詞的邏輯主語與主句的主語是同一個。如Heari ng the badnews,she burst into tears.中,主句的主語是she,那么現(xiàn)在分詞hearing的邏輯主語也是she,hear這個動作實際就是she發(fā)出的。它們之間是主謂關(guān)系,hearing表示一種主動意義。2若現(xiàn)在分詞的狀語從句是否定含義時,在從句句首加Not。如:M(t undursELiiding the pro hl cm, he aske

13、d the tcEichcr ii.gain,他不理解這個問題,就去問老師。作賓語補足語(1) see,hear,smell,feel,watch,fi nd,no tice,observe,look at,liste n to等表示感覺的動詞,用現(xiàn)在分詞作賓補,表示這個動作與謂語動作同時發(fā)生。Can you smell anyhinj; hnrnin1?你聞到有東西糊了嗎?T saw Them swimriiri in tho pool just now.剛才我看見他們在泳池里游泳呢。(2) have,keep,get,set,se nd,leave等表示致使”等的動詞用現(xiàn)在分詞作賓補時,表

14、示“使處于某種持續(xù)的狀態(tài)中”。He卜初is li.ighiii百胡】ilx 1上(ov(?r整個晚飯期間他讓我們不住地笑。llis icma.rks iuzt me wondering his real purpose.他的話讓我猜測起他真正的意圖。TheCKP-OSLDHsent rhe roof fiyi匚百.那次爆炸把屋頂掀飛了。注意:感官動詞后面的現(xiàn)在分詞作賓補表示正在進行的動作,不是全過程;表示動作的全過程,要用不帶to的不定式。如:I saw him cross ing the imL我看見他在過馬路。I伽him cross the r餉d,我看見他過馬路了?!净顚W活用】24.單項

15、填空1)(廣東廣州綜合測試,35)I really appreciate_ a great effort to e to helpus with the prohl.A.your makingB. you to madeC.you to makeD. your bein百made2)(上海,35)It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for threehours _ a look ar rho sports srais.T m L.rrnklHOL. Hi? is siiic_theIrcacl.y as hi? li

16、as hoc an dllicig丄A.to have left15, to leaveC.to have bee n leftlto he left5)(福建,29) Can the project be linisned as卩l(xiāng)aniKJ?SL IT,_ iL.jli?:cd in I i m匚,耳o 11耳.匸k ioc hm r s a cl a.-.A.having gotB.to getC.gettingIL宕J-I hrHi-y iicds_ h 山.i L will1 ovtii 1 uni. i L Siniddy.A.cleaningB.to cleanC.cleanU“

17、TIRcl uF.nurl7I Criri jjirdl y i川H.i ric H(;l.cr_across iJit? A. I?trilie Ocun.ri iIIIi ve山呼乩丄前i IB.to sail匚1 i電Rm su-i led8)_1 JUJ S L (tpolojiizu idl;:ihc;:ld C! LUL1U.Tht.:szI i“iA.1 r?trin yon nr?r. knowB. not letting you kii(jwC.lettin g丫燦初倆iiol Hlutting匚骯yon knowA.hadB.havi ngC.to have3)(全國n,1

18、7)We often provide ourbasketballs,_that all childre n like these thingA.thi nki ngB.thi nkC.to thi nk4)(江蘇,25 2Bob 生 till pfotining?I), havechildre nwiths(D.thoughttoys,footballsor9)_(湖北,34)Du a i saLII?LCnothiiic- and henc di上i上匕tjblc.D. unci doi rgC.doingA.doB.to dol)Tlii, piini I risked iJ:(?i:)w

19、 rniicfi 1.1 me hi, spen._viol in l y pl ayD. practicing to play答案與解析:1)A appreciate后只能接動名詞作賓語,此處表主動意義,故選 語的 動詞有up,admit,fi ni sh,escape,practise,avoid,keep,suggest,imag in e,ca n2)C句意為“真不敢相信,這些粉絲們在體育館外面等了三個小時就為了看體育明星們一眼”。在此句中,動詞不定式充當目的狀語。3)A兩句之間沒有連詞,逗號之后用非謂語動詞表示。非謂語動詞和主語之間是主動關(guān)系, 所以用現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語。句意為“我們

20、通常給孩子一些玩具、足球或籃球,認為所有的孩子都喜歡這些東西”。4)A此題考查對動詞不定式的時態(tài)和語態(tài)的掌握運用能力。leave作“離開”講時是不及物動詞,沒有被動形式;其次,句中的already表示完成概念。因此選擇表示主動兼完成的tohave left。5) B“我們”加班的目的是完成計劃,所以用不定式表目的、打算。6) A句意為“圖書館需要清掃了,不過要等到周日才行”。need clea ning是用主動形式表被動含義,也可用need to be clea ned結(jié)構(gòu)。7) C句意為“我無法想象彼得在五天之內(nèi)能航行穿過大西洋”。imagi nesb.doi ng sth.“想象某人做某事

21、”。8) B句意為“我必須為沒有提前告訴你而道歉。”“沒關(guān)系。”否定動名詞時,在其前加not,這一點和不定式的否定形式類似。9) C doi ng noth ing作伴隨狀語,相當于并列句and do noth ing。句意為“不要坐在那里什么也不干,來幫我擺桌子”。10) B句意為“學生問老師他每天練多長時間的小提琴”。spe nd time (in )doi ng sth.,practice doi ng sth.,“play+the+樂器”均為固定結(jié)構(gòu)。2019-2020 年高考英語語法專題復習 Unit 2 Heroes 教案 6 北師大版必修1語法剖析般過去時用法表示過去某一時刻發(fā)生

22、的動作或情況。常與two days ago,yesterday,last week,the otherday,i n1990,duri ngthe ni ght, inA。后面只能接動名詞作賓min d,miss,enjoy,givet help等。ancient times等表示過去的時間狀語連詞。例句Where did you go just now?I worked in that factory last year.My mother fell i11 the other day.The Red Army came into being in 1927.表示在過去一段時間內(nèi),經(jīng)常性或習

23、慣性的 動作。常與every day,ofte n, sometimes時間狀語連用;used to +動詞原形或would +動詞原形常用來表示過去經(jīng)常或反復發(fā)生的行為。表示過去發(fā)生的一連串動作。在時間、條件、讓步狀語從句中用一般過去 時表示過去將來的動作。When I was a child,I ofte n played football in thestreet.We sometimes went to school by bus last year.I used to smoke a lot but now I dont now.We would ask our teachers f

24、or advice whe n we had questions.The mon key jumped off the tree,picked up a big stone andthrew it at us.He said he would e to see me if he got here. He bought somebooks whe n he went to Paris.用法表示過去某一時刻或某一段時間內(nèi)正在進行 的動作,過去進行時常和表示過去時的時間 狀語詞組或從句連用。表示說話人過去對主語的行為表示贊嘆 惡等。常與always,constantly,continually等副詞

25、連用。表示過去將來發(fā)生的動作。一般限于一些表 示移動,方向的動詞。描述事件發(fā)生的背景。過去進行時例句I was watching TV at 8 oclock last night.The stude nts were readi ng loudly whe n I came intotheclassrooin.My brother fell while he was ridinghis bicyclehurt himself.It was raining when they left the station.The manager was always thinking of his wor

26、k at time.(表贊賞)The n aughty boys were con sta ntly making trouble.(表不滿)He said that he was ing to see me the next week.Nobody knew whether coun tryside.The sun was shinin g,the of soldiers were march ing.現(xiàn)在完成時he was leavi ng forandthatthewind was blow in g,a nd a group用法表示過去發(fā)生或已經(jīng)完成的某一動作對現(xiàn)在 造成的影響或結(jié)果。

27、通常與表示包括現(xiàn)在在 內(nèi)的時間副詞just,already,before,yet,never,ever狀語連用。表示過去已經(jīng)開始,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作或狀 態(tài)??梢院捅硎緩倪^去某一時刻延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在(包括現(xiàn)在在內(nèi))的一段時間的狀語連用。女口:for禾口since,及so far,now,today,thisweek(month,year)等?,F(xiàn)在完成時還可以用在時間和條件狀語從句 中,表示將來某時完成的動作。例句I have never heard of that before _Have you ever ridden a horse?She has alreadyT.w幼Have you milk

28、ed the cow yet _ .Yes,I have done that alrea _ .Ive just lost my scienee book.I havent seen herthese days .She has lear nt En glish for 3 years_They have lived here since 1990.What has happened to the USA in the last350 years?Ill go to your home when I haveli0n)eworkrIf it has stopped snowing in the

29、 mornin g,we tothe park.fini shedmyII go需要注意以下幾個方面:(1)have bee n have/hasbee n重指經(jīng)歷。have/has gone正不在這里。(to)禾口have gone(to)(to)表示“曾經(jīng)去過”某地的區(qū)別;,說話時此人很可能不在那里,已經(jīng)回來。(to)表示某人“已經(jīng)去了”某地,說話時此人在那里,或可能在路上試比較:He has bee n to Beiji ng.(人已回來,可能在這兒。The sea refuses no river.He has gone to Beiji ng.(人已走,不在這兒。)(2)表示短暫時間

30、動作的詞他曾去過北京。)海不拒河水;大海有能容之量。 他已經(jīng)去了北京。,女口e,go,die,marry,buy等的完成時不能與for,since表:buyhave,borrowkeep,leave/gobe等。示一段時間的短語連用。常用的瞬間動詞可轉(zhuǎn)換為away,begi n be on, finish be over, bee be,marry be married,die be dead這本書他買了三天了。He has bought/got the book for 3 days.He has had the book for 3 days.(V)He bought the book 3 days ago.(V)(3)常用句型:1It is the first/second time.that.(X)It i百the first time thdt 1 have visi


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