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1、世博會開幕式慶典Expo 2010 Shanghai China Opening CeremonyEntertaining Performances Program上有天堂下有蘇杭 As there is a Celestial City, so there aresuch earthly paradises as Suzhou andHangzho u.人間美景勝天堂 And the earthly paradises boast no lessscenic attractions than in the CelestialCity.哎呀江南好風光 Oh5the beauty of the

2、South of theYangtze River is an illustration.春季里杏花開 With the blossoming of apricots inspring,夏日荷滿塘 With the lotus flowers filling the pondsin summer,-秋天里丹桂放 With sweet-scented osmanthus in fullblossom in autumn,冬時梅成行 With plum trees standing in lines inwinter,琵琶聲聲輕彈柔唱 With the soft song accompanied

3、by themelodious sound of the musicalinstrument pipa,唱不盡的江南四季好風光 We celebrate with infinite zest thecharming four seasons in the South ofthe Yangtze River.哎呀哎哎呀 Ai Ya, Ai Ai Ya古韻今風天下美名揚哎呀 With ancient praise and currentcelebration, the scenic attractions of theSouth of the Yangtze River enjoyimmense

4、honor under the sun 唱不盡江南好風光 We celebrate with infinite zest thescenic attractions in the South of theYangtze River.唱不盡江南好呀好風光 We celebrate with infinite zest thecharming four seasons in the South ofthe Yangtze River.我們豐收了,歡迎全世界的朋友一起來分享! We are blessed with the harvest, Andwe invite you, people all

5、over the world,to share our happiness 歌詞大意:唱吧我們一起吟頌古老的故事 The gist of the lyrics:Now let us sing an ode on an ancientstory 一起來唱 我們一起來唱豐收的歌Let us join our voices and sing highlyof the harvest song 一起唱吧Let5s sing together.我們同聚一起We are gathering together to celebratethis grand event.歡慶這盛大的慶典liss and ble

6、ssing are granted to all of祝福大家一切順心如意 我心喜悅 I wish you all the best with every sincerity.一個擁抱一個世界 A hug, a token of our common world,你的世界是我們的擁抱 Your world is embraced with our hug.擁抱很大很小的世界 A hug, a token of our big common worldand a sign of the small individual world 世界很遠很近的擁抱世界擁抱 A hug of the world

7、, coming from far andnear, hence the hug of the world.一個微笑一個世界 A smile, an acknowledgment of ourcommon world 你的世界是我們的微笑 Your world is greeted with our smile.微笑有情有愛的世界 You and I are showing our intense lovefor this world with our smile A smile, an emblem of the world full oflove and affection 世界有澀有甜的

8、微笑世界微笑 This is a world of sweets and sours, andwe welcome this world with our smile 世界在你眼前我們在你身邊 The world is presented before your eyesand we are by your side 微笑的你我開始熱烈愛世界微笑遼闊無界擁抱超越一切 The smile is boundless and the hugembraces aH 你的愛就是我們的世界 Your love is our world of peace andcomfort.一個微笑一個世界 A smil

9、e, an acknowledgment of thecommon world 你的世界是我們的微笑 Your world is greeted with our smile.微笑有情有愛的世界 You and I are showing our intense lovefor this world with our smile A smile, an emblem of the world full oflove and affection.世界有澀有甜的微笑世界微笑 This is a world of sweets and sours, andwe welcome this world

10、with our smile.世界在你眼前我們在你身邊 The world is presented before your eyesand we are by your side 微笑的你我開始熱烈愛世界微笑遼闊無界擁抱超越一切 The smile is boundless and the hugembraces all.你的愛就是我們的世界 Your love is our world of peace andcomfort.世界在你眼前我們在你身邊 The world is presented before your eyesand we are by your side 微笑的你我開始

11、熱烈愛世界 You and I are showing our intense lovefor this world with our smile 一個微笑一個世界 A smile, an acknowledgment of ourcommon world 你的世界是我們的微笑 Your world is greeted with our smile.心中有一片蔚然的海洋 Our heart cherishes the large azure seas 城市在陽光下輕輕蕩漾 The seas of the urban life are ruffledwith silvery ripples w

12、ith the sunshine.溫柔浪漫的風吹在臉上,吹在臉上 The soft and romantic breeze kissesthe face, and kisses the face 深情的目光帶我到遠方 The eye filled with profound love leadsme afar.心中有一個動人的夢想 We hold fast a beautiful dream in ourhearts 未來在期盼中慢慢閃亮 The future is glittering in the distanee inour anticipation 穿過記憶是誰誰在歌唱誰在歌唱 Eme

13、rging from the depth of memory, weare wondering who was singing and whois singing.幸福的日子有你在身旁BetterCity,etter Life. The happy days are those when you arenearby 更美的城市,更好的生活更深的情誼有你有我BetterCity,etter Life The more profound love accompaniesyou and me.更美的城市更好的生活你我的真情永難忘 The genuine feelings are always wit

14、h us,you and me.更美的城市更好的生活 The more profound love accompanies Better City,etter Life更深的情誼有你有我you and me.更美的城市更好的生活 你我的真情永難忘 Better City, Better Life. The genuinefeelings are always with us, you and me.永難忘 We cherish all these beautiful thingsforever.鮮花簇擁約定地方 A fair place with a profusion of freshflo

15、wers 熟悉沒見過的臉龐 meet new acquaintances and make newfriends呼喚聽見心靈激蕩 hark to the beating of the exhilaratedheart邀世界分享 share a feeling of happiness with theworld千山萬水憧憬向往 An enchanting future mountains andwaters cherish with high expectations彼此遙遠卻在身旁 An apparent distance seems so nearand dear.擁抱感動星星閃亮 Embrace the intoxicated twinkling stars歡樂天空情誼飛揚


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