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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上河北省衡水中學(xué)2017屆高三上學(xué)期四調(diào)考試英語試題本試卷分第卷(選擇題)和第卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共150分,考試時(shí)間120分鐘。第卷(選擇題 共90分)第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)第一節(jié)(共5小題:每小題1分,滿分5分)1How does the man advise the woman to get to the hotel?ABy taxiBBy busCBy underground2How much does one ticket cost?A$43B$50C$073What is the woman unsatisfied with?AThe spe

2、cial effectsBThe plotCThe acting4Where are the speakers?AAt a hotelBAt a storeCAt a clinic5What does the woman plan to do?ADraw some picturesBBuy something on saleCMake an advertisement第二節(jié)(共15小題:每小題1分,滿分15分)聽下面5段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各

3、小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答和6、7題。6What does the woman ask the man to do?AFix her computerBBuy her a printerCHave lunch together7When does the conversation probably take place?AIn the evening BIN the afternoonCIn the morning聽第7段材料,回答第8、9題。8What will the man do on his birthday?AGo to see a film

4、BWok on his terms workCGo out for a meal9What is the relationship between the speakers?ABrother and sisterBTeacher and studentCClassmates聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。10Whats the good news?AA yoga class startedBA new gym openedCA new café opened11When will the speakers go to the gym?AOn Friday BOn SundayCOn

5、 Saturday12What do the speakers decide to do firat?AGo to the gymBMeet for lunchCMake an exercise plan聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。13What are the speakers discussing?ATheir close friendsBA television programmeCThe preparation for a test14Why is the man watching TV?AHe is taking a break from studyingBHe has alre

6、ady finished studyingCHe wants to get information for a paper15Who did the best in the last test?AKevinBElizabeth      C The woman speaker16Why does the man stop the woman calling Elizabeth?AHe doesnt think she is helpfulBHe

7、prefers to study on his ownCHe doesnt want to trouble her聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17What did Sally do for her pen-friend?A She offered her some adviceB She taught her how to writeC She helped her to

8、0;keep a diary18Why did Sally dad ask her not to send her book to a publisher?AThere were too many books of this kind     B  Their response might

9、 let her downCHe thought the book too simple 19 How did Sally contact the publisher?AShe sent an email      BShe made a call      CShe paid&

10、#160;a visit20 How did Sallys mum feel after answering the companys phone?AFairly anxious                   BExtremely surprised  

11、 CVery excited第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 40 分) 第一節(jié) (共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,滿30 分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C、和 D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。AThe following safety risks may result in serious injury or death to the user of the MINI Cooper S: This product conta

12、ins small parts that are for adult assembly (組裝) onlyKeep small children away when assemblingRemove all protective materials before assemblyBe sure to remove all packaging materials and parts from underneath the car bodyBattery posts contain lead known to the state of California to cause cancer and

13、reproductive harm Never open the battery Body parts such as hands, legs, hair and clothing can get caught in moving parts Never place a body part near a moving part or wear loose clothing while using the vehicle Always wear shoes when using the vehicle Using the vehicle near streets, motor

14、 vehicles, drop-offs such as steps, water (swimming pools) or other bodies of water, hills, wet areas, in alleys, at night or in the dark could result in an unexpected accident Instead, use the vehicle on the highway Always use the vehicle in a safe, secure environmentUsing the vehicle in unsafe con

15、ditions such as snow, rain, loose dirt, mud, or sand may result in unexpected action, for example tip over Using the vehicle in an unsafe manner Examples include but are not limited to:·  Pulling the vehicle with another vehicle or similar device·  Allowing more th

16、an two riders·   Pushing the user from the back·   Traveling at an unsafe speed Always use common sense and safe practices when using the vehicle Store the vehicle indoors or cover it to protect it from weather Water will damage the motor, electric s

17、ystem, and battery21When assembling, you should _Aopen the battery on the spot                     Bignore the packaging materialsCkeep small children off the spot      &

18、#160;         Dtake away all protective materials22According to the text, it is safer to _  Ahave at least four passengers             Bpush the user from behind at the startCdrive on the highway inst

19、ead of on hills    Dwear loose clothes while using the vehicle23Where can you probably find the text?AAn official report                           

20、60;  BA popular magazineCA physics textbook                            DA product handbookBA supermarket checkout operator was praised for striking a blow for m

21、odern manners and a return to the age of politeness after refusing to serve a shopper who was talking on her mobile phoneThe supermarket manager was forced to apologize to the customer who complained she was told her goods would not be scanned unless she hung up her phone Jo Clark, 46, said, “I don&

22、#39;t know what she was playing atI couldnt believe how rude she wasWhen did she have the right to give me a lecture on checkout manners? I wont be shopping there again!”But users of social media sites and Internet forums(論壇) were very angry that store gave in and the public appeared to be supportin

23、g the angry checkout worker“Perhaps this is a turning point for mobile phone users everywhereWhen chatting, keep your eyes on people around youThat includes people trying to serve you, other road users and especially people behind you in the stairs,” said a typical post“Its time checkout staff fough

24、t back against these people constantly chatting on their phonesThey can drive anyone crazyIts rude and annoying I often want to grab someones phone and throw it as far as I can, even though I am not a checkout girl, just a passer-by,” said anotherSiobhan Freegard, founder of parenting site wwwN

25、etmumscom said, “While this checkout operator doesnt have the authority to order customers to switch off their phones, you can see clearly how frustrated and angry she felt No matter how busy you are, life is nicer when you and those around you have good manners”24According to Jo Clark, the checkout

26、 operator_Ahad no knowledge of checkout mannersBplayed with a mobile phone while at workCdeserved praise for her modern mannersDhad no right to forbid her from using her mobile phone25The third and fourth paragraphs imply that the public_Aare used to chatting on their mobile phonesBare driven crazy

27、by constant mobile callsCseem to support the checkout operatorDignore the existence of mobile phone users26The attitude of Siobhan Freegard towards the checkout operator was_Adisapproving     Bsupportive    Cneutral      Dindifferent27The passage is mainly about _A

28、whether we should talk on our phones while being servedBwhy we can talk on mobile phones while shoppingCwhat good manners checkout operators should haveDhow we can develop good manners for mobile phone users  CI discovered the power of fear when I became stuck to my driveway, as if my feet

29、 were crazyglued to the cement(水泥)As much as I tried, I could not move them The realization that my daughters were playing in Nancy's house, just one-half block away, paralyzed(麻痹) my legs, making me unable to move when I neared the end of our driveway Dense, black smoke was rising from beh

30、ind the Sycamore Maple trees on the other side of the street and was enveloping three houses, making them barely visible Nancy's house was one of themI tried to call out for my daughters hoping to see them run safely to my arms, but my voice was also stuck - stuck in my throat with no inten

31、tion of coming out There I stood, helpless, paralyzed and silenced by fear, unable to protect the two little girls I loved more than even I had realizedAlthough trapped in a body that couldn't move or speak, I could still hear I could hear other mothers anxiously calling their children I could h

32、ear a frightening silence that covered the neighborhood instead of the usual happy voices of children And, finally, I could hear the alarm of the fire engine As the alarm announced, "We're on our way," it instantly dissolved the crazy glue that had held my feet to the cement and it unl

33、ocked the soundproof box that had silenced my voice I was free to make sure my daughters were safeAs I continued down the driveway, two little girls, my two little girls, ran toward me from across the street They had come home to tell me about the fire in the garage next to Nancy's house No

34、t only did my feet and voice work now, but my eyes were also in good working order and had no trouble producing tears28Why was the author stuck to her driveway?AShe was too tired to move her legs        BThick black smoke blocked her viewCThe cement on the driveway

35、 was still wet  DThe fear for her daughters' safety struck her29What made the author able to move and speak again?AShouting from other anxious mothers    BStrange silence in the neighborhoodCThe alarm of the coming fire engine     DThe courage to protect h

36、er daughters30What does the author suggest at the end of the story?AShe burst into tears of relief and happiness    BShe was really thankful to see her girls savedCShe was too excited to believe what she saw   DShe overcame her fear and fully recovered,31What is the best tit

37、le for the text?ALove in Fire                                          BStopped in Silence

38、CA Narrow Escape                            DThe Price of FearD“Heaven is where the police are English, the cooks are French, the mechanics are German, the live

39、rs are ltalian and everything is organized by the Swiss. Hell (地獄) is where the police are German, the cooks are English, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, and everything is organized by the Italians.”O(jiān)bviously the national stereotypes (模式化的思想) in this old joke are generalizations

40、 (普遍化), but such stereotypes are often said to “exist for a reason”. Is there actually a sliver (裂片) of truth in them? Not likely, an international research team now says.    “National and cultural stereotypes do play an important role in how people see themselves and others

41、, and being aware that these are not dependable is a useful thing,” said study author Robert McCrae of the National Institute on Aging. “These are in fact unfounded stereotypes. They dont come from looking around you,” McCrae said. If national stereotypes arent rooted in real experiences, then

42、where do they come from? One possibility is that they reflect national values, which may become known from historical events. For example, many historians have argued that the spirit of American individualism (個(gè)人主義) has its origins in the experiences of the pioneers on the Old West.Social scientists

43、 such as psychologist Richard Robins have given several other possible explanations for stereotypes and why they may be incorrect. Robins notes that some stereotypes may have been correct at one point in history and then remained unchanged while the culture changed.We may be “hard-wired”, to so

44、me degree, to keep incorrect stereotypes, since we are less likely to notice and remember information that is different from our stereotypes. Generally, according to Robins, when we meet people who are different from our stereotypes, we see them as unique individuals rather than typical national or

45、cultural groups.32The stereotype about Italians is _Aromantic but disorganized                                     

46、                 Bfriendly and good-temperedCdreamy and impractical                        

47、0;                          Dstrict but thoughtful33National stereotypes are not always correct because_Athey are formed by individual historiansBwhat was true in the pas

48、t may not be true at the presentCgeneralizations are made through personal experienceDpeople tend to have false idea about other cultures34According to the research team led by McCrae, national stereotypes are _         Ainteresting    

49、;    Bharmful  Chumorous                              Dunreliable35The underlined word “hard-wired” in the last paragraph pro

50、bably means_         Aforgetful                       Banxious   Cfixed         

51、                                D helpless第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)             

52、;                    根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的七個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。Four Key Strategles for Running to Lose WeightAs one of the most active exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to bu

53、rn calories and lose eight. A 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile when running.  36 . Healthy Eating is the First Step  If you want to lose wei

54、ght by running, keep in mind that youll only lose pounds if you burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or

55、 life functions, about 3500 calories.  37  Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions 

56、;of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Follow a training schedule  Sticking to a training schedule is a simple way 

57、;to stay motivated to run.    38    So its much harder to postpone or skip workouts. Following a schedule can also help you avoid a running injury

58、0;by not increasing your mileage too quickly.  Run regularly  If you dont want to follow a schedule, you still need to have some consistency with your running&#

59、160;because you wont lose weight by running once a week. Its best to get some activity every day.   39  If you find that your motivation to run is sufferin

60、g, follow some necessary tips to get inspired.   40 Incorporating speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short intervals of time) into you

61、r running routine can also help your weight loss efforts. Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time. Youll also increase your muscle

62、 mass, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day. A Keep it Challenging  B Eat for Performance  C Youll know exactly what you need to do ev

63、ery day and each run builds on the next  D So youll need to combine running with a healthy diet  E If youre hoping to use running to lose weight,

64、 heres some advice on how to be successful F Here are ways to improve your running motivation  G But if thats not possible, try to shoot for at least&

65、#160;3-4 times per week 第三部分 英語知識運(yùn)用(滿分30分)完形填空(共20小題:每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。People from every corner flooded into the streets that Christmas Eve. “Frosty the Snowman” and “Jingle Bells” 41 in stores; on the pavements, the street singers performed hap

66、pily. Everyone, was  42  by someone else, delighted and cheerful. I was alone.   As one of 8 kids of a Brazilian family, brought up in America's crowded apartment, I'd spent several years searching for aloneness. Now,   43  , at 27, a college student a

67、fter the    44   with my girlfriend , every cell inside me wanted to be alone,   45   not at Christmas. My family had   46   to Brazil and my friends were   47   with their own lives. Dusk was approaching, and the f

68、act that I had to return to my   48   home made me sad. Lights from windows blinked, and I hoped someone would   49   from one of those homes to invite me inside with a Christmas tree decorated with shiny fake snow and   50   presents.At a

69、market, I felt more   51   when people were buying lots of goods, which   52   the gifts we received as children in my mind . I missed my family and wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.Outside the church , a manger(小耶穌) had been se

70、t    53   . I stood with others watching the scene, some of them   54    themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that leaving Brazil was still a painful experience as I struggled with   55  I had become in 15 years in America

71、. I'd mourned the   56   , but for the first time, I recognized what Id gained. I w as independent,   57    and healthy. My life was still ahead, full of  58  .Sometimes the best gift is the one that you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave

72、 myself   59   for what I'd obtained up to now and promise to go forward. It is the best gift I've ever got, the one that I most   60   .41Ashared     Bplayed Cserved Dheld42Aaccompanied    Bemployed Ca

73、ttended Dsupported43Ausually   Bextremely Creally Deventually44Abreakup   Bdate Csympathy Dconcern45Aso   Bbut Cand Dor46Amoved   Bslipped Ccame Dreturned47Apleased   Bsatisfied Coccupied Dbored48Ashabby  Bempty   Cwarm Dcozy49A turn up   Bhang out   Cgo away Dbreak in50A dealt    Bdiscounted Cwrapped Ddonated51Atired   Bnervous Cexcited Dupset52Areminded    Bremained   &#


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