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1、2005-2011英語高考試題分項解析匯編專題07 形容詞和副詞(2011江蘇卷,25In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _.AspecialBregionalCoptionalDoriginal【答案】C【考點】考查形容詞的辨義。【解析】句意為“在那所學校,英語是學生的必修課,而法語和俄語是選修課?!眘pecial特別的,特意的;regional地區(qū)的,地方的;optional可選擇的;original原始的,最初的。句中由but進行轉(zhuǎn)折,由此可知法語和俄語不是必

2、修課而是可以選修,所以正確【答案】為C。(2011福建卷,30Nowedays, there is a increase in childrens creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to drevelop their talents.A.sharp B.slight C.natural D.modest【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞的辨義。【解析】句意為“現(xiàn)在的孩子們在創(chuàng)造力上有很大的提高,因為他們被極力地鼓勵著去發(fā)展他們的天賦?!眘harp明顯的,急劇的;slight輕微的,稍稍的;natural自然的,天生的;modest謙虛的,不過分的

3、。因此選A。(2011安徽卷,31_, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.A. Hopefully B. Normally C. Thankfully D. Conveniently【答案】C【考點】考查副詞的辨義?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤皯c幸的是,我終于打完了比賽,其中的辛苦沒有白費?!県opefully充滿希望地;normally正常地;thankfully慶幸地;conveniently方便地。根據(jù)句意,選C。(2011浙江卷,9The professor could tell by th

4、e _look in Marias eyes that she didn't understand a single word of his lecture A. cold B. blank C. innocent D. fresh【答案】B【考點】考查形容詞的辨義?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤案鶕?jù)Maria茫然的眼神,這位教授能夠看出她對他所講的內(nèi)容連一個字也沒有聽懂?!眂old冰冷的;blank空虛的,茫然的;innocent無辜的;fresh新鮮的。根據(jù)后面didn't understand,選B。(2011浙江卷,13Ive been writing this report_ fo

5、r the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow.A. finally B. immediately C. occasionally D. certainly【答案】C【考點】考查副詞的辨義?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤霸谶^去的兩周里,我是時續(xù)時斷地寫這個報告,可是這個報告明天就得交了?!眆inally最終地;immediately立即,馬上;occasionally偶爾地;certainly肯定地。根據(jù)but it has to be handed in tomorrow句意,選C。(2011浙江卷,16My schedule is ve

6、ry _right now, but Ill try to fit you in. (2011全國卷II,17Mr. Stevenson is great to work for I really couldn't ask for a _ boss.A. better B. good C. best D. still better【答案】A【考點】考查比較級的否定用法。【解析】句意為“為Stevenson先生工作真好,我實在找不到比他更好的老板了?!狈穸ㄔ~couldn't與better連用,表示“非常好”,等于最高級;still better不能用于否定句中。因此選A。(201

7、1上海春招,28Youd be exposed to a lot _ pollution if you moved to a town with pure water and air.A. moreB. mostC. lessD. least【答案】C【考點】考查形容詞比較級的用法。【解析】句意為“如果我們搬到空氣清新、水質(zhì)純凈的小鎮(zhèn)去,我們受到的污染將會少得多?!笨崭袂暗腶 lot修飾比較級more或less,根據(jù)后面的語意,選C。(2011四川卷,12How are your recent trip to Sichuan? Ive never had one before.A.a plea

8、sant B.a more pleasant C.a most pleasant D.the most pleasant【答案】B【考點】考查比較級的否定用法?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤白罱愕剿拇ǖ穆眯性趺礃??從來沒有這么愉快過?!狈穸ㄔ~never與a more pleasant連用,表示“非常愉快”,等于最高級。the most pleasant是特指,需要有比較的范圍,但是這個范圍并不存在。因此選B。(2011陜西卷,17The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be the present one。 A.as three

9、times big as B. three times as big asC. as big as three times D. as big three times as【答案】B【考點】考查倍數(shù)的表達法?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤盀橄乱粚脕嗊\會而修建的體育館將會是目前的體育館三倍大小?!北硎颈稊?shù)的詞做修飾語時,放在as的前面,即“倍數(shù) + as + adj + as”, 因此選B。(2011湖北卷,23The old engineers eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across

10、the room was_,though slow.A. shaky B. heavy C. casual D. steady【答案】D【考點】考查形容詞的辨義?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤斑@位年長的工程師,古銅色的臉上布滿皺紋,但目光炯炯。當他走過房間時,步子雖慢但是沉穩(wěn)?!眘haky顫抖的;heavy沉重的;casual漠不關心的,冷淡的;steady穩(wěn)定的。根據(jù)前面的交代,選D。(2011湖北卷,24An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons characters; however, they are not al

11、ways_,A. practical B. avoidable C. permanent D. beneficial【答案】C【考點】考查形容詞的辨義?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤安恍业耐昕赡軙θ说男愿癞a(chǎn)生一些消極的影響;然而,這些影響不總是持久的?!眕ractical實際的,實用的;avoidable可避免的;permanent永久的,持久的;beneficial有益的。根據(jù)語意,選擇C。(2011湖北卷,25The state-run company is required to make its accounts as_ as possible for its staff to monitor

12、the use of money.A. transparent B. reasonable C. secure D. formal【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞的辨義?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤斑@家國營企業(yè)被要求財務盡可能做到透明,以便公司的員工能對金錢的使用加以監(jiān)督?!眛ransparent透明的;reasonable合理的;secure安全的;formal正式的。根據(jù)句意,選A。(2011江西卷24The film is , I have to say, not a bit interesting.Why? Its _ than the films I have ever seen.A. far mo

13、re interesting B.much less interestingC. no more interesting D.any less interesting【答案】A【考點】考察形容詞比較級?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椤拔业谜f,這部電影一點都不令人感興趣。什么?這可比我看過的電影有趣得多了。”程度副詞可修飾形容詞比較級,放于比較級前。根據(jù)應答者用“Why?”進行的反問,選A。(2011江西卷33She has already tried her best. Please dont be too _ about her job.A.special B.responsible C.unusual D

14、.particular【答案】D(2010上海It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey.A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour D. three hours【答案】C【考點】此題考查復合形容詞【解析】數(shù)詞+連字符+名詞的用法, 連字符連接的詞作名詞定語且用單數(shù)。意為 “三小時的路程”(2010安徽_, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her sm

15、ileA. Shy and cautious B. Sensitive and thoughtfulC. Honest and confident . D. Lighthearted and optimistic【答案】D【考點】本題考查形容詞辨析?!窘馕觥縎hy and cautious意為 “害羞的謹慎的;sensitive and thoughtful意為 “敏感的與體貼的”; Honest and confident “誠實的與自信的”; Lighthearted and optimistic意為 “愉快的與樂觀的”。句意為 “愉快與樂觀的她, 是那種通過微笑把陽光撒給他人的女士?!保?/p>

16、2010湖南Father goes to the gym with us although he dislikes going there. A. hardly B. seldom C. sometimes D. never【答案】C【考點】考查副詞辨析?!窘馕觥緼項意為 “幾乎不”, B項意為 “很少”, C項意為 “有時”, D項意為 “從不”。句意為: “盡管父親不喜歡去那兒, 但他還是有時和我們一起去鍛煉?!惫蔬xC項。(2010江西Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life _ and more

17、 _, have reduced the need for face-to-face communications.A easily; efficient B easier; efficient C easy; efficiently D easily; efficiently【答案】B【考點】考查形容詞的比較級?!窘馕觥縨ake +life+形容詞, 而且后面為比較級, 所以說兩個空同為形容詞同為比較級(2010山東Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care f

18、or their children. A. heavy B. smooth C. flexible D. complex【答案】C【考點】本題考查形容詞意義辨析?!窘馕觥烤湟鈶獮?“在外工作的母親們應該有靈活的時間以便照看孩子們?!北硎?“靈活的”用flexible 。heavy 表示 “沉重的”; smooth表示 “光滑的, 滑順的”; complex表示 “復雜的, 難懂的”。(2010天津People have always been about exactly how life on earth began.A. curious B. excited C. anxious D. ca

19、reful【答案】A.【考點】考查形容詞的意義和用法?!窘馕觥烤湟猓喝藗円恢睂τ诘厍蛏钠鹪锤械胶闷?。根據(jù)介詞about后面賓語從句的意義, 可以確定前面表示的是好奇, be curious about 是 “對感到好奇”的意思。 (2010四川The school was moved out of downtown as the number of students had grown too . A. small B. few C. 1arge D. many【答案】C【考點】考查形容詞的用法。【解析】the number of 意為 “的數(shù)量”, 其后的形容詞應為大小, 不用多少。又據(jù)

20、句意學校被移出了市中心, 應該是學生的數(shù)量變得太大了, 故選C。(2010全國Ill spend half of my holiday practicing English and _ half learning drawing.A. another B. the other C. others D. other【答案】B【考點】此題考查another, the other, other, other's的形容詞用法區(qū)別?!窘馕觥烤湟猓何覍眉倨谝话氲臅r間練習英語, 另外一般時間練習畫畫。other一般不單獨使用, 其前經(jīng)常有冠詞或其他形容詞, 如B選項的the other, one

21、.the other., 用于一個整體的兩部分 “一個另一個”, 題干中將假期分成兩部分, 一部分用來學英語, 一部分用來畫畫, 符合題意。another用作形容詞時表示 “又, 再”, other's沒有此種用法。(2010陜西Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure 【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨

22、析?!窘馕觥克钤~做表語, 主語是人, 由more來修飾, 意思是:可能, 選A。其中四個選項中possible和probable也都 “可能的”之意, 但他們做表語時主語只能是物, sure在此處意思不恰當。(2010全國The island is_attrative in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.A.partly B.merely C.nearly D.equally【答案】D【考點】考查副詞詞義?!窘馕觥恐灰涝~義即可選出【答案】, 該題較為簡單。A, 部分的 B 只不過 C 幾

23、乎 D 同樣的, 相等的。(2010全國Mr.Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been_.A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.the most popular【答案】B【考點】考查比較級的使用【解析】否定比較級相當于肯肯定。類似的還有too, enough。(201010湖北In this lecture, I can only give you a purely view of how we can live life to the f

24、ull and make some suggestions about the future.A. private B. personal C. unique D. different【答案】B【考點】形容詞詞義辨析【解析】根據(jù)詞義可以快速排除A和D。A表示 “獨特的”, D表示 “不同的”, 只有B和C比較接近。 “private”表示 “私人的, 私下的, “personal”表示 “個人的”, personal view才能表示 “個人觀點”(201010湖北Mistakes dont just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the

25、reason, and then making the mistake becomes .A. favourable B. precious C. essential D. worthwhile【答案】D【考點】形容詞詞義辨析, 同時也涉及到構詞法【解析】 “worthwile”表示 “值得的, 有價值的”表示犯錯誤是值得的。A表示 “喜愛的, 贊同的”, B “珍貴的”C “本質(zhì)的”, 只要知道詞義, 并聯(lián)系生活常識, 該題還是很容易得出【答案】的。(201010湖北If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my reaction will

26、be to tell the police.A. physical B. immediate C. sensitive D. sudden【答案】B【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析?!窘馕觥扛鶕?jù)詞義可得出【答案】。 “physical”表示 “身體的”; “suddent”表示 “突然的”; “sensitive”表示 “敏感的”, 只有 “immediate”表示 “立刻, 馬上”, 等同于 “at once”.故選B(201010湖北I wasnt blaming anyone; I said errors like this could be avoided.A. merely B. most

27、ly C. rarely D. nearly【答案】A【考點】考查副詞詞義辨析【解析】這道題可能會讓一部分同學郁悶一小下。形近詞的辨析歷來是備受考試青睞的一種考法。乍一眼看上去, 這四個詞都是以ly結尾, 又都是6個字母組成, 實在難以辨識。此時的考生, 需要冷靜下來。分析這里的每 個副詞分別是由哪個形容詞變化而來, 而其形容詞的含義實際上和其副詞的含義相差無幾。 “most”(大部分), 所以 “mostly”(大部分地, 通常地); “near”(臨近) “nearly”(幾乎)= almost; rare(稀有的) “rarely”(很少地, 幾乎不); “mere”(僅僅, 只 不過)

28、 “merely”(僅僅, 只不過)。全句意思 “我并沒有責 怪任何人, 我只是說類似這種錯誤是可以避免的”。(2010遼寧Jim went to answer the phone. _, Harry started to prepare lunch.A. However B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Meanwhile【答案】D【考點】考查副詞用法?!窘馕觥烤湟猓杭啡ソ与娫? 與此同時, 哈里開始準備午餐。前后兩個句子是相同的語義關系, 在時間上表示同時, 所以用meanwhile。(2010遼寧We only had 100 and that was _ t

29、o buy a new computer.A. nowhere near enough B. near enough nowhereC. enough near nowhere D. near nowhere enough【答案】A【考點】考查副詞用法【解析】句意:我們只有100美元, 他怎么也不夠買一臺新電腦的。nowhere near是固定短語, 意思是 “差得遠;遠不及”, 相當于一個形容詞, enough做副詞用, 修飾形容詞或副詞時, 應該放在被修飾詞的后面。(2010浙江I have been convinced that the print media are usually m

30、ore and more reliable than television. A. accurate B. ridiculous C. urgentD. shallow 【答案】A【考點】本題考查形容詞辨析?!窘馕觥糠治鏊膫€選項的意思:accurate 精確的;ridiculous可笑的, 滑稽的;urgent緊急的;shallow淺的, 膚淺的。根據(jù)句意:我確信印刷媒體常常會比電視更準確、更可靠。(2010浙江Do you think shopping online will take the place of shopping in stores?A. especially B. freq

31、uentlyC. merely D. finally【答案】D【考點】本題考查副詞辨析。【解析】分析四個選項的意思:especially 特別, 尤其;frequently經(jīng)常, merely僅僅, finally最終。根據(jù)語境:你認為網(wǎng)上購物最終會替代商場購物嗎?(2010浙江Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isnt it rather risky, _? A. though B. also C. either D. too【答案】A【考點】本題考查副詞辨析。【解析】根據(jù)句意:在冰場上玩耍聽起來很有趣。然會

32、不會有危險呢?前后兩句之前是明顯的轉(zhuǎn)折關系, 所以選擇though。(2009安徽Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?- , I do. I think it's a great idea.A. Really B. Obviously C. Actually D. Generally【答案】C【考點】【解析】(2009福建It seems that living green is easy and affordable. A small step masks a big differe

33、nce.A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly【答案】C【考點】考查副詞?!窘馕觥縠xactly:準確地;fortunately:幸運地;surprisingly:驚訝地, 出乎意料地;hardly:幾乎不。題干意思是:似乎保護環(huán)境是出乎意料的簡單可行, 小小的行動能帶來很大的不同。選C。(2009湖北As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _ energy, such as sunligh

34、t, wind and water for power and fuel.A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique【答案】B【考點】考查形容詞?!窘馕觥考热皇秃兔憾荚絹碓缴? 人們只好使用一些其它可替代這些燃料的東西, alternative 有 “可選擇的, 可替代的”之意, 符合句意。primary “首要的, 初期的”, instant “立即的, 迅速的”, unique “獨特的”。(2009湖北The questionnaire takes _ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can

35、 be used along with the assessment interview.A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely【答案】C【考點】考查副詞?!窘馕觥窟@里意思是 “問卷大約需要10至15分鐘完成”, 應選擇approximately “大約地”。 mainly “主要地”, punctually “準時地”, precisely “精確地”。(2009湖南I can be a teacher. Im not a very patient person.A. seldom B. ever C. neverD. al

36、ways【答案】C【考點】考查副詞?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椋何医^不會成為一名教師。因為我不是一個很有耐心的人。seldom表示 “很少”;ever表示 “永遠”用在肯定句中;never表示 “絕不, 從來沒有”always 表示 “總是”。(2009江西Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be_ to the kids.A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞的辨析?!窘馕觥緽e accessible to 為能夠

37、接近;be relative to 和有關系;be acceptable to為所接受 ; be sensitive to 對敏感, 易接受。(2009海南How much she looked without her glasses!A. well B. good C. best D. better【答案】D【考點】考查系動詞后跟形容詞作表語?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椋簺]有眼鏡她看的多么好?與戴眼鏡形成對比。(2009四川My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours , but it is twice _ expensiv

38、e .A. as B. so C. too D. very【答案】A【考點】考查倍數(shù)的表示方法?!窘馕觥吭擃}采用了 “倍數(shù)+as+adj./adv+as “這一結構, 所以【答案】為A。(2009天津It was a nice house, but _ too small for a family of live.A. rarely B. fairly C. rather D. pretty【答案】C【考點】考查副詞的辨析?!窘馕觥恐挥衦ather可以與比較級以及副詞too連用。rather相當,有點兒,rarely很少,難得,fairly公平的,公正的,正當?shù)膒retty adj.相當。(2

39、009天津Im not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _ imagination.A. clear B. cautious C. funny D. vivid【答案】D【考點】考查形容詞的辨析。【解析】句意為:我對他成為一位作家一點也不奇怪,甚至他還是一個小孩時就有很強的想象能力。vivid鮮艷的,鮮明的,強烈的,清晰的。(2009浙江The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.A

40、. MoreoverB. Therefore C. MeanwhileD. Otherwise【答案】C【考點】考查副詞的辨析?!窘馕觥扛鶕?jù)句意表示 “有技術工人”和 “無技術工人”兩者情況的對比,故選Meanwhile “與此同時”。(2009浙江In the good care of the nurses, the boy is _ recovering from his heart operation.A. quietly B. actually C. practically D. gradually【答案】D【考點】考查副詞詞義的辨析?!窘馕觥扛鶕?jù)常識,男孩子從手術中 “逐漸”恢復,故

41、選gradually。(2009全國IIThe children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride .A. most B. more C. less D. little【答案】A【考點】形容詞副詞的等級【解析】根據(jù)and可知,句子的語氣不是轉(zhuǎn)折,而是語氣的承接或遞進,故排除CD選項。學生會誤選比較級,誤以為 “孩子們喜歡更喜歡”,其實horse ride是day trip中的一項活動,與day trip不存在比較關系,所以語義應該是 “孩子們很喜歡這一日的活動,他們最(尤其)喜歡其中的騎馬項目?!保?009全國IIIm

42、sure that your letter will get attention. They know youre waiting for the reply.A. continued B. immediate C. careful D. general【答案】B【考點】考查形容詞在具體語境中的辨析【解析】根據(jù)后面的句子They know youre waiting for the reply.可知與時間有關,要選immediate “立即的關注”。(2009全國IIIts high time you had your hair cut ; its getting .A. too much l

43、ong B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much【答案】B【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析【解析】考查形容詞(immediate)、副詞等(most、much too與too much的區(qū)別)(2009江蘇Compared with his sister, Jerry is even more        to, and more easily troubled by , emotional and relationship problems.A. skeptical&

44、#160;          B. addicted          C. available        D. sensitive【答案】D【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析【解析】be sensitive to對什么敏感。Jerry is even more        to

45、emotional and relationship problems, 與more easily troubled by 并列。(2008全國IYoure driving too fast. Can you drive _?A. more slowly a bitB. slowly a bit moreC. a bit more slowlyD. slowly more a bit【答案】C【考點】考查a bit用來修飾比較級的用法?!窘馕觥烤湟猓耗丬囬_得太快了,你能開得慢一點嗎?slowly的比較級more slowly這個順序不能變,故B、D錯;而a bit用來修飾比較級,放到比較級之前

46、所以選C。(2008全國IThe weather was _ cold that I didnt like to leave my room.A. reallyB. suchC. tooD. so【答案】D【考點】考查so.that這一結構。【解析】(2008安徽- Hi, Mark. How was the musical evening? - Excellent! Ales and Andy performed _ and they won the firs prize. A. skillfully B. commonly C. willingly D. nervously【答案】A【考點

47、】考查副詞詞義辨析?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椋?“喂, 馬克!音樂晚會如何?” “太棒了!亞歷克斯和安迪表演得很嫻熟, 他們得了第一名?!保?008福建In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _ to people greeting him. A. friendly B. lively C. worried D. cold【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析【解析】in spite of是解題的關鍵詞, “盡管反復被冤枉, 他看起來還是”, 由此排除C、D兩項;friendly友好的;lively活潑的, 根據(jù)題意可知選A項。(2008湖南La

48、st nighy Mr. Crook didnt come back at the usual time. _, he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.Meanwhile B. However C. Instead D. Yet【答案】 C【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椋鹤蛱焱砩蠋祠斂讼壬鷽]有按往常的時間回來, 而是見了幾個朋友, 在外面呆到半夜。C項為 “相反的;反而”, 符合題意;A項 “與此同時”;B項 “然而”, 表轉(zhuǎn)折;D項 “然而”, 表轉(zhuǎn)折。(2008江蘇It is _ to spend money on

49、preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people _ after they are ill.A. good; goodB. well; betterC. better; betterD. better; good【答案】C【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椋嚎瓷先ズ孟裉鞖庠谧儔?。我們還要不要堅持我們的計劃?change for the worse變壞, 惡化, 是固定短語。(2008全國IIThe house still needed a lot

50、of work, but _ the kitchen was finished.A. instead B. altogether C. at once D. at least【答案】D【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析。【解析】句意為:盡管這所房子仍然需要大量工作(才能建完), 但至少廚房已經(jīng)竣工了。D項意為 “至少”, 根據(jù)句意知此項符合;A項意為 “相反”;B項意為 “總共”;C項意為 “立刻, 馬上”。(2008陜西He doesnt have furniture in his roomjust an old desk.A. any B. many C. some D. much【答案】D【考點

51、】考查形容詞詞義辨析?!窘馕觥坑捎谄普厶柡蟪霈F(xiàn)了just an old desk, 表示肯定含義, 且furniture為不可數(shù)名詞, 故空格處用much。(2008陜西Ten years ago the population of our village was_ that of theirs.A. as twice large as B. twice as large asC. twice as much as D. as twice much as【答案】B【考點】【解析】由句式結構看該題考查倍數(shù)句型的同級比較形式。其正確語序應為:倍數(shù)詞+as+形容詞/副詞原級+as+其他。(2008四

52、川Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _ able to make a phone call. A. still B. even C. also D. ever【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析。【解析】句意為:盡管在事故中受重傷, 但司機還能打電話。althoughyet/still用以表達 “盡管, 但還是”, 屬于讓步狀語從句的范疇。(2008四川A cough is usually nothing to worry about unless it lasts for ten days _. A. or more B.

53、 instead C. at most D. only【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椋褐灰怀掷m(xù)10天或更長, 通??人允菦]有什么可擔心的。A項意為 “更多”, B項意為 “相反”, C項意為 “至多”, D項意為 “僅僅”。(2008浙江I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times_.A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many【答案】A【考點】考查形容詞詞義辨析?!窘馕觥靠瞻滋幯a充完整為as much as that one costs。(2008浙江There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.A. present


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