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1、電大中醫(yī)藥學(xué)概論期末復(fù)習(xí)考試試題及參考答案一、名詞解釋題(每小題2分,共10分)1、陰陽:是宇宙中相互關(guān)聯(lián)的事物和現(xiàn)象對立雙方的屬性概括。 2、氣機: 氣的運動。3、津液: 人體內(nèi)一切正常體液的總稱,包括各臟腑形體官竅的內(nèi)在液體及其正常的分泌物。是構(gòu)成人體和維持生命活動的基本物質(zhì)之一。4、解表藥: 以發(fā)散表邪、解除表證為主要作用的藥物。 5、七情:喜、怒、憂、思、悲、恐、驚七種情志變化。二、寫出下列藥物的功效題(每題2分,共10分)1、麻黃: 發(fā)汗,平喘,利水。2、石膏:清熱瀉火,除煩止渴,煅用收斂生肌。3、茯苓:利水滲濕,健脾安神。4、人參:大補元氣,補脾益肺,生津止渴,安神益智。5、川芎:

2、活血行氣,祛風(fēng)止痛。三、填空題(每空1分,共40分) 1、對世界本原持一元論、二元論、多元論的學(xué)說分別是_、_、_;中醫(yī)認(rèn)為人體是以_為主宰,_為中心,結(jié)合_、_共同組成的一個有機整體。奇恒之腑形態(tài)上似_,功能上似_。2、中藥“四大熱藥” 是指_、_、_、_。3、五行相生的順序是_,_,_,_,_。4、應(yīng)用升降浮沉應(yīng)遵循的原則是_、_。5、氣的最基本運動形式是_、_、_、_。人體之氣根據(jù)生成的來源可分_、_。6、中醫(yī)學(xué)理論體系的主要特點是_、_。7、茵陳是治療_的要藥;蒲公英是治療_的要藥;魚腥草是治療_的要藥;金錢草是治療_的要藥。8、活血祛瘀藥可分為_、_、_、_四大類。9、有“夏月麻黃”

3、之稱的藥物是_;功能“引火下行”的藥物是_;有“舟楫之劑”之稱的藥物是_;即能補血又能止血的藥物是_。四、選擇題(請將正確的選項寫在下列的表格中,每小題1分,共20分)1、肺的主要生理功能是( )A、司呼吸 B、主血脈 C、主疏泄 D、主升發(fā) E、主納氣2、五行學(xué)說中“水”的特性是( )A、潤下 B、稼穡 C、炎上 D、從革 E、曲直3、藏象學(xué)說的內(nèi)容包含( )A、五臟、六腑和奇恒之腑 B、內(nèi)在組織器官的各種表象C、五臟、六腑D、五臟、六腑與經(jīng)絡(luò) E、五臟的各種形象4、臟與臟之間主要體現(xiàn)了“精血同源”關(guān)系是( )A、心與肺 B、心與脾 C、肝與腎 D、脾與腎 E、心與腎5、發(fā)病的最基本原理是(

4、 )A、正勝邪負(fù) B、正勝邪退 C、正邪相搏 D、邪勝正負(fù) E、邪正相持6、中醫(yī)探求病因的主要方法是( )A、辨病求因 B、辨癥求因 C、問診求因 D、相對性 E、直觀性7、主升清功能的臟腑是( ) A、肝 B、脾 C、腎 D、心 E、肺8、和腎相為表里的是( ) A、大腸 B、膀胱 B、三焦 D、膽 E、小腸9、歸屬內(nèi)傷病因是( )A、勞逸 B、醫(yī)過 C、外傷 D、六淫 E、水濕痰飲10、以下哪些是杏仁的主要功效( ) A、止咳平喘、潤腸通便 B、發(fā)汗解表、止咳平喘 C、發(fā)汗解表、溫通陽氣 D、發(fā)汗解表、行氣和中 E、發(fā)汗解表、祛暑化濕11、利水滲濕藥主要適應(yīng)的病證是( )A、濕阻中焦 B、

5、濕溫初起 C、痰飲伏肺 D、水濕內(nèi)停 E、風(fēng)濕痹痛12、共收載藥物8980味的藥學(xué)著作是( ) A、本草原始 B、新修本草 C、證類本草D、本草綱目 E、中華本草13、行氣止痛的要藥是( )A、葛根 B、乳香 C、紫蘇葉 D、木香 E、狗脊14、清熱藥主要適用于( )A、表寒證 B、里寒證 C、表熱證 D、陽虛證 E、里熱證15、屬于十八反的是( )A、烏頭與附子 B、人參與烏頭 C、烏頭與藜蘆 D、半夏與烏頭 E、烏頭與甘草16、下面哪味藥有“氣病之總司,女科之主帥”之稱( )A、藿香 B、香薷 C、香附 D、沉香 E、小茴香17、杜仲、桑寄生都具有的功效是( )A、補肝腎、益血 B、補肝腎

6、、活血 C、補肝腎、利水D、補肝腎、安胎 E、補肝腎、壯陽18、活血化瘀藥主要適用于( )A、血脫證 B、痰飲證 C、瘀血證 D、出血證 E、血虛證19、麝香的功效是( )A、開竅醒神,破血逐瘀 B、開竅醒神,補血,保胎 C、開竅醒神,清熱止痛,催產(chǎn) D、開竅醒神,活血止痛,催產(chǎn) E、開竅醒神,消腫生肌,抗腫瘤20、肉蓯蓉和鎖陽共同的功效是( )A、滋陰補血 B、滋陰潛陽 C、補腎助陽D、滋陰降火 E、祛風(fēng)濕五、問答題(每題10分,共20分)1、試述五味的定義?及其具體作用?(10分)2、心的生理功能是什么?心與形、竅、志液的關(guān)系?(10分)答案三、填空題(每空1分,共40分)1、精氣學(xué)說、陰

7、陽學(xué)說、五行學(xué)說;心,五臟,六腑,形體官竅,腑,臟。2、附子、肉桂、干姜、吳茱萸;3、木生火,火生土,土生金,金生水,水生木。4、順著病位 、 逆著病勢 。5、升 、降 、 出 、 入。先天之精氣、后天之精氣。6、整體觀念、辨證論治。7、黃疸;乳癰;肺癰;石淋。8、活血止痛藥、活血調(diào)經(jīng)藥、活血療傷藥、破血消癥藥9、香薷,牛膝,桔梗,阿膠。四、選擇題(每小題1分,共20分)(1-5)AAACC (6-10)BBBAA(11-15)DEDED(16-20)CDCDC五、問答題(每題10分,共20分)1、五味指辛、甘(淡)、酸(澀)、苦、咸五種不同的藥味。(3分)辛:能散、能宣、能通。具有發(fā)散、行氣

8、、行血等作用。(1分)甘:能補、能和、能緩。具有補虛扶弱、緩急和中、調(diào)和諸藥、緩急止痛的作用。某些甘味藥還有解藥食中毒的作用。(1分)酸:能收、能澀。具有收斂固澀的作用。另外,酸能生津、安蛔,合甘味以化陰的作用,此與澀味不盡相同。(1分)苦:能泄、能燥。泄具有通泄(瀉下大便)、清泄(清熱瀉火)和降泄(降泄肺胃上逆之氣)作用;燥即燥濕,其中又有苦寒燥濕和苦溫燥濕的不同。(1分)咸:能軟、能下。具有軟堅散結(jié)和瀉下的作用。某些動物藥的咸味是標(biāo)示該藥能走血分或入陰分。(1分)澀:能收斂固澀,與酸味 作用相似。(1分)淡:能滲能利,具有滲利水濕的作用。(1分)2、(1)主血脈(2分)。主神志(2分)。(

9、2)在體合脈,其華在面(3分)。開竅于舌(1分)。在志為喜 (1分)。在液為汗(1分)。請您刪除一下內(nèi)容,O(_)O謝謝!2015年中央電大期末復(fù)習(xí)考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄Shanghais Suzhou Creek has witnessed much of the citys history. Zhou Wenting travels this storied body of water and finds its most fascinating spots. Some lucky cities can boast a great body of water,

10、 like London with the river Thames and Paris with the river Seine. Shanghai is privileged enough to have two great bodies of water: Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek.Huangpu River became famous when colonists established clusters of grand buildings on its banks on what became known as the bund. Today,

11、the bund overlooks the breathtaking skyline of Lujiazui financial district. Shanghais other body of water, however, Suzhou Creek, has been somewhat overshadowed. Suzhou Creek links the inland cities of Jiangsu province with Shanghai. When the British colonists, who arrived in the city after it was o

12、pened as a commercial port in 1843 found they could reach Suzhou, Jiangsu province, via the creek, they named it Suzhou Creek. Thanks to its location, a large amount of cargo and travelers were transported via the creek before rail links were established. But after a century of being utilized as a w

13、aterway to transport goods and labor, the creek grew dark and smelly. Industrial factories were established along the banks. In the 1990s it became a key task of the city government to clean the creek. Suzhou Creek, which snakes 17 km from the iconic Waibaidu Bridge downtown to the outer ring road i

14、n west Shanghai, maps the changing periods of the citys history, including the imprints of the concessions, the beginning of industrialization and the improvement in peoples living conditions. Where the Bund began In-between the shopping street of East Nanjing Road and the Bund, are a cluster of str

15、eets that give me the illusion that I am no longer in modern Shanghai. The streets are narrow and old and criss-cross each other. Any old residential house may turn out to be a former office of the British, constructed in the 1880s. Pawnshops and hardware stores that are hard to find elsewhere, are

16、plentiful here. This area, at the confluence of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek, is called the Bund Origin. Countless tour buses stop at the site every day and visitors from around the world get off to see this place, the starting point of the concessions in the city. It all started in 1872, when the

17、 former British Consulate General was constructed and the Bund began its transformation into an the financial street of the East. Now the site of the former consulate is called “No 1 Waitanyuan”, which translates to “the Bund Origin”, to honor its beginnings. The entire complex of this historical si

18、te comprises of five buildings, the former British Consulate General, the official residence of the consul, the former Union Church, the church apartments and the former Shanghai Rowing Club. The size of the courtyard is equivalent to that of four standard soccer fields. The building of the former c

19、onsulate is a two-storey masonry building on an H-shaped plan in typical English renaissance style. The building is designed with a five-arch verandah on the ground floor with a raised terrace facing the garden, while the facade features an entry portico beneath a colonnaded loggia. It has been

20、 turned into a café where dinner and afternoon tea are available. Visitors can choose to sit indoors or outdoors to enjoy the magnificent gardens with nearly 30 ancient trees.Yuanmingyuan Road behind the complex is also a historical site. The road has been revamped as a pedestrian sho

21、pping street and high-end brands have seized the best spots. Altogether, 14 old buildings, including those used for offices and residences constructed during 1920s and 1930s, remain. Today, it is a popular location for commercial fashion photo shoots. New Tianan Church, or Union Church, st

22、ands at the intersection of Yuanmingyuan Road and Suzhou Creek. The church, designed in the style of the English countryside, has a capacity of 500 people. It was very popular during the concession period but was converted into factory offices after 1949. The church we see today is a replica, the or

23、iginal burned down in 2007. There used to be an outdoor swimming pool, the first of its kind in Shanghai, beside the church but has been filled-in and is now a small garden. Bridge of romance There is perhaps no other place thats more representative of Shanghai than this bridge, which appears in qui

24、te a lot of movies about the city. Dozens of couples visit every day to pose for their pre-wedding photos on the bridge where Suzhou Creek begins and interconnects with Huangpu River. This is Waibaidu Bridge, or the Garden Bridge. The soon-to-be-wed couples pose in splendid attire on the bridge

25、, leaning against the railing or sitting on the wooden floor. Some even risk walking into the middle of the road to get the perfect shot.Colorful lights illuminate the bridge throughout the night, making it a picturesque place for pre-wedding portraits and lovers to meet. Constructed in 1873 and des

26、igned by a British company, the 106-meter-long bridge was the first-ever major bridge in Shanghai. In 1856, the first large wooden bridge, Wells Bridge, was built over Suzhou Creek but the bridge toll led to complaints from citizens. So 17 years later, another wooden bridge, which did not require to

27、lls, was built. People called it Waibaidu, which means “going across for free”. The bridge was renovated as a steel truss structure in 1907. Because nearly 40 bridges have now been built over Suzhou Creek, the bridge is no longer a traffic artery but is more of an observation deck for tourists. It i

28、s a tradition in Shanghai for a grandmother to walk across a bridge with their grandchild when he or she reaches one month. This represents that the newborn has overcome all the twists and turns and its journey will be safe and smooth throughout his or her life. "Waibaidu Bridge is always the b

29、est option because its the icon of Shanghai. The picture of my daughter when she was a baby held by her grandmother was also taken here. Its like a family tradition," says Wang Xuefen, a Shanghai native who has a newborn grandson. Changning Riverside There is a 5-km stretch of waterfront by Suz

30、hou Creek in Changning district on Changning Road from the intersection of Hami Road to Jiangsu Road. It has become a popular place to take a walk and sunbathe on the lawn. There is an overpass at the intersection of Changning Road and Gubei Road for people to enjoy the view of the creek and a 3-km

31、plastic runway on both sides of Changning Road, which attracts people of all ages, Chinese and expat. "Jogging on the two sides gives a different feeling because the north side is next to the creek, and the south side is adjacent to the residential highrises, which is like jogging in the jungle

32、," says Xiao Xu, a 27-year-old woman who lives nearby. The riverside used to be completely different. Dozens of textile mills, chemical plants and machine manufacturing factories were set up along the creek in the 1920s. They brought industrialization but also pollution. From the 1930s the cree

33、k could no longer be used as a source for tap water, and no living fish or shrimp could be found. "Suzhou Creek in my memory is dark and smelly. I used to go to the riverbank to watch the sewage disposal running out from the chemical plants when I was a little girl. We didnt know it was polluti

34、on. We thought it was a red waterfall," says Huang Qi, a 57-year-old Shanghai resident. "So the residential houses along the creek were unpopular, and only migrants with low incomes would live in that area," she says. However, things have changed. The plants were closed and turned int

35、o riverside parks and the apartments in the new highrises, especially those facing the creek, are much sought after. East China University of Political Science and Law This is the famous former Saint Johns University, Chinas first-ever modern institution of higher education established by missionari

36、es from the United States in 1879. The buildings combine Chinese and Western elements. Address: 1575 Wanhangdu Road, Changning district The old residential area After you leave the university from its east gate you will enter a shabby neighborhood that retains its original look. The alleys are narro

37、w and the houses are overcrowded. Some things have not changed for many generations, such as raising chickens at home. Address: West Guangfu Road Moganshan Road This is an artsy street that has become very popular among artists and fashionistas in recent years. Graffiti covers the walls on the

38、winding street, where you can find a cluster of art galleries and creative industry offices. Sihang Warehouse  Four banks jointly funded the construction of this warehouse, so it is named sihang, or four banks. The warehouse, built in 1931, was used for the storage of food, first-aid supplies a

39、nd ammunition during the years of war. The building, which is also a masterpiece left by the Hungarian architect Laszlo Hudec in the 1930s, has been recently transformed into a center of creative industry workshops. Address: 1 Guangfu Road, Zhabei district請您務(wù)必刪除一下內(nèi)容,O(_)O萬分謝謝!2015年中央電大期末復(fù)習(xí)考試小抄大全,電大期

40、末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄Indonesia has emerged as a top vacation destination for Chinese this summer, along with Thailand's Phuket island and the Maldives archipelago. Encouraged by growth in Chinese travelers to Indonesia, the government in Jakarta has recently relaxed its visa policy. Since June 10, Ch

41、inese tourists can enter Indonesia through nine appointed locations, including the Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali and the Kuala Namu International Airport in Medan, by just getting their passports stamped on arrival. Officially, it is ca

42、lled the "free-visa" scheme. The new policy also means Chinese tourists can save $35 on visa fees, which will likely make trips to Indonesia more alluring. While such an arrangement allows Chinese visitors to stay up to 30 days for the purpose of traveling, those seeking extensions will ne

43、ed to get paid visas from that country's missions inBeijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or Hong Kong, according to an official at the Indonesia embassy in Beijing. Santo Darmosumarto, head of the embassy's information, social and cultural section, says the new policy is aimed at

44、 strengthening people-to-people contacts between the two countries. Dai Yu, marketing director of Ctrip, a major Chinese online travel agency, says: "We've seen a nearly 50 percent growth over the previous month in the number of Chinese tourists to Bali since the policy was announced."

45、 During his trip to China in March, Indonesian President Joko Widodo proposed that his country and China aim to increase two-way visits to a maximum of 10 million people in the next few years. The Indonesian government has set their sights on greeting 2 million Chinese tourists by the end of this ye

46、ar, according to the official. "The Indonesian government hopes that Indonesian nationals would also be given preferential treatment while visiting China," says Darmosumarto. In 2013, the number of Chinese tourists who visited Indonesia stood around 807,000. Last year, it increased to 959,

47、000, he adds. Bali remains the most popular site among Chinese tourists. In February, more than 92,200 Chinese tourists made trips to Bali, ranking first among overseas visitors, the Bali Times reported. Last year, the island witnessed more than 586,000 arrivals from China, an increase of 51 percent

48、 over 2013. "Bali isn't just for sightseeing, but also for weddings, honeymoons, golf and many outdoor activities," says Fan Wenqing, a marketing executive at Garuda, Indonesia's national airliner. Garuda offers three nonstop flights between Beijing and Bali, and four each week bet

49、ween Beijing and Jakarta. There are daily flights from Guangzhou, in Guangdong province, and Shanghai to Jakarta as well. It takes from six to eight hours on a nonstop flight to reach Indonesia from China. Indonesia is home to more than 17,000 islands. Tourists can tour Yogyakarta to see P

50、rambanam and Borobudur, two historical and religious sites, and explore the local handicraft markets. The base of a volcano, Bandung, which is also known as the "Paris of Java", is ideal for adventure-seekers. Many ecotourism destinations, such as Toba Lake in Sumatra, Tanjung Puting Natio

51、nal Park in Kalimantan and Bunaken in Manado, are places the embassy official recommends for tourists. Indonesia boasts world-class surfing facilities along the shores of Sumatra down to Nusa Tenggara Islands. Recently, Lombok, a sister island east of Bali has gotten so much attention from Chinese t

52、ravelers that some travel agencies are offering twin packages for Bali and Lombok. The best time to visit Bali is from May to October, when it doesn't rain much and the weather is cool. At press time, a weeklong package from Shanghai or Guangzhou to Bali was a little more than 3,000 yu

53、an ($480) on Ctrip's website. Chinese tourists have taken a shine to rafting in Ubud, sightseeing in Tanah Lot, and surfing and diving in Nusa Lembongan, says Dai. Civet coffee, essential oil and woodcarvings are among the most popular products for Chinese tourists in Indonesia, she says. Indone

54、sian food is also something that visitors shouldn't miss. Local cuisines feature many spices, including peppers and cloves, and coconut pulp. Fried rice, "dirty duck" and roast suckling pig are recommended. Children's illustration books first appeared in the 1600s in Europe. Their

55、passage to China, however, took much longer, roughly 300 years. In China, children's illustration books have a history of just 100 years and their development can be divided into four stages. From early 1900s to mid 1900s, a large number of books and magazines with illustrations appeared with th

56、e fast development of the modern publishing industry. The illustration arts at that time were a mixed genre of Chinese traditional paintings and the western style, and most of the stories originate from the fundamental changes that China experienced after the collapse of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the warlord struggles and the war against the Japanese invasion. The second stage was from mid 1900s to late 1970s, when the "cultural revolution" (1966-76) ended. The fast development of some special publishi


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