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1、fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofull strengthe ningmem bersyouthw ork,fullplayyouth employee s incompany devel opmenti n the offorcerole;t o improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruptionworklevel ,strengtheni ngon enterpri sebusi ness keyli nk of effectiveness monit ored. ,A nd mai ntainstability.

2、 To furtherstrengthenpublicityand educati on,im prove the overalllegalsystem.We must strengthen safetymanagement,establish andimprovethe education,supervision, andeval uationa sone ofthetraff icsafetymanagementmechanism.oconscienti ouslysum upthe Ol ympicse curitycontrols,pr omoting i ntegrated mana

3、geme nttoa hig herlevel, highersta ndar ds,a higher level ofdevel opment.Em ployee s, todayi s lunarcale ndar on Decem ber 24,t heoxBellisa boutt o ring,at thi s time ofyear, we clearly feelthe pul seofthe XX pow ergeneration companytoflourish,to more clearly hearXXpower generationcompa niesmatur ea

4、nd symmetry breathing.Recallingpast onea notheracross arailing,we aree nthusiasti cand fullof confide nce. Future devel opment opportunities, wemore exciti ngfight more spirited.Employees,letustogetheracr oss 2013full ofchalle nges a nd opportunities, tocreatea green, l ow-cost operation,full ofhuma

5、 necare ofaworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand work hard!The occasi on ofthe S pring Festival, my sincerewi shthatyou andthefamiliesofthe staffin thenewyear,good health, happy, ha ppyWewillconti nuet o improvet he compa nys inter nalcontrol system,and steady im provement i nabilityto manageand

6、control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot h pr ocesses,responsibi lities in pla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s, playa controlposti nde pendent oversight r oleof evaluationcomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toa ctivelymake useof internala udittools detect potential

7、 management, streamline, standardize re latedtransacti ons, strengtheni ngoperations in a ccorda nce with law.Deepe ningt he informati onma nagement to e nsure full communicati on zero re sistance.oconstantly perfect ERP and BFS+, and PI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,informati on system base d constr uction,ful

8、li ntegration information system,achieved information resources shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem a pplication of brea dth a nd depth, playi nformationsy stem onenterprise of Assicapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensure zer o.Tostrengthe ningHumanitie scare, continues to foster companywi nd clear,

9、a nd ga sare,and heartShun of culture atmosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployees; carried outstyle activities,ri chemployee s life; strengthe ning health a nd la bour pr otectio n,organization car eerhealt h medi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsy

10、 chologi calwar ning pr evention system ,traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a nd stable ofmood andenter prising ofattitude, createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanities envir onment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, ensurethatthebusiness ofzero risk.To strengt hene d busi ness plans managemnt,will bu

11、siness busi ness planscover to all level ,ensure thebusiness can controlin control;t o close concer nfinancial,a nd coal e lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling I- . L .1 .1 - . I . - - LII- - . |_| _ _d L _. I _- -. L . I. _ . . _ L_ 一 | I. - - . I一 -I _一 .一 _ 一一 一 一一 一 .一 一一 一一. - 一一- 一 I.

12、 一 .一. 一.一 .|._ . _ - IL ,.一一-一. I. 一.I一 . I. _ 一.一-一 I L. . .IL. I.I . ,I一 .11.11.stantrole ;to perfectda ilyrunmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promot e problem reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,te chnology application oftraini ng, impr oveempl oyees

13、a pplication information systemof,national policytrends,stre ngtheningtrack,a ctiveshould; to implementation State -ow ned assetsmet hod,further specificati on busi nessfinancialmanag ement; to perfectrisk t ube controlsystem,a chi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessmereport, and controlfee

14、dba ckofcl osed ring manageme nt, improve risk preventi on capa city.Tofurtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieveaccor ding to la w,standar dizeand fair. Innovation ofperformancemanagement,toe nsure that potentialemployeeszer ofly.To strengt hen performance management,process control,e nhanceem

15、ploy eeevaluati on a nd level s ofeffective communicationtoimpr ove performa ncema nagement. Tofurther qua ntifyand refineemployee standards .Work,full playparty,and bra nch, andmembers in fivetype Enterpriseconstructi on i n the ofcore role ,and fighti ngfortressrol eand pioneermodel rol e;toconti

16、nues to strengtheni ng fourgood leadershipconstruction,fullplaylevelscadre s in e nterprisedevel opme nt inthe工程地質(zhì)及水文地質(zhì)考試庫復習 1 及其參考答案一、名詞釋義1、 工程地質(zhì)條件:與工程建筑有關的地質(zhì)因素總和。包括地形地貌、巖土類型、水文地質(zhì)條件、地質(zhì)構造、動力地質(zhì)現(xiàn)象、天然建材等。2、 活動斷層:指現(xiàn)在正在活動近期有過活動、不久的將來還可能活動的斷層。3、 巖體結(jié)構:結(jié)構面與結(jié)構體的統(tǒng)稱。4、 液化指數(shù):反應液化程度的一個指標。是根據(jù)標準貫入試驗指標統(tǒng)計求得的。(也可以把計算

17、公式寫出)5、 軟化系數(shù):巖石飽和單軸抗壓強度與干燥狀態(tài)下強度的比值。6、 地質(zhì)工程:涉及到工程建設工程中各種地質(zhì)問題以及地質(zhì)災害防治等。7、 卓越周期:巖土體對地震波有選擇和放大的作用,對于一些地震波在頻譜曲線上記錄的特別多而且好,這個周期就是卓越周期。8、管涌:指在滲流水作用下,土體細顆粒物質(zhì)在粗顆粒形成的空隙中流動或被帶走的現(xiàn)象。9、固結(jié)灌漿:為了改善巖體的性能,提高其強度和完整性,在基巖孔內(nèi),采用一定壓力將灌注漿液填充到裂隙中去。10、圍巖壓力:工程上常把地下洞室圍巖的變形與破壞產(chǎn)生的、作用于支護之上的壓力成為圍巖壓力,或稱作山巖壓力、地層壓力等。二、簡答題1、巖體完整性含義是什么?給

18、出5 種以上反映巖體完整程度的定量指標?答: ( 1)巖體完整性指巖體結(jié)構面不發(fā)育,結(jié)構體巨大,整體性好而且完整。( 2)巖體完整性系數(shù)、裂隙率、質(zhì)量指標、體積裂隙數(shù)、裂隙間距等。2、風化殼的結(jié)構特征是什么?給出5 種以上反映巖體風化程度定量指標?答:風化殼通常劃分為:風化殘積土、全風化帶、強風化帶、弱風化帶、微風化帶。( 2 分)下列一些指標能反映風化程度,波速試驗指標、點荷載試驗指標、抗壓強度指標、變形指標、物理性質(zhì)及鉆探技術指標。3、軟土的工程地質(zhì)特征是什么?答:(1)高含水量和高孔隙比;(2)低滲透性;(3)高壓縮性;(4)抗剪強度低;(5)觸變性。4、簡述巖爆發(fā)生的機理?答:(1)高

19、地應力(2)脆性巖石(3)進行地下開挖5、簡述砂土液化機制?如何用標貫試驗判別砂土液化?答: ( 1)震動荷載作用(2)飽和狀態(tài)砂土(3)附加孔隙水壓力積累(4)當砂土抗剪強度少于等于剪應力時就產(chǎn)生液化6、軟弱巖石的含義以及基本特征是什么?答: ( 1)含義是指軟弱巖石包括三類:軟質(zhì)巖石、風化巖石、構造巖石。(2)強度低、水理性質(zhì)差、流變效應明顯、長期強度低。7、震級與烈度有什么區(qū)別?答: ( 1)震級是衡量一次地震釋放能量大小的量度,一次地震對應一個震級。(2)烈度是反映地震對地面以及建筑物的破壞程度,一次地震對應許多烈度區(qū)。8、巖溶發(fā)育基本條件是什么?巖溶區(qū)工程建設遇到主要工程地質(zhì)問題有哪

20、些?Wewillconti nuet o improvet he compa nys inter nalcontrol system,and steady im provement i nabilityto manageand control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot h pr ocesses,responsibi lities in pla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s, playa controlposti nde pendent oversight r ol

21、eof evaluationcomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toa ctivelymake useof internala udittools detect potential management, streamline, standardize re latedtransacti ons, strengtheni ngoperations in a ccorda nce with law.Deepe ningt he informati onma nagement to e nsure full communicati on zero r

22、e sistance.oconstantly perfect ERP and BFS+, and PI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,informati on system base d constr uction,fulli ntegration information system,achieved information resources shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem a pplication of brea dth a nd depth, playi nformationsy stem onenterprise of Assistantrole ;

23、to perfectda ilyrunmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,te chnology application oftraini ng, impr oveempl oyees a pplication information systemofcapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensure zer o.Tostrength

24、e ningHumanitie scare, continues to foster companywi nd clear, a nd ga sare,and heartShun of culture atmosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployees; carried outstyle activities,ri chemployee s life; strengthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, organization car eerhealt h m

25、edi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsy chologi calwar ning pr evention system, traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a nd stable ofmood andenter prising ofattitude, createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvironment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, ensurethatthebusiness of

26、zero risk.To strengt hene d busi ness plans manageme nt,will business busi ness planscover to all level ,ensure thebusiness can controlin control;t o close concer nfinancial,a nd coale lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling,national policytrends,stre ngtheningtrack,a ctiveshould; to implement

27、ation State -ow ned assetsmet hod,further specificati on busi nessfinancialmanag ement; to perfectrisk t ube controlsystem,a chi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessment,andreport, and controlfeedba ckofcl osed ring manageme nt, improve risk preventi on capa city.Tofurtherstandar dizetradi n

28、g,and strivetoachieveaccor ding to la w,standar dizeand fair. Innovation ofperformancemanagement,toensure that potentialemployeeszer ofly.To strengt hen performance management,process control,e nhanceemploy eeevaluati on a nd level s ofeffective communicationtoimpr ove performa ncema nagement. Tofur

29、ther qua ntifyand refineemployee standards .Work,full playparty,and bra nch, andmembers in fivetype Enterpriseconstructi on i n the ofcore role ,and f ighti ngfortressrol eand pioneermodel rol e;toconti nues to strengtheni ng fourgood leadershipconstruction,fullplaylevelscadre s in e nterprisedevel

30、opme nt inthe答: ( 1)可溶性巖石、具有融蝕性水、良好水循環(huán)條件。( 2)滲漏問題、巖溶地基穩(wěn)定問題等。9、野外如何識別滑坡?答:根據(jù)地形地貌和滑坡的形態(tài)特征識別。( 1)滑坡后緣形狀;( 2)滑坡前緣形態(tài);( 3)雙溝同源;( 4)階地變位;( 5)馬刀樹等。10、水庫地震的特征是什么?其成因?qū)W說有哪些?答: ( 1)特征:真中多分布在庫區(qū)邊緣以及庫底;震級低;震型多為前震余震型;與蓄水相關;等。(2)成因:地質(zhì)構造成因?qū)W說、水庫荷載成因說、巖溶塌陷成因說。三、分析題1、分析結(jié)構面研究的主要內(nèi)容以及研究工程意義?答: ( 1)結(jié)構面研究的主要內(nèi)容:a 結(jié)構面的類型,b 結(jié)構面

31、的規(guī)模以及分級,c 結(jié)構面的空間分布以及自然特性,d 結(jié)構面的強度等( 2)結(jié)構面研究的工程意義:a結(jié)構面的存在破壞了巖體的完整性和強度。b 裂隙巖體的強度主要取決結(jié)構面的強度。c結(jié)構面的強度選擇對與工程技術安全以及經(jīng)濟合理有重要意義?;?d 結(jié)構面對于邊坡、地下洞室、壩基抗滑穩(wěn)定有著重大影響。2、分析巖爆產(chǎn)生的原因和發(fā)生的部位。答: ( 1)原因:在地應力比較高的地區(qū),或埋深很大的隧洞周圍巖體內(nèi),貯存著大量的應變能,當這些潛在的能量具備突然釋放的條件時,就產(chǎn)生一種沖擊壓力。在隧洞施工工程中一旦受到這種沖擊壓力的作用,就可能發(fā)生巖塊橫飛和圍巖塌落的現(xiàn)象。一般稱之為巖爆或沖擊地壓。( 2)部位:

32、a 由初始應力和洞室斷面形狀所決定的重分布應力最集中區(qū);b 在圍巖靠近表面部分有高變異應力及殘余應力分布區(qū);c 在斷層受風化破碎的巖脈(墻)附近形成的局部應力增高區(qū)。四、綜合論述地下洞室工程中圍巖壓力的形成機制和確定方法。答: ( 1)圍巖壓力的形成機制:a 邊坡變形破壞形式b分析影響邊坡穩(wěn)定因素c 對邊坡穩(wěn)定性進行定性和定量評價d為設計經(jīng)濟合理邊坡以及整治邊坡提供依據(jù)f 邊坡的檢測以及變形破壞預報工作。( 2)邊坡穩(wěn)定性評價方法:a 地質(zhì)分析方法b 極限平衡法計算Wewillconti nuet o improvet he compa nys inter nalcontrol system,

33、and steady im provement i nabilityto manageand control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot h pr ocesses,responsibi lities in pla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s, playa controlposti nde pendent oversight r oleof evaluationcomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toa ctively

34、make useof internala udittools detect potential management, streamline, standardize re latedtransacti ons, strengtheni ngoperations in a ccorda nce with law.Deepe ningt he informati onma nagement to e nsure full communicati on zero re sistance.oconstantly perfect ERP and BFS+, and PI,a nd MIS,a nd S

35、CM,informati on system base d constr uction,fulli ntegration information system,achieved information resources shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem a pplication of brea dth a nd depth, playi nformationsy stem onenterprise of Assistantrole ;to perfectda ilyrunmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promote problem

36、 reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,te chnology application oftraini ng, impr oveempl oyees a pplication information systemofcapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensure zer o.Tostrengthe ningHumanitie scare, continues to foster companywi nd clear, a nd

37、 ga sare,and heartShun of culture atmosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployees; carried outstyle activities,ri chemployee s life; strengthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, organizat ioncar eerhealt h medi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsy cho

38、logi calwar ning pr evention system, traini ngem ployees health of chara cter,a nd stable ofmood andenter prising ofattitude, createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvironment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, ensurethatthebusiness ofzero risk.To strengt hene d busi ness plans manageme nt,will busine

39、ssbusi ness planscover to all level ,ensure thebusiness can controlin control;t o close concer nfinancial,a nd coale lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling,national policytrends,stre ngtheningtrack,a ctiveshould; to implementation State -ow ned assetsmet hod,further specificati on busi nessfi

40、nancialmanag ement; to perfectrisk t ube controlsystem,a chi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessme I- . L .1 .1 - . I . - - LII- - . |_| _ _d L _. I _- -. L . I. _ . . _ L_ - _ I I. - - . I一 -I _一 .一 _ 一一 一 一一 一 .一 一一 一一. - 一一- 一 I. 一 .一. 一.一 .|._ . _ - IL ,.一一-一. I. 一.I一 . I. _ 一.一-一 I L.

41、. .IL. I.I . ,I一 .11.11.c 圖解方法d 有限單元法e 工程類比復習 2 及其參考答案、區(qū)別各組概念1、 工程地質(zhì)條件與工程地質(zhì)問題答: ( 1)工程地質(zhì)條件是指與工程建筑有關的各種地質(zhì)因素之綜合.(2) 工程地質(zhì)問題是指存在于工程建筑與工程地質(zhì)條件之間的矛盾.2、 液化指數(shù)與液性指數(shù)答: ( 1)液化指數(shù)是反映砂土或者粉土液化程度的一個指標。( 2)液性指數(shù)是反映細顆粒土狀態(tài)的一個指標。3、 地質(zhì)工程與巖土工程答: ( 1 )地質(zhì)工程可以這樣理解,它是研究工程建設過程中的地質(zhì)問題以及地質(zhì)災害防治。( 2)巖土工程可以這樣理解,它是關于巖土體利用、整治和改造的一門技術學科

42、。涉及到巖土工程勘察、設計、施工以及監(jiān)測。4、固結(jié)灌漿與帷幕灌漿答: ( 1)固結(jié)灌漿目的是增強巖土體完整性,提高強度,改善巖土體物理力學性能。( 2)帷幕灌漿目的是增強巖土體的抗?jié)B能力。5、震級與烈度答: ( 1)震級是衡量一次地震釋放能量大小的量度,一次地震對應一個震級。( 2)烈度是反映地震對地面以及建筑物的破壞程度,一次地震對應許多烈度區(qū)。、簡答題1、巖體結(jié)構含義是什么?巖體結(jié)構類型是怎樣劃分?答:巖體結(jié)構是結(jié)構面和結(jié)構體統(tǒng)稱。其類型可以劃分為整體塊狀結(jié)構、層狀結(jié)構、碎裂結(jié)構、散體結(jié)構。2、風化殼的結(jié)構特征是什么?給出5 種以上反映巖體風化程度定量指標?答:風化殼通常劃分為:風化殘積土

43、、全風化帶、強風化帶、弱風化帶、微風化帶。下列一些指標能反映風化程度,波速試驗指標、點荷載試驗指標、抗壓強度指標、變形指標、物理性質(zhì)及鉆探技術指標。3、軟土的工程地質(zhì)特征是什么?答: ( 1)高含水量和高孔隙比;( 2)低滲透性;( 3)高壓縮性;( 4)抗剪強度低;( 5)觸變性。4、簡述巖爆發(fā)生的機理?答: ( 1)高地應力( 2)脆性巖石( 3)進行地下開挖5、簡述砂土液化機制?答: ( 1)震動荷載作用( 2)飽和狀態(tài)砂土( 3)附加孔隙水壓力積累( 4)當砂土抗剪強度少于等于剪應力時就產(chǎn)生液化6、結(jié)構面的成因分類是什么?并舉例說明每種類型。stantrole ;to perfectd

44、a ilyrunmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,te chnology application oftraini ng, impr oveempl oyees a pplication information systemof,national policytrends,stre ngtheningtrack,a ctiveshould; to implementati

45、on State -ow ned assetsmet hod,further specificati on busi nessfinancialmanag ement; to perfectrisk t ube controlsystem,a chi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessmeWewillconti nuet o improvet he compa nys inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement inabilityto manageand control, optimize

46、busine ss processes,to e nsure smoot h pr ocesses,responsibi lities in pla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n internal controls, playa controlposti nde pendent oversight r oleof evaluationcomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toactivelymake useof internala udittools detect potential management, streamlin

47、e, standardize re latedtransacti ons, strengtheni ngoperations in a ccorda nce with law.Deepeningt he informationma nagement to e nsure fullcommunicati on zero re sistance.oconstantly perfect ERPand BFS+, and PI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,information systembase d constr uction,fulli ntegration information sy

48、stem,achieved information resources shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem a pplication of breadth a nd depth, playinformationsystem onenterprise of Assicapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensure zer o.Tostrengthe ningHumanitie scare, continues to fostercompanywi nd clear, a nd ga sare,and heartShun of cu

49、lture atmosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployees; carried outstyle activities,ri chemployee s life; strengthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, organization car eerhealt h medi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsy chologi calwar ning pr evention

50、 system, traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a nd stable ofmood andenterprising ofattitude, createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvironment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, ensurethatthebusiness ofzero risk.To strengthene d busi ness plans manageme nt,will business busi ness planscover to all

51、 level ,ensure thebusiness can controlin control;t o close concer nfinancial,a nd coale lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingschedulingreport, and controlfeedba ckofcl osed ring manageme nt, improve risk preventi on capa city.Tofurtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieveaccor ding to la w,standar

52、dizeand fair. Innovation ofperformancemanagement,toensure that potentialemployeeszer ofly.To strengt hen performance management,process control,e nhanceemploy eeevaluati on a nd levels ofeffective communicationtoimpr ove performa ncema nagement. Tofurther qua ntifyand refineemployee standards .Work,

53、full playparty,and branch, andmembers in fivetype Enterpriseconstruction in the ofcore role ,and f ighti ngfortressrol eand pioneermodel rol e;toconti nues to strengthening fourgood leadershipconstruction,fullplaylevelscadre s in e nterprisedevel opme nt inthe答: (1)分為三大類:原生結(jié)構面、構造結(jié)構面、次生結(jié)構面。(2)如沉積巖層面屬

54、于原生結(jié)構面、斷層面屬于構造結(jié)構面、卸荷裂隙屬于次生結(jié)構面。7、卓越周期含義是什么?如何利用波速試驗資料確定卓越周期?答: ( 1)巖土體對地震波有選擇放大的作用,對于一些周期的地震波在記錄 頻譜圖上出現(xiàn)的多,顯得卓越,這個周期稱為卓越周期。 (2)根據(jù)T=4H/v 進行計算。8、巖溶發(fā)育基本條件是什么?巖溶區(qū)工程建設遇到主要工程地質(zhì)問題有哪些?答:(1)可溶性巖石、具有融蝕性水、良好水循環(huán)條件。(2)滲漏問題、巖溶地基穩(wěn)定問題等。9、野外如何識別滑坡?答:根據(jù)地形地貌和滑坡的形態(tài)特征。( 1)滑坡后緣形狀;( 2)滑坡前緣形態(tài);( 3)雙溝同源;(4)階地變位;( 5)馬刀樹等。10、壩基滲

55、透變形破壞類型有哪些?如何防治之。答: (1) 管涌,流土,接觸沖刷,接觸流失(2) 帷幕灌漿、鋪蓋、排水減壓等三、分析題1、分析軟弱巖石研究的工程意義?答:(1)軟弱巖石包括軟質(zhì)巖石、風化巖石、構造巖石。(2)軟弱巖石具有強度低、水理性之差、變性模量低、流變效應明顯。(3)對軟弱巖石研究具有重要意義a 對于水利水電工程壩基基礎面選擇以及風化巖石利用至關重要b 對于邊坡穩(wěn)定分析以及邊坡治理也具有重要意義c 對于地下洞室圍巖穩(wěn)定也具有重要意義d 對于其他巖石地基利用與選擇也具有重要意義2、分析壩基深層滑動的邊界條件,簡要說明剩余推力法、等穩(wěn)定法的原理?答: ( 1)邊界條件包括切割面、臨空面、滑

56、動面以及滑動面上的抗剪指標。(2)剩余推力法原理:首先計算滑移體的安全系數(shù),但計算時不考慮抗力體的作用。如果滑移體的安全系數(shù)1 就需要計算剩余推力。剩余推力求法是假定給予滑移體一作用力 R使得滑移體的安全系數(shù)為 1,求得R ,求得R后分析抗力體穩(wěn)定安全系數(shù)。( 3)等穩(wěn)定法原理:假定滑移體與抗力體之間作用力為R,假定滑移體與抗力體的穩(wěn)定系數(shù)是相等,根據(jù)受力狀況分別列出穩(wěn)定系數(shù)表達式解方程組求得 R與穩(wěn)定系數(shù)。nt,and根據(jù)平衡方程四、綜合論述分析邊坡工程研究的內(nèi)容和穩(wěn)定評價方法?fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofull strengthe ningmem bersyouthw ork,fullplayyouth employee s incompany devel opmenti n the offorcerole;t o improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruptionworklevel ,strengtheni ngon enterpri s


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