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1、巨威·大秦郡4#樓地基與基礎分部工程驗收自評報告編制人: 審 核: 審 批: 施工單位:中鐵建設集團有限公司西安分公司編制日期: 20 年 月 日目 錄一、前言3二、工程概況3三、施工質量評估依據(jù)5四、施工組織情況6(一)施工組織設計及相關方案6(二)質量管理體系6五、施工原材料、半成品材料質量控制7六、主要施工過程控制情況10七、子分部施工質量控制10(一)土方開挖10(二)混凝土工程11(三)地下防水11八、安全文明施工11九、工程技術資料整編情況12十、地基與基礎工程質量評定12(一)、子分部及分項工程質量評估12(二)、分部工程評估結論14巨威·大秦郡4#樓地基與基


3、威大秦郡(二)工程地址:位于西安市西郊阿房一路南側張萬村,西北側緊鄰西安市自來水公司第三水廠。(三)參建單位:建設單位:陜西巨威房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)有限公司 設計單位:中聯(lián)西北工程設計研究院勘察單位:西北綜合勘察設計研究院施工單位:中鐵建設集團有限公司監(jiān)理單位:陜西環(huán)宇建設工程項目管理有限公司樁基施工單位:陜西省建筑基礎工程公司材料試驗單位:西安聯(lián)興建設工程檢測有限公司監(jiān)督機構:陜西省西咸新區(qū)灃東新城建設工程質量安全監(jiān)督站 (四)工程項目概況本次驗收4#樓,總建筑面積為28347.28m2,建筑高度為96.75 m,±0.000標高為:397.250m,基礎為樁筏基礎。其中地下1層,地上32層

4、。 本工程4 #樓結構類型為剪力墻結構,結構設計使用年限為50 年,建筑等級為2級,耐火等級地上為一級,防火類別一類高層,抗震設防烈度為8度。本工程基礎埋深為-5.8m,基礎采用 樁伐基礎,樁徑為600mm,樁長為23.3m,樁身混凝土強度等級為C40,共設置201根樁。承臺與承臺間有基礎梁相連,基礎底板厚 500 mm,板面標高為-5.3m,地下室剪力墻厚 300 mm,頂板厚為 250mm。基礎墊層混凝土強度等級為C 15 ,承臺、基礎梁、地下室底板混凝土強度等級為:C 35???jié)B等級為 P6,地下室剪力墻混凝土強度等級為C40,外墻抗?jié)B等級為P6。主樓中部位置設置一道沉降伸縮后澆帶,后澆

5、帶位置的鋼筋不斷開,混凝土采用比原混凝土等級高一等級的微膨脹抗?jié)B混凝土。4#樓地下室層高為 3.6 m,防水等級為級,采用二道防水設防,其中基礎底板采用抗?jié)B鋼筋混凝土(抗?jié)B等級P6)和 一道4mmSBS改性瀝青防水卷材;地下室側墻采用抗?jié)B鋼筋混凝土(抗?jié)B等級P6)和一道4mmSBS改性瀝青防水卷材;地下室頂板采用抗?jié)B鋼筋混凝土(抗?jié)B等級P6)和二道3mmSBS改性瀝青防水卷材。 整個地下施工于:2011年 11月12日開工, 2012年2月24日完工,歷時102天。三、施工質量評估依據(jù) 1、建設單位與施工單位簽訂的施工合同; 2、本工程經(jīng)圖審機構審查合格的施工圖紙及設計變更文件;3、建筑基坑支

6、護技術規(guī)程JGJ120-99;4、建筑樁基技術規(guī)范JGJ-94-945、建筑地基處理技術規(guī)范JGJ79-2002;6、建筑地基工程施工質量驗收規(guī)范GB50202-2002; 7、建筑工程施工質量統(tǒng)一驗收標準GB50300-2001;8、混凝土結構工程施工質量驗收規(guī)范GB50202-2002;9、地下室防水工程質量驗收規(guī)程GB50208-2002;10、鋼筋機械連接通用技術規(guī)程JGJ107-2003; 11、國家現(xiàn)行頒布的強制性標準及其它相關規(guī)范、規(guī)程; 12、本公司制定的管理體系手冊、程序文件及施工工藝標準; 13、經(jīng)審批的施工組織設計和各專項施工方案。四、施工組織情況(一)施工組織設計及相關



9、管理條例規(guī)定,項目負責人、技術負責人、監(jiān)理工程師、材料員聯(lián)合對進場材料驗收,同時在監(jiān)理工程師的見證下進行取樣,送往具有資質的實驗室進行復試。只有復試合格后,方可用于工程。1、鋼材進場合格證書22份,其中6.5合格證1份,其中8合格證1份,10合格證3份,12合格證 2 份,14合格證2份,16合格證2份,18合格證 3 份,20合格證2份,22合格證 2 份,25合格證3 份,現(xiàn)場進場鋼材338.713 t,鋼材原材復試共 21 組,合格21組。本工程 18以上采用直螺紋套筒連接,18以下采用電渣壓力焊連接,共有報告20組,其中電渣壓力焊共4290個,復試20組,合格20組,報告20組,焊工上

10、崗證2份;鋼筋直螺紋套筒連接接頭600個,試驗8組,合格8組,報告8組。其力學性能均滿足設計要求。該部分資料收集齊全,符合規(guī)范要求。進場鋼材原材復試統(tǒng)計表進場鋼材復試統(tǒng)計表規(guī)格重量(t)復試組數(shù)合格組數(shù)6.54.0001189.92011105.945111043.307221248.583221430.708221633.280221892.624332018.006222218.024222560.23033合計338.7132121 鋼筋連接數(shù)量、復試統(tǒng)計表鋼筋連接數(shù)量、復試統(tǒng)計表直螺紋鋼筋直徑(mm)連接數(shù)量復試組數(shù)合格組數(shù)18284222028222256222523222合計600

11、88電渣壓力焊鋼筋直徑(mm)連接數(shù)量復試組數(shù)合格組數(shù)1452222162000881816646620642 225402 2合計429020202、混凝土不同強度等級進場總共1748.2m3?;AC15混凝土墊層同條件試塊留置1組,同條件試塊抗壓試壓1組,試壓達到設計強度等級116%,基礎墊層C15混凝土墊層28d標養(yǎng)試留置1組,標養(yǎng)試試壓1組,試壓達到設計強度等級118 %;基礎C35P6混凝土同條件試塊留置4組,同條件試塊抗壓試壓4組,試壓達到設計強度等級 116 %,基礎C35P6混凝土28d標養(yǎng)試留置9組,標養(yǎng)試試壓9組,試壓達到設計強度等級119 %;地下室頂板、梁C40P6混凝

12、土同條件試塊留置2組,同條件試塊抗壓試壓2組,試壓達到設計強度等級 117%,地下室頂板、梁C40P6 混凝土28d標養(yǎng)試留置3組,標養(yǎng)試試壓3組,試壓達到設計強度等級118%。所有混凝土試塊強度統(tǒng)計分析評定為合格。 混凝土試塊留置統(tǒng)計表混凝土試塊留置統(tǒng)計表混凝土強度同條件試塊留置組數(shù)標養(yǎng)試留置組數(shù)同條件合格組數(shù)C 15111C20細石111C 35 P6494C40 444C40 P6474合計141814六、主要施工過程控制情況施工過程中,我項目部始終堅持以工程質量為核心,對工程質量嚴格把關。對重點部位、關鍵工序設置質量控制點,各工序采用自檢、互檢、交接檢查,經(jīng)檢查合格的方可進入進入下一道




16、步。十、地基與基礎工程質量評定(一)、子分部及分項工程質量評估1、本工程子分部工程所含分項工程質量驗收均合格,質量控制資料完善,涉及有關實用功能和安全的檢驗和抽測結果均符合現(xiàn)行規(guī)范要求。2、本分部工程所包含的子分部及分項工程的質量序號子分部工程分項工程檢驗批數(shù)合格率備注1地下防水防水混凝土9100%2卷材防水層2100%3樁頭防水1100%4細部構造9100%1混凝土基礎模板12100%2鋼筋11100%3混凝土15100%1后澆帶混凝土基礎模板100%2鋼筋100%3混凝土100%3、隱蔽工程驗收記錄11份。4、C 15 混凝土抗壓試件最大抗壓強度為17.4MPa,最小抗壓強度為 17.4

17、MPa,平均抗壓強度為17.4MPa;C 20細石混凝土抗壓試件最大抗壓強度為23.5MPa,最小抗壓強度為23.5MPa,平均抗壓強度為23.5MPa;C 35混凝土抗壓試件最大抗壓強度為41.2MPa,最小抗壓強度為40.5 MPa,平均抗壓強度為40.9MPa ;C 40混凝土抗壓試件最大抗壓強度為46.6MPa,最小抗壓強度為45.9 MPa,平均抗壓強度為46.3MPa;。經(jīng)抗壓試驗全部合格,并經(jīng)統(tǒng)計分析評定全部合格。5、結構實體鋼筋保護層檢測經(jīng) 陜西省建筑工程質量檢測中心 對基礎梁、板鋼筋保護層進行檢測:板類構建總數(shù)為117個,抽測 6 個,抽測比例為5.1%;梁類構件總數(shù)為139

18、個,抽測8個,抽測比例為5.7%。經(jīng)檢測,抽測的板類構件鋼筋的保護層厚度合格率為91.7%,判定合格;梁類構件鋼筋的保護層厚度合格率為95.8%,判定合格。抽檢數(shù)量符合設計要求,檢測結論合格。7、外觀評價:現(xiàn)澆構件無漏筋,構件主要受力部位及其他部位無孔洞缺陷,梁板連接處無夾渣、漏漿現(xiàn)象,混凝土面清潔,無使用功能的缺陷,觀感良好。(二)、分部工程評估結論本分部工程所包含的分項工程質量驗收合格、質量控制資料齊全、觀感質量較好、結構混凝土試件評定合格,地基與基礎分部工程自評結論為:合格。現(xiàn)我項目部懇請監(jiān)理、甲方、勘察、設計及質量監(jiān)督部門各位工程師提出寶貴意見,以便促進我單位今后的工作進一步提高。 謝

19、謝大家中鐵建設集團有限公司西安分公司English is the most widely spoken language in the history of our planet, used in some way by at least one out of every seven human beings around the globe. Half of the world's books are written in English, and the majority of international telephone calls are made in English. E

20、nglish is the language of over sixty percent of the world's radio programs. More than seventy percent of international mail is written and addressed in English, and eighty percent of all computer text is stored in English. English has acquired the largest vocabulary of all the world's langua

21、ges, perhaps as many as two million words, and has generated one of the noblest bodies of literature in the annals of the human it is now time to face the fact that English is a crazy language - the most lunatic and loopy and of all languages. In the crazy English language, the blackbird hen is brow

22、n, blackboards can be green or blue, and blackberries are green and then red before they are ripe. Even if blackberries were really black and blueberries really blue, what are strawberries, cranberries, huckleberries, raspberries, and gooseberries supposed to look add to this insanity there is no bu

23、tter in buttermilk, no egg in eggplant, no grape in grapefruit, no bread in shortbread, neither worms nor wood in wormwood, neither mush nor room in mushroom, neither pine nor apple in pineapple, neither peas nor nuts in peanuts, and no ham in a hamburger. (In fact, if somebody invented a sandwich c

24、onsisting of a ham patty in a bun, we would have a hard time finding a name for it.)To make matters worse, English muffins weren't invented in England, fries in France, or Danish pastries in Denmark. And we discover even more culinary madness in the that sweetmeat is made from fruit, while sweet

25、bread, which isn't sweet, is made from this unreliable English tongue, greyhounds aren't always grey (or gray); panda bears and koala bears aren't bears (they're marsupials); a woodchuck is a groundhog, which is not a hog; a horned toad is a lizard; glowworms are fireflies, but firef

26、lies are not flies (they're beetles); ladybugs and lightning bugs are also beetles (and to, a significant proportion of ladybugs must be male); a guinea pig is neither a pig nor from Guinea (it's a South American rodent); and a titmouse is neither is like the air we breathe. It's invisib

27、le, inescapable, indispensable, and we take it for granted. But, when we take the time to step back and listen to the sounds that escape from the holes in people's faces and to ex- the paradoxes and vagaries of English, we find that hot dogs can be cold, darkrooms can be lit, homework can be don

28、e in school, nightmares can take place in broad daylight while morning sickness and daydreaming can take place at night, tomboys are girls and midwives can be men, hours - especially happy hours and rush hours - often last longer than sixty minutes, quick- sand works very slowly, boxing rings are sq

29、uare, silverware and glasses can be made of plastic and tablecloths of paper, most are dialed by being punched (or pushed?), and most bathrooms don't have any baths in them. In fact, a dog can go to the bathroom under a tree - no bath, no room; it's still going to the bathroom. And doesn'

30、;t it seem a little bizarre that we go to the bathroom in order to go to the is it that a woman can man a station but as man can't woman one, that a man can father a movement but a woman can't mother one, and that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn't rule a? How did all those Renai

31、ssance men reproduce when there don't seem to have been any Renaissance writer is someone who writes, and a stinger is something that stings. But fingers don't grocers don't, haberdashers don't, hammers don't ham, and humdingers don't the plural of tooth is teeth , shouldn

32、9;t the plural of booth be ? One goose, two geese - so one moose, two One index, two indices - one Kleenex, two If people ring a bell today and rang a bell yesterday, why don't we say that they a ball? If they wrote a letter, perhaps they also their tongue. If the teacher taught, why isn't i

33、t also true that the preacher? Why is it that the sun shone yesterday while I shined my shoes, that I treaded water and then trod on the beach, and that I flew out to see a World Series game in which my favorite player flied we conceive a conception and receive at a reception, why don't we griev

34、e a and believe a? If a horsehair mat is made from the hair of horses and a camel's hair brush from the hair of camels, from what is a mohair coat made? If adults commit adultery, do infants commit infantry? If olive oil is made from olives, what do they make baby oil from? If a vegetarian eats

35、vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? (And I'm beginning to worry about those authoritarians.)And if pro and con are opposites, is congress the opposite of you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what other language do people

36、 drive in a parkway and park in a driveway? In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? In what other language do privates eat in the general mess and generals eat in the private mess? In what other language do people ship by truck and send cargo by ship? In what other l

37、anguage can your nose run and your feet can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same and a bad licking and a good licking be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can sharp speech and blunt speech be the same and quite a lot and quite a few the same, while overlook and overs

38、ee are opposites? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next? How can the expressions "What's going on?" and "What's coming off?" mean exactly the samton and unbutton and tie and untie are opposites, why are loosen and unloosen and ravel and unra

39、vel he same? If bad is the opposite of good, hard the opposite of soft, and up the opposite of down, why are badly and goodly, hardly and softy, and upright and downright not opposing pairs? If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful why are shameful and shameless behavior the same and pricey objects less expensive than priceless appropriate and inappropriate remarks and passable and impassable mountain trails are opposites, why are flammable and inflammable materials, heritable and inheritable property, and passive and impas


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