1、初中英語閱讀完形填空IOO篇(一)1Different things USUally Stand for different feelings. Redl for example, is the COlOr Offirez heat, blood and life. PeOPle Say red is an exciting and active color. They associate (使發(fā)生聯(lián)系)red With a StrOng feeling Iike 1 Red is USed for SignS Of 2 j SUCh as STOP SignS and fire engine
2、s. Orange is the bright Warrn COIOr Of _3 in autumn. PeOPIe Say Orange is a 4 color. They associate Orange With happiness YelIOW is the COIOr Of _5_ PeOPle Say it is a CheerfUl color. They associate yellow too, With happiness. Green is the COOl COIOr Of grass in _6_, PeOPIe Say it is a refreshing co
3、lor. In general PeOPle _7_ two groups Of colors: Warrn COlOrS and COOl colors. The Warm COlOrS are redr Orange and _8_ Where there are Warrn COIOr and a IOt Of IightJ PeOPIe USUalIy Want to be _9_ ThOSe WhO Iike to be Wjth _10 _ Iike red. The COOl COIOrS areand blue Where are thesecolors, PeOPle are
4、 USUalIy WOrned. SOme SCientiStS Say that time SeemS to _12 _ more SlOWly in a room With Warrn colors. They SUggeSt that a Warm COlOr is a good _13_ for a IMng room Or a _14_ PeOPle WhO are having a rest Or are eating do not Want time to PaSS quickly. _15 COlOrS are better for SOme OffiCeS if the Pe
5、OPle WOrking there Want time to PaSS quickly.1. A. SadneSSB. angerC. administration D. Smile2. A. roadsB. WaySC. dangerD. PlaCeS3. A. IandB. IeavesC. grassD. mountains4. A. IiVelyB. darkC. noisyD. frightening5. A. moonlightB. IightC. SUnIightD. StarS6. A. SUmmerB. SPnngC. autumnD. Winter7. A. SPeakB
6、. SayC. talk aboutD. tell8. A. greenB. yellowC. WhiteD gray9. A. CaImB. SleePyC. activeD. helpful10. A. the OtherB. another C. Other OneD. OtherS11. A. blackB. greenC. goldenD. yellow12. A. go roundB. go byC. go OffD. go along13. A. OneB. WayC.factD. matter14. A. factoryB. ClaSSrOOmC. restaurantD. h
7、ospital15. A. DifferentB. COOlC. WarrnD. AIl2Charlie Came from a POOr Village HiS ParentS had _I=_ money to Send him to SChOOl When he WaS young. The boy WaS Very Sad Mr. King IiVed next to him. He found the boy _2_ and had Pity On him and Ient SOme money to him SO the boy COUld go to SChOOL He StUd
8、ied hard and _3_ all his IeSSOns. When he finished middle SChOOL the man introduced him to his trie nd in the town. And he b egan to work.OnCe Mr. King WaS SeriOUSIy hurt in an accident. Dyingf he asked Charlie to take Care Of his daughter, SharOn. The young man _4_ and SeVeral years Iater he marrie
9、d the girl. He IOVed her Very much and tried his best to make her happy. He Often bought beautiful ClOtheS and delicious food for her. He WaS good at COOkingand he COOked _5_ for her. SO She became Very fat and She felt it difficult to walk. And One day She found there WaS SOmething WrOng With her h
10、eart. Her husband WaSrf t at home and She had to go to _6_ at once. The doctors IOOked her OVer and told her =T=_ eat meatr SUgarz ChOCOlate and things Iike these She WaS afraid _8_ the doctor* S WOrdS and WrOte all the names Of the food On the paper. When She got home, She PUt the IiSt On the table
11、 and _9_ When She returned home that afternoon, She found many kinds Of food: meatr SUgar and ChOCOIate in the kitchen.Charlie WaS busy _10_ there. AS SOOn as he SaW herf he Said happily, 'T Ve boughtall the food you like, dear!"1. A. noB. SOme C. muchD. enoUgh2. A. IaZyB. CleVer C. CarefUl
12、D. hard3. A. did Well inB. WaS POOr at C. WaS WOrking D. WaS good for4. A. WaS angryB. thought hard C. agreedD. Said wNor5. A. a IittIeB. a few C. manyD. a IOt6. A. restB. SIeeP C. hospitalD. WOrk7. A. ShOUldB. WOUldC. toD. not to8. A. to remember B. to forget C. to CatChD. to teach9. A. SlePtB. Wen
13、t OUt C. COOkedD. ate10. A. readingB. SeeingC. COOkingD. WritingWhy do I Want to go to college? NO One has ever asked me _1_ a question. BUt many times I have asked myself. I have _2_ a WhOle Variety Of reasonsimportant reasOn is that I Want to be a better man.Many things make human beings different
14、 _4_ Or better than Or even SUPenOrto animals.One Of the most important things is _5_ If I fail to receive higher education, my education /_ AS I Want to be a fully _7 manr I must get a well-roUnded education, WhiCh good COllegeS and UniVerSitieS are SUPPOSed to _8_ I know One Can get educated in ma
15、ny WaySf but COIIegeS and UniVerSitieS are _9_ the best PlaCeS to teach me how to educate myself. Only When I am well-educatedz WiIl I be a better human being and _Io= fit into society.1. A. quite B. SOC SUChD another2 A. COme UP With B. agreed With C. been fed UP With D. got On WeIl WithD. MUCh3. A
16、. MOSt B. The most C. MOre4. A. toB. aroundC. between D. from5. A. educationB. Weather C. temperatureD. SCience6. A. finishedB. dorf t finish C. WiIl not finish D. has finished7. A. developB. developed C. develop!ngD. experience8. A. improveB. graduate C. hearD. PrOVide9. A. betweenB. among C. insid
17、eD. OUtSide10. A. Can goodB. may betterC. be able to better D. be able to best4FarIey WOrked for the Canadian government. One day, he WaS _1_ to Iearn more about wolves. DO WOlVeS kill IOtS Of CaribOU (鎂馴I鹿)? DO they kill people?下載可編輯They gave him IOtS Of food and ClOtheS and guns Then they PUt him
18、On a Plane and took him to _2_ The Plane PUt him down and Went away. There Were no houses Or PeOPIe in this PIaCe BUt there Were IOtS Of animals and IOtS Of WOlVeSPeOPle tell terrible StOrieS about WOlVeS They Say WOlVeS Iike to kill and eat PeOPle Fariey remembered these StOneSl and he WaS _3_, He
19、had his gun With him_4_.Then One dayr he SaW a group Of WOlVeS There WaS a mother WOlf With four baby wolves. A father WOlf and another young WOIf IiVed With themFarley WatChed these WOlVeS every day. The mother WaS a Very _5_ mother. She gave milk to her babies She gave them IeSSOnS about Iife They
20、 Ieamed how to _6_ food The father WOlf got food for the mother. The young WOIf _J_ the Children They Were a nice, happy family一WOIf family! Farley did not need his _8_ any more .In a ShOrt time, he got On WeIl With the family. Farley WatChed them for five months He Ieamed that many StOrieS about th
21、e WOlVeS Were _9_ WOlVeS do not eat PeOPler and they do not eat many Iarge animals And he also Ieamed bad things about men. It WaS men WhO killed many CaribOU and WOlVeSLater; FarIey WrOte a book about WOlVeS He Wanted PeOPle to _10_ them and not to kill them1. A. SeenB. told C. heardD. foUnd2. A. a
22、 Small town B. a big City C. a far PlaCeD. a IOnely VjlIage3. A. afraidB. happyC. angryD. tired5. A. badB. goodC. hungryD. thirsty6. A. COOkB. makec. getD. PiCk7. A. ShOUted atB. IoOked into C. Iaughed atD. Played With8. A. foodB. ClOtheSC gunD. Plane9. A. not goodB. not trueC. not easyD. not Clear1
23、0. A. growB. haveC. teachD. UnderstandMany PeOPle think that AmenCanS 1 their CarS almost more than anything else When 2_ PeOPle are fourteen years Oldr they Want to have their _3_ cars. They don' t ask for a Car from their 4_ SO many Of them WOrk in _5_ time during their IaSt year Of high SChOO
24、l to buy a car. Learning to 6 _ and getting a driver1 S IiCenSe may be One Of the most exciting things in a young PerSOnf S Iife.SOme PeOPle almost 7 _ go to a doctor When they are ill. BUt they WiIl _乞 their CarS to a garage as SOOn as they think there is a 9 On SatUrdayS Or SUndayS SOme PeOPle may
25、 Io most Of their time WaShing and repairing their cars.1. A. PreferB. IOVeC. drive D. PIay2. A. IittIeB. bigC. OldD. young3. A. newB. OWn C. expensive D. CheaP4. A, friendsB. teachers C. ParentS D. brothers5. A. freeB. busyC. StUdyD. good6. A. makeB. mendC. WaShD. drive下載可編輯7 A. alwaysB. neverC.8.
26、A. takeB. Carry9. A. questionB. WrOng10. A. COStB. getC.Often D. USUalIyC. PUlI D. IiftC. mistake D. PrOblemSPendD.USeWhO designed (設(shè)計)the first helicopter (直升飛機)? WhO _I=_ Of the most famous PiCtUreS in the world? WhO knew more about the human body than most _2_? There is an answer _3_ all these qu
27、estiOnS LeOnardO de VinCi (達芬奇)LeOnardO may have been the greatest genius (天才)_4_ have ever known He IiVed in ItaIy around the year 1500, but many Of his inventions Seern modern to US today. FOr example, One Of his notebooks has drawings Of a helicopter. Of COUrSeJ he CoUldrY t _5_ a helicopter With
28、 the things he had. BUt SCientiStS Say his idea WOUld have WOrked.BUt LeOnardO 二_ an inventor. He WaS One Of the greatest artists Of his day. By the time he WaS twenty years OldZ he WaS CalIed a master (大丿帀)painter, and as he got OIder he became _7_ more famous SOmetimeS he drew a hand ten different
29、 WayS _8_ he WaS ready to PaintMany Of LeOnardOr S WOnderfUl PaintingS are Still With _9_ today. YOU may know One Of his most famous WOrkS the _10_ WOman known as the MOna LiSa.1. A. tookB. made C. PaintedD. i nvented3. A. toB. OfC. forD. from4. A. the SCientiStS B. the artistsC. the WOrId D. PeOPle
30、5. A. drawB. PaintC. WOrkD. build6. A. WaSjUStB. WaSryt just C. WaSnrtD. WaS no IOnger7. A. IeSSB. noC. evenD. Very8. A. beforeB. afterC. becauseD. When9. A. himB. USC. themD. you10. A. interestingB. CryingC. SmiIingD. SUrPriSingOnCef a king ShOWed two men a Iarge basket in the garden. He told them
31、to fill it With Water from a WeIl After they _=I_ their work, he Ieft themf Saying, "When the SUn is down, I Will COme and See your workiAt IaSt One Of them Saidl "What S the USe Of doing this foolish work? We Can _2_ fill the basket/1 _3_ man answered, "That is none Of your business/
32、' The first man Said"You may do as you Iiker but I am not going to WOrk at _4_ SO foolish/1 He _5_ his bucket and Went away. The Other man Said no word, and kept On Carrying 二_ At IaSt the WeIl WaS almost _7_AS he POUred the IaSt bucket Of Water into the basket, he SaW a bright thing in it.
33、 He PiCked it up. It WaS a beautiful gold ring. JUSt then the king Came _8_ he SaW the ring he knew that he had found the kind Of man he Wanted He told him to keep the ring for himself. "You _9_ SO WeIl in this Iittle thing/ he said, " _10_ now I know I Can believe you With many things/11.
34、 A. finishedB. did C. beganD. had下載可編輯3. A. The OtherB. AnOtherC. OneD. A SeCOnd4. A. anythingB. SOmethingC. nothingD. everything5. A. PiCked UPB. PUt away C. took awayD. threw away6. A. WaterB. basketC. WellD. WOrk7. A. fullB. emptyC. filledD. Clean8. A. WhileB. AS SOOn asC. BefOreD. SinCe9. A. hav
35、e doneB. Will doC. doD. are doing10. A. WhatB. WhyC. WhenD. thatB. never C. easily D. no2. A. ever8FOOd is Very important. EVeryOne needs to _1_ Well if he Or She WantS to have a Strong body. OUr minds also need a kind Of food. ThiS kind Of food is _2_. We begin to get knoWledge even _3_ We are Very
36、 young. SmaIl Children are _4_ in everything around them They Iearn _5_ While they are WatChing and IiStening. When they are getting OIderz they begin to _6_ StOry books, SCienCe books., anything they Iike When they find SOmething new, they IOVe to ask questions and _7_ to find OUt answers. What is
37、the best _8_ to get knowledge? If We Iearn by ourselves, We Will get _9_ knowledge If We are _IO=_ getting anSWerS from OtherS and do not ask why, We Will never Iearn WeIl When We StUdy in the right WayJ We Will Iearn more and Understand better.1. A. SleeP B. read C. drink D. eat2. A. SPOrt B. exerc
38、ise C. knowledge D. meat3. A. UntilB. WhenC. afterD. SO4. A. interestedB. interestingC. WeakD. better5. A. everythingB. SOmethingC. nothingD. anything6. A. IendB. readC. IearnD. Write7. A. tryB. haveC. refuseD. Wait8. A. PlaCeB. SChOOlC. WayD. road9. A. IittIeB. fewC. manyD. the most10. A. OftenB. a
39、lwaysC. USUaIIyD. SOmethingSOmeOne SaySf "Time is money.li BUt I think time is _1_ important than money. Why? BeCaUSe When money is spent, We Can get it back However; When time is 2 it Il never 3 ThatJ S 4 We must” t WaSte time.It goes WithOUt Saying that the 5 is USUally Iimited EVen a SeCOnd
40、is Very important. We ShOUId make full USe Of OUr time to do 6_ USefULBUt it is a Pity that there are a IOt Of PeOPle WhO do not know the importance Of time They SPent their Iimited time SmOkingZ drinking and _7 They do not know that WaSting time means WaSting Part Of their OWn _8 ,In a WOrdJ We ShO
41、Uld SaVe time. We ShOUIdnr t 9 today' S WOrk for tomorrow. Remember We have no time to 10 1. A. muchB. I essC. much IeSS D. even more2. A. COStB. bought C. goneD. finished3. A. returnB. CarryC. takeD. bring4. A. WhatB. thatC. becauseD. Why5. A. money6. A. no thing7. A. reading8. A. time9. A. StO
42、P10. A. IOSeB. time C. dayB. SOmethingB. WritingB. foodB. IeaVeB. SaVeD. foodC. anythingC. PlayingC. moneyC. IetC. SPendD. everythingD. WOrkingD. IifeD. giveD. take10NaSreddin WaS a POOr man, SO he tried to grow _1_ he COUId in his OWn garden, SO that he WOUld not have to buy SO many in the market.One evening he heard a noise in his garden and IOOked OUt Of the window. A White OX had got into the garde
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