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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上外研版七年級上冊(1-6單元)英語期末復(fù)習(xí)知識點整理Module 1重點短語1.be from. =come from.           來自.2.years old                       .歲3.what about. =how about.          .怎么樣?4.in Class Ten, Grade

2、Seven           在七年級十班5.the capital of.                    . 的首都/省會6.first name =given name             名7.last name=family name             姓8.E

3、nglish name                     英文名字9.Chinese name                     中文名字重點句子1.Im Chinese ,and Im fromChina.     我是中國人, 我來自中國(Im Chinese, and I come fromChina.)2. Where

4、 are they from?               他們來自什么哪里? (=Wheredo they come from?)They are from America.              他們來自美國. (=Theycome fromAmerica.)3.How old is that man?               

5、0; 那位男子多少歲了?He isforty-four.                      他44歲4. The students are in Class Five, Grade Seven.這些學(xué)生在七年級五班5. Tom is in Class One with Lingling.     湯姆和玲玲在一班。 =Tom with Lingling is in ClassOne.    

6、;    =Tom and Lingling are in Class One.6.What about you?=How about you?=And you?你呢?/你怎么樣?7.Welcome to Class 6 Grade 7 !            歡迎到七年級六班。8. Beijing is the capital ofChina.          北京是中國的首都。9.Good to see you.=Nice to see

7、you.=Glad to seeyou.        很高興見到你。10.Im Tony Smith.Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name.         我是Tony Smith,Tony是我的名,Smith是我的姓。Module2重點短語1.a photo of Tonys family           一張Tony 的家庭的照片2.on the

8、left of                     在.的左邊3.next to.                          緊挨著.;  緊靠.4.in front of.                       

9、0;在.前面(外面) in/atthe front of.                   在.前部(內(nèi)部)5.Tonys parents                     Tony的父母6.in the photo                       

10、;照片上, 在照片中7.at the bus station                  在公共車站8.at a police station                   在警察局9.a manager of atheater               一位劇院負責(zé)人=a theater manager

11、10. a manager of ahotel              一位賓館經(jīng)理=a hotel manager11.at/in the samehospital              在同一家醫(yī)院12.a bus driver                      一位公共汽車司機13.a farm worker   &#

12、160;                 一位農(nóng)場工人14.a shop worker                     一名店員15.an English teacher                 一位英語教師16. a man/woman driver      

13、         一位男/女司機復(fù)數(shù):men/womendrivers重點句子1.This is a photo of Tonys family.   這是Tony的一張全家福。2.What a big family!                多大的一個家庭啊!3.My mums parents are on the right.    我母親的父母在右邊4.The woman next to me

14、ismy dads sister.  緊挨著我的這位女子是我父親的妹妹。5.Is this your family ?                這是你的家庭嗎?6.Are these your grandparents ?       這(些)是你的祖父母嗎?7.My mother is the manager of a theater.我的母親是劇院負責(zé)人。8.My fathers job is at a police station.&

15、#160;  我父親在警察局工作。9.His parents are shop workers.     他的父母是商店工作人員。Module 3重點短語1.a lot of furniture              大量的教學(xué)設(shè)施;大量的家具2.on everyones desk             在每個人的課桌上on the teachers desk     &

16、#160;       在講桌上3.on the wall                    在墻上4.at/in the front of.             在.前面(內(nèi)部)5.a map of the world               一張世界地圖a map of China

17、                 一張中國地圖6.in the dining hall                  在食堂里7.at the school gate                 在校門口8.on/in the playground           &

18、#160;  在操場上9.a science lab                     一個科學(xué)實驗室10.a sports hall                     一個體育館11.an office building                一幢辦公樓12.a cl

19、assroom building              一幢教學(xué)大樓13.in the science building            在科學(xué)樓里14.five computer rooms              五間微機室15.in the middle of.               

20、在.的中間16.on the left of.                  在.的左邊17.between the library and the dining hall 在圖書館和食堂之間18.be for.                      用于.; 為.準備的重點句子1.Whats your classroomlike? 

21、60;     你的教室怎樣? Its really big.                   它真的很大2.How many students are there in your class?你班上有多少學(xué)生?There are forty-four students in my class.我班上有44位學(xué)生。3.There arent any computers in our classroom.在我們教室里沒有電腦。4.Are the

22、re any computers on everyones desk ?    每位學(xué)生的課桌上有電腦嗎?Yes, there are some. ( No, there arent any.) 是的,有(不,沒有。)5.Whats in your classroom? 你教室里有什么?There is a lot of furniture.有大量的教學(xué)設(shè)備。6.There isa map and some pictures on the walls.墻上有一張地圖和一些畫。=Thereare some pictures and a map o

23、n the walls.7.Gao Yans between Zhao feng and Li Min.高燕在趙峰和李民中間。8.In the middle of the school is a bigplayground.一個大操場在學(xué)校中間。=A big playground is in the middle of theschool.9.Where is the library?         圖書館在哪里?Its nextto the science lab.     它在科學(xué)樓的旁邊?;菊Z法點:1.T

24、here be句型(某地有某物)2.表方位的介詞短語及用法3.注意There be 和have/has got 的區(qū)別4. .數(shù)詞的表達Module 4重點短語1.have/has got.                 某人有.2.healthy food and drink           健康的飲品和飲料unhealthy food and drink         

25、60;不健康的飲品和飲料3.go shopping for sth. =go to buy sth         去買.4.too much +不可數(shù);  too many+可數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)        太多.5.be good for.                       對.有好處6.be bad for        

26、                對.有害處7.lots of.= a lot of.=many+可數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)   大量的.;許多.lots of.= a lot of.=much+不可數(shù)          8.get sth for sb=buy sth for sb            為某人買.9.what kind of.      

27、                什么種類的.10.ones favourite food and drink        某人最喜歡的食品飲料11.chicken soup                      雞湯12.stay healthy                 &#

28、160;     保持健康13.eat well                           吃好14.have a good breakfast               吃一頓營養(yǎng)早餐15.have sth for breakfast              &#

29、160;在早餐吃.16.remember to do sth                記得做.17.a bit tired                        有一點兒累重點句子1.Weve got lots of apples. 我們有大量的蘋果。2.He hasnt got any meat. 他沒有一些肉。3.Have you got any chocol

30、ate? 你們有一些巧克力嗎?Yes, wehave. / No, we havent. 是的,我們有。/不,我們沒有。4.Lets go shopping for food and drink.讓我們?nèi)ベI一些食品飲料吧。5.Lets get some coffee for your mum.讓我們給你媽媽買點咖啡吧。6.Too much chocolate isnt good for you. 太多的巧克力對你不好。7.What kind of fruit ? 什么種類的水果?8.Cola is bad for you. 可樂對你有害。9.H

31、ow about some orange juice? 一些橘汁怎么樣?Goodidea. 好主意。10.Is your food and drink healthy? 你的飲食健康嗎?11.It is important to stay healthy. 保持健康很重要。12.There are lots of fruit and vegetables forlunch, but there isnt any cola or candy .午餐有許多水果蔬菜,但沒有可樂和糖果。13.Please remember to buy some fruit.&

32、#160;請記住買一些水果。14.Im a bit tired. 我有一點兒累?;菊Z法點:1.have/has got 的含義及句子結(jié)構(gòu)。注意與there be的區(qū)別,以及和have/has的替換。2.可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞3.some 和any的用法Module 5重點短語1.my school day                         我的學(xué)校生活2.on Tuesday       &#

33、160;                    在星期二3.have Chinese=have a Chinese lesson       上語文課4.at five to nine =at eight fifty-five           在八點五十五5.at half past seven =at seven thirty         

34、0; 在七點半6.on Wednesday afternoon                 在星期三下午7.be good at.=do well in.            擅長于., 在.做得好8.talk with/to sb                          和.談話9

35、.on weekdays=on the weekday             在工作日10.go to school                            上學(xué)11.go home                           

36、0;    回家12.have a healthy breakfast                 吃健康早餐13.go swimming                           去游泳14.play football                 &

37、#160;          踢足球15.play with sb                            和.玩耍16.make apple juice                        制作蘋果汁17.in the kitchen .    

38、;                      在廚房里18.do sports                               進行體育鍛煉19.want to do sth                     &

39、#160;     想做.20.on weekends=on the weekend              在周末21.get up                                   起床22.have breakfast           &#

40、160;                吃早飯23.be next to.                              緊挨著.24.start work=start lessons                     開始工作/學(xué)習(xí)25.h

41、ave a break (for twenty minutes)             休息(20分鐘)26.go to the playground                        到操場27.watch TV                          

42、       看電視28.have dinner with sb                         和. 吃晚飯29.do ones homework                 做某人的家庭作業(yè)30.do ones maths homework         

43、0;  做某人的數(shù)學(xué)家庭作業(yè)31.go to bed                                上床睡覺32.go to sleep                                入睡33.wash ones face  

44、                         洗臉34.make sb/sth +形容詞                 使某人/物怎么樣make him happy                     使他開心 makethe room c

45、lean                  使房間干凈35.have a busy day                       度過繁忙的一天36.after school                        放學(xué)后(表時間的短語)37.finish

46、school                        放學(xué)(實義動詞短語)重點句子1. Whats the time?=What time is it?           幾點了? Itstwenty past one.=Its one twenty.         一點二十。2. What are our lessons on Monday? &

47、#160;   星期一我們有什么課?=Whatlessons do we have on Monday?   星期一我們上什么課?3. We have Chinese at 8:00 and science at 8:55.8:00上語文,8:55上科技。4. Its interesting to study maths .          學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)有趣。5. I like the lessons on Tuesday afternoon. 我喜歡星期二下午的課。6. They dont hav

48、e geography on Friday.他們在星期五不上地理課。7. Do you have PE on Thursday afternoon?你們在星期二下午上體育課嗎?8. I love history and Im good at it.     我喜歡歷史,我擅長歷史。9. My favourite subject is English .     我最喜歡的課程是英語。10. I can talk with my Chinese friends.我能和我的中國朋友交談。11. Maths is difficult for

49、 Betty.    對于Betty來說,學(xué)習(xí)數(shù)學(xué)難。 =Itsdifficult for Betty to study maths.12. What time is your art lesson?     你的美術(shù)課在什么時候?I have art at 3:00pm on Wednesday.我在星期三下午3:00上美術(shù)課。13. We start work at nine oclock.      我們在九點鐘開始上課。14. My school is next to my home.  

50、;    學(xué)校緊挨著我的家。15. We have a break for thirty minutes.   我們休息30分鐘。16. We have lunch in the dining hall at 12:20. 12:20我們在食堂吃午飯。17.I have a busy day on Saturday.星期六我度過了繁忙的一天。18.The students have eight lessons every day.這些學(xué)生每天上八節(jié)課。19.Mr.Li makes maths lessons interesting.李老師使數(shù)學(xué)課有趣。20.I do my maths homework first after school.放學(xué)后我首先做我的數(shù)學(xué)作業(yè)?;菊Z法點:1.時間的表達及提問   2.一般現(xiàn)在時Revision A1.go to school           &


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