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1、2019北京海淀高三(上)期中2019, 11第一部分:聽力理解(共三節(jié),30分第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,共7.5分)聽下面5段對話,每段對話有一道小題,從每題所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),聽完每段對話 后,你將有IO秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話你將聽一遍。1. What Will the two SPeakerS do together?A. Sign UP for a club.B. Meet the teacherC. HaVe a StUdy group2. WThere does tlis COnVerSatiOn PrObably take p

2、lace?A. In a hotelB. At an airort.C In a restaurant3. XVhy is the WOman worried?A. She takes the WrOng bus.B. She gets Offat the WrOng StOPC. She goes to the WrOng hospital.4. What WiIl the SPeakerS have for dinner?A JaPaneSe IbodB. MeXiCan food. C. ChineSe fbod.5. What is the POSSible relationship

3、between the two speakers?A MOther and son.B. HUSband and WifeC. TeaCher and StUdent-第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題15分,共15分)聽下面4段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾道小題,從每題所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選岀最佳選項(xiàng)。聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你將有5秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀每小題。聽完后,每小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對話或 獨(dú)白你將聽兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6至7題。6 rhy doesn*t the man join the woman?A IIis Jright arm hurtsB. He WantS t

4、o WatCh TV.C. He has a Pain in the knee7. What Win the WOman PrObably do next?A. PIay Ping-POng.B. Play basektball.C. Stay home.聽第7段材料,回答第8至9題。8. What Will the WOman be doing this afternoon?A. DOmg her assignment.B. ViSiting Tom.C. HaVing a meeting.9. When Will tle two SPeakerS meet?A. On TUeSday mo

5、rning.B. On VTedneSday morning. C. On ThUrSday afteOOn.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。10. WhiCh ClUb WiIl the man join?A. The Under 14s. B. The Under 15s. C. The Under 16s.11 HOwlong Will the man train each week?A. 15 hours B. 3 hoursC. 45 hours12. What does tle man need to do to join the club?A. Pay for the trai

6、ning.B. Fill OUt a fbrm.C. Take a IamiIy PllOtO聽第9段材料,回答第13至15題。13. WhO is receiving the message?A. David. B. Jackie. C. Jimmy.14. WhiCh is tie right VVay to tlie party ?C2/1615. Why does the Inan IeaVe this IlIeSSage?A. TO make an invitation.B. TO CXPrCSS his excitement.C. TO CXPIain the way to the

7、 art,.第三節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,共7.5分)聽對話前,你將有20秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀試聽下面一段對話,完成第16至20五道小題,每小題僅填寫 題,聽完后你將有60秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。這段對話你將聽兩遍。ASSignmentTaSkAttend a(n)(16) & Write about itPIaCCMOdCm GaiICryf at(17), Faify StrCCtTimCThrOUghOUt(18)ArtiStROSe(19)Style(20) ImPreSSiOniSm第二部分:知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),45分)第一節(jié)語法填空(共10小題;每小題15分,共15分)閱讀下歹悔文根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容

8、填空。在未給提示詞的空白處僅填寫1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~,在給出提示詞的空白處用括號內(nèi)所給詞的正確形式填空。AI WaS lucky enough to attend the SiXth UN ECOnOmiC and SOCial COUnCil YOUth Forum, (21)VVaS held inNeVV YOrk in JanUan At the OPenJng ceremony. I WaS SO ImPreSSed alter meeting more Ihan 500 fellow young PeOPIe from OVer 200 COUntrieS and regions. I

9、felt things I USed to Wony about, SUCh as my exams Or PerfbrmanCe at school, Were SO SmaIl (22)(COmPare) to the global PrOblemS they VVere trying to solve. (23)young people, We ShOUId focusmore On major problems. IIke poverty, environmental PrOblemS and healthcare facing all human beingsBA BBC film

10、CreVV WaS WOrking On the remote LOrd HOWe Island for a new WiIdIife documentary CalIed DrOWning in PIaStia They filmed many birds Ihat (24)(die) for no Clear reason After SOme research, they found OUt the IrUth(25)CaUSed the death Of the birds WaS that IheIr StOmaChS Were Ilterany too IUll Of PIaStI

11、C The documentaryr terB. anxiousC annoyedD disappointed36A. CrOSSingB. SPendingC. nearingD delaying37.A. IriedB. managedC. intendedD. hesitated3&A. IeelingsB. greetingsC. WarnIngD WaitIng39.A. UnWiningIyB. impatientlyC. nerouslyD IhankfUnV40.A. SOB. andC. forD. WhIle41.A. IUCkB. honorC delightD grat

12、itude42.A. afraidB. ConfidentC surpnsedD excited43.A. deniedB. realizedC. discoveredD. forgotten44.A. CnjOyingB followingC. imaginingD recognizing45.A. CaSyB. SlOwC. WrongD. PClSonal46.A. UPWnrdB. downwardC. forwardD. backward47.A. try ingB. failingC. refusingD. Pretending48.A. fortuneB. SCeneiyC. P

13、aetD. future49.A. SPeed IimitB. fast trackC. COmfbrt ZOneD daily routine50.A. WaStingB. IOSingC. missingD. deleting第二部分:閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,共30分)閱讀下列短文從每題所給的& B、CX D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。AThiS Tiny BOX Will HeIP YOU ReIaX In Terrible SUmmer Heat!Traditional Air ConditiOnerS (AC) are OUtd

14、ated.Tliey COSt a IOt to install and even more to nm. They are huge, noisy and dangerous to CIean-YOU cant move them around the house WiIh you Or take Ihem outside! ThOUSandS Of PeOPle are now USing a much ChCaPCr alternative to COOI themselves in the heat and ClCan their PCrSOnaI air. With OVer mil

15、lion UnitS SOId Worldvidc, this device is becoming OnC Of the most SUCoeSSfUl gadgets Of 2019. EVERYONE WantS IhiS awesome IOOkmg box for summer!What ArC WC TaIking About?Meet the new AirFreez. an innovative alternative to AC that COoIS you just the same! ItFS a PerfeCt SOIUtiOn for those VCry hot d

16、ays and nights! ThC AirFrccz was designed by two SWiSS CnginCCrS WhO WCrC fed UP SUffCring the hot SUmmCrS.Thcy realized that AC UnitS arc SUPCr inefficient and COSt a IOt Of money to usc.Thc CnginCCrS also discovered that none Of the traditional AC UnitS WCre made to travel with.So, they designed t

17、his Iight-WCighL POrtablC Air COOling box. It USCS a VCn, Smail amount Of CICCtriCity and all WithOUt SaCriflCing any Of the main benefits Of a top AC model! It tiny, CaSy to USC and it Can CoOl you in seconds!What IS SO SPCCiaI AbOUt ThiS LittIC Box?ThC main benefits Of AirFrCCZ arc its PortabiIity

18、 and price.It is no Iarger than a IUnChbOX Besides, it Can be IX)Weret amazing. MOSt AC UnitS cost at IeaSt S300 AND you have to Pay for installation PLUS coxcr the CXPCnSiVC CICCtriCity bills CaCh month.AirFreeZ COStS IenS than SlOO (Actually $53 for each if you buy more than OnU Ilere). NO messy i

19、nstallation, no CXPCnSiVC CICCtriCity bills Fara COOling Unit Of LIliS quality, this InUSl be IhC SinglC best PriCC-quality AC Unit there is!IIOVV Can YOU Get An AirFrcez?NOw that you are aware Of this amazing new iventiom here is how to get One Order it from Ule OflICial WebSite for BEST PRICE.51 W

20、hiCh Of the following WOrdS Can best describe AirFreez?A. Smart but fragileB. Costly but multi-functional.C. FOklabIe and durable.D Handy and energy-saving52. What Can WC ICain about Arlrccz?A. It COStS IeSS than S53.B. It requires no COnIPlCX installation.C. Il docsn( COnSUme CICClriCiIv.D. It is a

21、 IittlC IargCr than a IUnCh box.53. What is the PUrPoSe OftbiS passage?A. TO advertise Airfrccz.B. To UXPlain IhC IUnCtiOnS OfAirFreez.C TO introduce the inventors Of AirFrCCZD. To COmPare AkFreeZ WitII traditional AC.BI gl married just after I graduated from ColICgU and found a job to SUPPOrt OUr f

22、amily al IhU nearby MaSSaChUSCttCSInStitutC Of TCChnoIOgy (MIT). It VVaS in the Iaboratorj- Of Prof. Edwaixi LOrCnZ that I ICanlCd What a COmPUtCr WaS and how to develop software.One day my husband SaW a newspaper advertisement. The MlT InStrUmentatiOn LabOratorr WaS IOOking for PeOPle to develop SO

23、ftWare to send man to the moon: DeePIy attracted both by the idea and the fact that it had never been done before, I became the first PrOgrammer to join and the first WOman the Iab hired.At the beginning, nobxly thought SOftware WaS SUCh a big deal. BUt then they began to realize how much they VVere

24、 relying On It OUr SOItWare needed to be Very reliable and able to detect an error and recover from It at any time during the mission.My daughter, LaUre Iiked to intimate me一PIaying astronaut. One day. She WaS VVith me When I WaS doing a SimUIatlOn (模扌以)Of a mission to the moon She started hitting k

25、eys and all Of a sudden. She SeIeCted a PrOgram WhICh WaS SUPPOSed to be run before IaUnCh- The COmPUter had SO Iittle SPaCe that it WiPed the navigation data Uking her to the moon. I thought, my GOdthis COUkl happen by accident in a real mission. I SUggeSted a PrOgram Change to PreVent a PreIaUnCh

26、PrOgram being SeleCted during flight. BUt Ihe higher-ups at MIT and NASA Said the astronauts Were too Well trained to make SUCh a mistakeOn the Very next mission , APOnO 8, One Of the astronauts On board accidentally did exactly What LaUren had done. The LaUWn bug! It Created destruction and require

27、d the mission to be rearranged. After that, they Iet me PUt the Program Change In It WaS Ihe PrOgram Change Ihat had a CrUCIal influence On the SUCCeSS Of the mission Of APOIIo 11DUrlng the early days OfAPOllo, SOftWare WaS not taken as SeriOUSIY as Other engineering disciplines (學(xué)科).It WaS OUl Of d

28、esperation I Came UP Wlth Ihe term software engineering Then One day in a meeting. One Of the most respected hardware experts explained to even-one that he agreed With me that the process Of building SOftWare ShOUId also be COnSidered an engineering discipline, just Iike With hardware. It WaS a memo

29、rable moment.54Vrhat do We know about the author?A She taught LaUren to Write SOfIWareB. She got her master1 s degree IrOm MlTC. She is the first WOman ever hired by MlT-D. She Created the term software engineering.55. SThe LaUren bug in Para.5 refers to.A a Pet to accompany LaUrenB. a mission to Ia

30、nd On Ihe moonC. a mistake CaUSIng data IOSSD a SOftWare ending PreIaUnCh56 What greatly COntrlbUted to APOllO IrS SUCCeSS according to the passage?A The in-time UPlOad Of dataB. The PrOgram change.C. Astronauts rich experienceD. Experts* new attitude.57. What Can We Iearn from Margarets story?A HOn

31、eSt is the best POlICyB. A good beginning is half done.C. TWO heads are better than one.D. ChanCeS favor Ihe PrePared mindCFrOm IingUists POint Of view, grammar is a Set Of PaUernS for how VVOrdS are PUt together to form PhraSeS Or clauses. Whether In SPOken Or Wntten DIflerent IangUageS have differ

32、ent PattemS SOme SChOlarS have tried to identic- patterns Common to all languages. BUt apart from SOme basic Ieatures. few Of these SO-Caned IingUIStlC UnIVerSaIS have been found.The StUdy Of these PaItemS OPen UP an OngOIng debate between two positions, known as PreSCnPtIViSm and descriptiViSm Pres

33、criptivism thinks a given IangUage ShOUld follow COnSiStent rules, WhiIe descriPtiViSmVariatiOn andadaptation as a natural and necesan- Part Of IangUage FrOm much OfhiStor) the VaSt majority Of IangUage WaS SPOken BUt as PeOPIe became more interconnected, Writing gained importance. VVritten IangUage

34、 WaS SUndardiZed to allow broader CommUniCation and ensure that PeOPIe in dierent PartS around COUId UnderSUnd each OtherLangUage PUrIStS WOrked to establish and promote this Standard by detailing a Set OfrUleS that reflected the established grammar Of IheIr times. And rules for Wntten grammar Were

35、applied to SPOken IangUage as Weil SPeeCh PattemS that deviated from the Written rules Were COnSidered SignS Of IOW SOCial status. And many PeOPIe WhO are grownups SPeaking in these VVayS Were forced to adopt the StandardiZed form.MOre recently, however. IingUiStS have UnderStOOd that SPeeCh IS a Se

36、Parate PhenOmenOn from Wnting With ItS OWn regularities and patterns. MOSt Of US ICam to SPCak at SUCh an CarIy age that We dont even remember it. We form OUr SPOken SkinS through UnCOnSCiOUS habits, not memorized rules. And because SPeeCh also USeS mood and intonation for meaning, its StrUCtUre is

37、Often more flexible, adapting to the needs Of SPeakerS and listeners. ThiS COUld mean avoiding COmPleX CIaUSeS that are hard to UnderStand in real time, making ChangeS to avoid awkward PrOnUnCiatiOn Or removing SOUndS to make SPeeCh faster. ThiS IingUIStiC approach Ihat IrleS to UnderStand and map S

38、UCh differences WIthOUt dictating COneCt OneS IS known as descptvism. Rather Ihan deciding how IangUage ShOUId be used, it describes how PeOPle actually USe It and tracks the innovation they COme UP Wlth In the process.BUt While Ihe debate between PreSCrIPtlViSm and descriptvism continues, the two a

39、re not mutually exclusive. At ItS best, PreSCnPtiVISm IS kiSeflll for Infbrming PeOPle about Ihe most COmmOn established PattemS at a given POint in time. Ultimately, grammar IS best COnSIdered as a Set Of IingUIStiC habits that are COnSUntIY being negotiated and TeInvented by the entire group Of Ia

40、ngUage users. Like IangUage itsell its a WOnderfUl and COmPIeX fabric WOVen through Ihe COntribUtlOnS Of SPeakerS and listeners. WnterS and readers. PreSCrIPtIVIStS and descriptvsts from both near and far5&The Underlined VVOrd “deviated in ParagraPh 3 PrObabIy merpcal course, then the Older YOU get,

41、 the maturer you WiIl become. However, its not SUCh good news for youngadolescents, because at this POInu SOmethIng known as Ihe “disruption hypothesis kicks in.COnSIder a StUdY OfDUtCh IeenagerS WhO COmPIeted PerSOnalitv, tests each yer Ibr SiX Or SeVen YearS from 2005. The boys ShOWed a temporary

42、dip in COnSCientiOUSneSS rderliness and self-discilpline in early adolescence, and the girls ShOWed a temporary, increase in neuroticismemotional instability. ThiS SeemS to back UP SOme Of the StereotyPeS We have Of messy teen bedrooms and mood swings. Thankfully, this decline in PerSOnality is shor

43、t-lived, With the DUtCh data ShOWIng that the teenagers PreVIOUS POSItIVe traits rebound (反彈)m Iater adolescence.BOth ParentS and their teenage ChikIren agree that ChangeS occur, but surprisingly, the PerCeiVed Change Can depend On WhO IS measuring, according to a 2017 StUdy Of OVer 2.700 German Iee

44、nagerS TheyP rated their OWn PerSOnaIitieS twice, at age 11 and age 14. and their ParentS also rated their PerSOnalltleS at these IImeS SOme differences emerged: for instance, WhiIe the teenagers rated themselves as declining in agreeability, their ParentS SaW this decline as much shaper. Also, the IeenS SaW IhemSelVeS as increasingly extroverted (夕卜向的),but their ParentS SaW them as increasingly introvertedThiS mismatch Can PerhaPS be explained by the big ChangeS UnderVVay in the Parent-Child relationship brought On by teenagers gro


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