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1、英文寫作投稿信英文寫作投稿信Main sections Cover letter Follow-up Correspondence(催稿信)(催稿信) Revised Manuscript ( (稿件退修稿件退修) )21.How to write a coverletter keep it simple and professional. Your cover letter should be prepared in a standard business format (block or modified block).32.The informations in a Cover Lett

2、er (1)The correspondence information of the correspondent; (2)The title of the manuscript, the numbers of tables, figures, charts, plates and so on; (3)The statement that this manucript has never been partly or wholely published in or submitted to any other journals; (4)The statement that all author

3、s in the manuscript have agreed to submit it to this journal and its better to have each ones signature;4 (5)The statement that the research in the manuscript has been conducted under the guidance of international ethical standards if the research uses animals as experimental materials; (6) The stat

4、ement that your manuscript satisfies the requirements of the journal. (6)Suggested reviewers you think that are appropriate for this manuscript; (7)The statement on the inappropriate reviewers for this manuscript, and its better to state the reasons in concise words; (8)Some journals require the aut

5、hors to briefly introduce his research purposes, methods and results.Concise and clear, less than one page.5Dr. Shengli RenDepartment of Physics, Qinghua University83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian DistrictBeijing 100083, P R ChinaEmail:Tel:Fax:July 18, 2015Dear Editor:This is a manuscript entitled “Inter

6、national visibility of Chinese scientific journals” by Shengli Ren and Ronald Rousseau. It is submitted to be considered for publication as an “Article” in your journal. All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. N

7、either the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.6We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it .Correspondence should be addressed to Shengli Ren at the fol

8、lowing address, phone and fax number, and email address: Thank you very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours,Shengli Ren (簽名簽名)Ronald Rousseau (簽名簽名)7Dear Editor, We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassi

9、um Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons, which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience. GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinsons disease. In this paper, we report

10、an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kina

11、se. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and

12、 consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinsons disease. Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I

13、 amSincerely yours,83. Things You Should Never Mention 1. Irrelevant personal information.2. Announcements of your unprofessional status.3. Hype(夸張)(夸張).4. Apologies about your article (or yourself).5. A description of the articles flaws.6. Explanations of why you are sending material that doesnt ma

14、tch the publications guidelines.97. Demands or expectations.8. Opinions of your family, friends, or writing teachers.9. A list of prior rejections.10.Dont forget to check grammar and spelling. 10Examples I am currently a substitute teacher with a lifelong penchant for daydreaming with my thoughts an

15、d emotions.“ “JACS returned this manuscript. I was advised to submit it to PCCP. Enjoy!“ This whole article is, of course, just a thought. Please publish the enclosed character study. 11Main section Cover letter Follow-up Correspondence(催稿信)(催稿信) Revised Manuscript ( (稿件退修稿件退修) )12Follow-up Correspo

16、ndence(催稿信) If you do not receive acknowledgment within 2 weeks, call or write to the editorial office to verify that your manuscript was indeed received.13Dear editor,After the submission of our manuscript entitled Cancer classification by expression profiles: microRNA versus mRNA (tracking number:

17、 2007-10-11332) to Nature, six weeks have passed. So I would like to inquire the status of our manuscript.We think that our comments on the original paper of Nature will cause widespread interest to both experts and non-experts. This is because microRNA is a hot spot in life science; the author of t

18、he original paper is a VIP in cancer research based on gene expression profiles, with a SCI H index of 45, total citations more than 15,000 times, and this paper citied 365 times; and the algorithm we proposed outperforms the recent state-of-the-art algorithm. Moreover, by using other state-of-the-a

19、rt algorithms, we can also prove that the original authors main conclusions are wrong.I am looking forward to your reply. Thanks a lot.14Main section Cover letter Follow-up Correspondence(催稿信)(催稿信) Revised Manuscript ( (稿件退修稿件退修) )15Revised Manuscript ( (稿件退修稿件退修) ) If you receive a decision letter

20、that calls for revision, examine it and the accompanying reviewers comments carefully. If the reviewers are right, you should follow their directions and rewrite the manuscript accordingly. If the reviewers and the editor seriously misread or misunderstood your manuscript, you may explain it reasona

21、bly and logically. 1617l Include a point by point response to the reviewers comments and highlight the changes you have made.l Try to make your argument convictive by citing important references. 18Response to the reviewers comments on manuscript #TA-ART-04-2015-002817 We are grateful to the referee

22、s for examining our paper. After carefully considering the referees comments we have revised the paper. The following details our response to the referees comments. Referee 1 Recommendation: I do not understand the ideas behind the calculations. Fig 1a indicates a proton which must come from the ele

23、ctrolyte, and also an electron, which must come from the external circuit. Response: We find that the original Fig. 1 (a) fails to depict the Volmer reaction process properly. Electrons actually migrate within the material, rather than from the electrolyte to the material surface. We therefore revis

24、e the figure so as to explicitly show the process of electron transportation to a surface S site followed by a proton adsorption.19In Fig. 1b and the discussion on p.2 electron and proton transfer are treated as separate steps. In fact, they occur simultaneously or concerted. Therefore at least surf

25、ace II in Fig. 1b makes no sense. Also, I have no idea what is meant by the coordinate in this plot. Response: We dont think electron and proton transfer occur simultaneously. In fact, protons are more likely to adsorb on anions or negatively charged systems, because they have larger proton affiniti

26、es and can release more heat upon adsorption. In contrast, proton adsorption on neutral systems is more difficult due to their smaller proton affinities (see Jolly, William L. “Modern Inorganic Chemistry”, for the proton affinities of both neutral and charged molecule). In addition, reactive dynamic

27、 studies also show that the adsorption barrier of protons is higher for neutral systems, indicating that electron transfer should be prior to proton adsorption (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (20), 66926698). Nevertheless, we add a sentence “Therefore, the overall Volmer reaction can be separated into

28、 a prior electron addition process and a subsequent proton adsorption process, which is energetically more favorable than the opposite order.37” in the first paragraph of Sec. II to make the discussion more convictive. The abscissa label coordinate in Fig. 1 (b) refers to the ionic nuclear configura

29、tion, i.e. the geometries of the catalyst. The potential energy curves schematically depict the energy change of a material with varying nuclear coordinate. Similar potential surface plots can be found in many other literatures (e.g. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 811 (1985) 265-322). For the purpose

30、 of more understandable, a sentence “The abscissa label coordinate refers to the ionic nuclear configuration.” has been added in the caption of Fig. 1 (b).2021One thing that comes to mind is support interactions. The authors calculate for free standing monolayer, but any real HER catalyst would have

31、 to be supported. Recently, DFT calculations (e.g., Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 13811387) have shown that support interactions can have a profound effect on the hydrogen adsorption free energy. Hence, for any correlation with experimental results support interactions would likely be important to include. C

32、ould the authors comment on that? Are the conclusions likely to change if support interactions, including strain, are included? Response: We include a paragraph of discussion on the influence of support interactions at the end of Sec. III since we feel that it is indeed an important issue to be cons

33、idered. We suggest that support interactions may affect the basal-plane catalytic activity because of the possible electron transfer between a support and the catalyst on it. For a donor-type support, such as Au(111), electrons transfer from the support to the catalyst, diminishing the electron affi

34、nity of the catalyst and weakening the hydrogen binding. Different from the case of MoS2-edge catalysis (Ref. 51), where edge reconstruction can be induced, support interactions are not expected to change the atomic configuration on the basal planes, as observed by many experiments. Accordingly, the

35、 adiabatic proton affinity will not change too much. The major influence of support interactions on the basal-plane catalytic activity is therefore by changing the adiabatic electron affinity of the catalyst, which is similar to the case without supports and can also be described by the proposed com

36、putational model. In this sense, existence of a support will not affect the use of the method to draw the same conclusions, and also cannot change the fact that the HER activity is relatively better for 1H-NbS2, 1T-MoS2 and 1T-NbS2 than for 1H-MoS2, as is confirmed experimentally (Ref. 27).22This re

37、sult is significant for the future prediction of catalyst activity for series of chalcogenides of related materials. Provided that this trend can be extended to other materials it may be used generally to guide the selection of even more potent HER catalysts.The authors present they findings in a cl

38、ear and succinct manner, although the comparison to literature activities should preferentially be quantified if possible rather than left as a qualitative comparison.Response: We are pleased that the importance of this work is appreciated by the referee. In the last paragraph of Page 3, we compared

39、 our calculated activity of 1T-NbS2 to that calculated by Pan, and then the difference was discussed accordingly. The calculated activity of 1T-MoS2 is only qualitatively compared with the experiments because the experimental situations are more complicated. For example, there are coexistence of 1T

40、and 1H polymorphs in the experimental 1T-MoS2 and 1T-WS2 samples, and possible residue of lithium ions on the basal planes, and also existence of multi-layers in a nanosheet, etc, all of which can make the experimental results different from the calculated one. Nevertheless, we reproduce the experim

41、ental observation that proton binding on the basal planes of 1T-MoS2 is much enhanced relative to the case of 1H-MoS2, and in particular that the overpotential is less than 200 mV. This is the central subject we are devoted to address in this work, and therefore, the small difference between the cal

42、culated G and the experimentally measured one will not change the final conclusion.23The predicated electron affinities are poor by the PBE functional in the DFT calculation, I suggest that it should be included a large fraction of HF exchange.We think that hybrid functionals including the Hartree-F

43、ock exchange are not necessarily appropriate for describing interfacial chemical reactions such as molecular adsorption on solids. For example, the popular HSE hybrid functional has been demonstrated to considerably overestimates the adsorption energies (New J. Phys. 10, 063020 (2008). Indeed, we ge

44、t a G of ca. 0.05 eV for 1T-MoS2 of 1/8 H coverage using HSE, which is much different from the experimental onset overpotential of 0.187 V. Using B3LYP, another popular hybrid functional, we get a G of ca. 0.15 eV, much closer to the experimental result. However, the structural parameter prediction

45、using B3LYP is not good (New J. Phys. 10, 063020 (2008). This means that including the Hartree-Fock exchange can only improve some properties but worsens others. Interestingly, the calculated B3LYP electron affinity of the unstrained 1T-MoS2 (1.325 eV) agrees also well with the PBE result (1.321 eV, as shown in Fig. 3), indicating that the PBE electron affinities are reliable. In overall, the GGA-le


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