The Americans《美國諜夢(2013)》第五季第九集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
The Americans《美國諜夢(2013)》第五季第九集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
The Americans《美國諜夢(2013)》第五季第九集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
The Americans《美國諜夢(2013)》第五季第九集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
The Americans《美國諜夢(2013)》第五季第九集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、Previously on "The Americans".美國諜夢前情提要Henry has really come into his own.亨利態(tài)度突然轉(zhuǎn)變了He's - He's prepared, he's interested,他預(yù)習(xí)充分 興趣高漲and he's demonstrated a real aptitude展現(xiàn)出了面對挑戰(zhàn)時(shí)的for challenging material.真正能力We think we know what happened to William.威廉的事已經(jīng)弄清楚了Somehow he infec

2、ted himself with the virus he was carrying.不知道為什么 他染上了自己攜帶的病毒I'm afraid he has one last job.恐怕他還有件未竟之事Hold on.等下I have to talk to you.我需要和你們談?wù)処'm going home.我要回家了Muj?圣♥戰(zhàn)♥者Yeah.是的What is it?這是什么See the blood there?看見那血跡了嗎Is that all blood?這些都是血嗎Yeah.是的Christ. I've ne

3、ver seen anything like that.老天 我從來沒見過這樣的東西*May God bless and keep you always*愿上帝的庇護(hù)與你同在Oh, man.天吶*May your wishes all come true*愿你都能夢想成真Yeah.好*May you always do for others* *愿你永遠(yuǎn)幫助他人*And let others do for you*愿你能受到同樣的恩惠*And may you stay forever young*愿你永遠(yuǎn)年輕*Fore-*永遠(yuǎn)* Come on, blow 'em out. Befor

4、e the wax drips. Okay, okay.快吹蠟燭 等下蠟滴下來了 好的You want to know what I wished for?你想知道我許了什么愿望嗎Well, don't tell me.不要告訴我So, uh, what'd you do on the day?那你在生日這天都做些什么呢I have this tradition with my dad.我一直和我爸爸一起過He takes me to The Jockey Club for crabcakes.他帶我去賽馬俱樂部吃蟹肉餅Yeah.是的We, uh, used to do it

5、when I was little with my mom.我小的時(shí)候會(huì)跟媽媽一起去It sounds sweet.聽起來很溫馨You miss your son, don't you?你想念你兒子 對吧You think about him a lot?你會(huì)經(jīng)常想他嗎Yeah.是的What do you think about?都會(huì)想些什么That someday I'll - I'll get married有一天我會(huì)結(jié)婚and I'll have kids.也會(huì)有自己的孩子And I'll do it right for them.我會(huì)好好照顧他們

6、I don't think anybody does it right.我不覺得有誰能做到那么好Okay. I won't screw it up completely.好吧 那就是不要完全搞砸That's a better ambition.這個(gè)愿望更好一些Yes, that's four seats total,好 一共四個(gè)位子and it can be two and two, across the aisle.可以兩兩一邊 隔著過道.Okay, I will book that. Yes.好的 我會(huì)訂的 好的Did we ever get reimbur

7、sed for the Lyndhurst cancellation?我們有收到林德赫斯特取消訂單的補(bǔ)償嗎I don't think so. Ask Stavos.我想沒有 問問斯戴沃斯Okay.好的We should get Henry to do the books,我們應(yīng)該讓亨利來做賬目he's so good at math. He's good at everything.他數(shù)學(xué)很好 他什么都很擅長I still can't get over that report card.我還是不能忘記那張成績單I know.我知道Did you ever thi

8、nk that he'd be doing better than Paige?你有想到過他會(huì)比佩姬做得更好嗎It seems like she's over Matthew.看樣子她已經(jīng)忘記馬修了Well, that's good.那很好Does Tuan ever say anything徒安有跟你提起過about any girls to you?任何姑娘嗎I just think he's lonely.我覺得他太孤獨(dú)了Yeah.是的I was supposed to go over there tomorrow,我本來想明天去那看看but Evghen

9、iya asked me to go shopping,但是葉夫根尼婭叫我一起去買♥♥東西and I need to do that.我需要去I'll go over and see Tuan tonight. Bring dinner.我今晚會(huì)過去看看徒安 帶晚餐過去Maybe even stay the night.也許在那兒待一晚上I just think, from now on,我只是在想 從現(xiàn)在開始we have to ke-我們必須Yes?請進(jìn)Dr. Tippens' office for you.蒂平斯醫(yī)生辦公室的電&

10、amp;hearts;話♥Thanks.謝謝This is Philip Jennings.我是菲利普·詹寧斯Hello, Mr. Jennings. This is Dr. Tippens' office.你好 詹寧斯先生 這里是蒂平斯醫(yī)生辦公室For your appointment Thursday at 2:00 p.m.,您周四下午兩點(diǎn)的預(yù)約Dr. Tippens is not available.蒂平斯醫(yī)生無法抽身There's going to be a substitute, his colleague,將為您調(diào)換為他的同事Dr.

11、 Penderson.佩德森醫(yī)生He's a very dear, old friend,他是一位親切的老朋友a(bǔ)nd he's never too busy to help someone in need.而且他再忙也愿意幫助有需要的人Thank you. I understand.謝謝 我知道了Dr. Penderson's office佩德森醫(yī)生的辦公室is at 4629 Southeast Grasslands Parkway,在東南草原公園大道4629號♥near the intersection of 26♥4&a

12、mp;hearts; and Tresslau.靠近26♥4♥大街和特雷斯勞大街的交匯路口Okay. I'll see him then.好的 我會(huì)過去的One of Gabriel's people. Thursday.加布里爾的人 周四Stan.斯坦It's not absolutely conclusive yet,雖然還沒有定論but they just translated an intercept from Thailand他們剛剛翻譯了一份從泰國攔截的情報(bào)showing travel for a group of

13、 known KGB officers情報(bào)顯示了在蓋德遇害的同一時(shí)間coming in and out of the country幾名克格勃官員在泰國at the same time Gaad was murdered.從入境到出境的行程安排There was nothing else going on in Thailand除此之外再?zèng)]有其他事能與to tie those guys to.這些人聯(lián)♥系♥到一起I know how you feel about squeezing Burov,我知道你對逼迫布羅夫這事的態(tài)度but it might

14、take years for us to get somebody like that但想再找克格勃內(nèi)部的人inside the KGB again.也許要花上許多年I could be next on their list.他們名單上的下一個(gè)人可能是我Or you.或者是你Any of us can be a target.任何人都可能成為目標(biāo)He's there. He's vulnerable.而他就在那兒 我們知道他的弱點(diǎn)Let us use the tape against him讓我們用錄音帶對付他and get him working with us agains

15、t them.讓他和我們合作對付那些人吧Think it through.考慮一下吧Hello?有人嗎Tuan?徒安Tuan?徒安Uh, just a sandwich.就三明治吧Um, roast beef, lettuce, onion, mustard, on a roll.加烤牛肉 生菜 洋蔥 芥末醬Um, okay. Got it.好的 知道了Hello?有人嗎Hey, Evgheniya. It's Dee.葉夫根尼婭 我是迪伊Sorry to call you so late.抱歉這么晚打給你Are you okay?你還好吧I was just wondering if

16、 Tuan was over there.我只是想問問徒安有沒有在你家I don't think so. Wait.應(yīng)該不在 等一下Nyet.沒有Sorry, Dee.抱歉 迪伊Pasha does not know where Tuan is.帕夏不知道徒安在哪Okay. Thanks.好吧 謝謝I'm sure he'll turn up soon.我想他一會(huì)兒就會(huì)回來了Okay. Bye.好的 再見.flashlights got through and the batteries didn't.手電筒通過了但是電池沒有Well, is there a n

17、ew shipment on the way?還有其他貨嗎That's the problem.這就是問題所在Tulip's the translator.圖利普是翻譯Steve recruited him.史蒂夫雇的他So who was at the meeting?都有誰參加了會(huì)議Tulip, Daisy, and Shepherd.圖利普 戴西 謝潑德Well, tell her I'll miss it.告訴她我去不了了I can't make every goddamn party.我不能每次聚會(huì)都去I'll let her know.我會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)

18、告她的I have to submit his PAR by Thursday,我周四要上傳他的參數(shù)so whether he's back here or not,無論他回不回來I still need to finish.我都得完成Well, don't spend too much time on it.別在那上面花太長時(shí)間了Muj?圣♥戰(zhàn)♥者Yeah.是的What is it?這是什么See the blood there?看見那血跡了嗎Is that all blood?這些都是血嗎Yeah.是的Christ. I'

19、ve never seen anything like that.老天 我從來沒見過這樣的東西The doctor said it's some kind of hemorrhagic fever.醫(yī)生說是某種出血熱Did he say anything else?他還說什么了嗎His report is on the way.他的報(bào)告馬上就好Tuan never came home.徒安沒回家I called the Morozovs around 10:00.我十點(diǎn)左右往莫羅佐夫家打過電♥話♥He wasn't with Pash

20、a.他沒和帕夏在一起I waited until 3:00 a.m.我一直等到凌晨三點(diǎn)He could be out with those new kids, but.他可能跟新朋友出去了 但What?什么I don't know.我不知道Out in the middle of the night.大半夜的What, you think he's reporting on us?怎么 你覺得他要告發(fā)我們To who? His people?跟誰告發(fā) 他的人嗎The Centre talked to them.中心跟他們談過了I know.我知道Not the American

21、s.不可能是美國人I can't imagine.我無法想象I went through the house. I didn't find anything.我搜了一遍房♥子 什么都沒發(fā)現(xiàn)Okay.好吧I mean, it would make sense that he's out with those kids如果他是在努力讓孩子們和帕夏作對if - if he's trying to work them against Pasha, but.那么他們一起出去玩就說得通了 但是3:00 a.m. just seems a little

22、late.凌晨三點(diǎn)有點(diǎn)太晚了Yeah.是啊It didn't feel right.不對勁We'll check it out.我們會(huì)查清楚的Have Norm and Marilyn. Yeah.讓諾姆和瑪麗蓮 好I, uh.我I was at Kimmy's a few days ago.我?guī)滋烨霸诮鹈准褹nd on the tape, um.錄音里說a group of Mujahideen died of a hemorrhagic fever.有幾個(gè)圣♥戰(zhàn)♥者死于出血熱So maybe it wasn't a

23、bout protecting us也許不是為了一旦發(fā)生核戰(zhàn)后after a nuclear attack.保護(hù)我們Maybe they just wanted to use it in Afghanistan.也許他們只是想在阿富汗使用它We don't know it's the same virus we gave them.我們不知道和我們給他們的是不是同一種病毒It's a hell of a coincidence if it isn't.如果不是的話就太巧了Ah, that's great.太棒了Yes, she will.是的 她會(huì)Hav

24、e you been busy today, Father?你今天忙嗎 神父Never too busy to help someone in need.再忙也愿意幫助有需要的人Gabriel gave me all this equipment before he left.加布里爾走之前把所有的設(shè)備都給我了To make the reports for the next few months.為了做接下來幾個(gè)月的報(bào)告He showed me how to use it, but.他給我示范了用法 但是I can't use it.我用不了It's all right. I&

25、#39;ll tell them.沒事 我會(huì)告訴他們的Father Victor was out again上周二和周三很晚的時(shí)候last Tuesday and Wednesday, very late.維克多神父又出門了He came back both times drunk.兩天他回來的時(shí)候都喝醉了I know he's been seeing the Frenchman.我知道他一直在見法國人How much of this did Gabriel know?這件事加布里爾知道多少He knew about it, but it's getting more seri

26、ous.他知道 但情況越來越嚴(yán)重了His Eminence the Metropolitan大主教閣下is listening to Father Victor more and more.越來越聽信維克多牧師的了I've seen them meeting in private.我見過他們私下會(huì)面I know what you'll think.我知道你們怎么想That I'm looking out for myself, my position.你們覺得我是想保全自己 保全自己的位置That I'm jealous.覺得我嫉妒I'm not.我沒有

27、I'm telling you what's going on我把事態(tài)告訴你們so you can protect yourselves.好讓你們保護(hù)好自己All right.好吧Thank you.謝謝Will I see you again, then?那我還會(huì)再見到你嗎Only if something urgent comes up.除非出了急事Um, the new person who's coming to work with you跟你一起工作的新人should be here in two to three months.兩三個(gè)月后應(yīng)該就到Someti

28、mes I hear things -有時(shí)我聽到的exactly the things I was asked to tell you about.就是我應(yīng)該告訴你的事I don't know if they're urgent.我不知道這些事是否緊急I used to just tell Gabriel, and.以前我只是告訴加布里爾Well, he always said it was very important for him他總是說我們需要深入談?wù)則hat we talk them through.這對他很重要I'm sorry. I just can

29、9;t meet with you on a regular basis.抱歉 我們不能這么規(guī)律地碰面I understand.我明白I will pray for you.我會(huì)為你祈禱的Okay.好You should try it.你應(yīng)該試試I keep hearing that.總是有人跟我這么說It is a great solace.這是很大的慰藉Especially when you live this kind of life.尤其是當(dāng)你過著這樣的生活How's your son doing?你兒子怎么樣了Good. Thanks for asking.很好 多謝關(guān)心He

30、's a senior now, if you can believe it.他高三了 真難以置信Yeah.是的Ah, thanks.謝謝Looking at colleges?在選大學(xué)嗎Yeah. With his mom mostly.嗯 主要和他媽媽一起看You know we're not, uh.你知道我們已經(jīng)I know.我知道Well, she's in charge of all that.這些事都是她說了算W-Well, it's - it's nice of you to come.你能來真好It's been, um, qu

31、iet since the funeral.葬禮后這里一直很安靜Have you been. seeing friends?你有見朋友嗎Getting support?有人幫忙嗎Some.有一些You know, not one of you from the office has been by.你們局里沒有一個(gè)人來過Or called.或者打過電♥話♥That's awful.太糟糕了I, uh.我I guess we're not the best at that.我想我們并不擅長這種事Now that he was retir

32、ed, I thought maybe.我還想著他都退休了 也許.Sorry.抱歉It's okay.沒事How are things there?那邊的事情怎么樣Okay.還行You know, he was a great boss.他是個(gè)好上司I mean, I'm not the easiest guy to be the boss of.能把我管住很不容易Did you just come to visit?你只是來看看的嗎Well.其實(shí)I'm sure that, over the years,我相信這些年里he's told you some th

33、ings他肯定給你說過一些事that you couldn't repeat.你不能再次提起的事Yes.是的We have a better sense now of what happened in Bangkok.我們現(xiàn)在對曼谷的事有了進(jìn)一步了解It was them.是他們干的And now I have something on someone else -我有一個(gè)人的把柄an unrelated case -無關(guān)案件but the department wants me to use it但是局里希望我利用這把柄as a way to get back at them.來報(bào)復(fù)

34、他們The thing is, this guy, he didn't do anything.問題是這人 他沒有做什么事The opposite.正好相反I don't see putting him at risk我不想將他置于險(xiǎn)境so we can go after some other people.好讓我們?nèi)Ω兑恍┤薘evenge isn't that important.復(fù)仇沒那么重要And I don't think it would be to Frank.我想對弗蘭克來說并不重要He would want revenge.他會(huì)想要復(fù)仇的Hi,

35、 Henry.亨利Can I talk to you guys for a second?我能和你們聊聊嗎S-Sure. Everything okay?當(dāng)然 出什么事了嗎 know你們知道how I've been doing really well at school recently?最近我學(xué)習(xí)成績不錯(cuò)對吧We sure do.是的My friends have been, too.我朋友也是My new friends. Like Chris.我的新朋友 比如克里斯And she's going to this great high school nex

36、t year她明年要去一所叫called St. Edwards.圣愛德華的高中It's in New Hampshire.在新罕布♥什♥爾州Her brother's a junior there.她哥哥在那上高一Her dad went and her uncle.她爸爸 叔叔都是從那畢業(yè)的Her whole family.她們家都是So, is it a religious school?是宗教學(xué)校嗎No, no.不是It's - It's just called that.只是叫這個(gè)名字而已And I want

37、 to go there.我也想去那It's in - It's in New Hampshire?是在 在新罕布♥什♥爾州是嗎Right, but it's a boarding school,對 但它是一所寄宿學(xué)校so I would live there during school,所以學(xué)期中我需要住在那兒and then I'd come home vacations.放假再回家And when would this start?什么時(shí)候開學(xué)Next fall.明年秋天W- Uh, what - what -那

38、 那what's wrong with - with the high schools here?這兒的高中有什么不好嗎Well, like Paige's: they're not that serious,和佩姬上的那所差不多 學(xué)風(fēng)不夠嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)kids mess around,同學(xué)只知道瘋玩and it would be hard to get the teacher's attention.這樣我很難讓老師注意到我Well, there are private schools here.那這兒也有私立學(xué)校啊But, w- isn't it expens

39、ive?等下 學(xué)費(fèi)不貴嗎I mean, p-p-private schools cost a fortune.要上私立學(xué)校得花一大筆錢Yeah, but at St. Edwards,沒錯(cuò) 但是在圣愛德華I can probably get a scholarship.我可能會(huì)拿到獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金I sent in an application.我已經(jīng)遞交了申請了Already? Without telling us about it?!已經(jīng) 沒和我們商量就申請了Okay, look.聽著It's not like I can go and not tell you.我又不可能瞞著你們直接去Yo

40、u have to, like, say yes.我總需要你們的同意Henry, wait. Okay. Let's just -亨利 等下 讓我們Let's slow this all down for a second.這件事我們先放一放But it's a great opportunity, Mom.但這是個(gè)很好的機(jī)會(huì) 媽媽Henry, do you not want to live here?亨利 你不想住在這兒嗎No, no, it's not that at all.不 不是 不是這回事兒It's just that St. Edwards

41、 is great.只是因?yàn)槭鄣氯A這所學(xué)校很好Chris told me all about it,克里斯給我介紹過and her dad wrote a recommendation for me.而且她爸還幫我寫了封推薦信He - He wrote a recommendation?他 他寫了封推薦信Look, it's an important school.聽著 這是所重量級學(xué)校Important people have gone there.很多大人物都在那兒上的學(xué)Two senators and a guy who won a Nobel Prize.那兒出過兩個(gè)參議員

42、一個(gè)諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)得主It's really prestigious.它真的是所名校The academics, the sports, the activities:學(xué)術(shù)研究 體育競技 文娛活動(dòng)they're all right there.那兒應(yīng)有盡有You wouldn't have to drive me anywhere.你們也不用再開車送我了I'd just be there.我就一直待在那兒The teachers are your coaches.那兒的老師也充當(dāng)家教You eat dinner with them. You wear coats an

43、d ties.我會(huì)和他們一起吃晚飯 然后穿西裝打領(lǐng)帶It's serious.很正式的The students are waiters.學(xué)生也充當(dāng)侍者It's a lot of responsibility.讓人很有責(zé)任感Here, here's a brochure.這是宣傳冊So.Chris.所以 克里斯Oh, no, no. It's nothing like that.不 不 不 不是你想的那樣She's not my girlfriend. She's - She's just a friend.她不是我的女朋友 她只是朋友Bu

44、t you've been spending a lot of time with her family?但你卻經(jīng)常和她的家人呆在一起My teacher Mr. Jeffries thinks it's a great opportunity.杰弗里斯老師也覺得這是個(gè)好機(jī)會(huì)He says that I'm at the most important developmental stage:他說我現(xiàn)在正處于個(gè)人成長中最重要的階段kids my age.對我這年齡的孩子來說Don't we want to capitalize on that?我們不該好好利用這個(gè)

45、時(shí)期嗎Galina?加林娜May I come in for a moment?我能進(jìn)去待一會(huì)兒嗎I-I won't stay long.我很快就走Thank you.謝謝Oh, I'm interrupting your dinner.我打擾你吃晚飯了It's just a snack.只是點(diǎn)心Well, it looks good.賣♥♥相不錯(cuò)Would you like something to drink?你想喝點(diǎn)什么嗎Just a glass of water, please.一杯水就行 謝謝How's yo

46、ur Russian coming?你俄語學(xué)得怎么樣了Your life will get better when your Russian improves.你俄語要是能進(jìn)步 生活也會(huì)變好Do my parents know where I am?我的父母知道我在哪兒嗎No.不But I spoke to them, and I told them you were safe.但我和他們聊過了 告訴他們你很安全That you were being taken care of會(huì)有尊敬你的人by people who respect you.來照顧你Why are you here?你來這兒干

47、什么Do you have some news for me?是來給我?guī)Э谛诺膯酦o.不是Did you came all this way just to -你這么大老遠(yuǎn)跑來就是為了要.No. No.不 不是I'm - I'm here now.我 我會(huì)留在這兒I-I've retired.我已經(jīng)退休了I was done.我不干了Are you married?你結(jié)婚了嗎No, no. No.不 沒有I never was.我從沒結(jié)過婚Too difficult for my work.對我的工作來說太麻煩了I have some family.我有一些家人Well

48、, that must be nice.那肯定很好Well, we're not close.我們不那么親密But I came to hear about you.但是我來是想知道你過得如何Tell me, do you like your teacher?說說看 你喜歡你的老師嗎Galina?加林娜She's nice.她人挺好She comes in every other day.她每隔兩天會(huì)來一次We talk.我們聊天She helps with grammar, writing.她教我語法 寫作And who takes care of everything el

49、se?那其他事情是誰在處理Volodya.沃洛佳from your organization.你們組織的人He makes sure I have what I need.他確保我能有我需要的東西You're friends?你們是朋友嗎No.不是Has Volodya introduced you to people?沃洛佳有把你介紹給其他人嗎A few. Men.一些男人Nobody suitable.都不合適Well, as soon as your language improves,只要你的俄語有所進(jìn)步we'll see to it that we find you

50、a job at a paper我們肯定會(huì)給你在報(bào)社or in publishing, translating.或者出版社 翻譯社找份工作Y-You'll meet people.你會(huì)認(rèn)識其他人的Clark thinks about you, Martha.克拉克很想念你 瑪莎He wanted to send you a letter, but it's not allowed.他想給你寫信 但那是不允許的He's the reason I talked to your parents.是他讓我和你的父母談?wù)凥e insisted.他很堅(jiān)持He wants what&

51、#39;s best for you.他真心為你著想We all do.我們都是What's best for me?為我著想I understand everything now, Gabriel.我現(xiàn)在什么都明白了 加布里爾All of it.所有事You can go.你可以走了And please don't come back again.還有 拜托你別再來了There you go. Thank you.給 謝謝You look at it?你看過了It's - It's like an Ivy League college.那里就像是一所常青藤大學(xué)

52、It's like a country club.像一家鄉(xiāng)村俱樂部It's like a fancy orphanage.更像是一所高級的孤兒院If you told me when I was a kid his age如果我在他這個(gè)年紀(jì)的時(shí)候有人告訴我that I would live in a house like this.我可以住在這樣的房♥子里.The thing is.問題在于he has been working hard.他一直很努力We have to let him grow up.我們應(yīng)該讓他成長He doesn't hav

53、e to go away to grow up.他不需要去那么遠(yuǎn)的地方成長It might be good for him.那樣或許對他有好處He's doing fine here.他在這里過得很好Look at his grades.看看他的成績I mean, a place like this -像這種地方Y(jié)ou think he's gonna keep wanting你覺得他真的會(huì)一直希望to wear a coat and tie to dinner every night?每天晚上西裝革履的吃晚飯嗎I mean, I'm - I'm glad he's doing so well at school,我很高興他在學(xué)校表現(xiàn)那么好but he's not the kind of kid -但他不是那種孩子Hello?喂The Rexer tour, yes.雷克斯旅行團(tuán) 好的Thank you.謝謝Tuan.徒安Next, step down, please.下一位 請過來Good to see you. Yeah, you too.很高興見到你 我也是Da.是的Da.是的Where were you你去哪兒了What? Where w


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