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1、名言大全希望對您有幫助,謝謝高中英語名言警句導(dǎo)讀: 本文是關(guān)于高中英語名言警句的文章,如果覺得很不錯,歡迎點評和分享!1 、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能腳踏實地地邁一步。Evenup to the highest hill , a step in a down-to-earth way 。2、即使道路坎坷不平,車輪也要前進(jìn);即使江河波濤洶涌,船只也航行。Even if the bumpy road , the wheels also advance ;Even choppy rivers , the ships navigation 。3 、 窮則思變,差則思勤!沒有比人更高的山?jīng)]有比腳更長

2、的路。Adversity leads to prosperity , poor is frequently ! There is no mountain higher than people more than the feet long way。4 、沒有激流就稱不上勇進(jìn),沒有山峰則談不上攀登。Noapproaching in the torrent is not , no peaks are not climb 。5、認(rèn)識自己,降伏自己,改變自己,才能改變別人。Knowthemselves , yield themselves , change yourself to change oth

3、ers 。6、 嘴里說的人生,就是自己以后的人生。Mouth say life , arethe life of his own future 。7、 改變自己,是自救, 影響別人,是救人。 Change yourself ,is a self-help , influence others , is to save 。8、 如果懼怕前面跌宕的山巖,生命就永遠(yuǎn)只能是死水一潭。If thefear of ups and downs in front of the rock , life will never can be a backwater 。9、只有懂得謙虛的意義,才會得到別人的教誨,才會

4、處處受人喜愛。 Only understand the significance of modesty , will receive the teachings of others , will be popular everywhere 。10 、歲月可以讓你的皮膚起皺紋,失去了生命的熱情卻必然使你的靈魂起皺紋。Time can let you may wrinkle the skin , butlost the passion of life will wrinkle your soul 。11 、 含淚播種的人一定能含笑收獲。The sow in tears will reapwith

5、a smile 。12 、 心有多大,舞臺就有多大!只有想不到的,沒有做不到的!How much heart , the stage have how much ! Only unexpected , no can't do !13 、 年輕很值錢,但不努力就不值錢。Young is very valuable ,but don't work hard is worth 。14 、快樂不是因為得到的多而是因為計較的少!Happiness isnot because of get of many but because caring less !15 、 最足以顯示一個人性格的,

6、莫過于他所嘲笑的是什么東西。The most enough to show a person's character , is what he is laughed at by 。16 、記住該記住的,忘記該忘記的;改變能改變的,接受不能接受的。Remember what should be rememberedand forgetwhat should be forgotten 。 Alter what is changeable , and accept what is not acceptable 。17 、 人之所以痛苦,在于追求錯誤的東西。People are sufferi

7、ng ,lies in the pursuit of the wrong things 。18 、 當(dāng)一個人先從自己的內(nèi)心開始奮斗,他就是個有價值的人。When a person from his first heart begins to struggle , he is a man of value 。19 、 人之所以平凡,在于無法超越自己。People are ordinary ,is unable to transcend themselves 。20 、 只要路是對的,就不怕路遠(yuǎn)。As long as the road is right ,is not afraid of road

8、 far 。21 、任何業(yè)績的質(zhì)變都來自于量變的積累。Any qualitativetransformation of outstanding achievements comes from quantitative accumulation 。22、一件事被所有人都認(rèn)為是機(jī)會的時候,其實它已不是機(jī)會了。 One thing is considered by everyone as opportunities , in fact it is not chance 。23、 做對的事情比把事情做對重要。Do the right thing is moreimportant than doing

9、things right 。24、 情執(zhí)是苦惱的原因,放下情執(zhí),你才能得到自在。Of boardis the cause of the distress feeling , put down the feeling of , you can be at ease 。25、 、 除了放棄嘗試以外沒有失??!In addition to give up tryingno failure !26、一份耕耘一份收獲,未必;九份耕耘一份收獲,一定。Nopains , a harvest , not necessarily ; 。 No pains , a harvest , a certain 。27、

10、挫折實在就是邁向成功所應(yīng)繳的學(xué)費。Frustration is whatsuccess really should pay tuition fees 。28、再長的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不邁開雙腳也無法到達(dá)。 Again long way , step by step , also can go through , again a short road , do not stride feet can't reach 。29 、付出不一定有收獲,努力了就值得了。Paying is notnecessarily harvest , effort is worth 。30、敢于向黑

11、暗宣戰(zhàn)的人,心里必須充滿光明。Who dares todeclares war on the dark , the in the mind must be full of light31 、 這里有陽光和雨露,有默默耕耘的身影。There are sun andrain , there is silent and cultivated 。32、自棄者扶不起,自強(qiáng)者擊不倒。Ziqi guided , men fail 。33、與其臨淵羨魚,不如退而結(jié)網(wǎng)。Instead the pond , andnetting 。34、帶著感恩的心啟程,學(xué)會愛,愛父母,愛自己,愛朋友,愛他人。With a th

12、ankful heart , learn to love , love parents ,love and be lovablelove yourself , love friends ,35、人與人差別非常小,差別在思維方式,小小的差別決定了一個人的成功與失敗。Human difference is very small , thedifferences in the way of thinking , small difference determines a person's success and failure 。36、 智者順時而謀,愚者逆時而動。The wise chro

13、nological andstratagem , fools inverse 。37、人生最重要的一點是,永遠(yuǎn)不要迷失自己。The mostimportant thing in life is that never lost yourself 。38、 假如你??闯晒?,以恒心為良友,以經(jīng)驗為顧問。If you seesuccess , perseverance , for friend , experience as your adviser 。39、當(dāng)你知道迷惑時,并不可憐,當(dāng)你不知道迷惑時,才是最可憐的。 When you know that confuse , is not poor ,

14、 when you don't know that confuse , is the most poor 。40、沒有一種不通過蔑視、忍受和奮斗就可以征服的命運。Noone without contempt , endurance and struggle to conquer fate 。41 、 命運如同手中的掌紋,無論多曲折,終掌握在自己手中。Fateas hand palmprint , no matter how twists and turns , in our own hands 。42、有計劃就去做,不要總找借口。In a planned way to do ,and

15、don't always find an excuse 。43、自己打敗自己是最可悲的失敗,自己戰(zhàn)勝自己是最可貴的勝利。 Beat yourself is the most lamentable failure , his victory over his is the most precious of victory 。44、 牢記所得到的,忘記所付出的。Remember that what youget , what you do forget 。45、生命價值不在于獲取多少,生命價值在于付出多少。Howmuch value of life lies not in the acce

16、ss to , the value of life lies in how much 。46、對于攀登者來說,失掉往昔的足跡并不可惜,迷失了繼續(xù)前時的方向卻很危險。For the climber , lose the past footprint isnot a pity , lost to the direction of the front is very dangerous 。47、海浪為劈風(fēng)斬浪的航船餞行,為隨波逐流的輕舟送葬。Thewaves to split the wind chopped waves ship farewell dinner,to go with the flo

17、w in the canoe of honor 。48、真心的對別人產(chǎn)生點愛好,是傾銷員最重要的品格。Truepoint of interest to others , is the most important part of dumping character 。49、活魚會逆流而上,死魚才隨波逐流。Live fish will beupstream , only dead fish go with the flow 。50、流過淚的眼睛更明亮,滴過血的心靈更堅強(qiáng)!Tears eyesmore bright , drop of blood the heart more strong !51

18、 、學(xué)佛是對自己的良心交待,不是做給別人看的。StudyBuddhism is to own conscience , hand over to treat , do not show other people 。52 、在家里看到永遠(yuǎn)是家,走出去看到的是世界。To see isalways in the home , go out and see the world 。53、每一發(fā)奮努力的背后,必有加倍的賞賜。Behind eachstrenuously , there will be a double reward 。54、心有多大,舞臺就有多大。How much heart , the stagehas much 。55、 欲望以提升熱忱,毅力以磨平高山。Desire to enhance theenthusiasm , perseverance in order to smooth the mountain 。56、心中裝滿著自己的看法與想法的人,永遠(yuǎn)聽不見別人的心聲。 Heart filled with their own views and ide


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