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1、小印說考研核心詞匯速成考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 11、1994年完型1. And price is the number one factor influencing consumers' _ of vehicle in China, with 98% of respondents naming it, compared with 82% of UK consumers and 83% of those in the U.S.A. desire   B. conclusion   C. choice   D. purp

2、ose2. Although the rain pours down with the _ relentlessness, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles.A. top     B. utmost   C. graceful   D. dissipated3. The Romantic Movement, which started as a _ against

3、 the industrial revolution of the century, was born and flourished in Germany, but has not stopped the Germans from being Europe's most successful entrepreneurs and industrialists.A. constancy   B. construction   C. convention   D. reaction4. First of all, dont let

4、your emotions _ with your vision. Don t see something because you want to see it.A. interfere   B. interpret   C. consolidate   D. comply5. To prevent local _ of the disease, mosquito-breeding places must be eliminated.A. transference   B. transmission &#

5、160; C. change   D. console答案: CBDAB考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng) Unit 22、1995年完型1. The scientists monitored the patients' blood pressure, release of harmful hormones(荷爾蒙) and other measurables that_ heart failure.A. characterize   B. consider   C. integrity   D. intend2.

6、The companies _ no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.A. intervene   B. dictate   C. prolong   D. assume3. Architectural form should not rigidly follow_, but ought to reflect the needs

7、of the social body it represents.A. profession   B. function   C. vacation   D. vocation4. The_ of today I come here is to help people who want to learn English but dont know how to learn.A. neglect   B. proposal   C. purpose   D. likely5.

8、Survival is usually uppermost in the minds of companies with their backs to the wall, even if that entails being reduced to a minority stake. In Thailand, however, most ailing companies seem loathe to admit that their conditions may be_.A. gross   B. fatal     C. flat&#

9、160;      D. extinct 答案: ADBCB考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 33、1996年完型1. The results showed that tobacco yields could increase with the increase of _ fertilizer.A. organic   B. corrupt   C. poisonous   D. civil 2. We speculate that it is not caffeine bu

10、t perhaps some other _ contained in soda-type soft drinks that may be responsible for the increased risk in hypertension," said the study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.A. contemporary   B. counterpart   C. compound   D. con

11、tent3. The Government is planning to assign 40 per cent of road_ works to the private sector contractors in the short term and increase the level to 100 per cent in 10 years.A. schedule   B. maintenance   C. scrape   D. scrutiny4. It became _ that our stay in the U.S. w

12、ould be a long one and I immediately began thinking on how best to pursue my interest in economics.A. secure   B. shallow     C. apparent   D. apparatus5. Now any hotel or travel agency can book your tickets and _ transportation to the station.A. supervise

13、0;  B. interfere     C. resent   D. arrange  答案: ACBCD考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 44、1997年完型1. Buying a train or a bus ticket used to be a major hassle. Now any hotel or travel _ can book your ticketsA. resource   B. recollection   C. agency 

14、0; D. agony2. Hes just like a fly hanging around. Sorry, not a fly. Its a_ of flies flying near your earsA. bunch   B. swarm     C. lump     D. pile3. They were _, sometimes 8 feet long, and many of them lived in the swampy pools in which our coal se

15、am, or layer, or formed.A. giant     B. clever   C. delight   D. light4. Nowadays the average age at which people settle down and marry is much older than it was 30 years ago, so singles will tend to have more_ income.”A. dependent   B. redundant

16、0;  C. professional   D. disposable5. "John Mills was a great actor, a true gentleman and a _ friend; someone who made us proud to be British," Blair said in a statement.A. loyal     B. liar     C. gangster   D. predominant 答

17、案:CBADA考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 55、1998年完型 1. The _ age at first marriage in the USA has been inching upward; it's now 26 for women and 27 for men. A. first     B. average   C. fundamental   D. essence2. Kung Fu features abundant varieties and delicate skills

18、 and has become _physical exercises.A. valuable   B. priceless   C. widespread   D. worthless3. Of the January sun; and not to think of any_ in the sound of the wind, in the sound of a few leaves.A. prick     B. prestige   C. pressure 

19、  D. misery4. Rice may reign supreme in Vietnamese cuisine (烹飪), but fish and seafood are not far behind in significance or _.A. abundance   B. pretext   C. pride     D. pack5. _economic considerations are what the Chinese President termed "three evi

20、l forces" - terrorism, extremism and separatism - which prompted the idea of a regional mechanism. A. Lessening   B. Legal   C. Preceding   D. Dizzy考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 66、1998年完型1. We sincerely hope to _ business relations with your esteemed corporation.A. distribute&

21、#160;  B. establish   C. arrange   D. erode 2. And where wealthy women _ from most men is in their interests in socially responsible investing.A. disagree   B. esteem   C. escalate   D. differ 3. _ is not healthy, and it makes everyone

22、 angry.A. Erection   B. Cruise   C. Stress   D. Cue 4. Computer technology enabled the researchers to _ precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect (智能) and emotion, and determine the human character.A.

23、obtain   B. complain   C. compose   D. constitute5. In a lifetime, many of us spend as much on_ as we do on other things.A. coinage   B. insurance   C. cluster     D. casualty 答案: BDCAB考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 77、1999年完型1. "If the in

24、stitute's results are correct, then the actual numbers for cocaine _are much higher than the accepted figures," Roman Simon said .A. assumption   B. assimilation   C. deterioration   D. consumption2. Above all, in western areas of China, there is_ of electricit

25、y supply. So, cities that are thirsty for electricity may ask for remote help.A. definite   B. surplus   C. limited   D. deliberate 3. The company helps businesses _ growth strategies, leverage technology, and thrive through the power of collaboration.A. deliver

26、60;  B. circulate   C. implement   D. commemorate4. To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam. Without _ preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly. A. sufficient   B. deficient  

27、 C. formidable   D. abundant5. Suddenly ploughed tracts and _ channels appeared, and the glisten of flooded rice-fields; and cranes preceded the suburbs of Mari.A. fracture   B. fragment   C. irrigation   D. impulse  答案: DBCAC考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 88、2000年完型1.

28、 SHENZHEN will_ the raising of poultry inside the special economic zone and buy anti-flu drugs worth 20 million yuan (US$2.5 million) in case of a bird flu outbreak.A. ban     B. incorporate   C. knit     D. knot 2. China will_ rapid development

29、 of its space industry, with the launch of programs for a space station, moon probe and new-type rockets in the next 30 years.A. leak     B. witness   C. lean     D. pledge3. Exceptional children are different in some _ way from others of the same ag

30、e. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.A. popular   B. dim     C. portable   D. significant 4. The army has roughly doubled in size since 1988, when it bloodily suppressed a wav

31、e of _ and installed itself in power.A. protest   B. position   C. postpone   D. pour5. You're carefully protected by a _ policy where personal information is strictly treated as confidential.A. portray   B. primitive   C. privacy   D.

32、procedure 答案: ABDAC考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 9 9、2001年完型1. Those creative achievements still date from the time when Great Britain was the _ world power.A. procession   B. private   C. proceeding   D. dominant 2. They distributed a _ that repeated the charge, wide

33、ly believed by Angolans, that the government is deliberately prolonging the country's devastating civil war in order to pillage its rich natural resources.A. priority   B. provision   C. pamphlet   D. pursuit3. One of the processes of evolving from a child to an adu

34、lt is being able to_ and outgrow our fears.A. recognize   B. illuminate   C. demonstrate   D. impose4. Undoubtedly, the_ innovation indicated by course of marketization is one of the engines of Chinese economy.A. imaginable   B. institutional   C. im

35、mune   D. illiterate5. From what has been discussed above, I am fully convinced that the _ life-style is undergoing a decline with the progress of modern society, it is not necessary a bad thing.A. humid   B. hostile   C. leisure   D. humble  答案: DCABC考研英

36、語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 1010、2002年完型 1. Instead of my usual rant I want to be a little more constructive and_ in my latest column.A. identical   B. intellectual   C. gloomy   D. federate2. The port is a center for rail and highway transport and is planned to _a traffic flow

37、of 30,000 standard containers per year.A. finance   B. feed     C. accommodate   D. evacuate3. It took me about a month to _ to the altitude.A. evoke   B. exaggerate   C. evaporate   D. adjust4. Through all of these experiences, I

38、 have accumulated the following abilities and literacy which make me have full _ to be a qualified teaching assistant in your university.A. evaluation   B. excess   C. effect     D. confidence5. Other members of the profession will not only respect the scholar

39、ship, they will _ the humility and honesty.A. admire   B. damage   C. destroy   D. cure 答案: BCDDA考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 11 11、2003年完型1. Effective measures should be taken to create a good environment for _Internet surfers, and Internet bars should direct surfers, especia

40、lly young surfers, to have access to healthy online information. A. adult     B. conscious   C. jargon   D. juvenile 2. Our events offer different meetings and panels to encourage informal and personal _ with participating business school representatives.

41、A. assess   B. interaction   C. aspire   D. indignation3. For my part, I agree with the _ opinion for the following reasons .A. later     B. latest     C. latter   D. late 4. One of the greatest pleasures of academi

42、c life is watching young_ students form into finished mature scholars with well developed ideas.A. tentative   B. incredible   C. indifference   D. equivalent 5. First of all, mandatory retirement increases job opportunities for young people who have the energy to

43、exploit and thus it is an effective way to ease the pressure of _ and help the development of companies.A. establishment B. domain   C. unemployment   D. depict  答案: DBCAC考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 1212、2004年完型1. Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and _in act. Honesty is

44、a good virtue.A. disgraceful   B. dull     C. upright   D. exotic2. Sentiments of benevolence draw us to society, allow us to _ its advantages, provide a source of approval for just acts, and motivate us to do just acts ourselves.A. disperse   B. dis

45、till     C. drain   D. perceive 3. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it , let alone to ask what lay beneath

46、the _.A. top     B. surface   C. bottom   D. inside4. “I made up my mind then to _ their atrocity to the world,” he said.A. expose   B. junk     C. joggle   D. leave5. Researchers are not yet clear which ingredient of me

47、at might_ cancer.A. draw   B. humiliate   C. trigger   D. intrigue  答案: CDBAC考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 1313、1994年翻譯1. His hypothesis that the Earth was round, developed after observing that the height of stars was different at different locations and noticing how ships appe

48、ared on the _, formed the basis of modern map making.A. hospital   B. hostile   C. horrible   D. horizon2. It may be either depending on who's telling it, who's listening and the _ variations upon the theme.A. eccentric   B. innumerable   C.

49、alien   D. eminent3. And sales is the_ activity of business. It deserves a louder hurrah than it gets.A. fundamental   B. eloquent   C. devalued   D. agreed4. I am having a _ with my neighbors over an illegal suit they have built without permission from the pr

50、oper authorities.A. elevation   B. enterprise   C. dispute   D. frown5. Guardians of the Republic _ successful launch of Shenzhou VI with great joy .A. gallop   B. hail     C. curse     D. gamble 答案: DBACB考研英語核心詞匯速成

51、勝經(jīng)Unit 14 一、   真題文章(1995年)1.   In the second place, from _ aspect, the majority of children seem totend to have an unfavorable attitude toward additional educational activities.A. philosophy   B. chemistry   C. psychological   D. futile 2.

52、At the same time, the Net is increasingly populated with spiders, worms, agents and other types of automated beasts designed to penetrate the sites and seek out and _ information.A. furnish   B. fuss     C. fuse       D. classify3. More tha

53、n 100 young scientific and technological _have now become the leading persons in their respective technological areas, and the persons taking charge of some key technological programs are young people aged 30 or even younger.A. personnel   B. friction   C. stuff   

54、    D. hand 4. We just do it too quickly and do not have enough time to completely_ some news. And most online news reporters are young." Chen said .A. handicap   B. validate   C. harass     D. hamper 5. "In terms of interact

55、ive features, traditional media is not _with online media such as Sina," Chen says.A. compared   B. included   C. comparing   D. comparable答案: CDABD考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 15一、   真題文章(1996年) 1. So in that respect you may say that the old Chinese culture was

56、 more benevolent toward women than the European one. However, my_ is that the benevolence was rooted purely in selfishness nobody else was allowed to have with the discarded property.A. intercourse   B. intend     C. junction   D. theory 2. Since its_ in

57、October 2001, it has became a large cooperation in scale through several years of development.A. justified   B. establishment   C. joint     D. occupation3. Competent in management and organization, attention to _, and good judgment. Ability to work well with

58、others under pressure and to communicate effectively.A. offence   B. occasion   C. detail     D. peak4. Although we dont follow our parents advice and sometimes, we even do what our parents _, they dont consider us as the black sheep.A. oppose   B. a

59、gree     C. praise   D. pave5. Life could be poor and life could be lonely, but what we could never lose is the _heart towards life.A. patent     B. passive   C. rack     D. elegant 答案: DBCAD考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 16一、

60、60;  真題文章(1997年) 1. Some analysts _that the recent market rise has been caused by investors' blind faith in bank and technology shares.A. quiz   B. decline     C. argue   D. refuse 2. We never went anywhere truly exotic during October becaus

61、e, unlike the insanity here where a billion people squeeze onto the trains, this holiday didnt_ for adults unless requested: days off are more liberally applicable in Britain.A. exist     B. rage   C. compare   D. raise 3. Thankfully the Chinese governmen

62、t has seen how _ this policy was, and now foreigners and Chinese pay the same to get into parks, museums, monuments and fairgrounds.A. wonderful   B. absurd   C. wise   D. ironic4. Retailing Association and Shenzhen Banking Association, which represents 17 banks, proved

63、 _after the banks refused to adopt any concrete measures.A. random   B. readily   C. fruitless   D. rear5. “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and_ infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living.”General Omar Bradle

64、yA. ethical   B. eternal   C. elastic   D. flexible答案: CABCA考研英語核心詞匯速成勝經(jīng)Unit 17一、   真題文章(1998年) 1. According to NASA, "Hubble played a key role in discovering that a mysterious form of energy called dark energy is acting like a _ gas pedal, accelerat

65、ing the universe's expansion rate.A. elapse   B. edible     C. comedy   D. cosmic2. The_ of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead.A. defect   B. pattern   C. pile

66、     D. deception3. I tried to look over. But my head was too heavy in the position I was in. I got a _of energy and grabbed hold of the bars. I moved my legs.A. decent   B. dump   C. burst     D. dwarf4. Americans are waiting longer to get

67、 married, but they shouldn't wait too long: The odds for a happy marriage may favor those who tie the _ between the ages of 23 and 27, says a survey out Thursday. A. ebb     B. drop     C. enforce   D. knot 5. The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally _.A. plausible   B. random   C. humorous&#


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