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1、致那些年,我們追過的動畫片。致那些年,我們追過的動畫片。P.S : It is cartoons not animes2016-4-16演講人:演講人:411全寢全寢 When I was a child , about 5 years old , I did not know cartoons very much. At that time , I just played outside . For me , when I was 6 years old, cartoons came into my world .Since then, I started to love cartoons.

2、I think that you are the same. We are all after the 1990s . Everyone must have some moving cartoons in our hearts Do you remember Do you remember these warriors (these warriors (勇勇士士) ?) ?演講人:陸迪I dont want to explain any more . This cartoon is really a classic . Tom and Jerry are good friends . They

3、 like playing tricks on each others. But they are still living in a happy life.Tom and Jerry演講人:鐘醒 tells a story about : A group of smart elves who are living in a forest struggle with some evil elves and a bad witch . At last , they win . They still have a happy life. The Smurfs (藍(lán)精靈藍(lán)精靈)Left me wit

4、h the most impressive cratoon is Have you seen the cartoon? The cartoons writer is Zheng YuanjieThe king of the Story. He writes a lots of stories, but is the most influential in China. Shuke and Beita are good friends. They are ashamed of their status .They are just mice. So they help others to cha

5、nge others impressions about mice. They are helpful、clever、hopeful. I have learnt a lot from them. I think they are the forth teacher in my life. This cartoon affect many people. This is the classic.演講人:胡欣歡But nowYes , blieve your eyes .This is not fake(虛假的).Its “全國熱播熱播”But it copys the cartoon from

6、 Japan!演講人:馮潔琦The sheep are always playing tricks on the village chief, this is not the behavior of the respect for elders will affect childrens etiquette education.LanYangyanglazy and greedy can make some children to follow and affect the healthy growth of children.As FeiYangyang like Meiyangyang,

7、it comes the puppy love students, is very bad.SO ON There are the some reasons why France forbid showing : This cartoon is not to say bad, just deviated from the original animation.(不是說這動畫片不好,只是與當(dāng)初的動畫偏離了很多)演講人:馮潔琦Borrow the words from “王偉寬王偉寬”:The cartoons in China nowadaysI cant believe my eyes! (亮

8、瞎了我的眼睛!亮瞎了我的眼睛!)演講人:陳利It makes me sick!To improve our cartoons industry in China in futureTo protect our eyesEveryone please “Good Good study , Day Day up” I hope in the near future, we can see a different cartoons.We can see a lot of excellent cartoons.KeKeSoI have a dreamKeKeSoI have a dreamWe cant get back, also can not return to the past, so everyone will cherish now.Wait until the future, we will not have it.我們已經(jīng)回不到過去了,也不可能回到過去,所以,我們已經(jīng)回不到過去了,也不可能回到過去,所以,請每一個人珍惜現(xiàn)在所擁有


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