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1、【英語對話雙人練習】英語對話練習就像是節(jié)食減肥一樣,想要一下子減肥成 功或是一下子就能夠提高英語口語水平的話,是不大可能 的。下面是X給大家整理的英語對話雙人練習,供大家參閱!英語對話雙人練習:相約看電影M: Hi, Ann. I was wondering if you are free tomorrow night?W: Well, George. I guess I am. Why do you ask?M: I've just gotten a pair of pre-sale “ Star Wars” movie tickets from a friend and was t

2、hinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere. Are you interested?W: Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me.M: My pleasuer.W: I really wanted to watch the“ Star Wars ” onthe opening day, but the pre-sale tickets were sold out. How did you manage to get hold of them?M: A friendof mine work

3、s at the corporateheadquarters of Pepsi, which is a major sponsor of the movie. He was able to get the tickets for free, and then he sold two more for me for 50 dollars a piece.W: You paid 50 dollars for each ticket? That's ahuge premium over the regular price.M: Not really. Considering the fact

4、 that otherpeople were willing to pay as much as 200 dollars eachon the “ black market ” . Besides knew you were really looking forward to watching “ Star Wars” on the opening day.W: Wow! I am really honored you went through allthis trouble just for mysake. I really appreciate that. So, what time ar

5、e we going?M: Well, let's see. The movie stars at 10:00. Weshould be there at least 1 hour earlier, because thereis a big line. I could pick you up at your house at 8:00, if that's ok wiht you.W: 8:00 pm, that's fine with me.M: Okay.W: So I'll see you tomorrow then at 8:00.M: Yeah, t

6、hat's great. rIIsee you tomorrow night.W: Ok, George. Bye!M: Bye, Ann!英語對話雙人練習:買票M: Can we have two tickets for 7:30?W: Yes, and would you like to have seats in the front or at the back?M: In the front, please.W: That's 35 yuan each.M: Thank you. And what's on tomorrow?W: Tarzan.M: Can w

7、e get tickets now?W: I am afraid not. Tomorrow is premiere.英語對話雙人練習:進入影院M: Wow,look at the line. It's worse than I expected. Weare lucky we got here an hour early. Or else we would definitely have had problems getting these good seats. rm glad we made the effort to xxe early.W: Me too. I learned

8、 my lesson last time I went to a premiere opening. I didn't arrive early enough and ended up with a terrible seat all the way in the front row. Believe me, it was one of the worst movie experiences ever.M: Yeah, I hate sitting in the front row.W: By the way, it was really thoughtful of you to ge

9、t this ticket for me. I really appreciate it. Why don't I buy you some popcorn and a drink?M: That would be great!W: Ok. What kind of soda do you want?M: Let me see. I 'll take a large Coke. As for thepopcorn, the medium size will do. Thanks a lot.W: I better get going. You hold my place in

10、lineand r II be back as quick as possible. Oh, I almostforgot. I better hold onto my ticket stub in case youget in before I get back. If that happens, just save me a seat and I ' ll meet you inside.M: Ok, it's a plan.M: Over here. Heather, on your left!W: There you are.M: Here you go! I save

11、d this seat for you.W: Thanks. Here is your popcorn and Coke. Sorry ittook me so long. There is a huge line at the counter.M: That's ok. Thank you so much.英語對話雙人練習:評論電影M: So what did you think about the movie?W: Well, I think this "Star Wars" episode is anexcellent piece of work, but n

12、ot as good as the previous ones.M: Really? I don't agree. This "Star Wars" episode was incredible!W: Why do you think so?M: Well, one of the most spectacular things about this one was the special effects. State of the art special effects are the main reason for the success of previous

13、episodes, so audiences have high expectations for this one, and I don't think they will be disappointed.W: You are right. The special effects were amazing. And I like the fact that they created so many fantastic settingsand otherworldly costumes, weapons andcreatures.M: It's kind of cool tha

14、t they are still using the same “ Star Wars ” theme song for this movie.W: Yeah! It reminds me of the previous "Star Wars" scenes.M: I know exactly what you mean. Hearing that song gives me a nostalgic feeling.W: I thought the overall plot of the movie was very interesting, but I don't

15、 think the character development was that strong.M: Do you think that they had anything to do with the casting of the movie?W: No, the casting is great and the actors wereexcellent. They just didn' t have a lot of funny ormeaningful dialogues. The writing was also a little weak.M: Well, maybe. B

16、ut I like the little kid who played “ Anakin Skywalker ” . I can't imagine anyone else playing that role.W: I liked him too. He is so cute! You know, eventhough I was slightly disappointed, I can't wait for the next episode. I wonder when they ' re going to start making it and when it &#

17、39; s scheduled for release?M: I've no idea. But looking at the success of "Star Wars" episode, rve a strong feeling production for the next episode will be selling pretty soon. I hope It will be even better than this one.W: I hope so, too.M: Well, I think we should go now. It's ge

18、tting pretty late.W: Okay, let's go!英語對話雙人練習:詢問演出W: Can I help you?M: Yes, would you like to tell me what's playing for tomorrow?W: Sure. Dave Cooper will be doing one night.M: Are there any good seats left for his performance?W: Sorry, they all sold out. There is going to bea local rock concert, and we have lots of seats for that.M: Well. What time does that begin?W: It begins at 7:00pm.M


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