



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上七年級上冊英語重點短語早上好Good morning!下午好 Good afternoon!晚上好 Good evening!你好 Hello! / Hi!你好嗎? How are you?我很好,謝謝!Im fine, thanks.見到你很高興 Nice to meet you.這是什么? Whats this?那是什么? Whats that?什么顏色 what color is / are ?用英語 in English這用英語這么說? Whats this in English?一本英語書 an English book一個橙子 an orange請拼寫它。

2、Spell it, please!我的名字是 my name is我是 I am 你叫什么名字? Whats your name?名字 first name姓氏 last / family name電話號碼 telephone number你的電話號碼是多少?Whats your telephone number?一張身份證 an ID card一張學生證 a student ID card一串鑰匙 a set of keys這串鑰匙 this set of keys電子游戲 computer game玩電子游戲 play computer games兩只手表two watches一本英語字典

3、an English dictionary一本漢語字典 a Chinese dictionary一塊橡皮 an eraser在背包里 in the backpack在鉛筆盒里 in the pencil case如何拼寫它?How do you spell it?How do you spell “book”?- B-O-O-K, book.失物招領 lost and found在失物招領處 in the lost and found case請打電話給Mary。 Please call Mary.請打12345。 Please call 12345.請打12345找Mary。 Please

4、call Mary at 12345.這是什么? Whats this?那是什么? Whats that?這/這些 this is / these are那/那些 that is / those are這是我的媽媽。This is my mother.那是我的爸爸。That is my father.這些是我的姐妹。These are my sisters.那些是我的哥哥。Those are my brothers.我父母親 my parents我的祖父母 my grandparents一張的照片 a photo of一張全家福照片 a photo of my family我的全家福 my f

5、amily photo這里有一張我的全家福。Here is a photo of my family.Here is my family photo.叔叔和阿姨 uncle and aunt他們是我的表兄妹。 They are my cousins.為而感謝 thanks for感謝你的幫助。 Thanks for your help.感謝你的來信。 Thanks for your letter.在哪里 Where is / are?在沙發(fā)上 on the sofa在墻上 on the wall在書柜里 in the bookcase在課桌下 under the desk在床底下 under

6、the bed在椅子底下 under the chair我不知道。 I dont know.一本數(shù)學書 a math book錄像帶 video tape一個鬧鐘 an alarm clock我需要 I need.我需要一本書。I need a book.這些東西 these things我需要這些東西。I need these things.我有 I haveI have a ruler.我沒有 I dont have.I dont have a backpack.你有嗎? Do you have?Do you have a watch?一個足球a soccer ball踢足球 play s

7、occer一個網(wǎng)球拍 a tennis racket打網(wǎng)球 play tennis一個乒乓球拍 a ping-pong bat一個乒乓球 a ping-pong ball打乒乓球 play ping-pong打排球 play volleyball打籃球 play basketball做運動 play sports玩電子游戲 play computer games看電視 watch TV在電視上看 watch on TV在電視上看籃球比賽watch basketball games on TV讓我們吧! Lets .讓我們打棒球吧! Lets play baseball.讓我們一起做運動吧!Le

8、ts play sports.那聽起來很棒!That sounds good / great.那聽起來很有趣!That sounds interesting.每天 every day每天做運動 play sports every day每天早上 every morning每一個男孩 every boy每一個學生 every student問題的答案 the answer to the question回答我的問題 answer my question一位跑步明星 a running star許多l(xiāng)ots of (修飾可數(shù)和不可數(shù)名詞)許多胡蘿卜 lots of carrots許多沙拉 lots

9、 of salad許多 many (修飾可數(shù)名詞)許多雞蛋 many eggs一些 some (修飾可數(shù)和不可數(shù)名詞)一些雞肉 some chicken健康食物 healthy food水果和蔬菜 fruit and vegetables對于早餐 (中餐,晚餐,甜點)來說 for breakfast /lunch /dinner /dessert我早餐吃漢堡。I have hamburgers for breakfast.你早餐吃什么?What do you have for breakfast?吃得好 eat well現(xiàn)在幾點? What time is it?Whats the time?

10、現(xiàn)在8點半。 Its 8 oclock.去上學 go to school起床 get up吃早飯 eat / have breakfast洗澡 take a shower做作業(yè) do homework許多作業(yè) lots of homework回家 go home到家 get home到達 get to到達學校 get to school到達酒店 get to the hotel去工作 go to work早飯之后 after breakfast下課后 after class放學后 after school午飯之前 before lunch8點之前 before 8 oclock一份工作 a j

11、ob聽音樂 listen to music喜歡做某事 love to do sth. 喜歡聽音樂 love to listen to music在早上 in the morning在下午 in the afternoon在傍晚/晚上 in the evening在夜間 at night看晨間電視 watch morning TV在6點鐘 at six oclock幾點? What time?你幾點起床? What time do you get qu?我6點起床。I get up at 6 oclock.人們通常早上做什么?What do people usually do in the mo

12、rning?人們通常什么時候吃晚飯?When do people usually eat dinner?了解關于的情況 know about然后 and then最好的朋友 best friends最喜歡的科目 favorite subject我/ 他/ 她最喜歡 my/ his /her favorite.我最喜歡的科目是音樂。My favorite subject is music.最喜歡的顏色 favorite color最喜歡的城市 favorite city最喜歡的食物 favorite food最喜歡的運動 favorite sport為什么喜歡? Why do you like?誰是你的科學老師?Who is your science teacher?一位英語老師 an English teacher一位美術老師 an art teacher非常繁忙 really / very busy最后一節(jié)課 the last class一個小時 an hour兩個小時 (for) two hours我打兩個小時的的排球I have volleyball for 2 hours.在星期一 on Monday在星期二


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