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1、中考知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)第一部分 高頻率的常見(jiàn)的單詞1. 星期Monday 星期一 ;Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 week 周weekend 周末weekdays 周一至周五2. 月份month; January 一月份;February 二月份; March 三月份 ;April 四月份; May 五月份; June 六月份; July 七月份 ;August 八月份; September 九月份; October 十月份 ;November 十一月; December 十二月 ;3

2、. 季度 season: spring; summer; autumn (fall); winter4. 職業(yè):manager; waiter; waitress; driver; professor; teacher; nurse; doctor; painter; photographer; visitor; secretary; inventor; scientist; actor; soldier; businessman.5. 學(xué)科與學(xué)習(xí)用品:dictionary; dairy日記;letter; newspaper; painting油畫、水彩畫; paint油漆; ma6. ga

3、zine; postcard; poster; fiction; novel; works; note; exercise; problem; question; language; plan; writing; subject; Chinese; maths; geography; history; biology; politics; science; physics; chemistry; project; skill; advantage; disadvantage; exam; examination; marks; score; advice; suggestion. 7. 常考的

4、不可數(shù)名詞: news;advice; information; music; fun; work; weather.8. 顏色的形容詞:黑black、棕brown、紅red、橙orange、黃yellow、綠green、藍(lán)blue、紫purple、灰grey、白white brown 褐色 purple 紫色 orange 橙色 pink 粉色9. 與人相關(guān)的詞: relative; cousin; neighbor; penfriend; speaker; foreigner; passenger; adult; king; queen; guest; host; teenager; pa

5、rtner;10. 身體部位:body; arm; back; finger; head; tooth; tail; hair; skin; neck; throat; heart; height; weight; age; 11. 運(yùn)動(dòng)娛樂(lè):interest; bobby; stamp; guitar; violin; piano; basketball; football; badminton; baseball; table tennis; golf; traveling; picnic; sightseeing; barbecue; race; competition; program

6、me; 12. 食物餐具:vegetables; potato(es); tomato(es); watermelon; coke; juice; soup; coffee; sugar; chocolate; ice-cream; dumpling; hamburger; noodle; sausage; meat; pork; beef; seafood; chicken; fried chips; spoon; fork; chopstick; bill; menu13. 動(dòng)物:elephant; creature; lion; giraffe; bear; kangaroo; pouc

7、h; snake; dragon; insect; bee; ant; frog; grasshopper; butterfly; dolphin;14. 植物: plant; bamboo; leaf(leaves); wood木頭; woods森林 seed; forest15. 疾病與藥:cold; cough; fever; headache; backache; rest; illness; ill; sick; medicine; pain; matter.16. 交通以及相關(guān): accident; traffic; traffic jam; traffic accident; h

8、eavy traffic; spaceship; spacecraft; truck; subway; underground; bicycle; motorbike摩托車; train; plane; helicopter; flight航線; tool; vehicle車輛; 17. 國(guó)家及語(yǔ)言:國(guó)家人/語(yǔ)言國(guó)家人/語(yǔ)言國(guó)家人/語(yǔ)言ChinaChineseGermanyGermanAfricaAfricanJapanJapaneseAustraliaAustralianItalyItalianBritainBritish/EnglishCanadaCanadianFranceFrench1

9、8. 校園相關(guān)地名: laboratory (lab); teaching building; playground; dormitory(宿舍);meeting;dining-room飯?zhí)茫籹chool-hall學(xué)校大禮堂;library; gym; clinic醫(yī)務(wù)室;19. 公共場(chǎng)所public places; cinema; bank; department store; museum; market; supermarket; store; bookstore; bookshop; post office; hospital; police station; railway stat

10、ion; zoo; university; stadium; restaurant; swimming pool; harbour海港;bridge; rest-room洗手間;wash room; toilet; church; grassland;20. 樓房以及居室: building; lift/ elevator ;exit; entrance; upstairs; corner; kitchen; lounge客廳;balcony陽(yáng)臺(tái);shower; bathroom; tap水龍頭;sink水槽;east, eastern; south; southern; west; west

11、ern; north; northern.21. 常見(jiàn)城市等名稱:London; New York; Paris; Sydney; Tokyo; Moscow; city;town; downtown; capital; province??;village; countryside; land; farm; palace; government; island; space; world ; environment環(huán)境。22. 居室物品: umbrella; toothbrush; brush; phone; cell phone; pottery陶瓷;fire; camera; photog

12、raph; card; lantern; lantern;23. 衣物: clothes; uniform; trousers; T-shirt; stocking長(zhǎng)筒襪;short短褲;swimsuit游泳衣;handbag; purse/wallet; toy;24. 節(jié)日: Mothers Day; Fathers Day; Teachers Day; Christmas; festival; April Fools Day; Womens Day; Childrens Day;25. 自然現(xiàn)象: mountain; hill; earthquake; ocean; field; far

13、m; harvest; light; moon; sunlight; sandstorm; temperature; degree度;sunshine; snow; shower陣雨;26. 其他重要單詞:invent; invention; sign標(biāo)志;example; pleasure; dream; war; joke; change零錢;message; total總量;population; pollution; sound; noise; voice; meeting; party; difference; moment;27. ??嫉牟豢蓴?shù)名詞:news; advice; in

14、formation; music; fun; work; housework; homework; weather; 28. 時(shí)間副詞 :soon; lately; already; recently; forever; 29. 地點(diǎn)副詞: abroad; outside; upstairs; downstairs; 30. 方式副詞:badly; slowly; loudly; quietly; strongly; gently; warmly; angrily; quickly; politely; importantly; excitedly; sadly; suddenly; help

15、fully; hard; well; fast; early; near; nearly; alone; forward向前; backward向后;31. 程度副詞:much; even; a little; a bit; very; quite; so ; too; almost; pretty; nearly; especially; enough; only; rather; 32. 頻度副詞: often; always; usually; sometimes; still; again; once; twice; three times; ever; never; seldom很少

16、; rarely很少; hardly;33. 表示否定的副詞: seldom很少; rarely很少; hardly幾乎不;neither; never; nor; yet; no;34. 其他的單詞:perhaps; maybe; probably; certainly; sure; else; whatever; however; instead; exactly.第二部分 中考??嫉墓潭ńY(jié)構(gòu):動(dòng)詞后接動(dòng)詞不定式(to do something)的結(jié)構(gòu)1. 常用的及物動(dòng)詞有:ask,agree,beg,care,choose,decide,expect,force,fail,hesitat

17、e,claim,hope,learn,long,manage,offer,pretend,plan,prepare,promise,refuse,want,wish等。2. ask/want/tell/sb. (not) to do sth.3. decide to do sth.決定做4. help sb. to do sth.幫某人做某事5. get ready to do sth. 為做準(zhǔn)備6. get ready to do sth.準(zhǔn)備做7. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花費(fèi).時(shí)間做 It took us two hours _ (wash)

18、the clothes.8. would like to do sth. 寧愿/想要做Would you like _ (go) shopping with us?9. be made/let /seen/watched/found/heard/to do sth./ (被動(dòng)結(jié)構(gòu))10. need to do sth. 需要去做We need _ (buy ) another bus.11. dont have to do sth.= neednt do sth. 不必要去做You neednt come here tomorrow if you are too busy.= You _ _

19、_ _ here tomorrow if you are too busy12. listen to sth. 聽13. go to some place to do sth. 去某地做某事I went to India _ (study) animals last year.We go to the park _ (see) the monkey.14. go to by bus/bike /car/ on foot/airI went to Guangzhou by air last week. = I _ _ Guangzhou last week.15. Its time to do

20、sth.= Its time for sth. 是做的時(shí)候了Its time _ (have) lunch. = Its time _ _.16. Its time for sb. to do sth. 是做的時(shí)候了Its time for us_ (have) lunch.17. Its time for sb. to do sth. 是做的時(shí)候了Its time for us _ (have) the meeting.18. sb. have a lot of things to do. 有很多事做I have a lot of things _ (buy) today.19. it is

21、 +adj+ for sb. to do sth 20. It is necessary/important/useful/dangerous/possible for sb. to do 有必要做.21. I find it + adj + for sb. to do sth.22. try ones best to do sth. 盡力去做某事We try/do _ _ _ _ (work) out the problem.23. be able to do sth.能夠24. be about to do sth.正要做某事25. be free to do sth. 能隨心所欲的做某事

22、26. be likely to do sth.不太可能27. be more likely to do sth. 有可能做某事28. be prepared to do sth.準(zhǔn)備做某事29. be ready to do sth. 樂(lè)于做某事30. be willing to do sth.愿意做某事;樂(lè)意做某事31. be sure to do sth. 一定32. beg sb. to do sth.請(qǐng)求某人做某事33. have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事34. have the patience to do sth. 有耐心做某事35. have

23、the right to do sth.有權(quán)利做某事36. in order to do sth. 目的是; 為了37. refuse to do sth.拒絕做某事38. be supposed to do sth. 如:He is supposed (to be) nice.他應(yīng)該是個(gè)好人。動(dòng)詞后接動(dòng)詞ing形式的結(jié)構(gòu)39. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事40. consider doing sth. 考慮做某事41. miss doing sth. 錯(cuò)過(guò)做某事42. practice doing sth. 練習(xí)做某事43. enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事44.

24、finish doing sth. 完成某事45. depend on doing sth 依靠做某事46. be fond of doing sth 喜歡走某事47. be proud of doing sth為做某事而驕傲48. be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事49. apologize for doing sth為而道歉50. have difficulty (in) doing 有困難做某事51. have no trouble (in) doing 做某事沒(méi)困難52. There is no use (in) doing.沒(méi)時(shí)間做某事53. Thank you

25、for doing sth.(謝謝你)54. practise doing sth.練習(xí)做某事55. look forward to doing sth.期望做.56. be busy doing sth.忙于走做某事57. What/ How about doing sth.? 做.如何?What about _ (have) a rest?58. Do you mind doing sth.? 你介意做嗎?Do you mind _ (close) the door?59. cant help doing sth. 忍不住做She couldnt help _(cry) when she

26、heard the news.60. go (on) doing sth. 繼續(xù)做They went on _ (work) when the rain stopped.61. keep sb. doing sth. 讓某人一直She kept me _ (wait) for a long time.62. keep(sth.sb.) +形容詞如: keep healthy/busy/quiet/warm63. prevent/stop sth./sb from doing sth. 阻止做如:The rain stopped us from _ (go) to the farm.64. sb

27、. spend (in) doing sth. 某人花時(shí)間/做I _ 20 yuan (in) _ (buy) the book.65. have trouble/problem/difficult (in) doing sth.66. feel like doing sth. 想做 I dont fel like _ (eat) anything today.67. like doing sth. 喜歡做(表示個(gè)人的喜好)I like _ (play) football very much.68. hate doing sth.69. prefer doing to doing70. be

28、afraid of doing sth.71. be good at doing sth.72. give up doing sth.73. be worth doing sth.74. deny doing sth.否認(rèn)做某事75. admit doing sth.承認(rèn)做某事76. try doing doing sth. 嘗試做某事77. see/hear sb. doing sth. 看/聽見(jiàn)某人正在干事I heard him _ (sing) at ten oclock this morning.78. do/does well in sth./doing sth. 擅長(zhǎng)于She do

29、es well in _ (sing) 79. without doing sth. 不做She left here without _ (say) a word.80. be weak in 在弱/差Mary is weak in _ (run).81. instead of doing sth. 代替I like reading instead of _ (watch) TV.82. ban from doing sth.禁止出現(xiàn)83. have confidence in doing sth.有信心做某事84. look forward to doing sth.期待做某事85. mak

30、e a contribution to doing sth.為做某事做貢獻(xiàn)86. devote oneself to doing sth.87. help yourself to doing sth.88. succeed in doing sth.成功做某事、辦到、做成某事89. waste time in doing sth.浪費(fèi)時(shí)間做某事90. sth. need doing 某物需要(主語(yǔ)是物)如:My clothes need washing.= My clothes need to be washed.動(dòng)詞后接動(dòng)詞原型的結(jié)構(gòu)91. 下列感官使役動(dòng)詞之后接不帶“to”的不定式做賓補(bǔ)。

31、表示動(dòng)作已經(jīng)發(fā)生。一感feel,二聽hear, listen,三讓let; make; have,四看see, watch, notice ;look at (這個(gè)用法主要用于主動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)),而see,notice,hear,watch等動(dòng)詞后面接動(dòng)名詞(動(dòng)詞ing形式),則表示這一動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行之中。92. You had better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事93. make sb. do sth. 使某人做94. let sb. do sth.讓某人做某事95. have sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事96. Would you please (not) do sth

32、.?請(qǐng)你(不)做某事好嗎?Would you please _ (not open) the window? Its very cold here.97. Why not do sth.? 為什么不做?Why not _ (ask) Mr Deng for help?98. Why dont you do sth.? 為什么不做?Why didnt you _ (come ) here yesterday?99. have/see/watch/notice/hear sb. do sth. 動(dòng)詞后接動(dòng)詞不定式(to do something)或do something意義沒(méi)多大區(qū)別的結(jié)構(gòu)100

33、. help sb. (to) do sth.幫某人做某事101. begin/start to do sth.= begin/start doing sth.開始做某事注意區(qū)別一下幾組結(jié)構(gòu):102. Remember to do sth. 記住去做某事(動(dòng)作尚未發(fā)生) Remember _ (close) the door when you leave the room。103. Remember doing sth. 記起過(guò)去做過(guò)某事I remember _ (read) the story before, but I only know some of the story now.104

34、. Forget to do sth. 忘記去做某事(動(dòng)作尚未發(fā)生) Dont forget _ (shut) off the door when you leave here.105. Forget doing sth. 忘記做過(guò)某事(動(dòng)作已經(jīng)發(fā)生) 。106. Stop to do sth.停下來(lái)去做另外的事情We are thirsty, lets stop _ (drink) something.107. Stop doing sth.停下正在做的事stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事情They stopped _ (talk) when I came into the ro

35、om.108. see sb. do sth 看到某人做某事()109. see sb. doing sth 看到某人正在做某事110. hear sb. do sth. 聽見(jiàn)某人做某事I often hear her _ (sing) in the room. 111. hear sb. doing sth. 聽見(jiàn)某人正在做某事I heard her _ (sing) in the room at five oclock yesterday. 其他的常用結(jié)構(gòu):112. help sb. with sth. 在方面幫助某人113. be grateful to someone/ somethi

36、ng114. rob sb. of sth. 115. make sb. /sth.+ 形容詞 使某人/物The news made me _ (sad).116. get ready for sth.為做準(zhǔn)備We are busy _ (get) ready for the final exam.117. sb. spend on sth. 某人花費(fèi)時(shí)間/錢做I _yuan on the book yesterday.118. sth. cost sb. some money 某物花費(fèi)某人錢The book _ me 20 yuan.119. sb. pay some money for s

37、th. 某人花費(fèi)時(shí)間/錢在I _ 20 yuan _ the book last week.120. be worth +價(jià)錢121. Doing sth. is +形容詞 for sb._ (watch) TV too much is bad for our eyes.122. lend sth. to sb. 借(出去)給 Could you _ your bike to me?= Could you _me your bike?123. borrow sth. from sb. 從借(來(lái))May I _ your bike? = May I borrow a bike from you?

38、124. like sth. better than sth. 喜歡勝過(guò)125. prefer sth. to sth. 喜歡勝過(guò).I like English better than Chinese.= I _ English _ Chinese.126. has/have been to曾經(jīng)去過(guò)某地(人在此地)I have _ to Beijing twice.127. has/have gone to去某地了(人不在此地)He isnt here . He _ _ to Japan.128. It seems to be +形容詞 (看起來(lái).)He seems to be _ (worr

39、y)129. It seems that + 句子 (看起來(lái).)It seems that he is very worried.130. eitheror 或.或.Either you or I _ right. (be)131. neither nor 既不也不Neither you nor Kate _ (know) the story.132. look up 查找(生詞)If you dont know the word, please _ in a dictionary.133. one of +最高級(jí)+名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式Beijing is one of the _ (big) _

40、(city) in China.134. help oneself to 請(qǐng)隨便吃Please help _ to some apples, boys and girls.135. not until 直到才I _ _ _bed _ 12 oclock.136. be/become interested in對(duì)感興趣We are _ in The Great Wall because it is a place of _ in the world.137. place of interest名勝古跡There are many _ _ _ in Beijing.138. get home /g

41、et here/get there139. arrive here /arrive there140. get to /reach + 地名141. arrive at +小地方/ arrive in +大地方They got to Guangzhou last night.= They _ Guangzhou last night.142. fall behind 落后If you dont study hard, you will _ _ others.143. catch up with趕上Work hard, or you wont _ _ _ others.144. give a t

42、alk 做個(gè)報(bào)告He will _ us _ _ on animals tomorrow.145. pick up 拾起來(lái)There is a pen on the ground. Please _ _ _.146. hear from = get/receive a letter from sb.收到某人來(lái)信I heard from my Mum last week. = I _ a letter my Mum last week.147. used to do sth. 過(guò)去常常做某事We _ _ (play ) after school last term.148. be/get/bec

43、ome used to sth.或be/get/become used to doing sth.習(xí)慣做某事/某事149. 如:I get used to living in Guangzhou./ I am used the weather here.150. not any longer = no longer 不再 The bag was no longer under the tree. = The bag _ under the tree _ _./ She used to live in the country. But she _ live in the country _ _.

44、151. Neither/Nor do/did/have/will I 我也不 She doesnt like eating fish, _ _ I./ She didnt do there last night, _ _ I/They have never been to Japan, _ _I/ They wont go there next week, _ _ I.152. be in trouble 處于困境 We should help them when they _ _ _.153. enjoyed oneself = have a good time. They have a

45、good time last night = They _ _time last night154. tooto = be not + 形容詞 enough to do sth. She is too young to go to school. = She _ _ _ to go to school/ = She is _ young _ she cant go to school.155. be good at = do well in擅長(zhǎng)于He plays badminton very well. = He is _ _ _ _.156. can = be able to 能Could

46、you swim when you was five? _ you _ _ _ when you were five? / I couldnt move the heavy box. = I _ _ _ move the heavy box.157. go to school on foot = walk to school 走路上學(xué)I usually walked to school when I was in middle school. = I usually _ _ school _ _ when I was in middle school.158. be different fro

47、m 與不同 Our school is _ _ theirs.159. apologize to sb. 向某人道歉160. 動(dòng)詞need, want, require,以及 be worth之后動(dòng)名詞的主動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)含有被動(dòng)的意思,相當(dāng)于不定式的被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。例如:His clothes need mending(to be mended).他的衣服需要縫補(bǔ)。Our teacher said that the way of study needed improving.老師說(shuō)我們的這種學(xué)習(xí)方法需要改進(jìn)。These babies will require taking good care of.這些嬰兒

48、需要細(xì)心照料。His talk is well worth listening to.他的報(bào)告很值得一聽。第三部分寫作常用的“啟、承、轉(zhuǎn)、合”表示方式及部分常用句子(1)有關(guān)“啟”的常用詞語(yǔ):用于引導(dǎo)主題句,或用于主題句的后面,引導(dǎo)第一個(gè)擴(kuò)展句。Firstly第一at first最初first of all首先,第一in the beginning起初in the first place首先,第一at present現(xiàn)在、目前to begin with首先lately 最近for one thing 首先 (常與for another連用)now 現(xiàn)在recently 最近on the and

49、 hand 一方面on the other hand另一方面in general 一般來(lái)講generally speaking 一般來(lái)講、總的來(lái)講有關(guān)“承”的常用詞語(yǔ),用于承接主題句或第一個(gè)(或前一個(gè))擴(kuò)展句。second(ly)第二點(diǎn)、第二in other words 換句話說(shuō)third(ly)第三、第三點(diǎn)in particular 特別also/too 并且;又,也in the same way 同樣地besides(this) 此外after that 此后in addition 除之外afterwards 此后in addition to除之外after a few days 幾天之后

50、furthermore 而且;此外after a while 過(guò)了一會(huì)兒moreover 而且,此外from now on 從此whats more 而且此外later后來(lái)for another與for one thing 連用just as 正如for example 例如such as例如similarly同樣地for instance例如meanwhile與次同時(shí)as another example再如at the same time同時(shí)soon不久thenof coursefor this purposeequally important有關(guān)“轉(zhuǎn)折”的常用詞語(yǔ):常用來(lái)表示不同或相反的情

51、況。after all畢竟on the contrary相反的but但是in contrast相比之下yet仍,然而unlike與不同however 然而on the other hand 另一方面nonetheless盡管如此all the same但是conversely相反unfortunately不幸的是unluckily不幸的是though盡管如此still仍然although盡管in fact事實(shí)上despite盡管in spite of 盡管as a matter of fact 事實(shí)上有關(guān)“合”的常用詞語(yǔ):用于小結(jié)段落中上文的內(nèi)容、引導(dǎo)最后一個(gè)擴(kuò)展句或引導(dǎo)結(jié)尾句表示段落的結(jié)束,

52、尤其常用于“議論文”Finally最后as has been noted 如前所述as I have said如我所述in brief 簡(jiǎn)言之a(chǎn)s last終于in conclusion 總之a(chǎn)t length 最后;終于in short簡(jiǎn)言之by and large一般來(lái)說(shuō)in summary摘要地說(shuō)consequently因此therefore因此eventually最終thus因此accordingly于是to sum up總而言之indeed的確to conclude總而言之surely無(wú)疑to summerize 總而言之no doubt 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)briefly簡(jiǎn)單地說(shuō)undoubt

53、edly無(wú)疑above all最重要的是truly的確as a consequence 因此so所以as a result (所以造成這樣的)結(jié)果顯而易見(jiàn)for this reason所以certainly無(wú)疑/當(dāng)然部分、承、轉(zhuǎn)、合”表達(dá)方式用法實(shí)例:例句:Eg. Generally speaking,studying too hard may be harmful to students.Eg. At present, many teachers expect their pupils to do more work than they can handle.Eg. Furthermore, some teachers dont realize that too much homework for the students is not necessary .Eg. In fact, most parents dont know that growing boys and girls need relaxation as well as exercise.Eg. Obviously, smok


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