



1、單詞1decline v&n.衰退,下降,減少;謝絕,拒絕歸納拓展(1)fall into (a) decline開始衰退be in decline處于下降、衰退中on the decline在下坡路上;在衰退(減少)(2)decline by下降了decline to do sth.拒絕做某事(3)(反)increase n&v.增加on the increase在增加例句:His interest in computer games is now in decline.他對電腦游戲的興趣開始減退。The number of tourists to the resort de

2、clined by 30% because of the terrorist attack last year.去年由于恐怖襲擊,到這個旅游勝地旅游的人數(shù)減少了30%。Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他們的發(fā)言人拒絕對這些指控加以評論。 【鏈接訓(xùn)練】The number of the tourists to the resort _ 10%.Adeclined by Bdeclined toCdecline by Ddecline to【解析】decline by“下降了”。句意為:到這個旅游景點的游客數(shù)量下降了10

3、%。decline to“下降到”,不合題意?!敬鸢浮緼2harmony n協(xié)調(diào),融洽歸納拓展(1)in harmony with sb./sth.與協(xié)調(diào);與相配out of harmony with sb./sth.與不協(xié)調(diào)live/work in harmony一起生活/工作得融洽(2)harmonious adj.和諧的,協(xié)調(diào)的,和睦的例句:His suggestions are in harmony with the aims of this project.他的建議和本項目的目標(biāo)相符。What you did yesterday was out of harmony with our

4、 plan.你昨天的所作所為與我們的計劃不一致。Everyone wishes to have a harmonious family.每個人都希望有一個和睦的家庭?!炬溄佑?xùn)練】We had to rely on our own intelligence to creat_and balance with the environment during development.AimportanceBagreementCeffectDharmony【解析】句意為:在發(fā)展期間,我們要依靠自己的智慧去創(chuàng)造環(huán)境的和諧與平衡。harmony“和諧,協(xié)調(diào)”,符合題意?!敬鸢浮緿3devote vt.把(時

5、間、精力等)貢獻給,致力于歸納拓展(1)devote oneself/one's life/time/energy to sth./doing sth.把生命/時間/精力投入到,專心致力于(2)devoted adj.疼愛的;忠實的be devoted to獻身于,專心致志于(to是介詞,后接名詞或動名詞形式,不接動詞原形)devotion n深愛,忠誠;奉獻,獻身例句:Net chat may be interesting,but you should not devote all your time to it.網(wǎng)上聊天或許很有趣,但你不應(yīng)該把所有的時間都用在這上面。The doc

6、tor is determined to devote his whole life to his career.那位醫(yī)生下決心一生都致力于自己的事業(yè)。He was at one time so devoted to playing the piano.他曾經(jīng)那么沉迷于彈鋼琴?!炬溄佑?xùn)練】A brilliant idea occurred to him,_to his research in the lab.Awhile devoting Bwhile devoting himselfCwhile he was devoted Dwhile devoted【解析】句意為:他有了一個絕妙的想法,

7、那就是致力于實驗室研究。sb. be devoted to sth.或sb. devoted oneself to sth.意為“專心致志于,獻身于”?!敬鸢浮緾4quit v(quitquitquitquitting;quitquittedquittedquitting)離開,離去;停止做某事;擺脫某人/某物歸納拓展(1)quit office/school辭職/退學(xué)(2)be quit of sb./sth.擺脫某人/某事物quit doing sth.停止做某事例句:If I don't get more money,I'll quit.如果不給我加薪我就辭職。Quit

8、smoking in this room,please.室內(nèi)請勿吸煙。You're well quit of him.你可擺脫他了?!炬溄佑?xùn)練】He decided to _ the job after he quarrelled with the manager.Astop BblockCloosen Dquit【解析】句意為:他與經(jīng)理爭吵過后決定辭去工作。quit意為“辭職,放棄”,符合題意。【答案】D短語1take advantage of利用歸納拓展(1)have/gain/win/get an advantage over比有優(yōu)勢,勝過,優(yōu)于to sb.s advantage

9、to the advantage of sb.對某人有利,有利于某人have the advantage of具有的有利條件(2)類似的表達還有:make use of利用,使用make full use of sth.充分利用某物make good use of sth.很好地利用某物make the best use of sth.最好地利用某物make very little use of sth.很少利用某物例句:I hope that this library is fully taken advantage of.我希望這座圖書館能被充分利用。He had the advantag

10、e over other boys of being born into a rich family.他出生于有錢人家,所以比其他男孩子條件優(yōu)越。This method has the advantage of saving a lot of fuel.這個方法有節(jié)省很多燃料的優(yōu)點。This agreement is to their advantage,in my opinion.依我看,這項協(xié)議對他們有利。【鏈接訓(xùn)練】He _ Tom's ignorance to sell him a worthless car.Atook advantage of Btook care ofCt

11、ook delight in Dtook charge of【解析】考查take的相關(guān)短語。句意為:他利用湯姆的無知賣給了他一輛廢車。take advantage of“利用”;take care of“照顧”;take delight in“喜歡,以為樂”;take charge of“掌管”,由句意可知A項正確?!敬鸢浮緼We should pay much attention to the use we _ our spare time,so that we can make rapid progress in our studies.Amake fromBmake upCmake up

12、 ofDmake of【解析】題中we make of our spare time為定語從句,其先行詞為use,即與從句中的make of構(gòu)成make use of短語?!敬鸢浮緿2rather than而不是歸納拓展(1)rather than連接兩個名詞或代詞作主語時,謂語動詞應(yīng)與rather than前面的詞在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致。(2)or rather與其說不如說;更確切地說other than除之外(常用于否定句中)例句:I prefer to go there on foot rather than take a bus.我寧愿步行去那里而不愿坐車去。She enjoys sin

13、ging rather than dancing.她喜歡唱歌而不喜歡跳舞。He,rather than you,is to blame.是他,而不是你應(yīng)受責(zé)備?!炬溄佑?xùn)練】_,Mary is sleepy, she insists on finishing her homework rather than_to sleep. AWhile;going BThough;goesCAs;going DDespite;go【解析】空一考查while引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句的用法;空二考查rather than前后一致的用法,由finishing可知應(yīng)選going。句意為:盡管瑪麗很困了,但是她堅持要完成作業(yè)

14、才去睡覺。【答案】AMost people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings _ harm them.Arather than Bother thanCmore than Dor rather【解析】考查短語意義辨析。句意為:大多數(shù)人一致認為核實驗應(yīng)該被發(fā)展為造福人類而不是禍害人類。rather than而不是;other than“除了”;more than“比多”;or rather“更確切地說”,由題意可知A項正確?!敬鸢浮緼句式1As well as attr

15、acting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home,Cantopop has spread offshore,and its stars are known in Beijing,London and New York.粵語流行音樂不僅僅吸引了香港本地的大量聽眾,而且傳到海外的其他國家,香港的歌星在北京、倫敦和紐約都很有名。as well as用于肯定句中,起連接作用,意為“既又,不僅而且”。歸納拓展(1)as well as作“和,同”講,具有連詞性質(zhì),常用來連接兩個并列成分。如果連接兩個并列的主語時,謂語動詞應(yīng)當(dāng)與as well as前面的主語在人稱和數(shù)

16、上保持一致。若連接兩個動詞,第二個as后常用動名詞形式。(2)在表達“不但而且”之意時,as well as側(cè)重前者,而not only.but also.側(cè)重后者。連接并列主語時,not only.but also.按照就近原則確定謂語動詞的形式。例句:They own a house in Jinan as well as a villa in Qingdao.他們不僅在濟南有一棟房子,而且在青島還有一座別墅。She is lively as well as healthy.她既健康又活潑。Helen as well as I is eager to see the performance

17、.海倫和我一樣急于要看演出。【鏈接訓(xùn)練】Tom as well as his classmates often _ in the library.AreadsBreadCto readDreading【解析】as well as連接兩個并列主語,謂語動詞與其前面的主語在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致?!敬鸢浮緼_ does he do his own work well,_ he helps others with their work.AEither;or BNot only;but alsoCNeither;nor DBoth;and【解析】句意為:他不但把自己的工作做好,而且還幫助其他人。not o

18、nly.but also.“不但,而且”,且當(dāng)not only放在句首時,句子要倒裝,符合題意。【答案】B2“My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black,white,fat,thin,old and youngwere all the same,its a great world and you can do something with your life.”“我想告訴大家的是不管你是黑人還是白人,肥胖還是瘦小,年長還是年幼,這些都不重要我們都是一樣的,這是一個美妙的世界,你可以在有生之年做些事情。”It doesnt matter

19、(從句)/It wont matter(從句)沒關(guān)系,不要緊歸納拓展(1)It doesn't matter (to sb.)從句(對某人來說)沒關(guān)系,不要緊It matters a lot/a great deal(從句)非常重要what matters is.唯一要緊的是(2)no matter who/why/what.無論誰/為什么/什么(引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句)as a matter of fact實際上,事實上It doesn't matter.沒關(guān)系,無所謂。to make matters (the matter) worse更糟的是What's the mat

20、ter with.?怎么了?例句:It doesnt matter what you wear,as long as you look neat and tidy.只要看起來干凈整潔,你穿什么都可以。It mattered a great deal to her what other people thought of her.其他人怎么看她對她來說極為重要。As a matter of fact,she was responsible for the accident.實際上,她應(yīng)對這起事故負責(zé)?!炬溄佑?xùn)練】Oh,sorry,Jane.I took your dictionary by mi

21、stake._.AThats right BIt doesnt matterCYoure welcome DNever think about it【解析】此題考查情景交際。“It doesnt matter.”是用來回答別人的道歉的,意思是“沒關(guān)系”?!敬鸢浮緽I couldn't understand _ with me.Athe matter was what Bwhat was the matterCwhat the matter was Dthat was the matter【解析】what was the matter with me意為“我怎么了”,what作主語?!敬?/p>

22、案】B語法1時間狀語從句(1)定義:在句子中起時間狀語作用的句子稱為時間狀語從句,可放在句首,句中和句尾。(2)引導(dǎo)詞歸納拓展常用來引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句的引導(dǎo)詞有:when,while,as,after,before,since,ever since,till,until,once,whenever,every time,each time,by the time,the first time,the next time,as soon as.,no sooner.than.,hardly.when,the moment等。(3)具體用法when,while,as的用法歸納拓展(1)when“當(dāng)時

23、候”引導(dǎo)的從句中的謂語動詞既可以是延續(xù)性動詞,也可以是瞬間動詞,除此之外,when還有“那時(突然),這時(突然)”之意,常用于下列句式:was/were doing.when.“正突然”;was/were about to do.when.“正要突然”;had just done.when.“剛突然就”,此時when為并列連詞,連接兩個并列句。(2)while和as都可譯為“在期間;正當(dāng)時”,表示主句中的動作和從句中的動作同時發(fā)生。但while從句中的謂語動詞通常是延續(xù)性動詞,而as從句的謂語動詞既可是延續(xù)性動詞,也可是瞬間動詞。(3)as還可譯為“隨著”,表示事態(tài)或狀況的變化或發(fā)展過程;j

24、ust as是固定搭配,意為“正當(dāng)時”。before除意為“在之前”外,還有“還未就”;“不到就”;“才”;“趁著還沒就”;“還沒來得及就”等意思。例句:We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired.我們跑了還不到一英里他就累了。 Before I could get in a word,he had measured me.我還沒來得及插話,他就給我量了尺寸。before和since的用法before可構(gòu)成句型;It will (not) be.before和It was (not).before.,意為“多久之后才”/“不久就”。例句:It will b

25、e half a year before I come back.半年后我才回來。It wont be long before we meet again.不久我們會再相見的。since可構(gòu)成句型:It is/has been.since.,意為“做某事已有多久了”,這時since從句的謂語為瞬間動詞;意為“已有多久沒做某事了”時,since從句的謂語為延續(xù)性動詞或表狀態(tài)的詞。例句:Its three years since the war broke out.自從戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā),到現(xiàn)在已有三年了。Its one year since she was in our class.她不在我們班有一年了。

26、主句謂語動詞為延續(xù)性動詞時,主句和從句都用肯定句式,意為“一直到”,表示主句動作一直延續(xù)到until/till從句表示的時間才終止;主句謂語動詞為短暫性動詞時,主句用否定式,從句用肯定式,意思是“直到才”,表示主句動作到until/till從句表示的時間才開始。例句:He studied until/till it was 9:00.他一直學(xué)到九點。He didnt study until/till it was 9:00.他到九點才學(xué)習(xí)。注意:until可置于句首,而till則不可放在句首;另外,not until位于句首時,主句要用倒裝語序。例句:Until you told me I h

27、ad no idea of it.Not until you told me did I have any idea of it.直到你告訴我,我才知道這件事。歸納拓展表達“一就”的短語有no sooner.than.,hardly/scarcely.when.等。例句:No sooner had I begun to talk than he rang off.I had no sooner begun to talk than he rang off.我還未來得及講話,他就掛斷了電話。Hardly had I told him my name when he stopped listeni

28、ng.I had hardly told him my name when he stopped listening.我還沒來得及告訴他我的名字,他就不聽了?!炬溄佑?xùn)練】You'd better voice your opinion publicly _ you feel it the best time for it at the meeting.Athat Buntil Cwhen Dwhere【解析】when you feel it the best time for it at the meeting是時間狀語從句,意為“在會議上當(dāng)你覺得是最合適的時候”。【答案】CThe he

29、ad of the company promised to deal with matters of this sort _ he returned to his office.Auntil BwhileCby the time Dthe moment【解析】句意為:公司的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)許諾說一回到辦公室就會解決這種問題。the moment意為“一就”,表時間,在句中引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。故選D。_ time went on,he proved he was suitable for the job.AAs BWith CWhen DWhile【解析】句意為:隨著時間的流逝,他證明了他能勝任這份工作。由句

30、意可排除C、D兩項;B項是介詞,其后不能接句子,故A項正確?!敬鸢浮緼It is 3 years _ he left,so he is eager to know what his hometown is like.Abefore Bsince Cwhen Das【解析】句意為:自從他離開家鄉(xiāng)已有3年了,所以他是如此熱切的想知道他的家鄉(xiāng)是什么樣子了。具有干擾性的是A項,試比較:It will be 3 years before he leaves.三年后,他要離開。故B項正確?!敬鸢浮緽2省略為了避免重復(fù),省略句中的一個或幾個句子成分,這種語法現(xiàn)象稱為省略。從句法的角度分析,省略句常有以下三種

31、類型:(1)簡單句中的省略人稱(有時包括謂語)的省略。例句:How is your mother today?你母親今天感覺怎么樣?(She is) Much better.她好多了。(Are you)tired?你累了嗎?Yes,I am(tired)是的,我很累。感嘆句根據(jù)上下文的省略。例句:How beautiful (it is)!真漂亮!How hard (they are working)!真辛苦?。∶~所有格后的名詞,如果是表示在住宅、店鋪、教室或上下文已經(jīng)暗示或明確指出過的事物時,常省略。例句:At her mothers (house) she passed many hap

32、py days.在她母親房間里,她度過了許多愉快的日子。Im going to the doctors (clinic)我去診所。表示年齡的years old和表示鐘表的oclock等常省略。例句:I am thirteen (years old)我十三歲。介詞的省略。在waste,spend,have trouble/difficulty等跟v.ing時,介詞in常省略,在prevent,stop等后的from常省略。例句:Dont waste time (in) quarrelling with him.不要浪費時間和他爭吵。Ways must be found to stop them

33、(from) polluting our environment.必須找到讓他們停止污染環(huán)境的方法。不定式的省略。保留不定式符號to,省略動詞。有些動詞或助動詞,如have,ought,want,be going,wish,hope,like,love,try,forget,prefer,mean,expect,be about,be sure,be certain,be likely,be ready,be supposed,be obliged,be bound等的后面,為避免重復(fù),只用不定式符號to表示不定式。例句:Are you going to take a course in th

34、e summer vacation?暑假期間你要去上課嗎?Yes,I have to(take a course) though I dont want to (take a course)是的,盡管不愿意但必須去。Have you ever been to the seaside?你去過海邊嗎?No,we cant afford to (go to the seaside)沒有,我們支付不起(去海邊的費用)。注意:如承前省略的不定式內(nèi)容中含有be或作助動詞用的have,to后要保留be或have。例句:Are you a teacher?你是教師嗎?No,but I used to be.不

35、是,但我過去是。John didnt come,but he ought to have.約翰沒來,但他本該來的。(2)并列句中的省略在不影響句意的情況下,并列句中后邊分句與前邊分句相同的部分都可以省略。例句:I take some exercise at weekends and so do my colleagues (take some exercise)周末我做運動,我的同事也做。She was poor but (she was) honest.盡管她貧窮但她很誠實。(3)復(fù)合句中的省略主句中的省略。常見于句首或回答問題時,只用從句。例句:Why are you late?你為什么遲

36、到了?(Im late)Because my watch doesnt work.因為我的手表停了。從句中的省略a賓語從句主句、從句的謂語相同時,可以省略從句中的全部謂語甚至主語。例句:She didnt attend the concert,but I wonder why (she didnt attend the concert)她沒有去聽音樂會,但我想知道為什么。在賓語從句中常省略連詞,但當(dāng)及物動詞之后跟兩個或兩個以上的賓語從句時,只有第一個連詞that可以省略。例句:She said (that) I should spend more time with children and

37、that it was a must if I wanted to be a good parent.她說我應(yīng)該多陪陪孩子并且說如果我想成為一個好的家長這是必須的。b定語從句可以省略作定語的關(guān)系代詞that,which或whom,當(dāng)它們在定語從句中作賓語時。例句:Please show me the coat (that) you bought yesterday.請給我看一下你昨天買的外套。在非正式文體中,關(guān)系副詞when,why,way后面的that,as后面的主謂結(jié)構(gòu)可以省略。例句:The way (that) he conducted his class impressed me deeply.他管理班級的方式給我留下很深的印象。He gave the same answer as (he had given) before.他給了我同先前一模一樣的答案。c狀語從句在時間、地點、條件、方式或讓步狀語從句中,如果主句、從句的主語一致或從


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