1、 提高班英語智力題1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant這道題很簡單,cat (貓)、 lion(獅子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳動物mammal,而turtle,烏龜是在海灘上下了烏龜?shù)?,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生動物。所以?yīng)該選D,烏龜!2If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country -
2、City - Animal - PlantGuiana,南美洲北部一地區(qū),分屬英、荷、法三國。英屬圭亞那于1966獨(dú)立成為圭亞那。所以,這道題的答案應(yīng)該是B 國家country.3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa . bdzb . cgac . djzd . ? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I dont know這一組數(shù)字,看起來很奇怪,到哪里找規(guī)律呢?這可要測你的智能了。先看每組的第一個字母,abcd,簡單,是按字母順序嘛!那么下一組的第一個單詞一定是e;再看第
3、二個字母:adgj,有規(guī)律嗎?沒錯,abcdefghij,規(guī)律就是,每個字母間相隔兩個字母,所以依此類推,下一組單詞的第二個字母應(yīng)該是kln,當(dāng)然,應(yīng)該選備選答案中的A4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 找這個圖的規(guī)律,要有合適的方法,我們先盯住圖中的一個方塊來看:比如說就看其中的綠色方塊,它好象是在一個格子一個格子的往下移動,在看看紅色的方塊,是在一個格子一個格子地往上走,所以整個圖其實(shí)是在做逆時針的轉(zhuǎn)動,每次轉(zhuǎn)動一個格子。因此,下一幅圖應(yīng)該是D。5. DIDII
4、DID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to: A) 94494499 B) 49949944 C) 49499494 D) 94944949 E)49944949這道題是在測試你的速度和反應(yīng)能力的,其實(shí),我們只要把字母和數(shù)字對照一下,很快就能找到:D代表4,而I代表9,所以DIIDIIDD就是數(shù)字49949944,選擇(B)。6What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 這個題應(yīng)該選擇E。黑色的小方塊先是在大方框的四角上做順時針旋轉(zhuǎn),而后在四邊中間
5、上做順時針旋轉(zhuǎn),下一幅圖,就應(yīng)該是黑塊在下邊框中點(diǎn)上的那一幅,所以,是E。7.If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7s will you pass on the way? a) 10 b) 11 c) 19d) 20e) 21你會遇到20個。如果你只找到10個,那么你是忘記了把70、71數(shù)上。如果你找到11個,那么你忘記了算70這個系列了,卻只記得77中有兩個7;如果你找到19個,那么你是忘記了77中還有一個7;如果你找到21個,那么你是無中生有添了一個。8.What would be the next picture in this series? Ch
6、oose one of the following five: 可以看到,這其實(shí)是一個鐘擺的分解動作,答案是C。9.Igor was both the 15th highest and the 15th lowest in a tennis tournament. How many people were in the tournament? 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32答案:正數(shù)第十五加上倒數(shù)第十五個,應(yīng)該是30個人,但是正數(shù)和倒數(shù)的第十五名都是一個人,所以,答案應(yīng)該是29個人。10.Simon rents a car in the city to go skiing in
7、the mountains 100 kilometres away. He stops halfway to pick up his girlfriend Nina at her house, and drives the remaining 50 kilometres with her. On their way back, Simon drops Nina at her house and drives back to the city alone. He returns the car and pays $50 for the rental and $10 for the gas. Si
8、mon and Nina share the expenses equitably. How much should Nina pay? 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30答案:Simon一起隨車總共走了200米,而Nina只隨車走了100米,車費(fèi)總共花了50+10=60元,如果公正地分?jǐn)傔@筆費(fèi)用的話,Simon應(yīng)該付40元,而Nina付20元。11.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? 答案:這組圖中,基本上都是兩個同樣的圖形相交,只有圖D中是兩個三角形相接,而不相交,所以選擇D。12.A car
9、 is to gas as coffee maker is to: Water - Coffee - Electricity - Warming plate - Plastic答案:Coffee maker可不是做咖啡的人,它是咖啡壺的意思,car是需要gas才能開動的,而咖啡壺是需要coffee才能作出香甜可口的咖啡的,所以選擇B,coffee。13.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 答案:你一定覺得這些圖毫無規(guī)律可言,但是如果你換一個角度,就可以發(fā)現(xiàn),它們都是朝著
10、兩個方向上的一個字母,原圖中的字母分別是:C、D、E,那么下一張圖應(yīng)該是F和它的影子,所以應(yīng)該選擇A。14.Grandma sent Johnny some money for his birthday. Johnny spent all of it in five stores. In each store, he spent $1.00 more than half of what he had when he came in. How much money did he get from grandma? $7.50 - $25 - $30 - $46 - $62答案是$62。做這道題時
11、,解題要點(diǎn)就是-Johnny最后一次花的錢就是他身上所剩的錢,假設(shè)他最后一次剩余X塊錢。那么我們可以列出方程式:X/2 + 1 = X,這樣就能解出X=2,依次往前類推,可以得出第一次的前是62塊。15.What would be the next number in this series? 2 . 4 . 8 . 16 . 32 . ?答案是64,規(guī)律就是后一個數(shù)字是前一個數(shù)字的2倍。16.Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left and walk ano
12、ther 3 meters. What is the distance between them? 2 meters - 6 meters - 10 meters - 12.5 meters - 14 meters答案:這道題實(shí)際上是個幾何題,已知直角三角形的兩條直角邊,求斜邊的長。利用勾股定理就可以得到答案是10米。 17.Choose one of the following: 答案:原圖中兩個圖中的圖形和顏色都是向著相反的方向變化的,根據(jù)這個規(guī)律,我們在下面這些圖中找到上圖相應(yīng)的一個圖,應(yīng)該是中間的黑五邊形變成最大的,黃色方塊變成最小的放在中間。所以應(yīng)該選擇E。18.WOLF is to
13、 FLOW as 8526 is to: 2856 - 6258 - 5862 - 5682 - 6852答案是B。這個題是在考你簡單的數(shù)字或字母排列。答案是6258。19.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Horse - Zebra - Deer - Moose - Eland答案是A。上面提到的5種動物中,除了馬之外,其余四種都是野生的動物,所以應(yīng)該選擇Horse,馬。20.If you rearrange the letters NLIRBE, you would have the name of
14、a River - Country - City - Animal - Plant 答案是City。如果你對字母不是很熟悉,那么得需要點(diǎn)時間來重新組合這些字母。這道題的答案是Berlin,柏林,德國的首都。所以,應(yīng)該選擇City,它是一個城市。What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 答案是A。這個題目看起來有點(diǎn)雜亂無章,可是,如果你的心足夠地細(xì),那么你會發(fā)現(xiàn),原來小方塊一直在這個等腰三角形的頂角上,而那個小球卻在不停地在三個角上輪流運(yùn)動,那么小球的下一個位置應(yīng)當(dāng)是又回到了頂
15、角,中間的小方塊是不動的,因此應(yīng)該選擇圖a。22.What would be the next number in this series? 0 5 1 4 2 ? 2,3 , -1 , 10 答案是3,0加5等于5,1加4等于5,以此類推2應(yīng)該加上3才能等于5,所以應(yīng)該選323.Which word is least like the others? ROSE - DELIVERER - RABBIT - HIGHWAY - HORSE答案是HIGHWAY,ROSE(玫瑰)、RABBIT (白兔)、DELIVERER(搬運(yùn)工)與HORSE(馬)都是有生命的東西,因此唯一的一個不同類的單詞就是
16、HIGHWAY-高速公路。24.If you rearrange the letters in GOICCHA, you get a name of a/an: CITY - ANIMAL - COUNTRY - PARK 答案是CITY(城市),GOICCHA經(jīng)過重新安排可以得到CHICAGO(芝加哥),芝加哥是美國中西部的一個大城市,大名鼎鼎的芝加哥公牛隊就是這個城市的象征。25.AAGAGGA is to 1171771 as DBDBBBD is to: 4222424 - 1717771 - 5333535 - 4242224 答案是DBDBBBD,字母A-G分別代表數(shù)字1-7,因此
17、DBDBBBD就是424222426.If m is an even integer, then the following is the sum of the next two even integers? 2m + 4 ,2m + 6 ,2m + 8 ,2m + 10 ,2m + 12答案是2m+6, 這是一道簡單的數(shù)學(xué)計算題,m之后的兩個偶數(shù)分別是m+2和m+4, 將它們兩個相加就能得到答案為2m+6。27.Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the
18、capitalized pair. SNAKE - INVERTEBRATE ? dolphin - fish,eagle - talon,boa constrictor - backbone, penguin - bird,bat - insect答案是penguin - bird(企鵝-鳥類),這道題考的是你的英語詞匯能力與知識量大小,海豚雖然長的像魚,可它是哺乳動物,不屬于魚類,蝙蝠也不是昆蟲,因此各選項中只有penguin - bird(企鵝-鳥類)是正確的28.Which one of the designs is least like the other four? 答案是E,大家
19、不要被圖形中間的字母與數(shù)字迷惑,而忽略了最重要的一點(diǎn)-E圖的底下比其他四幅圖多了一條橫線。29.A car traveled from A to B in 30 minutes. The first half of the trip was covered at 50 mph, and the second half at 60 mph. What was the average speed? 400/11 - 500/11 - 600/11 - 700/11 答案是600/11英里,這是一道計算題,我們設(shè)平均時速為X,則0.25X/50+0.25X/60=0.5,進(jìn)而可得X=600/11,因
20、此該選600/11。30.If 4 percent of (p + q) is 8 and p is a positive integer, what is the greatest possible value of q ? 196 - 197 - 198 - 199答案是199,這是一道數(shù)學(xué)題,(p + q)的4%是8,因此p+q=200,我們設(shè)p=1,1是最小的正整數(shù),則可知q的最大值是199。31.There are five employees-G, H, I, J, and K-in an office. Rumors spread through the office accor
21、ding to the following rules; Rumors can be passed in either direction between J and K. Rumors can be passed from G to H, from H to I, and from I to K. A rumor begun by H that reaches J will be known by all the following employees EXCEPT? I - G - K - H - J 答案是G,這題看起來挺麻煩,其實(shí)很簡單,H會把傳言告訴I,I告訴K,K再告訴J,因此最后
22、只有G不會聽到這個傳言。32.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Jakarta - Teheran - Madrid - Munich答案是Munich(慕尼黑),這道題考的是你的地理知識,雅加達(dá)是印度尼西亞的首都,德黑蘭是印度首都,馬德里是西班牙的首都,而慕尼黑雖然是世界聞名的大城市,但卻不是德國的首都,德國的首都是柏林。因此應(yīng)該選Munich(慕尼黑)。33.George took a test of a certain number of questions, each question havin
23、g the same value. He answered 10 questions incorrectly. This resulted in an accuracy score of 60%. How many questions were in the test? 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35答案是25,這是一道計算題,George的正確率是60%,錯誤率就是40%,我們用10除以40%,就可以得到總題數(shù)。34.Your teenage daughter Sally and her friend Monica invented a secret alphabet. You
24、 find a note that Sally wrote for Monica using this secret code. Sally tells you that it says: Hi Monica, Yesterday, ? asked me out. Sally You desperately want to know who the guy is, but she wont tell you. Can you figure out his name from the note? Ls Ucvskj, Tbdfboqjt, Ujofsv jdmbq ub cxf. Djppt H
25、is name is: Mathew - Marcus - Michel - Mickey - Martin答案是Martin,你看出Sally的秘密字母了嗎?h-l,I-s,m-u,o-c,但單詞的長度是一樣的,這里瀉露了天機(jī),我們細(xì)心的一個一個的拼起來就會發(fā)現(xiàn)Ujofsv實(shí)際上就是Martin。35.Put in the missing number 10、 8 、11、 9 、12、? 7- 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 答案是10,這組數(shù)字的規(guī)律是每隔一個數(shù)字都是遞增的,從10開始是10-11-12,從8開始就是8-9-10,因此該選10。36.Steve bou
26、ght some apples at a cost of $.60 each and some oranges at a cost of $.50 each. If he paid a total of $4.10 for a total of 8 apples and oranges, how many apples did Steve buy ? 1 - 2 - 3 - 5答案是1,這是一道小學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)題,我們可以設(shè)Steve買了X個蘋果,則有0.6X+0.5(7-X)=4.1,對這個方程求解可得X=1,Steve買了1個蘋果。37.Select the answer-pair that ex
27、presses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair. STATE - CONFEDERACY ? apple - tree ,address - envelope ,binoculars - sight ,soldier - army 答案是soldier - army(戰(zhàn)士-軍隊),原搭配中的前一個單詞從屬于后一個單詞,因此各答案中只有soldier - army(戰(zhàn)士-軍隊)的搭配是最貼切的。38.If x is an integer, which of the following CA
28、NNOT be an even integer? 2x + 2 ,x - 5 ,2x + 3 ,5x + 2 答案是2x + 3,x是一個整數(shù),2x就是一個偶數(shù),2x +3則必然是一個奇數(shù),因此選擇2x +3。39.Mark the nonfitting word! Cheese - Butter - Margarine - Yoghurt答案是Margarine(人造黃油),Cheese(奶酪)、Curd(凝乳)與Yoghurt(酸奶)都是乳制品,因此該選Margarine-人造黃油。40.A rancher is constructing a fence by stringing wire
29、 between posts 20 feet apart. If the fence is 400 feet long, how many posts must the rancher use? 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 答案是21根,用400除以20,再加上第一根木樁就是正確的答案。41.Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word: GRATUITOUS? voluntary ,arduous ,solicitous ,befitting 答案是befitting(恰當(dāng)?shù)模@是一道
30、詞匯題,我們知道gratuitous是無理由的意思,它的反義詞是befitting-恰當(dāng)?shù)摹?2.What is the smallest of these? Rafwd - Anm - Niatg - Sreoh答案是Rafwd,這是一道很好玩的智力題,我們把字母重新安排一下可以得到Dwarf, man, giant, horse 這幾個新詞,它們依次是侏儒、人、巨人和馬,當(dāng)然是Dwarf(侏儒)最小了。43.What is the next number in the following sequence? 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 答案是21,序列中每一個數(shù)字都是前兩
31、個數(shù)字的和,最后的兩個數(shù)是8和13,因此下一個數(shù)就是8與13的和。44.If n is an odd integer, which one of the following is an even integer? n*n - n/4 - 2n + 3 - n(n + 3)答案是n(n + 3),n是一個奇數(shù),(n + 3)就是一個偶數(shù),它們的乘積一定是一個偶數(shù)。45.In traveling from city A to city B, John drove for 1 hour at 50 mph and for 3 hours at 60 mph. What was his average
32、 speed for the whole trip ? 53.5 - 55 - 56 - 57.5答案是57.5,這是一道簡單的數(shù)學(xué)題,我們用題目給的條件求出A城到B城的總距離,在除以4個小時就可以得到正確答案了。46.A jet uses 80 gallons of fuel to fly 320 miles. At this rate, how many gallons of fuel are needed for a 700 mile flight? 150 - 155 - 160 - 175答案是175,這道題屬于簡單的數(shù)學(xué)計算,我們從它給的條件可以求出每英里飛行飛機(jī)耗油0.25加侖,
33、把它乘上700就可以知道飛行700英里的耗油量了。47.Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair. ORCHESTRA - MUSICIAN ? story - comedian,band - singer,garden - leaf, troupe - actor答案是troupe - actor(劇團(tuán)-演員),只有它與原搭配的結(jié)構(gòu)最為相近。48.What was started by a young assasin c
34、alled Gavrilio Prinzip, who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo? The Hundred Years War - World War I - World War I I - The Russian Revolution答案是World War I(第一次世界大戰(zhàn)),這道題考的是你的歷史知識,1914年的薩拉熱窩事件直接導(dǎo)致了第一次世界大戰(zhàn)的爆發(fā)。49.If x is an integer, then which of the following is the product of the next
35、 two integers greater than 2(x + 1)? 4x*x + 14x + 12 ,4x*x + 12 ,x*x + 14x + 12 ,x*x + x+ 12 ,4x*x + 14x 答案是4x2+14x+12,2(x+1)之后的兩個整數(shù)分別是2x+3與2x+4,相乘即可得到正確答案,這里需要注意的一點(diǎn)是原題中product的用法,在這里的意思是兩個數(shù)的乘積。50.Suppose you begin reading a book on page h and end on page k . If the pages are numbered and read conse
36、cutively, then how many pages have you read? k - h ,k - h + 2 ,k - h - 1 ,k - h + 1答案是k-h+1,這道題考的是你的數(shù)學(xué)能力,從h頁到k頁一共是k-h頁,但不要忘了加上一頁,就是h頁。51.Seven years ago, Scott was 3 times as old as Kathy was at that time. If Scott is now 5 years older than Kathy, how old is Scott ? 12.5 ,13 ,14 ,14.5 答案是14.5,這是一道稍復(fù)
37、雜的計算題,設(shè)Scott七年前的年齡為X,則有X+7-(1/3X+7)=5,由此可得X=7 1/2,再加上7即是Scott現(xiàn)在的年齡,因此該選14 1/2。52.Chose the word that doesnt fit! herring - whale - shark - eel - pike 答案是whale -鯨,herring-鮭魚、shark-鯊魚、eel-鰻魚與pike-梭魚都是魚類,只有鯨是哺乳類動物,所以應(yīng)該選擇它。53.What is the largest meat eating animal ? grizzly - bear - sperm - whale - gori
38、lla - hippopotamus答案是sperm whale(抹香鯨),地球上最大的食肉動物是抹香鯨,而不是grizzly bear(灰熊),也不是gorilla(大猩猩)和hippopotamus(河馬),大猩猩是雜食動物,河馬根本就不吃肉。54.Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair. AROMATIC - SMELL ? debonair - grandeur tart - taste unctuous - antithesis unsavory - vision 答案是tart - taste(酸的-味道),我們只要搞清楚這些單詞的意思就能弄明白為什么,debonair - grandeur(溫文爾雅的-莊嚴(yán)),unctuous - antithesis(肥沃的-
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- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
- 專題5.3 平面向量的數(shù)量積(原卷版)-2024年高考數(shù)學(xué)一輪復(fù)習(xí)精講精練寶典(新高考專用)
- 幼兒游戲教學(xué)案例
- 人教版(2024)七年級英語下冊Unit 6 學(xué)情調(diào)研測試卷(含答案)
- 路基拼寬施工方案
- 隧道風(fēng)機(jī)房施工方案
- 2025年新高考地理全真模擬試卷4(含答案解析)
- 2025年高考地理二輪復(fù)習(xí):綜合題答題技巧(含練習(xí)題及答案)
- 幕墻防火防雷施工方案
- Unit 6 reading2 教學(xué)設(shè)計 2024-2025學(xué)年譯林版(2024)七年級英語上冊
- 小學(xué)課本劇一年級《小白兔和小灰兔》-劇本
- 2025年電力人工智能多模態(tài)大模型創(chuàng)新技術(shù)及應(yīng)用報告-西安交通大學(xué)
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- 事故隱患內(nèi)部舉報獎勵制度
- 部編人教版五年級下冊小學(xué)語文第二單元全套教學(xué)課件 (含口語、習(xí)作及園地課件)
- GB4789.2-2022食品安全國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 食品微生物學(xué)檢驗 菌落總數(shù)測定
- 第5章 海洋資源開發(fā)與管理
- 工業(yè)氣體企業(yè)公司組織架構(gòu)圖職能部門及工作職責(zé)
- 全員安全風(fēng)險辨識評估活動實(shí)施方案(8頁)
- 小升初個人簡歷表
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