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1、人教版英語第一部分必修5 Unit 2 TheUnited Kingdom必修5第15頁/共16頁1. clarify2. accomplish3. conflict4. plus_5. quarrel6. foldUnit 2 The United Kingdom固考基知識梳理I(對應(yīng)學生用書第119頁)單詞拼寫應(yīng)用I .考綱單詞 會拼寫、要識記vt.澄清;闡明vt.完成;達到;實現(xiàn)n. 矛盾;沖突prep. 加上;和adj.加的;正的;零上的n. & vi.爭吵;爭論;吵架vt.折疊;對折7. currency8. institution9. alike10. wedding11.

2、 sightseeing12. royal13. splendid14. statue15. thrill16. errorn .派生單詞一一能辨別n. 貨幣;通貨n. 制度;機制;公共機構(gòu)adj. 相同的;類似的n.婚禮n.觀光;游覽adj.王室的;皇家的;高貴的 adj. 壯麗的;輝煌的;極好的 n.塑像;雕像vt. 使激動;使膽戰(zhàn)心驚n.錯誤;過失;謬誤1. unite vi.&vt.聯(lián)合;團結(jié)-united adj.團結(jié)的;聯(lián)合的 union n.聯(lián) 合;聯(lián)盟;結(jié)合;協(xié)會2. consist vi.組成; 在于; 一致 consistentadj.致的3. willing ad

3、j.樂意的:自愿的unwilling adj.不愿意(的);不樂意(的)4. convenient adj.方便的conveniences 便利; 方便5. rough adj.粗糙的;粗暴的 roughly adv和糙地;粗略地6. attractvt.吸引;引起注意attraction n.吸引;吸引力attractive adj. 有吸引力的7. collectv.收集;聚集collection n.收藏品;珍藏;收集8. enjoyvt.享受;喜歡enjoyableadj.令人愉快的;使人高興的9. describevt.tiS述;形容;描繪descriptionn.描寫;描述10.

4、furnish vt.裝備;(用家具等)布置(房間、公寓);提供furnished adj.配備好裝備的;帶家具的11. possible adj .可能的;合理 的impossible adj.不可能 的possibilityn.可能(性)12. arrangevt.籌備; 安排; 整理 arrangements 布置; 整理13. delight n.快樂;高興;喜悅 vt.使高興;使欣喜 delighted adj. 高興的;快樂的delightful adj.令人高興的田.語境應(yīng)用(用所給詞的適當形式填空)1. It's very convenient for me to ri

5、ng you up.There is a convenience store near my home. (convenient)2. He described the robbery in detail to the policeman and his description was very valuable - the police caught the robber in a short time.(describe)3. What attracts me most in Beijing is that there are many attractionslike the Great

6、Wall, the Summer Palace.They are so attractive as to attract eyes from every corner of the world. (attract)拓展聯(lián)想a-前綴 awake asleep alive alone ashamedadj.醒著的adj.睡著的adj.活的adv.單獨地;獨自地adj.羞愧的僅幺字之差”的單詞affect影響-effect影響;效果adapt適應(yīng)adopt收養(yǎng)sweat汗水-sweet甜的content內(nèi)容-context 上下文march前進match比賽expand擴張expend花費短語多維應(yīng)

7、用I .短語回顧一一會默寫1. consist_of2. divideinto3. break away(from)4. to_one's credit5. leave out6. break_down7. refer_to8. take_the place_of9. keep_one's_eyes on由組成把分成掙脫(束縛);脫離為帶來榮譽;值得贊揚;在名下省去;遺漏;不考慮(機器)損壞;破壞談到;說到;參考;涉及代替留心看10. in_memory_of紀念n .語境應(yīng)用(選用上述短語的適當形式填空)1. She broke_away_from the pack and

8、opened up a twsecond lead.2. Tom is such an excellent leader that nobody can take_the place_of him.3. Our country is like a big family , consisting_of fifty- six nations.4. The town was named after Mr. Smith, in_memory_of his greatcontributions to its development.5. The most important words in this

9、sentence have been left out, so it doesn't make any sense.拓展聯(lián)想“to one's名詞”短語串聯(lián)to one's joy/delight令某人高興的是 to one's surprise/astonishmen玲某人驚奇的是to one's regret使某人感到遺憾的是代替”的表達法種種 take the place of replace sb./sth. take one's place in place of教材原句會背誦1 .find +賓語+賓補Now when people

10、refer to England you find Wales included as well.2 .過去分詞短語作狀語Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.3.It seems/seemed strange that(should)do句型It seemed strange that the man結(jié)構(gòu)仿寫句式仿寫一一能應(yīng)用1 .我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被一群充滿好奇心的 孩子圍住了。I found myself surrounded

11、by a group of children full of curiosity.2 .在森林中迷了路,我們不得不待在 原地等待救援。Lost_in_the_forest, we had to remain where we were, waiting for help.【導學號:6567009513 .奇怪的是舉止得體的紳士竟然對 那位老太太無禮。It is strange that the wel- behavedgentleman should be so rude to that old lady.4.遺憾的是他沒有足夠的錢開展這 個計劃。It is a pity that he do

12、esn't have enough money to carry out the project.who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.4.It is a pity that.遺憾的是It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.析考點重難突破I(對應(yīng)學生用書第120頁)精講4個考綱單詞D convenience n.便利;方便;便利的事物;便利設(shè)施經(jīng)

13、典例句 Cars have become a popular means of transport bringing great convenience to our life.小汽車已經(jīng)成為一種流行的交通方式,給我們的生活帶來很多方便。(1)for convenience為了 方便起見at one's convenience在某人方便的時候convenientadj.方便的;便利的It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人方便做某事 If you are interested, please send an application emaat your

14、 earliestconvenience.(2015 年陜西高考)如果你感興趣,請盡早發(fā)申請郵件。The secretary arranged a convenient(convenience) time and place for the applicants to have an interview.秘書為參加面試的求職者安排了合適的時間和地點。名師點津convenient作表語時,不可用人作主語,而要用物作主 語或用it作形式主語?!爱斈惴奖愕臅r候”應(yīng)用when it is convenient foryou 表示,而不是 when you are convenient一前k.電鏈接寫作

15、如果你方便的話,應(yīng)該多進行戶外運動,它有助于你保持良好的心態(tài)。 (2014年安徽高考) If_ij_is_convenient_for_you, you should do more outdoor exercise, which can contribute to you keeping up a good state of mind.(convenient)At_you匚convenience, you should do more outdoor exercise, which can contribute to you keeping up a good state of mindco

16、nvenience)attract vt.吸引;引起注意高考佳句 Any smell might attract natural enemies that would try to eat the little panda.(2016年四川高考)任何氣味都可能吸引自然界的敵 人來試圖吃掉可愛的小熊貓。attract one's attention/mind吸弓 I 某人的注意力attract sb.to sth.吸引某人關(guān)注某事The company is starting a new advertising campaign to attract new customersto it

17、s stores.這家公司發(fā)起了新一輪廣告活動來吸引新的顧客到其商店來 Attracted(attract) by the beauty of nature the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farn大自然的美所吸弓I,來自倫敦 的小女孩決定再在農(nóng)場住兩天。一句多譯鏈接寫作吸引人們到加利福尼亞的是它怡人的氣候和輕松的生活方式。What attracts people_to California is its pleasant climate and relaxing lifestyle.(名詞性從句) I

18、t is its pleasant climate and relaxing lifestyle that_attracts people_to California (強調(diào)句型)arrange vt.籌備;安排;整理高考佳句 Parentsarrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.(1I建高考)父母為孩子準備切,不遺余力地為他們的成功鋪路。(1)arrange sth.for sb.為某人安排某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事arra

19、nge for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事arrange that. 商定; 安排(2)arrangementn.安排;籌備 make arrangements for 為安排 I have arranged for Tom to pick up the experts at the airport.我已安排湯姆開車去機場接專家們。 If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 500 p. m. next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangement

20、s(arrange) 若感興趣,請在下周四下午5點前到辦公室簽名,以便于我們做些必 要的安排。旬式升皴鏈接寫作【導學號:65670096】 一切都已安排好了,晚會將在八點如期開始。(普通表達)Since everything has been arrangedwell, the party will begin at 8 o'clock as planned.(高級表達)Wh everything arranged well, the party will begin at 8 o'clock as planned.with 復合結(jié)構(gòu))delight n.快樂;高興vt.使高興

21、;使欣喜經(jīng)典例句 What delighted the fans was that the young player performed extremely well in the competition.令球迷欣喜的是那位年輕 的運動員在比賽中表現(xiàn)得極為出色。(1)delight sb.with sth.用某物使某人高興 delight in (doing)sth.以(做)某事為樂 (2)take(great)delight in 以為樂with delight 高興地;愉快地to one's delight使某人高興的是(3)delighted adj.高興的;快樂的be deli

22、ghted at/by為某事而高興be delighted to do/in doing sth.為做某事而高興To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.Q015年福建高考)令我高興的是,我從幾百位申請 者中被選出來參加開幕式。 He was very delighted at/by the news that he won the first prize in the competition.獲得了此次比賽一等獎的消息令他很高興。 I am very delig

23、hted to tell(tell)you something about the College Entrance Examination.我非常高興告訴你有關(guān)高考的事情。一句各第鏈接寫作我很高興應(yīng)邀前來貴校做演講。 I am delighted to have been invited to your school to deliver a speech.delighted)Much to my delight, I have been invited to your school to deliver a speech.delight n.)What_delights me is tha

24、t I have been invited to your school to deliver a speech.delight vt.)詮釋3個核心短語life consists of not only sunshineD consist of 由組成經(jīng)典例句As we all know , but also hard times.眾所周知,生活中不僅有陽光,還有艱難困苦的時候。be made up of t 7f 由組成be composed of(2)consist in=lie in存在于; 在于consist with 與一致/本目符When in Senior High , my

25、class consisted of 56 students上高中時, 我班有56名學生。 Success consistsjn the ability to continue efforts through failures福建 高考)成功在于經(jīng)歷失敗而繼續(xù)努力的能力。名師點津由consist組成的幾個短語雖然都具有及物性,但是不能 用于被動語態(tài)和進行時態(tài)。一旬督我鏈接寫作由15家小工廠組成的這家公司正面臨著嚴重的財政危機。 The company that/which consists of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial

26、crisis.此語從句)The company that/which is made up of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.此語從句) The company consisting of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(現(xiàn)在分詞作定語) The company made_up_of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(過去分詞作定語)take the

27、place of 代替;取代 經(jīng)典例句I think that nothing can take the place of hard work.我認 為沒有什么能夠取代努力工作。(1)take place 發(fā)生;舉行(2)take one's place 取代某人in place of 代替;取代(4)in place在適當?shù)奈恢胦ut of place不適當?shù)?;不在適當?shù)奈恢蒙蟇hen his secretary went on holiday, Miss Tyson took the place of her/took her place for a week.他的秘書去休假的時候

28、,泰森小姐替了她一個星期。As we all know , the 31st Summer Olympics took_place in Brazil in2016.眾所周知,2016年第31屆夏季奧運會是在巴西舉行的。一句多例鏈接寫作【導學號:65670097】經(jīng)理將要出差,我將代替他參加會議。 The manager will be away on business and I'll take_his place to attend the meeting. The manager will be away on business and I'll take the pla

29、ce9f him to attend the meeting.The manager will be away on business and I'll attend the meeting in place of him.The manager will be away on business and I'll replace him to attend the meeting.break down (機器)出故障;破壞;(談判、計劃等)失?。黄屏?;(身體)垮掉;劃分一詞多義寫出下列句中break down的含義On the way home, our car broke d

30、own, which made us very upset出故障 The peace talksbroke down with no agreement reache跌敗;破裂 Your health will break down if you always stay up late.得體)垮掉 Plastic bags are difficult to break down .(化學)分解 break off 中斷;折斷break into 闖入break out爆發(fā);發(fā)生break up 驅(qū)散;分散;打碎;分手 The room is in a mess.It must have bee

31、n broken into 房間又臟又舌 L,一定有人破門而入了突破1個高考句型(教材 P14)It_seemed_strange_that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London .這似乎是一件怪事:這位發(fā)展了共產(chǎn)主義的人竟然在倫敦生活過,并且在倫敦去世。句中“It seemed strange that意為似乎有點兒奇怪”,that從句中 的should意為 竟然",should have done表示對過去發(fā)生的事情感到 驚訝。在以下兩種句型中,主句常用虛擬語氣,謂語動詞用

32、 “(should)動詞 原形”。(1)It is/was strange/important/necessary/natural/surpr- ising.that.(2)It is/was suggested/ordered/required/desired.that It seemed strange that the manshould have deserted his wife and his children.這個男人竟然拋棄了他的妻子和孩子們,這似乎有點兒奇怪。 It is a great pity/shame that the young man should miss(mi

33、ss) such a golden opportunity.真可惜,這位年輕人竟會失去這樣一個絕好的機會。 It is required that the students (should) learn (learn) a foreign language and the IT course.要求學生必須學一門外語和IT課程。高考小作文鏈接寫作在我看來,在我們真實的生活中我們應(yīng)該重視我們的朋友,而不是手機,這一點很重要。(it is + adj. + that.)In my opinion , it_is_important_that_we_(should)value_our friends

34、instead of phones in our real life.多角快練練單詞 練短語 練句型(對應(yīng)學生用書第123頁)I .單句語法填空1. This job doesn't pay well, but it'll roughly(rough) cover your daily expenses.2. Thank you for writing and allowing me to_clarify_(clarify) the presentposition.3. We should not overlook this possibility that we can

35、9;t arrive on time because of the weather.4. In the job interviews, job applicants often find themselves asked(ask) unexpected questions, some very difficult to answer.5. The witness has given the police a very detailed description(describe) of the robber.6. Thousands of foreigners were attracted(at

36、tract) to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.7. Divided(divide) into three groups , the students began to discuss the topic left over last time.8. I think this was perhaps the most enjoyable(enjoy) occasion we have ever had at the White House.【導學號:65670098】9. . In China many stores have a del

37、ivery service for the convenience(convenient) of customers.10. It is hoped that this project to_be accomplished(accomplish) by the end of 2019 will be a popular tourist attraction of the city.n .單句改錯1. Rainbow Valley is great tourist attraction, drawing many visitors every year.is 后力口 a2. . Keep you

38、r eyes opened if you want to find the boy in red sweateropened open3. Conflict with others are common in everyday life, but we should settle them in a peaceful way.ConflicS Conflicts4. My father arranged me to ride in a hot air balloon for my birthday.arranged后力口 for5. I cannot tell you how delighti

39、ng I was with the beautiful birthday present you gave medelightingdelighted提考能教材升華I宣本型遷移應(yīng)用接軌高考(對應(yīng)學生用書第123頁)I .課文語法填空根據(jù)P9 10課文內(nèi)容,在空白處填入1個適當?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單 詞的正確形式。The United Kingdom 1.(consist) of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the largest and for 2.(convenient) it is divided rough

40、ly into three zones. London is the centre of national government and its administration, with its fine museums, art collections 3.the oldest port.Why did only Northern Ireland join England? In the early twentieth century the English government tried to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland 4.(c

41、onnect) without conflict.However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away 5.(form) its own government.To their credit, the countries do work together in the currency, international relations and so on, but they still have very different 6.(institution).It is 7.pity that in England the8.(industry) cities do not attract visitors. People can go to the older but sm


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