



1、2018 年泉州市初中學(xué)業(yè)質(zhì)量檢查 英語試題參考答案及評分說明I 聽力部分 ( 30 分)第一節(jié)昕旬子 1-5 CABCB 第二節(jié)昕對話 6-10 CBABC 11 一 15ACBAB第三節(jié)昕獨白 16. warm 17. bus boring 19. models 20. dance 評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 1.5 分:填表格部分,寫出單詞,但形式錯誤,扣 0.5 分。II. 單項選擇 (15 分)21-25 BABCA 26-30 CABCB 31-35 ABCAC 評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 1 分。III. 完形填空 (15 分)36-40 CABCB 41-45 ACBAC 評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 1.5

2、 分。IV. 閱讀理解 (45 分)第一節(jié) A 篇: 46- 50BABDCB 篇: 51-55ADBCDC 篇: 56-60ACBCD D 篇: 61 -65ABACD 評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 2 分。第二節(jié) E 篇: 66-70 EBDCA 評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 1 分。V. 情景交際 CIO 分)71. C an you cook I do some cooking72. What color is your new bike73. Would you like to come to I ijoin in I take p 缸 t in the food festivalHow about / 軌

3、電 at about coming to the food festivalWhy not I Why don ,t you come to the food festival74.1 like P.E. ( math/ . ) best I My favorite subject is P.E. ( math/. )I like P ?E? ( math. ) better than any other subject I prefer P.E. ( math/. ) to any other subject2 分:寫 出75. May I ask for two days , leave

4、I a two-day leave 評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 2 分。根據(jù)情景提示,按要求寫出句子或?qū)⒕渥友a(bǔ)充完整,得 關(guān)鍵詞的得 1分:大小寫錯誤、拼寫錯誤、語法錯誤的扣 0?5 分。VI. 看圖寫話(每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分)76.1 enjoy playing the violin. 11 enjoy the violin music.77. Tony usually has lunch at 11:30.78. Lucy won the long jump yesterday.Lucy won ( the) first ( place I prize ) in the long jump

5、 yesterday.,*.?79. Mrs. Wang asked her son not to play computer games.2 分:能讀懂圖 意寫80. Dad got a fine because he parked his car in the wrong place. 評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 2 分。每寫出一個符合圖意的完整、正確的句子,得 出關(guān)鍵詞的得 1 分:大小寫錯誤、拼寫錯誤、語法錯誤的扣 0?5 分。VIL短文填詞(10分81. space82. age 83.bega n84.scie nce85. badly86. himself87. refused 88. o

6、f89. respected90. there評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):每小題 1分。寫岀單詞,但形式錯誤,扣0?5分。VIII.書面表達(dá)(滿分 15分91.參考范文Nowadays 句 there is a discussion on putting off the time for middle school students to go to school in the morning. That , s good news? I quite agree with my schoolmates.I also think we stude nts should not be in such a hurry

7、! As for me, I prefer gett ing to school at 8:00o, clock in the morning ? It means I can have a good sleep ? I can also have eno ugh time to take exercise and enjoy eve 可 breakfast. What, s more, I, m looking forwards to riding to school in steadof being sent there ?I wish the discussion on pu "

8、;憂 ing off the time for school would come 仕 ue as soon as possible!(Words: 88 )評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):第五檔13-15分包含所有信息,內(nèi)容完整,語句通)丨頃,意思連貫。沒有或基本沒有語法、拼寫錯誤,書寫規(guī)范,詞數(shù)符合要求。第四檔10-12分包含大部分信息,內(nèi)容較完整,表達(dá)基本清楚,語句較通,有少量語法、拼寫錯誤。書寫規(guī)范,詞數(shù)基本符合要求。第檔7-9分寫出基本信息,語句基本通!丨頃,但句子較簡單,表達(dá)不夠清楚,有部分語法、拼寫錯誤。書寫基本規(guī)范。第二檔4-6分寫出部分信息,表達(dá)不清楚,有較多的語法和拼寫錯誤。第一檔1-3分僅能傳

9、遞個別信息,通篇僅有個別句子可讀。0分只字未寫,或?qū)懙膬?nèi)容與所要求的內(nèi)容無關(guān)?!耙辉u分參考:1先定檔再定分,即按照評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)中的各檔次要求確定第幾檔,再根據(jù)錯誤的數(shù)量和性質(zhì)確定該檔次的具體得分:2. 介于兩檔之間的分?jǐn)?shù)分別為12.5分、9.5分、6.5分和3.5分:3第三檔的9分可視為“及格分”作為定檔次的參照。附:聽力材料I聽力(共三節(jié),20小題,每小”題1.5分,滿分30分第一節(jié)聽句子聽下面五個句子,從每小題所給的三幅圖中選岀與句子內(nèi)容相符的選項。(每個句子讀兩遍)英語試題參考答案與評分說明第2頁(共4頁)1. T he scarf looks very nice on you.2. Lit

10、tle Tom is playing with a toy car now.3. You are n ot allowed to take photos in the museum ?4.1 used to get many gifts on Children,s Day.5? Go down Center Street, tur 丑 left at the first crossing and you*ll find the library on your right.A、B、C 三個選項中選出正確答案。(每段對第二節(jié)聽對話聽下面七段對話,從每小題所給的 話讀兩遍) 聽第 1段對話,回答第

11、6 小題。W: Have you seen my notebook, Jack? I can ,t find it.M: Oh, if s on your desk, under the dictionary. 昕第 2段對話,回答第 7 小題。M: How are you feeling today, Helen?W: Much better, thanks. T he doctor says I can go back home in a week?昕第 3段對話,回答第 8 小題。W: Did yOriii* family drive to Shanghai last weekend?M

12、: No, we took a train there, and we went around the city by subway.,昕第 4段對話,回答第 9 小題。M: I ,m really looking forward to the New Year,s party this evening ?5W: Hmm ? I don ,t think I ,m going to. I haven 1 Hnished my art project ? 昕第 5段對話,回答第 10、11 小題。磯 T: If s a hot day , isn , t it?+Mu Yes. If s too

13、 hot these days and I have trouble sleeping at night.弓 I T: But the weather report says rainy days will come next week? And I think the temperaturewill fall down then.M: Really? I can , t believe it!昕第 6段對話,回答第 12、13 小題。W: Michael, come here quickly!M: F m coming! Whaf s the matter, Jane?W: Just loo

14、k at my computer. I shopped online half an hour ago, and then I chatted with Maria. Everything went well. But when I was sending an e-mail to her; suddenly it was out of order. Should I ask sor 丑 eone to repair it?M: I don , t think so. Just start it again and see whether everything will be all righ

15、t. 昕第 7段對話,回答第 14、15 小題。W: Hi, Tony. Whaf s your plan for the holidays?M: Emm, I'm flying to Sydney to visit my grandfather on May 2nd _W: Sounds great. Are you going there alone?M: No, my parents will go with me. W: And when will your journey be over?M: On May 151h ? 英語試題參考答案與評分說明第 3頁(共 4 頁)W:

16、Wow, you will have a long holid 町! 第三節(jié)聽獨白根據(jù)你所昕到的內(nèi)容,完成下面表格,每空只填一詞。(獨自讀三遍) Yesterday Kit 可 invited me to join her school trip to the World Park I enjoyed myself very much!It was a warm day. TJie World Park is quite far away. There was a lot of traffic on the way.Ittook us about two hours to get there by bus. We all felt that the journey was a little boring? Wefinally arrived at the park All ofus couldn,t wait to get off the bus. Soon the whole world wasthere in front of us! There are models of more than a hundred places


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